General, Online Services, Retirement

Set a Goal, Make a Plan and Save

February 25, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

clip art of a piggy bank and a small man standing on it dropping in coinsI have a question for you. Did you know it’s America Saves Week? Here’s another one, are you saving for your retirement? One more, if you will, when was the last time you looked at your savings account?

America Saves Week is an annual opportunity to reassess your answers to these questions and ask yourself if you are saving in the way your future demands. You’ve worked hard all your life and when you retire, you should reap the benefits of that labor. Establishing good savings behavior now will minimize future worries about your financial status.

By visiting America Saves Week online, you can complete a 12-question assessment to make sure your savings priorities are aligned with your future plans. You can also evaluate how prepared you are and where your savings habits need strengthening to reach your future goals.

The easiest and most effective way to save is automatically.

Social Security is an important part of a sound financial plan. But, it can’t be the only part. To enjoy a comfortable retirement, people need to save and invest throughout their working lives. The new myRA savings account is an excellent place to start. What better time than America Saves Week to get serious about planning for the future. Start saving today for a secure future; open a myRA account. For more information visit

I always encourage workers to view their personalized Social Security Statement frequently for estimates of their future Social Security benefits. It’s easy to do by creating a my Social Security account at This service is free, fast, and secure.

It pay offs.

Hold yourself accountable this week. Commit to the Take the America Saves Pledge. Join more than 450,000 American Savers who have already committed to save. Then you can make your savings social and share your goals with others via Facebook or Twitter. It may encourage your friends and loved ones to save this week and secure their futures.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications



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  5. LaThornia

    My question is: I am 60 years old and still working. Can I receive Social Security benefits at this early age?? I plan on working until 63.

  6. Linda D.

    I have paid into SS all my working life. Now I am sick with Relapsing MS and I have to fight tooth and nail for what I deserve. I can no longer work because of the severity of my symptoms. I see too many people that are on SSD that are perfectly healthy, but say that they have mental problems. The real truth is that they like to drink and do drugs. I know of someone who is doing just that. He claimed that he had a physical problem, but they found nothing wrong, so he claimed he had a mental problem and won his case without a fight. So disappointed that working people that pay taxes always have to fight for their rights. Me and so many others I know (their sicknesses are too obvious), are treated like garage.

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  8. saimon

    We like to share information on the new savings program developed by the United States Department of the Treasury for people without access to retirement savings plan at work.
    People on SSI usually don’t have good credit. Everyone forces them to leave a security deposit. The phone and electric companies also make people with bad or no credit leave a deposit.


    Set a Goal, Make a Plan and Save: We like to share information on the new savings program developed by the United States Department of the Treasury for people without access to retirement savings plan at work.

    Fed Gov. tells us to save – while they automatically deduct money from every paycheck our entire working lives, and fritter it away!

  10. Kevin C.

    I’ve been on SSI for the last 20 years. Because of the ridiculous $2,000 resource limit and the $1,100 per month income limit Social Security is hell bent on keeping you dependent on them and punishing you for trying to improving you situation. Social Security has a one-size fits-all definition of “disability” which belies reality.

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