Online Services

Our Online Benefits Application

October 4, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

woman relaxing on couch, using laptop Social Security is committed to protecting and securing the information entrusted to us. We’re constantly looking for ways for you to save time by conducting your business anytime, anywhere, using our online services.

Our online benefits application provides a high level of security and protection for the information you provide. Filing online gives you the freedom and convenience to file for various types of benefits including Retirement, Disability, Supplemental Security Income, and Medicare.

Follow these simple steps to begin:

  1. Review the information on our Retirement/Spouse’s, Disability, Medicare, or Supplemental Security Income Benefits page to make sure you meet the requirements to apply for benefits online and have the information you will need to do so.
  2. Create or sign in to your personal my Social Security account. 
  3. File your claim online.
  4. Check the status of your claim by signing in to your personal my Social Security account.

You should be able to complete and submit your application all at once. But if that’s not possible, you can return to your application and continue right where you left off!

After you’ve completed your application, we’ll also give you a confirmation number to check the status, and information on what to do next. If we are not able to process the request, we will provide specific information on how to contact us by phone or schedule an office appointment.

Applying for benefits online is safer, easier, and more secure than ever!

Learn more by watching our videos on our online retirement, spouse’s, and Medicare benefits application and our online disability benefits application.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Richard H.

    My wife is a Social Security and Medicare recepient, She is 77 and retired from teaching job since 2000. She is disabled with MS (diagnosed in1978), wheelchair bound. She has not worked since 2000.. She does not walk, has Home Care and me- (I am 78 ) and a Visiting Physcian Assoc once a month.Her health could be described as “managable”.
    Question-does she qualify for a SSI Disability Claim that can be filed on-line

  2. Susan G.

    How do I get the “code” number?

  3. Dario Y.


  4. Connie B.

    where do i apply for the $255 from the SS that help for funeral expenses

    • A.C.

      Thanks for your question, Connie. We are sorry to hear of your loss. You can call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) to set up an appointment. Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 7:00a.m. and 7:00p.m. Generally, you’ll have a shorter wait time if you call later in the week. We hope this helps!

  5. Donna

    what does this mean? your application is currently under review for processing accuracy. Once the review is complete we will continue processing your benefit application

  6. joseph t.

    how do i advise social security of some one who has been receiving benefits has passed away ?

    • R.F.

      Hello Joseph. Yes, we should be notified immediately when a person dies. However, you cannot report a death or apply for survivors benefits online. In most cases, the funeral home will report the person’s death to us. You can report the death also, by calling our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Or you can contact the local Social Security office. Thanks!

  7. NANCY A.

    Great news! Now my COLA can pick up the $40 increase in the Advantage Health care plan I have as well as the $20 increase in my prescription plan. Net increase – ZERO!

  8. Bryant T.

    I’m trying to file my disability, I have injured my right arm multiple times with surgeries. I have nerve an muscle damage. In the year 2000 I had a surgery on my right shoulder and upper arm. Fixing my rotator cup an my balll joint. Witch they where crushed an my arm was roded with screws. I many months of rehabilitation for it. My wrist also was fractured taking away strength an absence of control in my hand. I’ve been living an managing the pain of it for years but now it worsens, with another surgery of life.
    This year just a few months ago I had very intensifying surgery.9 pints of blood 3 my body regected an 6 my body consumed. I have dead nerves in my right for arm that’s all around it. In need of another surgery my arteries where relocated attached an the serculation is poor now. I have failure to use to right hand an arm the arm I use to work an make my livelihood. I tried returning to work but it is extremely painful, like having acking teeth that need taking out. Every job I apply for or start ask why don’t I file my disability. I have a family to take care I’ve been trying to manage for , for so many years now it’s no fixing it or managing it. I tried working and almost hurt myself and a fellow employee. I’ve worked many jobs warehouse construction production concrete plumbing machinery operating construction and warehouse. Please help me a man in need trying to take care of his family and live through the pain of his injuries . An feeling like a man that is used supporting family. I’m in a debt that is well over a $100,000.00 this makes it hard to hold my head in any direction. My heart is heavy an my soul throbs, I pray daily an my faith in God is extroidenary . Through out the years I’ve been unable to maintain my jobs because my injuries have my body a strength deteriorating an health.

  9. Edward M.

    I am trying to return to finish my application but it keeps telling me to try back another time. I tried back an hour later and it says the same thing. Suggestions?

  10. Jeff

    NICE! You fixed what was not broken. Now this user unable to apply because system will not produce verifying questions.

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