Disability, Guest Bloggers

Prioritizing Mental Health for Our Veterans

October 5, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 5, 2023

Small American flag held in front of a fieldMental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being — it’s integral to our happiness. Mental health issues can significantly impact a person’s quality of life by making it difficult to work, maintain relationships, and enjoy activities that they love. For our nation’s veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety, these effects can be even more pronounced.

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reports that approximately 20% of veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan experience PTSD or depression. Unfortunately, many veterans don’t seek help due to the perceived stigma surrounding mental health issues. They may worry that they’ll be seen as weak or that their military careers could be negatively affected. This often leads to veterans suffering in silence.

That’s why it’s important to have resources like Give an Hour, a mental health-focused nonprofit founded in 2005. Give an Hour provides confidential and free mental health services for veterans and others with mental health issues.

Mental health issues can affect anyone regardless of their background or experiences. Taking care of one’s mental health can have a positive effect on every aspect of one’s life, including relationships, work, and physical health.

One way to prioritize mental health is to practice self-care. This can include getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and engaging in joyful and fulfilling activities. It is also important to seek help when needed. This may mean talking to a trusted friend or family member, or consulting with a mental health professional.

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of mental health. This has led to an increase in resources and support for people who are suffering – whether from an illness, trauma, or other circumstances.

Social Security has helped our nation’s veterans through tough times with its benefits and programs. If your mental health challenges are so severe that you’re unable to work, you may qualify for disability benefits. To learn more, please review Social Security’s Disability Benefits page.

Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being that should be prioritized by everyone, including our nation’s veterans. Make a promise to yourself to check out Give an Hour’s many free mental health and wellness resources. If you’re a veteran, an active-duty service member, or in a military family, know that Give an Hour is here for you. By seeking help and prioritizing self-care practices, you can improve your quality of life.

Please share this information with friends and family who need it – and post it on social media.

Our posting of this blog does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any non-Social Security organization, author, or webpages.

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  1. Bobby J.

    I am a Veteran and a proud one, but I also have over 20 years as a certified Diesel Technician. I recently had to get my son started on SSDI due to an accident that nearly took his entire arm off. He was able to keep the arm but has no use of fingers or hand. I am pleased at the way the Social Security Department was able to process his information and get him some type of income. Every little bit helps that is for sure. I am starting the process with Social Security because now at the age of 50, I am no longer able to work due to a list of military issues. I am somewhat nervous to file because even with a 37 year work history, I wonder if I should seek help from a lawyer being that they know the system better than I do. What would you suggest?

    • C.B.

      Hi, Bobby. Thanks for using our blog and for your question. The decision to seek the services of a representative (attorney or another qualified person) is up to you. You can apply for Disability online, or if you are unable to complete the application online, you can apply by calling our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Our representatives can make an appointment for you to apply. We hope this information is helpful. 



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  3. R L.

    It is quite odd that you say that ssa helps, but, I have spent 5 years with denial after denial, loss of my file, and I have ptsd and low back issues that keeps me from working… why does the SSA keep lying and saying that they approve vets when it actually isn’t true.

    • S.D.

      Thank you for your service, RL, and for reading our blog. We’re sorry to hear about your conditions. We have a very strict definition of disability that is different than the requirements for other government programs, including the military. We pay disability benefits to people who have conditions that prevent them from working or are expected to prevent them from working for at least 1 year or to lead to their death. We use the same five-step process to make a decision on each disability application. You can learn more about our process here. If you were recently denied for disability benefits, you may file an appeal within 60 days of receiving the decision. If you’re outside of your appeal period, you may apply for disability again. We hope this helps.

  4. Yogesh s.

    “This article delves into the pivotal role mental health plays in our overall well-being and happiness, emphasizing its significance. Mental health challenges have the potential to profoundly impact a person’s life, affecting their ability to work, maintain relationships, and partake in activities they cherish. This impact is even more pronounced among our nation’s veterans grappling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety.

    Startling statistics from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reveal that roughly 20% of veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan contend with PTSD or depression. Tragically, many veterans refrain from seeking help due to the lingering stigma associated with mental health issues, fearing that it might be perceived as a sign of weakness or potentially harm their military careers. Consequently, this silence often leads veterans to endure their mental health struggles in isolation.”

    • safira d.

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    • faridariska

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  5. Tony

    Why are there so many non-profit scamming the government and U.S. Citizens?

    The non-profits are leeches on society. They only stay in business by getting government grants and donations from people. The owner of the non-profit who came up with the scam gets most of the government grant and donations as a salary. The owner also pays his or her staff with the government grants and donations. The owner and his or her staff scams others to work for free like doctors and volunteers. It is a scam plaguing society. At least the government stop the solicitation calls for donation over the phone. They have to mail letters for donations. I throw the junk mail away.

    This is only a scam by the non-profit to recruit people for mental health services. They will charge your insurance for the service if you have insurance. If you are poor and don’t have insurance, they will try to get you to apply for Medicaid, so they can get paid.

  6. Glenn r.

    Hello, my name is Glenn Ragsdale I am not a part of the military nor is my family but I did spend 30+ years building transmission powerlines. Make a long story short I worked with my son William Ryan Ragsdale for four years and on April 18 of 2021 I witnessed a horrific accident that took my only child’s life, I listen to my sunscreen in pain for 51 minutes and I could not get to him. I lost my only child that day and best friend lost my career that day. I worked for the same company for 25 years. I have lost everything I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD , panic attacks, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. I understand the importance of our troops serving our country. I truly believe that any person should be able to seek and get help. I have looked and looked and if you do not have insurance or money or there’s nothing set up for powerline this is killing me slowly and I cannot get any help I’ve almost lost everything I own, but I refuse to give up. I believe everyone should get help. I believe there should be a way for anyone to get help. If they need it, excuse me. My name is Glenn Ragsdale. I am not trying to take anything away from our troops I just want y’all to know that other people do need help , my email is glennragsdale064065@yahoo.com my phone number is 470-580-7641.P.S I have not received any disability or Workmen’s Comp.. I’m still fighting to try to get them they even cut my insurance. Thank you again I hope this finds the right person.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Glenn. We are sorry to hear about your loss and your condition. Disability Benefits are paid to people who are unable to work because of a medical condition that is expected to last one year or more or to result in death. If you feel you are disabled and you have not already done so, you can apply for disability online. You may find our listing of impairments useful. Just a reminder – please be cautious about posting personal information on social media. We hope this helps. 

      • Pat

        Yeah right, so you say I can work at a convenience store with chronic kidney stones, diverticulitis, severe depression, PTSD and asthma. Biggest load of ….. EVER!!!

  7. Arnold L.

    It can’t be a priority if the veteran with issues is so far gone they can’t even ask for help.

  8. MajJohn

    Mental health for our veterans, in fact all Americans, is important. The article spells out the problem but having a veteran file for disability and being approved because he’s mentally ill is not a solution. It’s putting a band-aid on a wound. The issue is best address by agencies responsible for veteran health care. Since this is a subject which invokes sympathy, the SSA thought they’d get involved. Again, treat all Americans the same. Stop claiming you’re doing something for a subset of our population because they are somehow unique and a voting block to be courted.

    • gary o.

      Assume much?

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