General, Online Services, Retirement

Single Working Women’s Week

August 3, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

A single working woman is holding blueprints at a construction site while talking on the phone.We have a longstanding commitment to meeting the distinct needs of the single, working woman. By better understanding your benefits as a single woman, you can capture more Social Security income over your lifetime, and we want to show you how.

Single Working Women’s week is August 2 – 8, and it’s the perfect time to create a personal my Social Security account. Creating a my Social Security  account gives you access to your personal online Social Security Statement. You work hard every day to build a secure financial future, and your downloadable Statement makes planning that much easier. Make sure your earnings are posted correctly, and find out how your future retirement is shaping up when you view your Statement. You owe it to yourself to be sure you are on the right financial path.

Having a strategic retirement plan already in place is important. Take advantage of the benefits of having a personal my Social Security account to form this plan. You can also gather additional tips from our Social Security for Women page, which offers tips on how to make the best decisions for your lifestyle.

Not only are women, in general, boosting their individual retirement savings, but over the past four decades, women are living longer. These facts reinforce the need to apply two key retirement principles: plan and save.

Take time to explore your financial and retirement options with us. The idea is to get the most from your benefits, and we’re here as a dedicated resource to assist you along the way.

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About the Author

Phil Gambino, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Jordan P.

  2. KK

    Is the claimant on an ex-spouse claim required to prove the ex-spouse’s birth date? It seems that Social Security is denying my claim for ex-spouse benefits because:

    1). I am not legally eligible to obtain a certified copy of my ex-spouse’s birth certificate from the State of New Jersey (a closed record state);

    2). I have no control over my ex-spouse to “force” him to comply to offer verbal verification to the SSA regarding his birth date.

    3) I have no control over my adult children to order a copy of their father’s birth certificate from New Jersey.

    Pursuant to the law of New Jersey:

    “An ex-spouse can only obtain birth or death records if the records are being obtained on behalf of a minor child that was the product of the marriage. Documentary proof of the minor child and the need for the certificate must be provided.’

    Our children are not minors. I spoke with New Jersey Vital records this morning and they stated the only way I could obtain a copy of my ex-spouse’s birth certificate is through a Court Order.

    The case worker at SSA today stated that SSA would not get a Court Order for my spouse’s birth certificate because it is NOT their responsibility to do so.
    I spoke with SSA today and I stated that there must be some other way for SSA to verify my ex-spouse’s birth date other than asking me to obtain a legal document through fraud or me having control over my ex-spouse and adult children.

    I explained to the case worker at SSA that their office is in possession of my ex-spouses’s Social Security number, so they must be able to verify his birth date through that information. I was told: “Our own records are not proof.”

    I also offered to obtain a certified copy of one of my children’s birth certificates from the State of Vermont because on Vermont’s Birth Certificates, the father and the mother’s birth place and birth date are listed on the certificate. I also explained that our children were born at home, so my ex-spouse actually signed the birth certificate also. This is a legal document that states my ex-spouse’s birth date, but SSA will not accept this document either!

    This situation makes no sense to me. I am being penalized in my claim because my ex-spouse happened to be born in a closed-record state (or else I could obtain a copy of his birth certificate).

    SSA will accept a verbal verification of his birth date from my ex-spouse over the telephone (with virtually no proof that SSA is actually speaking with my ex-spouse), but SSA will not accept a certified copy of a legal document (child’s birth certificate) in which my ex-spouse signed which states his birth place and birth date?

    • R.F.

      Proof of age is required, when age (62) is a factor in determining retirement or dependent’s benefits. Generally, when we find a discrepancy in regards to date of birth, then we need to correct it. As our Divorced Spouse web page explains it: “If your ex-spouse has not applied for retirement benefits, but can “qualify” for them, you can receive benefits on his or her record if you have been divorced for at least two years.” In order to pay you benefits under his record, he would have to be of retirement age (62 or older) to “qualify” for benefits.
      The primary proof of age is the original copy of his birth certificate. Please continue working with our agents, as they may be able to assist you further in preparation to file for your benefits.

  3. Premlata V.

    Medicare used to be for legal residents after age 65. I know someone who went to SS for Medicare in Virginia. He was told that he is not eligible because he is not a citizen and he has not completed 40 quarters. SS office told him that he had to pay approx $600 a month to get Medicare.

    That is not right if the person is green card holder.

    • R.F.

      To be eligible for Medicare, an individual residing in the United States, must be either: a U.S. citizen, or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, (or a “green card holder,” as you called it), who has resided in the U.S. continuously during the 5 years preceding the month he or she applies for Medicare. Also, in order to qualify for almost any type of Social Security benefits, including Medicare, a person generally needs 40 credits, or at least 10 years of work, paying Social Security taxes. Someone age 65 or older who does not have 40 credits and is not insured, will have to pay premiums for both Medicare Part A & B.

  4. Premlata V.

    I am 65 and just found a job after being unemployed for number of years. I called SS to drop part B Medicare coverage. The Rep said he will mail me the form to complete and mail to local SS office. In the meanwhile I sent an email message and phone call to let SS know that I want to drop part B. I had to pay for extra month’s premium before they can drop me. Why SS does not have forms online to complete and make life easier for seniors.

    • R.F.

      We apologize for any inconveniences. Our policy requires, when possible, that a personal interview be conducted with everyone who wishes to terminate their Medicare Part B benefits. We can help you submit the required Form CMS-1763, Request for Termination of Premium Hospital and /or Supplementary Medical Insurance, or your signed request for termination, but we need to speak to you personally before we terminate your Medicare benefits to be sure that you fully understand the consequences of doing so. Therefore, we do not offer Form CMS-1763 online.

      • Premlata V.


        I went personally to local SS office but they said I will have to pay for one month. So I said fine and got on. I became unemployed on 12/1/15 and signed up for part B. I received a letter in July 2016 that they will withhold one extra month of premium from my July benefit to be paid in august. I personally filed an appeal with all the info in premiums paid by me. Till today, 3/13/17. Can you look into it.

        • R.F.

          Thank you for contacting us Premlata. First, if you get Social Security benefits, Medicare Part B premiums are automatically deducted from your monthly benefit payment. Second, Medicare part B premiums are paid in advance, meaning that we will deduct the premium for April in March. Unfortunately and because of security reasons we do not have access to personal records in this blog and cannot look into your situation. Please continue working with your local Social Security office, or call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 for further assistance and a thorough explanation. Representatives at our toll free number are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

  5. Tony S.

    Please sell social security disability and retirement insurance as an option to state employees, particularly including female teachers. Female teachers are particularly prone to early retirement and their benefits are so puny, $200 a month or so, they make SSA’s number of the beast judicial disability plan look generous, but not until they reach 62. SSA really needs to make an effort to extend OASDI tax contribution as a prudent investment for female teachers provided that menopause is considered a qualifying disability for female teachers who more often than not retire in their 40s and 50s and have too many assets to qualify for SSI. There is no reason to delay paying reasonable disability benefits to menopausal female teachers. Provided, of course, SSA has not run off with my women, like they normally do, and neglected to advocate for the Free DIRT (Disability Insurance Reallocation Tax) so the DI Trust Fund could afford to supplement thousands of early retiring female teachers, let alone the ever-popular OASDI Without Income Limit Law that would balance the federal budget by taxing the rich. If you want to help working women save the DI Trust Fund. The math is explained in the book Congress is supposed to be reading this August recess for a swift passage of the Free DIRT and OASDI WILL Acts in September before FY 2016 begins on October 1, 2015 or in the aftermath. SSA has not responded. The HHS Secretary and Actuary are facing a preliminary NAMI sponsored deprivation of relief Acts regarding dual DI and UC benefits disabled seasonal workers need to keep their cars running. If only it were so simple as to fire and/or incarcerate Actuary Goss and Secretary Burwell and get those kleptocrats out of the way for attempted deprivation of relief benefits. But success as a nation and bureaucratic freedom from fear of arrest and detention for civil rights offenses, that won’t exist for SSA officials anymore than exists for post-Oct. 2013 USDA, pillagers, after the threatened 2016 cut in DI benefits. Salvation hinges upon the Commissioner’s ability to do the math to “save the DI trust fund at no cost to taxpayers”, and ability to be friends with the dissatisfied number of the beast receiving disability beneficiary for more than 42 months in violation of Revelation 13:10, who solves all the federal budget’s problems in the 9th edition of Health and Welfare,

  6. eliedith

    im a business prof and i teach my students about social security

    • Jane

      Great initshg! That’s the answer we’ve been looking for.

  7. Horst M.

    Does social security pay death benefits to the spouse?

  8. CAROL B.


  9. Seahorse

    I am a tax preparer. When it comes to the W-2 year-end earnings report, young people fresh out of school with a new job do not understand anything about Social Security. It should be taught in all the schools before they graduate.

    • Yadira H.

      I fall under that category and I agree 100% !!!!

  10. David N.

    I have ,during my retirement years, spent a great amount of time both as a volunteer and or part time maintenance in two retirement communities and believe you me , Soc. Sec. most often the widow’s saving grace ! Don’t let it just slide by till time to need it. Stay on top of this game !

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