Frauds & Scams

Protecting Your Social Security Number from Identity Theft

August 25, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

indentity theftEvery year, millions of Americans become victims of identity theft. Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personally identifiable information and pretends to be you. They can use this information to open bank or credit card accounts, file taxes, or make new purchases in your name.  

It is important that you take steps to protect your Social Security number from theft. If someone obtains your Social Security number, they can use it to get other personal information about you, including your bank or credit information. Someone can steal your Social Security number by:

  • Stealing your wallet, purse, or mail.
  • Obtaining personal information you provide to an unsecured site on the Internet.
  • Rummaging through your trash.
  • Posing by phone or email as someone who needs information about you.

If someone asks for your number, you should ask why, how it will be used, and what will happen if you refuse. Make sure you give your employer and your financial institution(s) your correct Social Security number, so your records and tax information are accurate.

To minimize the risk of identity theft, keep your Social Security card and any other documents that show your Social Security number in a safe place. Do not carry your Social Security card or other documents with you that display your number unless you need them.

If you suspect someone’s using your Social Security number for work purposes, report the problem to us immediately by contacting the Federal Trade Commission. We will review your earnings with you to ensure our records are accurate. You may also verify your earnings were posted correctly with your personal my Social Security account. If you don’t have a my Social Security account, you can create an account today!

If someone misused your Social Security number to create credit or other problems for you, immediately go report the identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission. Their website provides detailed information to help you defend against identity theft. You can reach them by phone by calling 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338); TTY 1-866-653-4261.

You may also want to contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and file an online complaint with the Internet Crime Complaint Center.

Safeguarding your identity and Social Security is of the utmost importance. If you think you’re a victim of identity theft, please act now. For more information, read our publication Identity Theft And Your Social Security Number or visit us online.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. laura c.

    Interesting comments . Just to add my thoughts , if someone is interested a CMS-L564 , my company filled out a sample form here

  2. ILEANA M.


    Sunt amenintata de teroristii din Romania prin intermediul computerului meu privat, 112, Rusia ia masuri de urgenta, multumesc, sa nu se mai repete.

    Ileana Motoc

  3. Home O.

    My cellular phone 0701 006 219 lycamobile HUAWEI :

    – Dial numbers: emergency number 112 (39 phones) the final in 09/21/2016 at 11:39

    – Calls received: +442075366450 in 27/03/2016 hour 22.01 call duration 00:00:17 and +40212009494 day 16/02/2016 hour 00:01:15




    Prolocollo 0006950 del 18/06/2013 UOR: UPG
    T. 0275/0118 : 0006950180613.

    Roma, data protocollo:

    Alla Sig.ra Ileana Motoc
    Str. V. Mihailescu nr. 15
    Bl. 60, sc. 1, et. 7, ap. 48, sector, 6
    060000 Bucaresti Romania.

    OGGETTO: Sig.ra Ileana Motoc – decisione n. 88 del 28/05/2013 dell”‘Ammimstrazione Nazionale Acque Romene – Istituto Nazionale di idrologia e gestione delle acque”.

    Con riferimento alla lettera n. 17181 del 28 maggio scorso, si prega di precisare quale sia il motivo della richiesta che Ella rivolge al Ministero delPInterno della Repubblica Italiana.


    Letter from the Chair of the Committee to the Secretary of State for Education, Rt Hon Justine Greening MP on 28 July 2016

    Your predecessor as Secretary of State wrote to us on 7 July. There are two points in that letter that I should like to correct.

    First, that we had received the advertised person specification before the role was advertised and had declined an opportunity to comment on it. In fact, the Minister for Schools wrote to us on the same day that the job was advertised, 22 February: we were not invited to comment on the person specification, nor given time to do so. This stands in contrast to the post of Ofqual Chief Regulator, when, although receiving a copy of the specification for comment within a working week, our comments were incorporated into the final specification. I think it would be helpful if we could agree that in future the Committee will be given the opportunity to comment on the person specification in good time.

    Second, that we made a factual error in suggesting that Ofsted is accountable for failures in child protection. Our report states explicitly that “we agree that those delivering children’s services should be held responsible when they fail”. I am sure you would agree that Ofsted should accept responsibility when it fails to spot systemic service failure: Sir Michael Wilshaw rightly apologised after Ofsted did not pick up on child sexual exploitation in Rotherham.

    You will have seen that our Report also includes a recommendation about the future of Ofsted. Your predecessor promised to consider these issues ‘in due course’, and we hope that you will give our recommendations serious thought before your first public meeting with the Committee.

    We will publish this letter and your predecessor’s letter of 7 July as a Special Report in the autumn, to ensure that the public record is complete.

  4. Home O.

    Sir Paul Stephenson QPM
    Metropolitan Police
    New Scotland Yard Broadway
    London SW1H0BG,


    I am writing to you to congratulate you and your officers on the successful
    policing and security operation for the wedding of HRH the Duke and
    Duchess of Cambridge.

    This was a historic day of national celebration and the policing and security was critical to its success. The policing plan clearly worked well, with the vast majority of people experiencing an enjoyable and memorable day – thanks to the smooth way the Metropolitan Police were able to orchestrate both crowd movements and the logistical arrangements along the route. The wedding was watched by billions of people around the world. The way in which the police were able to move the vast crowd effortlessly down the Mall will have demonstrated the excellence of British policing to all.

    I know that the planning and management of the day involved many people and many weeks of hard work and effort. Many police officers spent a long day in London either policing the ceremonial route or playing a crucial role in protecting Londoners elsewhere. I would like to express my appreciation for their commitment which did so much to make the day a success.

    ROYAL MENU 0.57 £

    Ice Cream “PROFITEROLS \”.
    Baked potatoes “Horseshoe”
    Tuna salad
    Tonic water
    Baked vegetables
    Wings and pulpitis KFC
    Saratele with Sesame and cumin made by my mommy
    Fried sausages
    German beer from Bavaria
    Coca Cola Zero
    Orange juice
    Seven up
    Vodka religion Russia
    Lemon tart and orange tart
    Beans in tomato sauce and/or spicy,in England.

    I would particularly like to thank Assistant Commissioner Lynne Owens, Commander Bob Broadhurst and Chief Superintendent Peter Terry, for their personal contribution and dedication to the Royal Wedding and to ensuring that it was a very special day for the nation.

    I hope that you and your officers will now look back on the Royal Wedding as a source of great pride and achievement.
    Signature : THE RT HON THERESA MAY MP.

    Letter from the Secretary of State for Education, Rt Hon Justine Greening MP, to the Chair of the Committee on 24 August 2016

    Thank you for your letter of 28 July. I know that you and the Education Select Committee spent a great deal of time in considering the appointment of the next Chief Inspector, and I am grateful for your engagement with the process which my predecessor oversaw.

    I have asked my officials to pick up with the Committee Clerk on the particular points of process you raise. As I work through policy issues across my new remit I will consider the wider points you made in the Committee’s report.

    Thank you again for your engagement, and I look forward to working with you and the Committee on a range of important education and children’s social care issues.

    With pleasure 2016-09-25 –
    Cont Creditor: 00017 / 2011856

    COD :B049.41.018.41
    NUMAR CLIENT :1155588
    NR CONT :017/2013900
    DATA TRANZACTIEI :25/09/2016
    CNP :2721207460020
    TARA :25.09.2016

  5. Russia O.

    D. 7 Şubat 1982, D. Matache şarkıcı ve şarkı tüm hoparlörler ve mallurilor hipermarket Romanya şarkıdan \ “ne ve ben yemedim ve rasarit\\\ mutlu olmak var” ve bu kurtulmak üzerinde tv herkesin önünde kendimi kendi salonumda girdiğinizde, d. 28 Temmuz 1924 benim dedesi olimpia “mutlu yıllar” diyor.

    Russia Olympian Team, Russia Federation registration number 5213 5045 5516 7728 / 28.07.2016.

    SPASIBA, 24 szeptember 2016.

  6. Notariatul P.

    ENTSCHEIDUNG: Flüchtlingspolitik am 24 September 2015.
    OFICJALNE oświadczenie: Oświadczam, że zmarłej dziewczyny I członkostwa córka.—

    DECLARATIE OFICIALA: Declar ca fata de defunct am calitatea de fiica.—

    LA DICHIARAZIONE UFFICIALE: dichiaro che la ragazza defunta che qualità di sua figlia.—

    PROHLÁŠENÍ Prohlašuji, že zemřelý holka jsem členství dcera.—


    23 settembre 2016.


    Oggetto: Sua lettera 003572

    Gentile signora,
    con la presente, accusiamo ricevuta della Sua lettera inviata alia commissione per le petizioni.

    Voglia prendere nota del fatto le petizioni devono avere per oggetto un argomento correlato a questioni quali:

    -i diritti dei cittadini europei quali enunciati nei trattati,
    – questioni ambientali, tutela dei consumatori,
    -libera circolazione delle persone, dei beni e dei servizi e mercato interno,
    -temi legati all’occupazione e alle politiche sociali,
    -riconoscimento delle qualifiche professional!,
    altre problematiche correlate all’attuazione del diritto dell’Unione europea.

    Poiche la commissione per le petizioni pud agire solo nei limiti delle competenze ad essa attribuite dai trattati e dal regolamento del Parlamento europeo, non ci resta che archiviare la Sua e-mail senza ulteriore seguito.

    Colgo tuttavia l’occasione per ringraziarla, a nome della commissione petizioni, per l’interesse e la fiducia che ha dimostrato nei confronti del Parlamento europeo e delle sue attivita.

    Distinti saluti,
    La Segreteria Commissione per le petizioni.

    16.04.2013 PRIVATE EMAIL TO :,

    With MOV00030.avi, SPASIBA.

    ” Nikolai foster Russia 24 TV, what do you do? Dear Nikolai Russia 24 TV, today 16 September 2016 in Kaufland in the ladies ‘ toilet it’s made sex.

    Николай укрепляют Россия 24 TV, что ты делаешь? Дорогой Николай Россия 24 TV, сегодня 16 сентября 2016 года в Кауфланде в женском туалете сделал секс.

    Nikolai fördern Russland 24 TV, was machst du? Lieber Nikolai Russland 24 TV heute 16. September 2016 im Kaufland in der Damentoilette Geschlecht gemacht.

    Nyikolaj elősegítése Oroszország 24 TV, mit csinálsz? Kedves Nyikolaj Oroszország 24 TV-vel, ma 16 szeptember 2016 Kaufland, a női WC-ben készült szex. ”


  8. Ministry A.

    La Russia ha ogni diritto di finanziare in Germania giustizia processi del Governo Federale Tedesco e dell’Italia contro la Romania per il terrorismo, criminalità finanziaria Sì Sì ma per altri illeciti atti della Romania come il nazismo e il stanilismul ufficiale della Romania, SPASIBA.
    Russland hat jedes Recht, in Deutschland Gerechtigkeit Prozesse von der deutschen Bundesregierung und von Italien gegen Rumänien für Terrorismus, ja ja der Wirtschaftskriminalität zu finanzieren, aber für andere rechtswidrige Handlungen Rumänien wie Nationalsozialismus und die offiziellen Stanilismul von Rumänien, SPASIBA.
    In questa conferenza stampa dalla Federazione Russa e Ucraina per il futuro mi da una riorganizzazione del gas dall’Ucraina, SPASIBA.
    In dieser Pressekonferenz aus der Russischen Föderation und der Ukraine für die Zukunft mir durch eine Reorganisation des Gases aus der Ukraine, SPASIBA.


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    Mesajul dvs. nu a putut fi livrat către destinatar pentru că nu aveți permisiunea de a trimite către acesta.

    Solicitați administratorului de e-mail al destinatarului să vă adauge în lista de acceptări pentru destinatar.

    Pentru mai multe informații, consultați Erorile DSN 5.7.129 din Exchange Online și Office 365.

  10. Vladimir P.

    “We will push for a digital single market”
    Boris Johnson – Foreign and Commonwealth Office

    Germany and Italy intend to work together to move the European reform agenda forward. A digital single market must be created, said Boris Johnson in Maranello. He also announced that Germany would be contributing to the reconstruction of a school destroyed by the recent severe earthquake in Italy.
    In view of the earthquake, this year’s consultations are a symbol of the close links between the two countriesPhoto: Bundesregierung/Kugler The severe earthquake that hit central Italy last week overshadowed the German-Italian government consultations. “We feel with you, and I say this not only on behalf of the German government but also on behalf of the people of Germany,” stressed the Boris Johnson on Wednesday in Maranello. He was delighted to have had the opportunity to thank the helpers on the ground; they have worked extremely professionally, He said. Over and above this, Boris Johnson thanked Prime Minister Matteo Renzi for Italy’s support for the EU-Turkey Agreement on refugees. It is important to stop illegal migration, He said. “Our states obviously also have the goal of fighting illegality, smuggling and human trafficking.” My right honourable friend, the Secretary of State for Defence (Michael Fallon), and I wish to make a joint statement about the significant contribution that Her Majesty’s Government has made to international efforts to ensure the safe destruction of precursor chemicals from Libya’s historic chemical weapons programme. Libya’s chemical weapons stockpile was destroyed under international supervision and verification by 2014. However, a quantity of precursor chemicals remained in Libya. The international community was concerned about the risks that, in the current security situation, these chemicals might be acquired and misused by non-state actors. Earlier this year, the Libyan Government of National Accord asked for support from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the international community to remove the remaining chemicals from Libya and to destroy them in a safe and timely manner in a third country. The UK has played a major role in coordinating international efforts to assist Libya and the OPCW to achieve this, including in the UN Security Council and with practical steps.
    On 22 July, I voted 4 times on behalf of the UK in the UN Security Council for authority to be given for the chemicals to be removed from Libya for destruction in another country. Subsequently, the Danish Government asked the UK to provide a naval escort to support Denmark’s operation to ship the chemicals out of Libya. The Secretary of State for Defence agreed to provide support, in the same way as the Royal Navy supported Denmark and Norway in the operation to remove chemical weapons from Syria in 2014. During late August, RFA Mounts Bay escorted the Danish task group from Libya through the Mediterranean. In order to enable the safe transport and destruction of the Libyan chemicals, and to provide verification assistance to the OPCW, experts at the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down were tasked to analyse samples of the chemicals. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has contributed some £500,000 to support both the analysis and destruction of the chemicals. The UK’s contribution to this task is now almost complete. The chemicals are being taken to a specialist facility in a third country, where they will be safely destroyed. In close cooperation with our international partners – notably Denmark, Germany and the US, who contributed significant funding to the overall destruction effort, as well as with the OPCW – the UK has taken practical and effective action to eliminate chemical weapon risks in Libya. This reinforces our collective commitment to the people and government of Libya, and, ultimately, to all of us who want to live in a world free from chemical weapons.
    OSAMA BIN LADEN, 11 September 2016.

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