Frauds & Scams

Protecting What’s Important to You

September 30, 2019 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: June 30, 2021

Unfortunately, scams are a part of our current reality. Scammers are always thinking of different ways to trick their targets, coming up with various ways to try to steal your information, identity, and benefits. They depend on you not knowing about their methods.

We always say that preparation begins with information. Being informed about the latest scams and knowing the signs can go a long way toward staying a step ahead of them. Check out our infographic to learn how you can help us protect your information.

Also, stay up to date by reading our blog series on scams:

  1. Inspector General Warns Public About Social Security Advisory Board-Related Scam
  2. Inspector General Warns Public About Caller ID “Spoofing” of Social Security Fraud Hotline Phone Number
  3. How You Can Help Social Security Protect Your Information

Every day, people get tricked into sending money or giving out personal information. Don’t be one of them! Together, you and Social Security can thwart the scammers’ efforts.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. parul

    Hii guys my name is parul and I am escort provider. For sexy call girl click on the link.

  2. erin m.

    Spend more time to prepare for a group interview. And, if you are lucky you may get an offer at If not, you will hear from the employer anyway.

  3. Leah M.

    Scammers are everywhere and we the people should beware of them. Even if the phone call seems genuine, we shouldn’t reveal confidential information about us.

    Leah Marinus
    PHP developer at Pixel-Solvent

  4. Judith M.

    I believe I am the victim of a scam. My financial institution recommended having a hold or block on my ssn. What procedures should I follow to get this done?

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