No Cost-of-Living Adjustment for 2016

October 15, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

pink piggy bank Social Security’s annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) is an increase in the benefit amount people receive each month. By law, the monthly Social Security and SSI federal benefit rate increases when there is a rise in the cost of living. The government measures changes in the cost of living through the Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index (CPI-W).

The CPI has not risen since the last cost-of-living adjustment in 2015. As a result, your SSI benefit rate and, for most people, your Social Security benefit amount will stay the same in 2016.

This news isn’t necessarily bad. When inflation stays at the same rate, your cost of living also stays the same. Prices for goods and services, on average, haven’t increased enough to affect the COLA.

Other changes that would normally take effect based on changes in the national average wage index also won’t begin in January 2016. Since there is no COLA, the statute also prohibits a change in the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax, as well as the retirement earnings test exempt amounts. These amounts will remain unchanged in 2016. The new fact sheet provides more information on 2016 Social Security and SSI changes.

For additional information about the 2016 COLA, go to

For additional information about changes in the national average wage index, go to

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Donald k.

    I must say I dont know how they figure lowering the price on
    gas was enough to help us much. Now we may
    be able to get to the store but can’t afford to buy
    any food’or go to the drug store but not buy mediation .

  2. Jacee S.

    I had to apply for physical disability benefits after I was injured complicated a hereditary condition. I loved my career. I am a smart and educated woman and I cannot figure out how to survive in the USA in 2016. The benefit I receive is not enough to pay to live for one day in this country! I am treated less than a human since becoming disabled. I am in a violent living situation and not one agency will help me to get an inhabitable home. I am not asking for a hand out. I am asking for a hand up! I was born and raised in the USA in a house, not a communal flop house. I cannot get any help with health insurance, and I have one of the most rare disorders on earth! A DV advocate told me steal food if I was hungry. I am not a criminal. I did not choose to stop working. I am a USA citizen who has paid taxes and contributed to my community. However, I am not just another piece of thrash being thrown to the street. I will last there for about 10 seconds!

    • Moneyman

      So, how much are you getting since you say it’s not enough to live one day in this country?

  3. Johnny D.

    I retired after working almost 50 years. I was “awarded” $1334.00 a month. I get a small pension for working a state job for 13 years. I get $427.00 for that. Not to shabby, until
    our President decided we need
    Obama Care. (Joke #1) I received a Dental package from the state job @ $36.00 that I pay each month.
    So, after my insurance is deducted from my state pension I get $390.00. Now they take almost $335.00 from my SS check each month for Obama Care act, now go figure. I’m not mad, hell no, I’m pissed off. $1240.00 for a whole month to survive on. My brother, sister, and myself live in a senior living community @ 1300.00 a month, minus utilities, garbage, electric, on and on. I feel like a caged rat. THANK YOU OBAMA you no good bastard……………

  4. RW F.

    La “canasta” de articulos para fijar el aumento, es tan antigua como el Seguro Social, por ello, no hay aumentos, si no cambiamos los duenos del S.S. las cosas habran de seguir igual, mendigando.

    • Moneyman

      I need to learn the German language to be able to read your comment.

  5. Steve

    Just remember, evryone from the president down to the guy that delivers our mail are supposed to be our “civil servants”. Not the other way around!!!

  6. Cheryl M.

    I’m sure everyone has heard that Obama wants to be a judge in the Supreme Court (trouble). If Hillary becomes our president (more trouble) she will most likely appoint Obama in that position and we also know that it is a life time/retirement term of duty . He has been and still is doing a poor job of securing our borders and tending to the needs of our people, so why would we want him in our Supreme Court?? It’s gotten to the point, that we can’t trust a good portion of our politicians. I feel that the people should vote as to whom they want in our highest courts and whom ever they vote in should not remain in this court until death do us part or until they retire. The only way I can think of making the above changes is to start a petition. Does anyone agree or know of a better way??

  7. Ray M.

    “The CPI has not risen since the last cost-of-living adjustment in 2015. As a result, your SSI benefit rate and, for most people, your Social Security benefit amount will stay the same in 2016.”

    OK, then why is my SS benefit $171.80 less each month? And how does a lower benefit amount not effect my Cost of Living within a non-rising CPI?

    • Moneyman

      Is yours SSI because they were going to lower it about 16% in 2016?

  8. Concord d.

    What a Cool post and outstanding article to Social Security, Thanks author for your awesome tropic and valuable information. Really I have no wards to explain my feelings about your post. Concord domestic violence

  9. Dancing B.

    Too many off you white and black folks you are here illegal. Your government and relatives loved killing the American Indian. Many mexicans lived in the US as tribal members but guns and white armies sent them south. This American government all running for president are liars. The American Indian is the only group of people mentioned in the Constitution. I am disabled and need housing wheelchair accessible I should not have to wait in line up unto 1948 in our state the state said we did not exist because of trail of tears. Not only Cherokee went on that trail but many my family hid in swamps in NC. Our tribe has always stayed together but jim crow laws and others said only blacks and whites were around. It only took 200 years for white and blacks to poison our waters if you play golf guilty. Whites are nasty drinking shit water. Rain catchers purified would be the logical choice, all the trees are disappearing, the sea is fished out because of greed. If you have not fought in a war or your family and you are white and black shut up you should go back where you come from. Proven fact the first black slave was sold by a black man. We do need to stop letting anyone come here unless it’s vacation. No , president has honored treaties the American government made. I do not want to hear you have a great grandmother’s that are cherokee bullshit if you do not have a cenus blood card from a state or federal reconized tribe or the cenus or indian rolls do not mention your great grandma she isn’t indian. I have felt the pain in our tribe and family still today. Blacks bitch about everything well the truth is 60 percent of young black males sell crack they need help not jail. Whites think they own everything if it wasn’t for the American indian you would be speaking German and under hitters rule. So, before any non indian gets shit the American Indian should be taken care of. I love our countries land I love my brother and sisters of native rainbow I walk the red road it’s tuff. I also was a great chef for 20 years before my accident that wasn’t my fault. My family has fought in every war in history. Lincoln , Obama, bush, awful people the secret societies these political folks are in are evil. Global warming is real before another ice age. A fag is not a race and is wrong, abortion wrong, I will never vote for this government as we are pows in our own country where are the farms, look at the fast food you feed your children poison.think folk. Dancing bear.

  10. Betty C.

    Yes I’m one angry American also. Everyone I talk to is so upset with our corrupt government. Now the Gop is trying to tell Americans who to vote for. Now our evil government says no Cola that is a lie. There has been increase in food Everytime I go to the store it’s a 100.00 or more and I bring home things I have to have. Can’t afford meat! Can’t afford new clothes, can’t afford electricity and water bill. Cancelled my house phone and running only on cellphone. My car will not last much long and then I guess I will have to walk. No mone for another since no cola. Obama only cares about illegals and muslims and homosexuals not us seniors, Vets or Americans. We have a evil government and no one cares or will help up accept Trump!!

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