
Public Service Recognition Week: Honoring Those Serving Our Nation

May 2, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: May 2, 2022

Social Security Administration LogoThis year we celebrate 37 years of Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) to honor the dedicated people who serve our nation as federal, state, county, local, and tribal government employees. I have joined 73 other federal officials as a co-chair to this year’s PSRW letter. Please know that we are committed to helping you.

Watch this video from Acting Commissioner Kijakazi:

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  1. Debbie B.

    I agree this provision is unfair. I just retired and I am being punished for deciding at 69 it was time to take care of my husband who suffers from dementia. Now, since the state retirement is in play, we will be losing my Social Security Benefit, which I legally earned, and I may also have to start paying the outrageous $170 for my medicare each month! This unfair practice will cause us to lose about $900 each month all the while Biden Inflation is eating away at our retirement account and our monthly budget with all of the increases in daily cost of living items! There is legislation sponsored by Garret Graves that needs 16 more signatures to bring it to the floor for a vote. Get the bill passed and help those of us who chose to be pubic servants that are generally paid less than the private sector.

  2. Mark E.

    I received your post about “Public Service Recognition Week”, however, if Social Security really cares anything about public service employees, why did they allow the implementation of the Windfall Elimination Provision which is very unfair to public employees? I’ve paid in to Soc. Sec. for over 21 years and will receive way less than someone who only paid for the minimum to qualify. This is only because I chose to work in a public service capacity. I will actually be loosing more and more over time because Soc. Sec. gives CPI Cola, where the state gives CPI Cola capped at 3%. I will be urging all state employees to walk off their jobs and seek private employment until this is fixed.

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