COVID-19, General, People Facing Barriers, SSI

Save Time Applying for SNAP and SSI

October 21, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 21, 2021

young woman and older woman reviewing information on a laptopThe COVID-19 pandemic continues to impose hardships, especially on people who face barriers to our services and benefits. We want you to know about other benefits you may be entitled to receive. This includes the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program – or SNAP.

SNAP is a federal program – run by state agencies – that helps people with low-income purchase nutritious food.

When you apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you can also apply for SNAP. If you and everyone in your household are applying for or already receive SSI payments, Social Security will:

  • Help you complete the SNAP application by phone. Call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213 or at our TTY number, 1-800-325-0778, if you’re deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Help you complete the application in person if you have a scheduled appointment.
  • Mail you a SNAP application if you request one by phone.
  • Send the completed application to the local SNAP office for you.

All other applicants, including people who apply for or receive only Social Security benefits, should take or send their SNAP application to their local SNAP office. You may also submit your SNAP application online. To find your local SNAP office or apply online, visit the Food and Nutrition Service’s SNAP State Directory of Resources website. You can also call the SNAP information line toll free at 1-800-221-5689.

To see if you’re eligible for SNAP, check out the SNAP Eligibility page. We also encourage you to check out our publication, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Facts, for additional information on the program.

Our efforts align with the President’s mission to address nutrition insecurity for America’s families – and help you secure today and tomorrow. Please share this information with your family and friends – and post it on social media.

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About the Author

Dawn Bystry, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications

Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications


  1. Robert T.

    Hello, are you looking for extra income? Try paid surveys and other online jobs. All is easy and free.

    • Anthony J.

      RE: Part II Acting Commission of Social Security Dr. Kilolo Kijakazi v. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken. Tables inc. Hospitals & Asylums

      To create an international poverty line account and avoid the persecution related to the number of the
      beast $60-$70 billion, the Commissioner of Social Security and Secretary of State must agree to transfer an exact amount of budget, plus three percent annual growth, by closing most International Security Assistance programs and transferring these funds to an International Poverty Line Account they are both named trustees to, in a newly created Supplemental Security Income Trust Fund entrusted to the Board of Trustees, for everyone’s satisfaction, from the most inferior Court to a Congress that repeals the Adjustment to Contributions Base tax loophole at Sec. 230 of the Social Security Act 42USC§430 and replaces it with an SSI Trust Fund to end child poverty by 2024 and all poverty by 2030. To act in better faith than the FDIC Netspend bailout, all the Acting Commissioner would need to do is recover my more than $16,200 life savings, by forcibly closing the Netspend account and depositing it in my Direct Express account, with or without $40 a day witness fees from 24 September 2021. Ironically, mail theft is referenced to embezzlement, and it turns out that the US Postal Service does not provide General Delivery in the Washington D.C. idiosyncrasy. I will need to order a new card be sent to the social services office I eat at, on Monday. Social Security should deposit in my new account, before I will be able to activate it to see if Direct Express also delays and adulterates Indian online pharmaceuticals from their mutual Austin, Texas location by popular demand of suppliers who text messages. There have been two vacant Public Trustee positions, for too long, for the District of Columbia to embezzle an Applicant Public Trustee, in the course of being tardy exacting a devaluation estimate for the COVID-19 bailout in time for the new fiscal year so that timely December devaluation currently seems impossible, to not be reminded that two members of the public (both of whom may not be from the same political party), who shall be nominated by the President for a term of four years and subject to confirmation by the Senate pursuant to Sec. 201 of the Social Security Act 42USC§401(c). I don’t vote, pay taxes or rent, it is the President who must ask the Senate to vote to pay me, their public bankruptcy trustee, $2,000 a month tax free social security benefit. The Secretary and Acting Commissioner, who is assumed to also want a Senate confirmation vote and is as desperately in need of this +/- $10 billion exorcism to get SSI budget request from $60 to $70 billion after an unlawfully long delay, as the Secretary of State needs some time to heal before again attempting the leap of faith (Revelation 13:10), may close both individual and institutional accounts pursuant to Civil Monetary Penalties and Assessments for Title II, VIII and XVI in Sec. 1129 of the Social Security Act (42USC§1320a–8) Pub. L. No. 74-271, 49 Stat. 620 (1935), and UN Charter principles in Art. 2 (1) sovereign equality (4) non-use of force, Art. 55 equal rights, self-determination and Applicant Public Trustee’s Charter civilizing Statement of the United Nations (SUN).

      To assist the Acting Commissioner of Social Security to prepare her extremely tardy 2021 Annual Report of the Supplemental Security Income Program, I shall now treat upon the intellectual disability of the 2020 Annual Report and current FY 22 State Department, Foreign Operation and Related Organizations budget requests to secure this +/- $10 billion transaction. Now that pandemic unemployment compensation is over, the Commissioner must stop submitting the annual SSI budget request by May 15 because of Sec. 231 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 and start submitting the budget request because the PRWORA cut 10 million TANF benefits (1996-2000) causing a dramatic escalation in child poverty. SSI must take responsibility, not only for the 5.8 percent (2022) Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) in excess of perpetual 3 percent COLA, to provide child benefits to the large number of families below the poverty line, being half helped out of poverty with a $300 child tax credit inefficiently written for the undeserving middle-class, and long-term out-of-work pandemic unemployment beneficiaries to end child poverty by 2024 and all poverty by 2030. Unlike the extremely poor, many of whom may now be former pandemic unemployment compensation beneficiaries, school social service office supported families with children growing up below the poverty line are not expected to have to walk into the local social security offices closed due COVID-19. To snub the high Medicare prices, and long wait until the 2022 Annual Report, if the author is even confirmed Public Trustee to scribble in his prescription, the Commissioner is hereby authorized to inform the public and social security personnel of the readily available home-remedies for coronavirus at the bottom of the first page of this brief so everyone can safely return to work and school. Calculation is complicated by the alleged -3 percent decline in disability insurance beneficiaries (2020) we shall estimate a 7 percent increase in 2022 SSI spending to ensure Congress provides an adequate balance available to meet anticipated demand for SSI benefits in 2022 pursuant to the Anti-deficiency Act under 31USC§1502. When Congress repeals the Sec. 230 and SSI is linked to the payroll tax to end child poverty by 2024 and all poverty by 2030, SSI will be taken off-budget, and it will be okay to terminate the child-tax credit in 2024 by which time all poor families with children should receive SSI benefits. This will reduce the deficit by the amount of the SSI program and child-tax credit. The SSI Trust Fund will receive equal budgetary treatment with OASI and DI Trust Funds pursuant to Sec. 710 of the Social Security Act 42USC§911. There is no need for the Applicant Public Trustee to explain his trade secret regarding adjusting the payroll tax rate to settle this case and the SSI Annual Report does not usually make future projections, so cross my palm with silver.

      The United Nations International Day for the Eradication Poverty 17 October 2021 warmly received the International Poverty Line Account Proposal. UN News reran Implementation of the Third United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2018–2027) A/73/298 of 6 August 2018 and Estimates of the impact of COVID-19 on global poverty of April 2020. The Secretary of State is well aware of the need to support the United Nations through their depressing, quasi oligarchic, professional negligence, to provide for a global social security system, partially or totally subsidized by wealthy industrialized nations, to rationally and appropriately respond, on a nation by nation or regional basis, to incomes below the international poverty line and end poverty by 2030 pursuant to Goal 1 of the Sustainable Development Goals. The international poverty lines is currently estimated at US$1.90, US$3.20 and US$5.50 per day (purchasing power parity (PPP) 2011 prices). In 2013, of the 783 million people living in extreme poverty, more than half were in sub-Saharan Africa and close to a third lived in Southern Asia. Using the global Multidimensional Poverty Index, 1.46 billion people across 104 countries were classified as poor in 2017, 689 million were children aged 0–17 years A/73/298. In comparison to the status quo in 2018, the COVID pandemic is estimated to increase extreme poverty below $1.90 a day by between 85–135 million under a 5 per cent contraction, by between 180–280 million under a 10 percent contraction, and, startlingly, between 420-580 million people under a per capita income or consumption contraction of 20 percent. $1.90 a day is the genuine international poverty line. $3.20 a day is the line for working poor in developing nations, and $5.50 a day is assumed to mean the limit when benefits might be reduced or cut off to spread the wealth (Sumner et al ’20). The 2022 cost of $1.90 a day benefit would be about $57 a month or $694 a year for about a billion people $694 billion, plus an annual cost of living adjustment of about 1-3, two percent. The United States can only spare about $8.5 billion (2022), if the $17 billion balance is closed out, because it is fundamental to the concept of social security programs, that social security benefits are not cut due to budget constraints from poor financial planning, and the US program revenues form the general fund are only projected to grow to about $8.5 billion (2023) and three percent more annually. A mandatory 1 percent tax or optional 2 percent suggested donation is also proposed to be
      placed on all individual and corporate tax forms in the United States, for up to an additional $35 billion US. The cooperation of other industrialized nations and most importantly the beneficiary nations, themselves, is essential. The US may wish to begin the administering the International Poverty Line Account program in Haiti, the poorest nation in the Americas.

  2. Anjali

    This blog is very informative. I love the article you published. Social Security Bonus is necessary to us. Social Security Bonus in America

  3. Haris N.

    Hello I am Haris Naeemi from Afghanistan Kabul I have 4 Children’s please Help Help Help

    • A.C.

      Hi, Haris. Please contact your local Social Security office for assistance. Look for the general inquiry telephone number under Show Additional Office Information.

  4. Mary N.

    Nice form

  5. Patrick V.

    I can’t get food stamps because I get too much on my social security income I wish I could because being on Social Security isn’t enough for food. And, sometimes my Brother, and I run out of food.

  6. Dennise

    PRESIDENT ISNT THE PROBLEM! SENATORS ARE!!!! ANY PERSON W DISABILITY, (kids,adults,seniors) anyone on Social Security, …..receiving any kind of BENEFIT! BENEFITS!! (EXAMPLES; SS,SSI,RAILROAD B. etc! ANY BENEFIT! The word tells you!! SHOULD NOT COUNT AS INCOME! SHOULD NOT COUNT AGAINST SNAP BENEFIT! its FOOD!!! For GOODS SAKE!!! I am a single mother,n had to apply 4x for him,to get SSI, My son is disabled since he was 10yrs old, first 2x was denied,at his 14 denied, at 16 had to hire a lawyer! he got his benefits! But SSI didnt want to pay the yrs before! Wonder WHY?!?!?? its a shame the SS are after you, checking every single year if u gained anything else more for them to lower the amount people disabled receive! as if them could pay , rent, water, gas,electricity, food, clothing, gas etc! SS/SSI is just WRONG! N now politicians wants to ban abortions… if they dont want to help their own people… just imagen whats going to happen to all these new babies, n kids… if every year politicians are wondering what to cut in our health benefits programs n what to deny next!

    • Mary N.

      You hit the nail on the head.

    • Bryan T.

      Exactly right, the, So called Government, does not take care of, American’s,how about the shipping of,Ileagles in the dead of night,we have starving and homeless people that were born here, who’s going to feed the ones secretly moved in by our, Government, how does these filthy rich, possibly think that 3500$ in two years is getting people out of poverty,I am born and raised in America,I am losing my house and property been here for, 15yrs let one of those so-called experts live on 3500$,they would die in a few weeks,are we supposed to thank,this, Government or something,all they are concerned about is their own soap opera and failed to stay on point,why do I have to qualify for anything it’s a, Worldwide Emergency yet I can’t get,or, Don’t Qualify for anything because I don’t have a credit card so who can answer that, I am not the only person who is doing without look around it’s causing good people to have bad thoughts we the people need to demand our Government to pay back checks because they should have not stopped stimulas from the beginning of the Pandimic,hell 1200$ a week would have helped us and the economy,HELLO?

  7. Evangeline R.

    When I retired the representative told me that my child my disabled adult child would qualify for more assistance under my Social Security we filled out all the forms he signed it and what not then Covid hit and his benefits were denied but he still receiving SSI

    • A.C.

      Hi, Evangeline. We are sorry to hear your son’s application for disability benefits did not go the way you had hoped. Social Security wants to be sure that every decision made about Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claim is correct. We use the same five-step process to make a decision on each application.  If your son does not agree with our decision, he has the right to file an appeal. He must make his request within 60 days from the date he received his notice of denial. He can file an appeal online. If he needs help with his appeal, he can contact his local Social Security office. We hope this information is helpful.

  8. Tony L.

    In California, I was getting 18.00 a month. The pandemic raised it to almost 300.00. I was eating well and gaining some weight back, ( I suffer from End Stage Renal Disease). Now, I’m back to 20.00 monthly. Who can survive on that.

    • Mary N.

      And think some people get 600 a month, and sell they because SSI benefits does cover the cost of fuel, then to fill the dent of the missing SNAP benefits, they hit the food pantries because they meet the qualifications to receive help there as well. The government has made people eligible for the circus as a juggler.

  9. WV S.

    I was receiving the full allotment of SNAP benefits for a household of 2 people. My social security check is $1124 per month not including the $148.50 for my social security premium each month. My wife applied for SSI and was determined to be totally and permanently disabled. They turned down her SSI payment because I receive $1124 per month in Social security after the ss premiums are taken out. They told her to wait until she turned 62 to get spousal social security. At 62, she started receiving $496 for her social security. Up until September, 2021 we both received Medicaid and when he turned 65, I started receiving Medicare. When we interviewed for a recertification of our SNAP benefits this month, we were told we were $26 over the net income limit and would lose the $430 in SNAP benefits. We were told the medicare premiums of $148.50 were still counted as part of our gross income. So, we lost $430 SNAP plus $148.50 social security, and I was told I would lose my Medicaid and Medicaid is the only insurance my wife has. So she got $496 and we lost all of the benefits we had.
    Food insecure? Yes we are. The COVID HELP the President should be made PERMANENT!

    • Joy s.

      What resources are available for people without kids to survive financially while ss is still determining your case.

      • A.C.

        Hi, Joy. You may be eligible to receive social services from the state in which you live. These services include free meals, housekeeping help, transportation, or help with other problems. To get information about services in your area and find out if you qualify, you will need to contact your state or local social services or welfare office. We hope this helps.

    • Randy G.

      Send this letter to your congressman and/or senator. They will look into it closer, and if any mistakes were made, they will help correct them. They also have to be made aware of the inequities in the SSA system so they can help change the regulations. You’re right, something needs to be done in Washington to correct loopholes like this. Keep at it!

    • Mary N.

      They figure we have no teeth to eat and no hearing to hear others eating, they figure the hunger pain would subside if you cannot hear crunching. They need to revamp the entire system.

  10. Ginger G.

    I’m on SNAP in Florida and hungry with the $47.00 that they give me monthly?!? I have to say that when I lived in NY at least they gave me over $100.00 per month. I have a car note, real estate taxes and all the other bills that most have to pay unfortunately, I’m disabled.

    • Sally B.

      No senior should have to live on cans of dog food because they can’t afford real food. come on calif let’s do the right thing here for our disabled seniors.

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