
Seasonal Work While Getting Social Security

December 12, 2019 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: July 16, 2021

" "Many people pick up side jobs when the holiday shopping season comes around. It’s a good way for you to make some extra income during the busy season or ease back into working if you have been out of the labor force for a while. We’re here to help you navigate working seasonally if you get Social Security.

You can get Social Security retirement or survivors benefits and work at the same time. But if you’re younger than full retirement age and earn more than certain amounts, your benefits will be reduced, although not dollar for dollar. Your benefits may increase when you reach full retirement age. You can read more about working while retired.

If you receive Social Security disability benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), special rules also make it possible for people to work and still receive monthly payments. If you want to try working again, seasonal work may help you ease back into the work force. Read our publication, Working While Disabled: How We Can Help, or visit our Ticket to Work website for more information.

We also have an easy-to-share video introducing people to Ticket to Work.

Keep in mind that you must report all earnings, including your seasonal earnings, to Social Security. Your earnings also count toward your future benefits. You earn Social Security credits when you work in a job and pay Social Security taxes. We use your total yearly earnings to figure your Social Security credits. You can learn more by reading our publication, How You Earn Credits.

Having a job can bring positive change to your life in a number of ways, providing independence, fulfillment, and community involvement. Social Security is here to help. Please share this information with friends and family.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Padma

    Thanks for sharing such informative blog Seasonal Work While Getting Social Security, much helpful.

  2. Nancy

    I’m collecting 1,847 a month social security. I am 64 years old. How much social security would I jeopardize if I took a temporary (3 months) job paying $15 per hour? Should I even consider this?

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  6. JanVQ

    Would working for 2020 Census affect social security disability or SSI eligibility?

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  8. Vonda T.

    I’m on SSA Disability, can I work from my home doing customer service, and not loose my SSA disability.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Vonda. If you are referring to Social Security disability benefits, special rules allow you to work temporarily without losing your monthly Social Security disability benefits. After your nine-month trial work period, we still provide a safety net that allows you to work another three years risk free. During those three years, you can work and still receive benefits for any month in which your earnings do not exceed a certain limit. For 2020 those limits are: $2,110 for blind individuals; or $1,260 a month if you are not blind. For more information on working while receiving Social Security disability benefits, click here. We hope this helps.

  9. Antoine A.

    Hello! Rep, I Antoine Mack wanted to know how long does it takes to receive social security. Do I need to re- apply for social security benefits. If so, you can call me at (224)413-2671. Thank you!

    • A.C.

      Hi, Antoine. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. If you still need assistance, please call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.. Generally, you will have a shorter wait if you call later in the day. You can also contact your local Social Security office. We hope this helps.

  10. mik r.

    Thanks for sharing this article Seasonal Work While Getting Social Security such as so informative and useful content.

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