Online Services, Social Security Number and Card

Need a Replacement Social Security Card?

November 23, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

You can now apply for a replacement Social Security card online using your personal my Social Security account. If you meet all requirements and live in some states or the District of Columbia, you can start using this service today. Go to for more information.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Shakee p.

    Need help for a replacement social Security card for my minor son he’s 8 years old

    • Ana

      I’m trying to do the same but when i call for an appointment it to call back later. I’ve looked all over the website to do it online n I have no luck! If u find a way I would like to know thanks!

    • V.V.

      Thank you for using our blog, Shakee. That is not something that you can do online. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions web page for information on how to replace a Social Security card for a child. To learn more on the process and what documents you and your child will need to get a card, please visit our Learn what documents you will need to get a Social Security Card web page. Use our Social Security Office Locator to find your local office address. We hope this helps.

  2. Grace

    Hi I’m trying to get my son a replacement social security card, when I called they told me I could do it online however my son is above 18 years of age. How do I go about this?

    • V.V.

      Hi Grace, thanks for using our blog. Have your son check out our Social Security and Coronavirus web page for details on getting help with his Social Security number. We hope this helps!

  3. Eduardo

    Hi. My mom used to have a SSN like 30 years ago when she was living in the United States. We are trying to get that number now. Where I can find it?

    • V.V.

      Hi Eduardo, thanks for using our blog. We recommend that individuals living outside the United States contact the nearest Federal Benefit Unit in the area for any assistance related to Social Security programs and benefits. Also, our Office of International Operations home page provides more information to assist our customers living abroad.

  4. Sharon O.

    I went online with ro request a replacement social security card I was charged 37.00 was this the right website to use because I read on another website it was free, I just want to know did I use the right website.

    • V.V.

      Sharon, thank you for using our blog to ask your question. It’s free to get a replacement Social Security card. Some private companies not affiliated with Social Security or any other government agency charge fees for this service. However, these companies offer no advantage and you still must provide documents directly to Social Security. Check out our Social Security and Coronavirus web page for details on getting help with your Social Security number.

      Be cautious about giving your private information, especially your Social Security number, to anyone.

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