No Cost-of-Living Adjustment for 2016

October 15, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

pink piggy bank Social Security’s annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) is an increase in the benefit amount people receive each month. By law, the monthly Social Security and SSI federal benefit rate increases when there is a rise in the cost of living. The government measures changes in the cost of living through the Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index (CPI-W).

The CPI has not risen since the last cost-of-living adjustment in 2015. As a result, your SSI benefit rate and, for most people, your Social Security benefit amount will stay the same in 2016.

This news isn’t necessarily bad. When inflation stays at the same rate, your cost of living also stays the same. Prices for goods and services, on average, haven’t increased enough to affect the COLA.

Other changes that would normally take effect based on changes in the national average wage index also won’t begin in January 2016. Since there is no COLA, the statute also prohibits a change in the maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax, as well as the retirement earnings test exempt amounts. These amounts will remain unchanged in 2016. The new fact sheet provides more information on 2016 Social Security and SSI changes.

For additional information about the 2016 COLA, go to

For additional information about changes in the national average wage index, go to

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Christie F.

    grocery stores raise their cost of products every few months, rents increase $25 per month per year, car tags increase, postage increases, electric is going higher, car insurance increases, and you’re telling us that inflation hasn’t increased, well so what, everything else has, so as each year goes by we go in the hole that much more. The only other way is to ask for other government services which makes this a circular motion within government, like if you don’t pay from SS then you pay from some other government assistance program.

  2. Claire

    The cost of living may not have gone up that much, but the prices we pay for groceries, dental work and eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc. that is not covered by Medicare continues to rise in price as do real estate taxes, all of which make it much more difficult for those of us on a fixed retirement income to pay, especially when there is no Cost of Living increase in our Social Security, but we will be charged more for Medicare Part B. If there is not cost of living increase, how do you justify raising the cost of Medicare Part B?????

    Very disappointing and disturbing to seniors who will end up on Medicaid because of these cost increases!!!

    • grampy

      If your Part B premium is being deducted from your SS payment, your premium will NOT go up. The is a rule called “Hold Harmless” that covers this.

      Mostly those new to SS in 2016 will pay the new rate.

      • Suzanne C.

        Oh Grampy, i do hope you are correct!

        • Derrol j.

          Grampy is correct. I just received the same notice but it still doesn’t give me a warm “fuzzy”.

        • Cosme

          He is right.

    • disgusted

      sadly half the people getting ss benefits never worked and even worse immigrants and none citizens get it also.

  3. Dave K.

    Not happy about this ….. a pissy 3% wouldn’t add too much to our $19,000,000,000. debt. I guess the government will use the money to feed, house, and educate all of the illegal aliens they have let in!

    • Eva N.

      Don’t forget the 10,000 refugees Obama wants to bring in from Syria….who is going to feed, clothe, house, educate, etc???

      • Dianne

        Actually, it is planned for 200,000 refugees (like all the healthy young men we see crossing the borders) that will be coming from Syria and surrounding areas. Some mothers who will just continue to breed more, who have nothing to offer our country, and the men (if they aren’t terrorists) are uneducated, and will be parasites off this country. It is time to cut the politically correct BS out and say it like it is ……………

    • Bill

      It’s $19,000,000,000,000.00

    • bill

      national debt ???? how do we borrow from ourselves. just to give it all away to our enemies but were in debt????????????? this is the biggest scam ever inflicted on americans…

  4. Carol F.

    I feel when gasoline prices rise the cost of products rises as well. When gas prices decline, the prices of products we consume do not fall.

    • bill

      the skyrocket up but they NEVER come down government watchdogs hard at work.

    • Bruce F.

      Too true Carol!

  5. Leon B.

    Let’s see…. food costs more, eating out costs more, services cost more, gasoline prices fluctuate all over the place, maintenance costs for cars cost more…. yet some “index” says the cost of living has not increased… BS

  6. Marie P.

    Are government employees receiving COLA in 2016?

    • Lynn

      No the federal retiree gets the same as SS gets so if no raise in SS no raise for Federal retirees. But you can bet the ones in DC will give them self a good raise.

      • jane b.

        amen for sure..

      • James S.

        Congress gets an automatic increase! That’s wrong.

      • Ristine

        is that a fact R talking point

        • Derrol j.

          Pristine. Everything said above is fact. Each October congress votes itself a pay raise without the public knowing. As far as I’m concerned they neither deserve the pay they get nor a pay raise.

      • Carrie J.

        Yes, they will. Year after year after year I hear where they have given themselves raises. All the perks, all the paid vacations. Gee, could I have over 4 billion like the Socialistic Muslim in the WH has taken? I’m really sick of it.
        Elections will be coming up and once again, lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies. It trust is the same ole same ole. Once they get in, I guess it goes to their head and then they get their raises, vacations, perks, etc., and guess who pays for them? And that measly little few dollars we could get that would help. It just makes me sick. My brother wants to move out of this country and that may not be a bad idea.

      • Bruce F.


    • Steve K.

      Federal retirees get what Social Security recepient get “$0.00”

      • Bill

        Federal retirees get a whopping pension compared to that private retirees!

    • Charles R.

      Every thing but gas has increased. Maybe the give-away benefits to illegals
      should be decreased.

    • Johnnie T.

      What do gas has to do with COLA? My rent is $1000 a month. After all my bills is paid I can’t even buy food. Section 8 refuse me. The people who never work or paid tax is the one who get the help. Their job is having babies.What about the Billons that go to other country’s.What about the people who pass this law.They have no worry because they make good money. They are the ones who tell us buying a loaf of bread is not their problem.Go figure.

      • Jim

        Lets make sure we have enough money for all the illegal aliens and to put more fuel in Air Farce One. This guy in the white house is a moron. It will take years before we see how much damage this guy has done to this county. These politicians need to go, ALL OF THEM!!

        • Goldie

          President OBama is no moron, it’s them in Congress who are the morons. Stop blaming the president for everything – it’s so handy to blame him, just to be blaming someone. No president is perfect, who ever was a president who someone didn’t like or blame for the problems of the country?

          • Goldie

            Have you forgotten the mess the country was in before the president too office? It was such a mess, that I thought he was crazy to take on all those problems. It seems the country is alright now, just get those devilish republican bums out and everyone will be better off. The president has done a tremendous job in bringing the country out of a terrible recession, and he has done so under awful pressure and set-backs from a very hostile congress.

          • Derrol j.

            Goldie, Obama is a MORON & congress are court jesters. Wake up & smell the cheap coffee.

          • MICHELLE C.


        • Bruce F.

          Wrong. We have a real moron (who you no doubt voted for) in the White House now. Trump and his appointees will leave you (and me) with nothing.

      • Cosme

        Why didn’t you buy a house all those years you worked, so you wouldn’t be paying rent?

    • bill

      I would bet they are

    • mike


    • Vince

      If Federal employees – I would think not.

  7. ckosuda

    it is ridiculous to state that costs have not increased – nothing could be further from the truth / how was it “determined ” that costs have not increased????
    who was asked???

    would be helpful to know who VOTED for not COLA increase????? names please .

    when did this vote occur, and how, part of what bill, etc.,

    disgusting lack of compassion on the part of our elected officials.

    • grampy

      The decision of cola/no cola is not done by vote. The Dept of Labor publishes the CPI-W index, and SSA uses current law to decide if a COLA is warranted.

      • Rita

        Understood…yet if your are on SSD you are no longer in the workforce. We should not be penalized for that yes Medicare did go up and the cost of living after medical bills medications and trying eat for a month does touch the “not so necessarily bad” comment doesn’t affect them. It DOES affect us

        • Bruce F.

          I agree.

      • bill

        the dept. of labor is run by incompetent people who are TOLD what to do by the real people in charge called government criminals as far as C.O.L. is calculated

      • Jack

        They All Are Dumb asses think only themselves not TheAmerican People…

    • Bryan A.

      Well put it this way. Whoever made that decision, never went grocery shopping, cos the prices are getting absolutely ridiculous. Almost 5 bucks for LESS than a pound of bacon & 2 bucks just for a loaf of bread. And this coming from Family Dollar. Even the dollar stores are getting a bit pricey. And with gas prices being low, why are we still being screwed at the checkout? Its not costing as much as it use to, to MOVE the goods, so why are we being screwed for? WTF is up with B.S.?

    • Jack

      Right On,Who are those Idiot Voters

  8. Betty L.

    How does this affect Medicare?

    • Vince

      Dpending on your situation, you may have to pay more Medicare premiums in 2016.

      • Gail R.

        My supplemental for Kaiser has gone up next year!

    • R.F.

      Hi Betty! At this time the Department of Health and Human Services has not yet announced Medicare premium changes for 2016. Information about Medicare changes for 2016, when available, will be found at We hope this information helps!

      • Carrie J.

        I am on Medicare. I have a very rare auto-immune disorder, of course medication that must be taken and from reading other posts, you know the cost of food has risen.
        Could I have a vacation that costs of 4 billion like Obama has and also all the other vacations that him and his family have had?
        What about the raises the Congress gets year after year after year and all the perks they get, etc., etc. This makes me sick. There are excuses and justifications for everything and that is just what they are….excuses.

        • Carrie J.

          I am on Medicare. I have a very rare auto-immune disorder, of course medication that must be taken and from reading other posts, you know the cost of food has risen.
          Could I have a vacation that costs of 4 billion like Obama has and also all the other vacations that him and his family have had?
          What about the raises the Congress gets year after year after year and all the perks they get, etc., etc. This makes me sick. There are excuses and justifications for everything and that is just what they are….excuses.

        • Bruce F.

          Vacation like Obama!? Trump has already (in his first hundred days) surpassed Obama’s spending on vacations. Trump is even making a profit by charging the US for rent on his Florida golf course and for his New York “hotel”. BS is BS Carrie.

    • R.F.

      Hi Betty! At this time the Department of Health and Human Services has not yet announced Medicare premium changes for 2016. Information about Medicare changes for 2016, when available, will be found at

  9. dji

    that’s BS. i’m paying more for food, electric, property taxes and much more. the cpi needs to be changed. don’t tell me this isn’t a bad thing. the same thing happened to me the last time it didn’t go up. oh and my medications have gone up a lot. so don’t BS me or the rest of America. this will have a negative effect on the economy.

    • bill

      your politicians know that but don’t care .since there is no accountability we should all ban together and inform all utilities, banks ,stores,gas companies,utilities, etc. we don’t have to pay more because our government says C.O.L. isn’t necessary now! and thet should refund us all increases for the two years govnt. also said no C.O.L.

      • jane b.


      • Jack

        Darn Right On.New Congress For Shure Got Rid Beanard Lets get Rid Few More Like Him,Get someone in That Cares For the people

      • Johnie S.

        Wow, you really want Washington D.C. to have a heart attack dont you? lol Greed rules in this country as well as others.

      • Sherry H.

        Our COLA increase hasn’t gone up in 9 years. Inflation has gone up 14% in that time.

        • D.B.

          Thanks for your comment, Sherry. Based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI-W) from the third quarter of 2013 through the third quarter of 2014, Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries received a 1.7 percent COLA for 2015. For information about prior cost-of-living adjustments, click here.

    • Bryan A.

      I went to the store yesterday & it cost near 5 bucks just for bacon. And the sad part is, its not even 1 LB. Its less than a pound. I usually add some to my first pot of my winter stew I make on Halloween when I watch my scary movies, but with the price going through the roof, I’ll either make my stew a different way, or I’ll just have to come up with a new tradition for my Halloween dinner. But in either case, why is food prices going up while the checks remain the same? How’s that meeting the cost of living? I call it, B.S.

    • betty f.


      • Jean

        Congress needs to play by the same rules we do. No doubt about that.

    • Carrie J.

      I sure do agree.

      Wait and see if the Congress get their raise this year. They do year after year after year and with all their perks, paid vac., etc.

    • Bruce F.

      You are right that it is BS. Almost everything has gone up in price. I can’t afford a car so why should I care if gas is relatively cheap.

  10. Beverly D.

    The cost of health care has increased. The cost of car insurance has increased. The cost of food has increased due to drought in the west and floods in the south. The cost of phones & internet continue to increase. Just because the cost of gasoline is down does not meant that other costs drop–not in my world. Is the cost of Medicare going up….yes. So retirees live on less. Thanks

    • Claire

      Very true about only the cost of gas not increasing. If the government would stop paying benefits to the illegal people in this country, they could help out our own legal citizens who won’t have enough money now that Part B premiums will increase for us!

      • Lori

        I certainly agree with you – the illegals get help that our own citizens and especially our Veterans don’t get and that my friends is an ABSULUTE CRIME! How many of those homeless men sitting on the corners are VETERANS. We need to get rid of all the current congressmen and senators and get people in there who care about AMERICANS!!!

        • joyce

          and the va claims they got shorted 2 billion dollars for our vets but obama gets 4 billion for dam refugess some thing isnt right here

          • gary

          • Gene

            Hey Joyce, You really do know what is wrong here, right? It’s the idiot that is taking up space in the WH. Interesting isn’t it, the welfare recipients get increases so they can have their 55″ TV’s and their cell phones and their transportation and so on and so forth. However, we pay into the SS and can’t get anything out of it because of the politicians. Is this a great country, or what?

          • Bev

            Ur exactly rt Obama does care for Americans welfare but does refugees also in my world the price of food is outrageous it has gone up a lot since last year,medicines ate so expensive its pitiful,clothing prices HV gone up health insurance you name it ,it’s gone up from last year except the price of gas,but with all the other increases we HV to deal with a person can’t even afford that.

          • Moonmonkey

            A “dam” holds back water and “something” is one word. Geeze, back to English 101. Oh yea, Obama did NOT get anything-Congress said NO!

          • karen

            I agree but does anyone even read these posts or care. NO they just line their own pockets with our money

          • madashell

            Thank you! Refugees are well funded and get housing and food and health care! 70 million of us shouldn’t vote!!

          • Brian J.

            Many refugees bring disease in country we have not see in 50 years.

          • Richard M.

            It is a darn shame so many US citizens do not know how our government actually works. Obama or any president, can only request funds in the Executive Branches budget submission to Congress. All Revenue, Tax, etc. come from Congressional (House and Senate) appropriations that fund THEMSELVES, and the Executive and Judicial branches of our government. Just like your boss or company paying you.

          • Lacy l.

            Selfish like rest of them, just thinking about your pocket and not for human beings.

        • Karen

          The cost of food and everything else has gone up. This is a bunch of bull. If we get no COLA then no other government employee should receive a raise in pay for any reason.

          • Joyce L.

            I absolutely agree!!!

          • Sam

            what about people who are forced to live in trailers now, who use to always own a home, our rent here has gone up!. where do I go to next? I had a savings but it is almost gone. my medical treatments have increased in price, and I need more. who can pay for hearing aides, dentures and eye glasses?? are these not important enough to be covered by my Medicare?? Really?? I bet government got more money and benefits .they need to quit messing up the social security that I paid into since I was 12 yrs old, and almost 80 now!! should be illegal!

          • Flo

            I totally agree

          • Karen

            The illegals are the lucky ones. I not only feel sorry for me, but the veterans too! What about all the politicians???

          • Sandy D.

            I have been paying SS taxes since I was 12 years old, put myself thru school, worked 2-3 jobs at a time NEVER TOOK WELFARE- now I am 72 and disabled and need meds and doctors care and you tell me no $$ COLA–increase
            That’ 60 years of working and paying, into social security had to use my 401k and saving for health reasons, had to sell my home in 2014 no big profit there, as a matter of fact a lost. Now how do I eat and pay for meds, just making ends meet now. Guess I just was too proud not to work the system, like others coming into this country and getting our goodies for free. God Bless America, but not the government, they have more then enough blessings to live on, our money. Like to see 1/2 of them live a year on or two on $18,000.00 and that is better then some get. Just had great jobs and pay, but NOW I need the help and the government is raising our ss medical rates, something is really wrong here. Wake up America–

          • Cheryl K.

            I agree!

          • Bev

            Typo on my post I meant Obama DOES NOT CARE FOR THE AMERICANS BUT DOES THE REFUGEES,our veteran’s are out there suffering because of it haven’t they deserved the right to be taken care of first?after all they put their life on the line for OUR the AMERICANS country.

          • Trudy

            Wonder what they would do if everyone left the country? then they would not get their salaries and there would be no income for handouts !

          • Albert

            I’ll drink to that.

          • Nancy H.

            Amen, Karen! I think the vast amount of US seniors should boycott the voting booths for 2016. This decision by Washington is an absolute disgrace. What about our rent increases? Our utility increases? And, on and on? I worked over 40 years of my life in full time and stressful positions only to find I am now living in poverty. I can’t even afford a new car to replace the 21 year old car I’ve been driving for the past 18 years and it’s on it’s last hiccup.

          • Amos M.

            1) term limits are necessary 2) if there is no COLA, there are no raises for any politician 3) stop giving our Social Security to immigrants who never paid in 4) veterans, the elderly and handicapped get screwed constantly

          • Glen

            I agree, this country is in trouble from the white house down, the illegals are eating us up financially, and no one in Washington cares, it is time to clean sweep congress and the other fools that claim to be taking care of us, I would like to know why the cost of gas has anything to do with cola. I don’t eat gasoline.

          • Sharon G.

            I receive Ssi disability 733.00. a month really. Yes every thing has gone up except my disability income will not it took me years to even get it and now it’s staying the same. Shame on the selfish republicans

          • sparkle

            I surly agree!!!!

          • Luella W.

            …Karen …I AGREE with You 100%….ALL of Them are Only Trimming Our LIFE- SUPPORTS AWAY… “MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON US”

          • Jon V.

            Ck to see if Congress gave themselves a pay raise! And they are constantly taking vacations/breaks!

          • Anne

            The whole thing is absurd. I live only on social security disability and I depend on it to go up each year to cover my yearly rent increase, as well as all the other increases. Many of us don’t have supplemental retirement incomes. It’s those of us on disability that are really being screwed. How can they say the cost of living has stayed the same? My rent has already gone up $50 since they stopped the increase.

          • tommy

            Every one of them need to be fired. But the people keep voting them back in. What’s wrong with people?

        • Mary

          Ridiculous Excuses from our so called government!!!
          Take care of the people who have worked all of their lives, paid in to SS and then get treated like this!

          • Dianne

            We know that’s true, we know that those of us on SS are the last in line, and honestly, we are not taken into consideration. The younger illegals, refugees, whatever you want to call them (none of them has any business being here) are getting our share, are getting what we deserve, and are putting nothing back in, as they are parasites, living off the government, they have nothing worthwhile to contribute. Am I pissed, absolutely, and there is nothing we can do about it.

          • Ann

            Thank the greedy Republicans! They don’t want us to have anything.

          • Debra Y.

            My rent, car insurance, food, and car and home repairs have all increased. I can not afford to get my car fixed let alone the insurance on it. I have to depend on others to help me to get around. my lot rent has gone $20.00 every year for 3 years. the $10.00 increase did not even cover it.I barely get by . The ss office needs to really rethink of all of us that are on are disability. We are all hurting from the Bush years.

          • Val

            On NO 2016 raise…

            For just the 3rd time in 40 years, 70 million Social Security recipients, disabled veterans and federal retirees can expect no increase in benefits in 2016. We are 1/5 of the US population.

            Since beginning my work life at age 14, I paid part of my hard earned money into a savings account, Social Security, with no qualms and no choice. My employers matched these monies. So 14 – 16% of my gross pay plus FICA (for my Medicare) was paid into this savings account – My Social Security Fund.

            The agreement was that when I could no longer work, I would live on these monies, which were invested and earned interest.

            I have turned 60 years old. Doing the Math, you realize that for 46 years, I have worked diligently, as did my parents, and grandparents before me. All of my parents and grandparents died young and did not draw the monies they paid in for their whole lives.

            Now, I receive $848.00 per month. My pension and savings are gone. I no longer own a house. I live in Section 8 housing and pay rent, car insurance, life insurance for burial costs, electric, prescription costs and travel for medical care, $31.00 per month for Internet & cable, plus buy food. My son in law pays so I can have a phone. I give $10.00 a month to help support our local Pregnancy Care Center and $20.00 a month to my church. These are basic expenses. Cut to the bone!

            All living costs have raised… My budget has NO room for extras, like clothing, a movie, a play, gifts for my children or grandchildren, gasoline $ to visit my children and grandchildren, eating out, project monies, helping others, etc., etc.

            I’ve fed the poor and housed the homeless, worked in food pantries, been an active community member and volunteer, raised a family, and owned a home.

            I ask you to think about this… Is it fair after 46 years of doing the right thing that I must live in abject poverty because our government took our funds, spent them frivolously, and now says we will not get a raise again this year, plus we need to pay $50.00 a month more into our Medicare fund even though we aren’t using it?

            Well, looking at it from my viewpoint, getting a raise works out like this for me. Rent goes up, my insurance pay-in goes up, food prices go up, and I actually have less money per month to live on than what I started the year with – before the raise.

            I end up with less money each year while the government is top heavy with departments we don’t need, overseas blowing up other countries, importing massive numbers of foreigners, shipping our jobs out, and SPENDING my savings account. I say the government needs to return the Social Security money we paid in with interest, cut the excess spending, and take care of our own Country.

            I AM NOT ALONE… My story is one of 70 MILLION people. We are marginalized, bankrupt, and struggling to survive. Enough is enough!

            92 million able bodied US citizens are not working. WHY NOT???? How do they live? They need to carry their own weight.

            I ask you to be proactive in changing this up: WHAT do you suggest we do now?????

          • Sandy D.

            And one more thing I can’t afford to have teeth in my mouth, they are broken and half gone and in pain, Dentist costs just to do the surgery is $15,000.00 so I lost my teeth do to over medications and now I can’t pay to even have what teeth I have left removed, Cost of Living lol,lol

          • Karen P.

            Hey everybody I wanted to reply to Sam but,he has no reply button,but, this may be of benefit to many of you and I sure HOPE Sam sees it! Try Humana for medicae coverage,they have been great to me and they cover dentures,hearing aids,and glasses. Also know if you have any kind of Medicaid you call Medicaid and they will tell you who to go to for dentures for free. Prayers all.

          • Luella

            AMEN…I Also Worked HARD 28-years, Paying into the SYSTEM—Then, Suddenly Became SICK, and I became DISABLED, and had to go on Social Security Disability…6-yrs. Ago…and in Dec. , 2015 SSA Rolled Me Over to FULL-RETIREMENT Age……FOOD Prices went UP, ( An ESSENTIAL NEED, FOR THE HUMAN BODY)…I’m On Several Strict DIETS, for my HEALTH—DON’T GET FOOD STAMPS, The FREE GIVE-AWAY-FOOD I Can’t Eat, Based on Proper Nutrition for my Health (the CANNED-FOODS are Too Much Sodium…Other FOODS, are Boxed PREPARED FOODS Preserved with GLUTENS… GMO…I Can’t Eat…and Some Restrictions of Vegs… ..FRUITS…Many More FOODS They Give-Away.I Can’t Eat…So, My FOOD EXPENSES ARE VERY COSTLY, PLUS, FOOD Prices Did INDEED GO-UP!!! WATER COST DID GO-UP, and True, We DON’T EAT GASOLINE…IT’S A SHAME, SHAME, SHAME, BEFORE OUR ALMIGHTY CREATOR…BUT, REST-ASSURED, “ONE WHO CREATED HEAVEN, EARTH, AND EVERYTHING WITHIN IT…GOD HAS ALL POWER IN HIS HANDS!!! Romans 14:12

        • David

          It seems to me that anyone blaming things like this on illegals just are not informed. There is a ton of statistics showing that illegals are not the cause of almost everything people want to blame them for. Did you contact your senators and representatives and ask them about this??? I’m sorry to say that you are just as not American or more than many of the illegals. They’re better informed than you are.;

          • Kathy

            Are you kidding. Our parents became citizens the legal way. They did not just arrive to get something for free, they came for freedom. They had pride and paid taxes and loved America. I called and wrote to my Senators and Representatives. They no nothing except if they stay in the government, they too can become rich on our money. Show us where the illegals do not receive free college, free health care, free food and lower housing that many people need, such as veterans. You need to find another resource because wherever you got yours has not a clue.

          • Mary

            David–you must be kidding!! What planet do you live on??? Hoping the “refugees” come to your neighborhood first!!!

          • Pete

            Is it David or Duvid?
            Another liberal who continues to live FAT on my sweat and hasn’t a clue but what CNN tells him…….

          • Joan

            Americans need to protest and/or revolt against the atrocities negatively affecting their quality of life. It’s time to revisit laws passed in the 1960’s such as the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 that has caused widespread abuse and theft at a cost in excess of $ 2 billion to US taxpayers. Cubans with legitimate claims should continue request assistance, but it’s time to take a hard look at the decades of fraud, where elderly Americans, including Cuban Americans, who have worked hard all their lives often receive less than $ 500 a month in social security benefits, while newcomers “fresh off the boat” are given $ 733 a month with no oversight whatsoever. “If you take away from a system you didn’t invest in, you’re stealing from all of us”.
            The Miami Hearld 10/14/15

          • Kamiko

            youre full fo it, here is a nice lsit of benefits someone who came ehre illegally, and refugees will be entitled to. imagine that! citizens and veterans cant get these benefits, but people who have never paid a penny in taxes can! BTW, this is a law firm fighting for these benefits for these people!

          • Kamiko

            none of these people are citizens, yet they get benefits citizens cant!

            Lawful permanent residents, or LPRs (persons with green cards).
            Refugees, persons granted asylum or withholding of deportation/removal, and conditional entrants.
            Persons granted parole by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for a period of at least one year.
            Cuban and Haitian entrants.
            Certain abused immigrants, their children, and/or their parents.[5]
            Certain victims of trafficking.[6]

          • Joan

            Its not illegals we should blame, how about Congress. Their benefits and pensions and salaries increase everytime a new Congress is seated. They get these benefits for life regarless of how long they serve. The deficit experienced by Social Security is because the US National Budget is allowed to borrow from our funds whenever they wish. And when they pay it back (slowly) they claim they are helping Social Security with their shortfall. If they paid their debt to Social Security and raised the tax for those earning or receiving money through Capital Gains, Social Security would nott face a shortfall. And since wages are and will increase the maximum SS tax needs to be reevaluated. I am one of those who went college, pay my student debts, worked for thirty five years paying SS taxes and can not afford the medications I need. It is sad to decide between monthly food or monthly medicines. No I am not in poor shape, but I lost my home (was supposed to be part of my retirement) and 50% of my 401K in 2007-2009. Progressibe Socialism is NOT communism…it is an ideology that seeks fairness for all, not just a few and not for those who do not earn it.

          • Trumpeta

            You are so right David too many innocents oldies republicans badly informed by fux news here commenting their propaganda. Admit it the only responsible for the war to the needy and veterans are the GOP extremists at works for the Koch brothers.

          • Sandy D.

            David,, oh boy–
            Sure they are more informed. Cause we true Americans never took advantage of our so called free system–Like do you all know that when the illegals are filing their income tax on money they earn, they can take or show how many children like maybe 9 + and illegal children do not have SS numbers –anyone getting this, in other words all the taxes you people think they are paying –it is going right back in their pockets at tax time. So the bottom line is THEY DO NOT PAY INTO THE SYSTEM, RE: TAXES, THEY GET IT ALL BACK AND NO ONE TAKES A HEAD COUNT- Does the money they get at tax time– does it stay here?? in the US to keep our country going???LOL
            -But our senior Americans never could do this because as soon as a child is born they get a SS# to track for taxes. So think again David when you file your taxes –how much $$ do you get back Not enough to make up for the no COLA. Plus with the seniors not getting a raise but a increase we pay IN for medicare will go up. Know Why ??? we seniors are paying for OBAMACARE that is where our raise went and we bleed more, we build this country and now we are the people who are suffering.
            God Bless American land of the freebies and home of hard working seniors. Whose blood sweat and tears went to create our great Nation.

          • Carl

            David I know that you are so full of crap I live in a state that has a crap load of illegals and that is where most of the welfare is going so don’t try to BS the rest of us !!!

          • Walker

            No one care’s if we live or die and that why I warship my granteed low income. And to be real without my ss I I would not have made it this far I’m nothing with out my low income

          • mil

            I ‘m very well informed that the illegals are a big influence in our economy. Go to the programs that help people most of them are illegals or with false documents. We worked hard and always paid our social security. Now that we are of age to receive our social security they want to take it. Obama really messed us up. I’m democrat but he blew it.

          • JET

            You are correct! Blame the Republicans for no raises AND they couldn’t care less about the vets! When are people going to see the light? Many of you that vote republican are voting against your own best interest and don’t even know it!

          • Sue

            Areyou kidding??? Contact your representative?? Comon, I have tried and tried but they never call you back, true, some little young thing answers the phone and takes your message down…do you EVER hear from someone?? NO, NO!!!

          • Mike

            Are you one of them?

        • Sharon

          Our government has never been so poorly run as it is now…..Idiots…they make sure they get paid first…I would like a Job like that…has little to do with immigrants taking from’s our incompetent gov staff…..they do not earn their pay..

          • Sharon

            Immigrants only get what is given to them by our incompetent gov…my grandparents were immigrants too and became citizens right tears and very proud…:)

          • Keith

            AMEN SHARON, you nailed it exactly right!

          • Paul

            we need to get rid of all the incumbents. New people wont know how to take as much from citizens . it is all politicians, Republican and Democrats.

          • Nancy H.

            Amen, Sharon~

          • Julie

            Sue, you are so right. I have tried numerous times to talk w/my rep but to no avail. Not even a real person – just a voicemail!!! I called both the local & DC offices within their stated office hours and reached recordings stating that the office was closed and to please call back during office hours!!!! How helpful is that?!?

          • R.F.

            Hi Julie, we are sorry to hear that you are having difficulty reaching a representative by phone. Remember, most Social Security business does not require a visit to a local field office. In fact, many services, including applying for retirement, disability and Medicare benefits, creating a my Social Security account, requesting a replacement Medicare card, or reporting a change of address or telephone number can now conveniently be handled anytime on our website. You may also call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) for assistance. Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 7:00a.m. and 7:00p.m. Generally, you will have a shorter wait time if you call later in the week. We hope you try again. Thanks!

        • Israel

          Why accuse the illegals, did they force the employees of the social security to give them funds? No, blame youre local representatives, their the ones keeping the extra money for themselves

          • Betty

            Come to Texas and you will see how the south of the border illegals live so well and send half the under th table income back to Mexico (Hello)

          • joan

            I am sick of the goverment giving freebes to illegals I worked all my life and mu medical bills are sky high one orange cost 1.29 let Michelle going food shopping before telling people to eat healthy I cannot afford to !! I hope congress gets no raise !!

        • Mark P.

          Not only are your assertions about benefits completely wrong, your writing is borderline illiterate.

        • GEORGE E.

          I AGREE.

        • Carol J.

          I feel as though there is no reason for me to be here; there is no hope for my social security future. In fact, there is no social security except for that given to anti-americans.

        • Lillie B.

          I Agree

        • Bella

          I truly disagree. With you! how are illegal aliens being paid, really! there are more people sitting on their ass and not doing nothing about themselves… yes! someone has to work for your veggies, and other stuff. Open your freaking mind… I swear this country is so full of ignorant people…omg! Tell your president not to take so many trips, maybe that can help some. I’m out of words, other than ppl are so ignorant. Blame the other people for this country’s problems. Rest my case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • Gail

          I agree! U.S. doesn’t take care of the people here as it is. We need help and get turned down or have to sell everything we have before we get help. Congress sure doesn’t mind giving themselves raises though! Make them pay for there own insurance, transportation, vacations, etc. and save us some money. Would also be nice if U.S. would feed there own before every other country.

        • Margaret

          Americans we all needs to take care of all our VETERANS and all senior citizens. Without them we will not have Freedom!

          • Retiree

            Veterans yes, but senior citizens are like me and they should have worked like I did to have everything they want. They should be getting a good check, if they made an effort to work before they became senior citizens. I didn’t ant to be called a senioe citizen that depend on the tax payers. The social security we get we paid in to have after we retired.

          • Jade

            Yes charity begins at home!

        • isabella

          Estoy de aguerdo 100%

          Lori on October 15, 2015 at 11:11 am said:
          I certainly agree with you – the illegals get help that our own citizens and especially our Veterans don’t get

          • JET

            Thank the Republicans for that!

          • Sheyla

            I’m getting tired of this, all I read is illegals this illegas that, government this government that, but what you people don’t realize is that your taxes are paying for food and homes to many orphans, or the sick who are bed bound and not able to get up and go to work.
            You should all be proud of paying taxes instead of looking for excuses.

        • Ginny


        • Paulette C.

          Sooooo true – starting at the top

        • L. W.

          Americans should take more interest in our government and what they are doing or not doing. Term limits are needed for every person in office as they become too comfortable in their positions and their special interest groups.

        • Phyllis

          You are so right so how do we change it there are so many millions who agree with you but are clueless on to change it!!!!!!

        • Kathy

          Lori, You might want to do a little fact checking. illegals do NOT get government handouts. That is just a scam republicans use to get you to vote for them. Fact check it and while your at it check and see who is trying to get rid of our Social Security and who is cutting Vet benefits. You will find that it is all republicans. The Dems are the ones voting to keep Social Security and expand it and also Give the vets more help. Every single Republican voted it down. They have the majority so they win.

          • JET

            BINGO!!!! Finally someone that knows how it is NOT WORKING and why! I suggest all of you on SS better get out and vote EVERY election and ALWAYS vote DEMOCRAT! They represent the working poor!

          • Charles w.

            You need to check your facts I live in Florida where a couple floated up on a raft stayed just long enough to get ssi that couple now lives back in Cuba living large on our ssi FYI that couple never worked a day in this country never paid a penny into ss
            So you check your facts before you open your beak

        • alice

          I agree we need to get a president who will send those people back were they belong its not our fault the way they are my little neice was a specialneeds little darling and while she was living they had people who tried to work agaimst her getting help our system is gone to the no caring for american people anymore

          • Ed

            You are right Alice that is what Trump wants to do.

        • Patricia

          We worked hard to put money into social security so that we would have something for our retirement and the government spends it on whatever they deem necessary. It is definitely not theirs to spend, it is money we put in this savings account and should never have been touched by them whatsoever. They are actually stealing from us and we need to do something about it.\

        • karen

          It is sickening, everything has gone up. my Dad is a WW2 veteran and gets nothing for his service, he cant even live on what he receives, he hardly has any teeth left in his mouth and this young girl I know , who is able to work but on Medicaid is getting all new teeth from the government, what is wrong with this picture, This country is royally screwed up. Illegals get free healthcare, housing, food and anything else they want but we who loved here our whole lives and served get NOTHING!!!!!!

        • Sue

          OK, so gas is down, I personally don’t know many seniors who travel very far from home, so WHY were we all penalized by the gov’t because the price of gas was down?? I believe we are supporting all the illegals who arte coming into our country!

        • Bobby B.

          Your right these people are brain washed by the GOP

        • Jeff

          Thanks, I am one of those homeless Veterans. Maybe someone does care for given this phone so now I got a month to hopefully communicate with some people that do care

        • Charles w.

          You are right time for all in Washington to go and take a illegal home with them let them support them out of their money
          We paid in for our retirement not some border jumper free loader Washington has robbed us blind I call on all seniors and soon to be to vote against all incumbents in November and do it over and over until they get the message as a voting bloc we are the majority the time is now to let Washington know we mean business

        • Johnie S.

          You are right on this. Quit taking from our Social Security funds and giving them to people who have not contributed a dime. And dont you just love the governments 255.00 money for burial when you die!

        • Arthur

          You hit the NAIL ON THE HEAD,damn fools TAKE CARE OF OUR VET’S it is sick what this man has done with the whole country but TAKE CARE OF OUR VET’S

        • Barry

          They do it because they know ppl can’t take do anything but take it and they wander why the suicide rate is going up.They just don’t care long as they get their steak and their kids eat well

        • Marla

          Illegal migrants don’t get free medical care or insurance.
          That is simply a lie. This is easily fact checked. It also makes u guys sound like uninformed racists

        • Barb m.

          And quit giving them millionaires rasies. how many raises have tey ginen themselves in the las t 8 years and how many raises for Vets and minimum wages for Americans been raised no one seems to want to give any true answers.

          • Barb m.

            I’m not mixing up anything I said nothing about illegal immigrants How many raises has Congress given thenselves in the last 8 yrss?

        • Arlin

          spoken like a true deplorable pos

        • Pam

          Lori, I agree with you about the Congressmen and women.The VETS get nothing and the welfare recipients get everything handed to them. They even get money for their children’s school clothes and I just found out, that they also give them money for Christmas. I cannot have a Christmas cause I PAY my bills, even thought I am on SSD-I am NOT on welfare.Nothing gets handed to me, I pay my own mortgage for MY house as well as all of my other bills, they don’t pay for anything for me! I also just seen on TV, that a couple from a foreign country came here with their children are getting a Habitat for Community Home! Even though they have to put in 200 or more hours, that makes me really upset, I say- What about OUR Vets that served OUR COUNTRY get? NOTHING!!

        • melvin c.

          if you wan to get rid of our current Congress-people and obtain people who care about America , you have to VOTE. That’s how you make change.

        • J. H.

          Thank you you are absolutely right. Do other countries do this for their illegals..? USA needs to wake up and take care of our own.

      • Terry B.

        Amen to this comment!!!!!!

      • John

        Social Security doesn’t have anything to do with the illegal immigrants. It’s your retirement benefit that you had invested when you were working. Don’t mix this with other social welfare like Medicaid.

        • Grieving

          But they come to this country and everything is handed to them and what do the usa citizens get is a kick in the pants.

          • ASC

            “But they come to this country and everything is handed to them and what do the usa citizens get is a kick in the pants.”

            The above is a massive generalization and is patently inaccurate. If you have never been to Central California at grape harvest time, you cannot possible know what you are talking about. Many “undocumented” immigrants do more for the US and its economy, culture, and future, than you can begin to take credit for. They pay Fed & State tax, and they pay into SSI but they don’t get refunds and they will not, in general, every collect “nickel one” of SS benefits. Get your facts straight or shut up.

          • why

            I don’t think it’s the illegals you have to worry about. Because they are working. But it’s the Chinese and the Somalians who don’t work and get a refugee check. They have not work in this country to earn this. Blame Catholic Charities for bringing them here. East Africans are running a muck in this country. Building mosques on every block

          • Mary

            ASC—I’ve never read anything so funny! My Dad did taxes in Florida for plenty of illegals with fake lists of dependents—boy did they get the juicy refunds—you don’t know what you are talking about!!!

        • NAA

          You’re right, John. If we weren’t taking care of illegal immigrants, we’d be spending less as a society and it would ultimately come to benefit all Americans, including retired ones.

          • mistered

            wishful thinking.

          • Kathy

            Illegals do not pay taxes because so many people are living in one home that receives HUD housing and claims no taxes and when they receive a check for tax return, it is gigantic. I worked at a bank that cashed these enormous checks.

          • michele

            I do believe that Donald Trump is wanting to end all the illegals being in america. I live in a farming community and the People that work the farms work harder than most americans these days, but i know that our local government is on top of them all having their green cards and or their citizenship. My 19 year old son went to work for the same farm and could not stand toe to toe with them. I dont think it is the illegals that are the farm workers you have to be so concerned about, i think it is the ones that come over her and get the free money to open stores and shops and other things to where they do not have to worry about paying back a cent for several years. I do believe that well all need to start being proactive in our communities and start making our local governments stand up for us with the higher ups!!!! I literally had to move out of state to get any type of help for my 6 year old son who has Cerebral Palsy, the state that i was in told us the CP was not a disability and they could not do anything for us. Now that we had uproot and move he is getting all that he needs.

        • Al C.

          Hey, it all comes out of the same treasury.

          • Paul

            I live on Long Island where INS is nonexistant. Police can only ask for a green card if they actually see them committing a crime. There are county laws that protect them it is not a crime to illegally come to Long Island and We have both Democrat and Republican Govt officials

        • Rhonda

          You are missing the fact that most people they are speaking of receive SSI benefits which Social Security is in charge of.

        • Bill

          John: actually it does-the more spending on lawbreakers means less for the rest of us who ‘foot the entire bill'(fed govt). Did you ever have 9th grade Civics? This is a no-brainer…Sounds like the thinking of the typical democrat–let everyone else pay for our illegal friends. For the record: I’m tired of it–spend it on the Vets & the Armed Forces-not lawbreakers.

          • Mary

            Who is going to listen to us???

        • CGR

          When the Federal Government raids the SS fund, then never replaces that money, where do you think that money came from originally? Where do you think the money they just give away to the illegals comes from? IT COMES FROM OUR TAXES (be it federal payroll taxes or Social Security TAX (and, yes, it’s a tax). If clintoon left it alone back during his so-called administration, we would not even be discussing Social Security right now.

          • Mr G.

            The government should be forced immediately to pay back all the money plus interest to the social security fund and there should be a law keeping them from ever getting their hands on it. Cut out the waist and they should have a surplus.

          • S. C.

            CLINTON? Wow! Talk about misinformed! Do you remember the ‘social security lock box’ the Clinton / Gore Administration created to keep social security INTACT because of raiding done in the past by the Reagan Administration? Then along came the clown YOU voted for, GWB, who promptly and with MUCH FANFARE undid such ‘trivial thinks’, which he found oh so funny and completely unnecessary, so he could, of course, raid it again. Small wonder people say Republicans are the most misinformed people in this country. This was a perfect example….

          • Rae

            only 2 presidents used SS as a fund for political reasons, Reagan and Bush, never repaid in either case. FACT.

          • Kathy

            Clinton? Really? It was Reagan and Bush. Bush stole Trillions out of our Social Security to fund his war that was based on a lie. You need to do a little fact checking.

          • Arthur

            YES Mr. Clinton leave SS alone I was told he took $2.5 Trillion out of SS to balance the Federal Budget,can any one confirm ?? but several I.O.U’s from our congressman and senators still exist.

        • John W.

          What I paid into SS since I was 15 was stolen by the government instead of using it to make money. Now, they get to give us what they want. I just had to move 28 miles further out of town in order to afford rent. $25 more for 200 sq ft less. I am now over 40 miles from the VA hospital. Everything has gone up. Also, I am still waiting for my SS this month. By the time I do get it, it will have been 5 weeks since last month. We used to receive SS on the 1st of the month. Then they went to the Wednesday correspondent to your birthday because some checks were being stolen because criminals could expect the checks being delivered on the 1st. They SS REQUIRED us to have our money direct deposited, but they will not change back to the 1st unless you have an excuse. Just because your landlord wants their rent on the 1st doesn’t count.

          • W.Turri

            I agree with what you said about having 5 weeks between checks,I have to wait until 4th Wednesday each month and this month will end up on the 28th as compared to the 23rd last month,thats 5 extra days I have to wait,I am just glad landlord excepts with no late fee.I just dont understand if we all get Direct Deposit whats the point of this spreading out payments.

          • R.F.

            The mass mailing of Social Security checks and payments, a monthly ritual every 3rd day of the month, was changed in 1997 to help us prepare for the retirement of the baby boomer generation. It’s predicted that the Social Security Administration’s beneficiary population will grow from to more than 88 million in the next 20 years. Before the 1997 change, the days immediately following “check day” were the busiest in our field offices and telephone service centers. The change has helped us to spread out our workloads throughout the month, and helped the agency and our employees to provide our customers with better service.

          • Angela

            SS has been raided numerous times. They should replace the “stolen” money pronto.
            Stop giving money to nations who hate us and betray us. Think of loybal Americans. And, yes, prices have increased. If you don’t know it, where have you been????

          • Irma

            To: S Cooper, You are so uninformed! It was Lydon Johnson a Democrat who opted to take the excess money out of Social Security and put it into the general fund and spend it. It was Clinton a Democrat who raised the taxes on SS from 50% to 85% retroactive to before he was sworn in as President. In reference to illegals, have any respondents been to a SS office where all you see are illegals applying for benefits. As to illegals in California who pick crops, the percentage of them doing this work is a drop in the bucket as opposed to the percentage who are on welfare, medicaid and subsidized housing. Don’ blame the Republicans. Obama has $150 Billion to give to Iran but can’ give seniors $28 or $30 a month. on our “investment” in SS.

          • D H.

            You are so right John! When it is 5 weeks between pay days all of my bills are late so then I must pay late fees on everything, there is no way to get ahead. I have tried to get those due dates changed but most places won’t let you. I make more on SS than a lot of people and couldn’t make it without family helping out sometimes, I feel for those who make less than $1000 a month. I don’t see anything changing on our situation regardless on who is elected President. Congress and the President should be forced to live on our amount of SS for a month.

          • Richard S.

            I get SSI on the 1st, for this month I get the dd on the 30th, but I phone bill is due the 29th of October 2015, should be start billing SSA?

        • Sandy K.

          I agree we (out government) keeps helping illegal immigrants, other countries and lifers on welfare. We have paid into the fund for years. They haven’t. Most of us don’t live long after collecting our social security benefit. Social Security and care for Veterans is sad. Cut Congress and Senators salaries and “expenses”

          • John

            Seeing as it’s impossible to get any federal government benefits without a valid social security number, I would be quite interested in learning what benefits you’re referring to, exactly. Illegals are being used as scapegoats. Since 2008, net illegal immigration to the U.S. is zero, and the illegal immigrants who live here don’t head down to their local social security office to sign up for benefits because they know that discovery will lead to deportation. What they do, however, is pay sales taxes every time they purchase anything at all, and that includes federal sales taxes.

            Illegal immigrants not only perform labor that Americans refuse to perform, at a lower wage than Americans would ever accept, they also contribute taxes to the government with no hope of ever recouping that money.

            The problems we face regarding social security benefits lie in the fact that the GOP is determined to gut the SSA. They refuse to raise the maximum earnings which require contributing to the social security trust fund so the wealthiest among us contribute a much smaller portion of their income, and they refuse to fund things such as VA benefits, as well. All in the name of lowering taxes for the wealthy while providing little or no relief for those with less, one is forced to add.

            You’re being duped. The GOP demonizes illegal immigrants because they know that people are perfectly willing to accept scapegoats rather than actual policy reforms provided they can get people such as yourself and so many others commenting here to buy into their lies about what’s really wrong in this country. Republican economics have been a long con for more than 30 years now.

          • Kathy

            Absolutely right!

        • Dianne

          Today, you are very wrong, they are all co-mingled …………

          • Mary

            John I see you live on that far left planet known as Obama land. Illegals get our tax money and drain the coffers through all sorts of welfare programs and Medicaid. That leaves less in the pot for Vets and retirees. Get it????

        • Dianne

          You are very wrong, today it is all co-mingled, taken from one to pay the other ………… facts

        • David B.

          Every is going up in cost,those on fixed income(SSI)need the cola,looks like no in government cares about the low income people at all.

          • protest

            I agree with you totally. It seems that there is only money for everything else,except for seniors on Social Security. I believe that everyone should have MEDICAID across the board. Why should we pay co-pays and deductibles? I hate that those on Medicaid always get EVERYTHING for free, when most of them never worked here, are alien immigrants (told to only keep $2,500 in the bank so they will be eligible for every program out there), disability, most of who are faking it, get Medical’ Dental, prescriptions with out co-pays, food stamps,free metrocard to get back and forth to clinics or drug and alcoholic addicts rehab and therapy. Everyone thing is ass backwards, thanks to all the politicans! Social Security recipents should get everything free too. WE worked and paid into Social Security accounts for our older years. We are getting shit on, as usual. where did all the SS money go? Do they dip into it to fund other programs? All I know is the elderly are the sickest and poorest who need the help the most. Again I say, we are getting shit on!

        • disgusted

          do you really believe that..

        • Lynn

          Don’t be stupid. My mother worked for SS and the refugees, like the Cubans, will be given funds. Those funds come from SSI insurance, other wise known as the SS fund.

        • alice

          Its got a lot to do with the immigrants cause they are getting benefits that our people who are in need over here are in need of and work for years and then have to fight yo get what is ours already

        • Sue

          OK, so you say, but WHY has our government had their fingers digging into social security for such a long time??

        • Bobby B.

          Your right these people are brain washed by the GOP

      • Erika R.

        I agree.

      • Bill

        Amen to that!!!

      • Toma

        Quit blaming shit on illegals they dont get benefits, they bust their asses off, to give their family a better life, not all illegals are from rhe south of the border, plus rhey do jobs rhat most “white” americans won’t do

        • Al C.

          So are we suppose to be happy to have lawbreakers in our country?

          • Steve

            Would you bend over to pick lettuce for minimum wage? You care to clean toilets, empty bed pans…there are lots of jobs Americans think are ‘menial’ and wouldn’t think of doing.
            Undocumented immigrants get NO federal or state maintenance checks.

          • jp

            This lie is perpetrated by our government

          • Bill


          • cricket23


            American Workers Continue to Pick up Jobs Left Vacant by Immigration Raids

            A new report in USA Today finds that unemployed U.S. citizens continue to
            fill up jobs left vacant by immigration raids, particularly at meatpacking
            and poultry plants. The reports says that plants impacted by the raids were
            back up and running at full capacity within months of the raids.
            Vanderbilt University professor Carol Swain said the raids were beneficial
            to the American workforce.

            “Whenever there’s an immigration raid, you find white, black and legal
            immigrant labor lining up to do those jobs that Americans will supposedly
            not do,” Prof. Swain said in the USA Today article.

            The USA Today report cites a study conducted by Steven Camarota at the
            Center for Immigration Studies that found Americans holding the majority of
            positions in fields that many claim are dominated by illegal aliens.

            For more on this story, see USA Today.


          • Barb

            Truth,,,,,,,,,,,, cricket

          • cricket23

            “Undocumented immigrants get NO federal or state maintenance checks.”

            Illegal, but Not Undocumented: Identity Theft, Document Fraud, and Illegal

            The findings include:

            a.. Illegal immigrants are not “undocumented.” They have fraudulent
            documents such as counterfeit Social Security cards, forged drivers
            licenses, fake “green cards,” and phony birth certificates. Experts suggest
            that approximately 75 percent of working-age illegal aliens use fraudulent
            Social Security cards to obtain employment.

            b.. Most (98 percent) Social Security number (SSN) thieves use their own
            names with stolen numbers. The federal E-Verify program, now mandated in
            only 14 states, can detect this fraud. Universal, mandatory use of E-Verify
            would curb this and stop virtually 100 percent of child identity theft.

            c.. Illegal immigration and high levels of identity theft go hand-in-hand.
            States with the most illegal immigration also have high levels of
            job-related identity theft. In Arizona, 33 percent or all identity theft is
            job-related (as opposed to identity theft motivated simply by profit). In
            Texas it is 27 percent; in New Mexico, 23 percent; in Colorado, 22 percent;
            California, 20 percent; and in Nevada, 16 percent. Eight of the 10 states
            with the highest percentage of illegal aliens in their total population are
            among the top 10 states in identity theft (Arizona, California, Florida,
            Texas, Nevada, New York, Georgia, and Colorado).

            d.. Children are prime targets. In Arizona, it is estimated that over one
            million children are victims of identity theft. In Utah, 1,626 companies
            were found to be paying wages to the SSNs of children on public assistance
            under the age of 13. These individuals suffer very real and very serious
            consequences in their lives.

            e.. Illegal aliens commit felonies in order to get jobs. Illegal aliens
            who use fraudulent documents, perjure themselves on I-9 forms, and commit
            identity theft in order to get jobs are committing serious offenses and are
            not “law abiding.”

            f.. Illegally employed aliens send billions of dollars annually to their
            home countries, rather than spending it in the United States and helping
            stimulate the American economy. In October 2008 alone, $2.4 billion was
            transferred to Mexico.

            g.. Tolerance of corruption erodes the rule of law. Corruption is a
            serious problem in most illegal aliens’ home countries. Allowing it to
            flourish here paves the way for additional criminal activity and increased
            corruption throughout society.

            h.. Leaders support perpetrators and ignore victims. Political, civic,
            religious, business, education, and media leaders blame Americans for
            “forcing” illegal aliens to commit document fraud and identity theft. No
            similar concern is expressed for the American men, women, and children whose
            lives are destroyed in the process.

            i.. The Social Security Administration and Internal Revenue Service
            facilitate illegal immigrant-driven identity theft. Both turn a blind eye to
            massive SSN fraud and take no action to stop it. The Social Security
            Administration assigns SSNs to new-born infants that are being used
            illegally. The IRS demands that victims pay taxes on wages earned by illegal
            aliens using their stolen SSNs, while taking no action to stop the identity

            j.. State and local governments need to adopt tougher laws to supplement
            federal efforts. The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is
            targeting large document fraud rings and the most egregious employers, but
            their resources are limited and stretched across multiple priorities. In
            2007, identity theft cases represented only 7 percent of the total ICE case

            k.. Employers must do their part. They can ensure that they have a legal
            workforce by using a combination of the federal government’s E-Verify and
            Social Security Number Verification Service systems and by signing up for
            the federal government’s IMAGE program or privately conducted audits.


          • Laura

            Not yet they don’t, but it’s coming. In California, we give them driver’s licenses, so government benefits can’t be far behind.
            I have nothing against people coming to this country in search of a better life, but don’t break the law to do it & expect us to look the other way. My ex husband was an immigrant and we had to go through the whole K-1 marriage visa process, I still remember the look of absolute terror on the people’s faces sitting in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals waiting for their turn in front of the judge. And these were the people who were immigrating LEGALLY and playing by the rules. The Immigration system is just as broken as Social Security. I wish I had an answer as to how to fix it. All I know is if you want to come to this country and take advantage of all it does have to offer, at least don’t break the law to do it, Lord knows if I were to try to emigrate to Mexico illegally, the Mexican government would not look too kindly upon me.

          • Barb

            True, Laura

          • Wizer

            There are a lot of menial jobs that Americans have no chance ofc getting because certain sector employers don’t want Americans for the jobs. I know people flipping burgers who were once big wigs in manufacturing-they needed jobs and accepted what they could get. America is where she it’s today because of her charity towards others and forgetting charity starts at home.

          • Debra

            They don’t need them they get free rent and board and welfare and schooling for their kids while Americans don’t even get that. As a Disabled person no I can not do what you listed but I be damned I will if I get all the free chit illegals get including sitting on boards making decisions for counties and cities while not even speaking a lick of English!

          • Barb

            Yes! Debra

          • JJ

            as you shouldn”t

          • Bill

            Your full of shot

          • Jen

            Agree. There I believe a lot of these immigrants are putting in more to the economy than they are receiving. I believe we need to rephrase it to “lazy people who don’t deserve what we put in” I sure know a lot of legals who want a ton for nothing.

          • Jen

            and please know, I am disabled on a very limited income and worked hard my entire life. I do believe change is needed but the illegals are not all to blame

          • Bill

            Democrats like to call them undocumented future voters!

          • Marcy

            Those lawbreakers are polish,ukraine,Irish,itallian,German,Russian,African and from India and all of them exeception for African’s cause you know they’re black,before they even set foot in our country America the US has a bed for them to sleep in, in fact polish,ukrains,Germany, Russian are sending all of their old people here after they become citizens they get a nice big fat SSI check for being old and disable, but all you see is Mexicans who too are getting our money ,but for those born here you stick welfare on Blacks that dam well deserve anything and more, it wasn’t the groups mentioned above that slaved 400 years building this country never leaving anything to those of African Americans but it you your White race who receive white PRIVELEGE and dismiss that you are the ones who have always received still receiving welfare, go look in your back ground your family came here on a boat you are boat people.

      • Mrs. C.

        You totally wrong the illegal immigrants as you call them pay in to social security and don’t collected. Most of them don’t get any help from the government in fact they pay a lot of gasoline taxes which you get in your social security.

        • Tony

          I believe most states do not issue driving licenses to illegals. If that is so why do they need gas?

          • Dianne

            Crazy ol Jerry Brown, governor of California, passed a bill allowing illegals to obtain drivers license as of 01/01/15. AS OF OCT 15, 2015, he past the “motor-voter” bill, which will automatically register a person to vote, when they register a vehicle. See where that is going?

            AND FOR THOSE OF YOU OUT THERE THAT THINK THE ILLEGALS ARE A GOOD THING AND WORKING hard, take it from someone who was with a law firm for over 40 years, that did a lot of immigration; they ARE getting more then they deserve, no matter which race they are.

        • Ms. M.

          Ha! That’s actually true. So, in fact, social security is partly welfare from undocumented immigrants. Gotta love that! (Thanks immigrants!) And, seems to me immigrants are working a lot harder than those vets sitting on the corner.

        • Lee

          @Ann – you blame the Republicans? They haven’t called the shots and run up the debt like the Dems have — and as far as illegals, how could they pay into SS – it’s a joke.

        • Sandy D.

          At lease they can afford a car?? Had to sell mine 3 years ago cause of costs.

        • Mary

          You must be one of them or nuts!!

        • Bella

          So, true! they pay for everything every time they go to the store don’t you think they pay taxes for groceries,. and other stuff, garments..anyways! As a Hispanic woman that has worked for the Unemployment dept. I was so disgusted due to the way people from south america, not just Mexican’s, but all of the down below the border of Mexico.. why are so many being blamed.. some of the people are here with permits to put food on “YOUR” plates ..God forgive if you were to pick fruit, and anything that comes to your table so shut the freak up! I went to do this as a young lady because I wanted to experience what the conditions were and I didn’t last a half a day… so, I say again.. Shut up! and Deal with what’s going on.. It will NEVER stop! Migrants are what made this beautiful country and deal with that. I pray that peace will come to everyone and erase the hate..of “Illegals”, some people are very kind and will not even want anything from you! …my experience with working at Schools, and other Public places brought me a lot to learn. Most other folks will not work over time. But, again, blame it on the world…nothing but narrow minded folk..

          • Kim w.

            Migrants are not what made this a beautiful country..It was Veterans who went to fight for the U.S.A.( and at times they still don’t get the respect they deserve)…And God doesn’t need to forgive me when it comes to picking fruit for the table..because I raise gardens and fruit trees to feed my own family….so I don’t need to be told to keep my mouth shut…Nor told to shut up…again that is what this Country had in mind..people saying what was needed to be said..not opening the borders so much that there is not enough in our Social Security to take care of what it was originally started for..That is what I think people are saying..after working all these years, we have nothing to live on and it is getting worse..I’m not racist by no means…but I have seen where immigrants would rather be on the draw (have heard them say, ” get better benefits by not working, with everything that is given to me”)..So then who wouldn’t want to lay around and get those benefits, rather than go to work…not everyone but more of a percentage than not.

        • alice

          Well they need to go back were they came from that’s not the problem for our country

      • tomas r.

        stop blaming other people for your own ineptness,you should have invested on an IRA,401 K or other saving plans

        • John W.

          I did. Then Obama gave my dividends to the union.

        • Dianne

          Aww, spoken like a true hispanic

        • John

          Guess what they’re going to do with your IRA’s and 401k’s? They are going to take all the money in these accounts and spend it on illegals and other countries and give you worthless bonds in exchange. It’s in the works right now so don’t bother to deny this happening.

          • alice

            You are rite people better be ready for Gods coming because everything in Gods word is coming to a close so all i want to be is. ready for his coming and dtay prayed up full of the Holy Ghost and ready for him

        • Lee

          You’re one of the lucky ones who maybe is single, or doesn’t have kids to pay for college and family costs. Some people have nothing left to save $$.

        • Val

          There were no 401K’s, IRA’s, or the like when I began working. Do your research youngster….

        • Mary

          We did mister macho! Did you notice what happened to the stock market several times??

      • Walter O.

        The government does not repeat does not provide federal benefits to immigrants who are here illegally. No food stamps, no public housing, no social security benefits, no medicare, no Obamacare, no SSI, etc. so stop blaming immigrants

        • BG

          That last comment is pure hogwash! Stand in a grocery checkout line sometime and you’ll see.

        • disgusted

          you had better check some real facts…..

          • Kathy

            I have and they get HUD housing, foodstamps, free medical and then send the money to Mexico so it does not even help our economy.

        • Val

 actually encourages new immigrants to apply for food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.

        • Mary

          I live in TX and watch them buying steak and junk food with their Lone Star cards and using their WIC cards. What planet do you live on??

      • Maria

        Lets see here, the only true us citizens would be Native Americans. Residents with no lawful status DO NOT receive any benefits, on the contrary, we have generated millions of dollars for this great country through our hard work that we cannot claim because of our status. Though we do pay every tax in existence as well as contribute to SS (money we will never see again). Please get your facts straight.

        • kris

          You are absolutely correct regarding illegal immigrants getting foodstamps,rent paid,medical care,free prescriptions, and in some cases cash!! Also don’t forget FREE education and day care! On the note of Medicare..being totally disabled at 53 and having to leave a CAREER of 30 years I LOVED..has taken all my savings in 9 years paying medical costs not covered by Medicare and prescription costs. Only 28 states REQUIRE insurance companies to sell Medigap Insurance to supplement Medicare costs to people under if you have worked and saved all your life and become disabled plan on using all your savings!! NO HELP FOR YOU!! Only for those who DON’T WORK receive MEDICAID ….!00% medical coverage,vision,dental, prescription all FREE to Medicaid recipients!!!!!

          • Bill

            Many people including myself have been forced out of USA because of the cost of living and cost of medical care. We have to leave our family and homes and move 1/2 way around the world as I have had to. I find many disabled Americans here without any insurance etc but find that they can live here with health care better than in USA. USA is no longer the paradise it once was, so at 73, What was once a temperary stay because I married a wife from here, who cant join me in US, I have found that I can live comfortably on 1500 a mo and still put a kid through college here. If you dont like USA, leave. There are other places in this world where we are welcomed and treated well without having to be rich

          • Sharon G.

            Shame on you I receive Ssi disability and Medicaid I am not illegal and I deserve Medicaid it is not a hand out. I am disabled. Stop being so ignorant. I don’t agree on getting a raise this january it’s not a lot of money to live on again think before being ignorant

      • Isaac O.

        I certainly agree with you on wasteful spending on illegals. We need to take care of our citizens first and if there is any surplus then we may think about others. What happened to “Charity Beginning at Home”.

        • Sharon G.

          I meant I don’t agree on not getting a raise this year. I apologize but I don’t apologize for ignorance

      • Sarah

        AMEN to that!!!! I’m on SSI and it’s very tough just getting by on that. This is so unfair to us legal citizens!

      • trixie


      • Debra L.

        I find this comment rediculous and disheartening. You are transferring your anger just the way Republicans (particularly Republiican Congress) wants you to do. Blaming others deflect scrutinizing them! Illegals aren’t the issue. The unnessesary war in Iraq that has cost thousands and thousands of lives and created more hatred for this country would have funded Social Security for another 75 years! Ask your congresspersons why they have been stealing from Social Security for several years to pay for their special interests. Ask your Congresspersons to reduce their substantial pay to help the American people. See what happens when we demand they loose or reduce their benefits!

        • Connie

          I couldn’t have said it better myself, Debra. Thank you.

      • RUFUS D.

        please give your source for your assertion on refugees. thanks

      • KBOW

        A senior who cannot drive due to eye problems,, gas prices don’t effect me, taxi prices do, Where do people live that food is not increasing, eggs up $1.00 from last year, meds went up another dollar, poultry went up,, meat prices gone up how can they say there is no inflammation, my rent went up , electric went up,, why are those of us that worked for years and paying SSecurity all of our lives being targeted.. Someone is not telling us the truth and not taking care of priorities, homeless, foodless, veterans, this is such an insult to all of us struggling to get by..

      • Jean

        I agree 100%. The cost of drugs has already skyrocketed! It’s not right that we should be denied a raise. It’s just another way to make the rich richer!

      • Ristine

        Stop blaming the wrong people I know 100 illegals as u call them not 1 get gov benifits from the Gov. They clean yards and our homes in the hot Sun.

        • Sandy D.

          And how much do you pay them in CASH?? No taxes being paid.

        • Mex

          How many of them have anchor babies? So, they do get benefits then.

      • tom s.

        not just people check out the corporate welfare written in the welfare bill

      • Tessa

        God you brainwashed drones. Its not illegals, its not lazy blacks, homeless addicts or the so called clown in office. Its the rich and corporate pigs raping the country. Make billions in profits, pay zero in taxes and get hundreds of millions in tax paid refunds. Wake the fuck up idiots.

        • Lisa

          And for the love of God – stop watching Fox “news” !

      • tom

        It Has nothing to do with illegals.

        • Debra

          Yes it does they force down wages work for cash or fake ss no then send the women to her free everything food stamps and health care

        • Joty

          Yes it does they force down wages work for cash or fake ss no then get welfare

      • Pat

        So how does the price of gas affect seniors? How many seniors are now unable to drive? They don’t use gas (to get any benefit from the lower price) and still get no SS COLA. If the government (White House Administration) had not changed the way the inflation rate is measured it would be readily apparent that costs have gone up and a COLA IS warranted.

      • Laurie M.

      • Sharon B.

        Have they filled a prescription lately; drug costs go up up up. It is unbelievable how much they cost and it’s not like you just don’t take them.
        Some drugs are absolutely necessary to stay alive. One drug I take is $60.00 per tablet and that is for the generic version. Luckily I don’t take it every day!! I’d be living under a bridge.

        • Arthur

          Hi Sharon,
          Call Trudy at 800-461-5957 on any prescription. All are FDA approved Brand and Generic. Do you have any idea what that $60 drug cost to produce ?? about 8 or 9 cents but when the drug people spend about $24 to $27 BILLION A YEAR on marketing they must make a profit you know. No industry in the WORLD makes the profit our Drug People do. NOT the oil business, none !! I hope she can help.

      • Betty S.

        SO RIGHT-we have incompetents running down AMERICA, they give away S.S. BENEFITS -ROBBING RETIREES ,and think nothing of it ,but if this was done to them -some one would be jailed as thieves…..madness has ruled in reverse of sanity and we seem to be suffering and yet no one does anything –I LIVED 78 YRS–and never in my life have I SEEN anything like this–I PRAY TO GOD AND HE KNOWS —OUR MILITARY WILL NOT BE FUNDED–I thought Hitler was dead–Betty

      • Jay

        As of November 5, the medicare premiums for 2016 have not been made available so are you sure your premiums are going up. If you are currently collecting Social Security retirement benefits your premiums will not increase in 2016 because there was no COLA increase in Social Security benefits. Even for those over age 65 who are not collecting Social Security benefits, the rate increase, if any, for Medicare Part B premiums has not yet been firmly established

        • R.F.

          The Department of Health and Human Services has not yet announced Medicare premium changes for 2016. Information about Medicare changes for 2016, when available, will be found at

          • Julie

            PLEASE – we seniors desperately need a COLA increase for 2017! My husband died in October 2015, cutting my income 45% but not my expenses. RX costs soared as did food and housing. PLEASE help!!

      • mike a.

        no cola what a joke cola should off set all the new year increases med dental groceries generally most increases are due to cost adjustments for all others businesses you better believe all the fat cats in wash. are getting is a shame we that need ss cola get the least

        • mike a.

          those ass holes don”t have a clue try walking a mile in our shoes they are all a bunch of fat overweight slackers that do what they are told to do so as not o rock the good ol boy boat

      • Teetee

        You are so right, we have to share our money with these immigrants. It’s too many of them and America can not afford to keep taking from it’s own people to help others. It’s a shame that the immigrants reap the benefits of it country after we fought hard for freedom. I’m black. My ancestors suffer and help build this country and made a way for us blacks in America. The immigrants should stand up and fight their own battle in their own countries. America is going broke because of this. It Money Does not circulate

      • Sharon

        You’re absolutely right. But trying to convince the government is like getting all the illegals out of the country…. impossible ! We are the only country it seems that would rather impress the press than the citizens. We need to get serious and get active in stopping the government using social security monies to fix a deficit that capitol hill caused. Let them use their own money! I’m like ing in poverty and it’s just going to get worse unless we the people of the United States start speaking up and take a stand on this blatant disregard for the disabled,elderly, and the veterans

      • karen

        for sure

      • Bobby B.

        It has nothing to do with Illegals or Obama,Republicans changed the way increases are determined they made it more like working people’s cost.They still blame Obama for everything true or not

      • Larry

        IF the Republicans would Stop defending Corporate welfare, Americans would have MORE than enough money to make a REAL Difference in Social Security Increases.

      • charky

        TODALLY AGREE on the illegals receiving financial, medical etc… help! However, the US Citizens who live on the “dole,” also have increased from one generation of “welfare supported flag-waving bodies” to the next generation of this ilk…etc…
        There is no way now that the average US citizen who has paid into SS all their “working years,” and tried to maintain some savings, etc…will be able to “enjoy/manage” their retirement years without cutting corners in every area…
        Medical expenses continue to rise and SS checks remain the same without COLA! No wonder the “dole” is more popular than ever…

      • Nancy

        The United States needs to stop handing out money to other countries. A lot of those countries make it clear that they hate us. Well, hate us for free and we will use OUR money for OUR citizens.

      • Pamela C.

        How do I find out how each representative voted for no COL for SSI. I’m going to be 73 this fall, I had to find a part time job 3 to 4 nights a week. We are taxed to death and if there is no cost of living why is the senate and congress still getting raises? They certainly have not earned any senior citizens votes. And they have taken out for non citizens who never put anything in…I’ve worked all my life…I’m insulted and I want to know who voted…as I will not be voting for any seated member of either house this November..And I have never missed a vote…in my entire life..

      • Lcatz

        That’s the reason to control immigration. I am fed up with them getting the very money that WE worked and PAID into Social Security. And they’re not even U.S. citizens! Ludicrous, simply ludicrous

      • Debra

        I totally agree with 90 percent of the Hispanics working here in Idaho at the dairies also now all the landscaping painting and construction jobs while the women get food stamps and dress better more expensively than anyone in buhl store use a food stamp card and in this area you pay for extra school supplies for them and it is slowing the American children’s learning down I’ve had several say how easy to get fake papers and Washington asks for no birth certificate or ss no although u can buy one for $100 some even have good credit on the ss no they pay $100 for we need e verified and show of birth certificate certified ones

      • noname

        lol….correct, how do we stop this, foreigners getting benefits in the US?

    • RONALD R.

      Everything has how can the government say that we don’t need a raise in our disability checks

      • Tessa

        What 23 dollars a day not a living wage? Damn straight these rich asswipes in congress have no idea what ” cost of living ” is they just rape everyone and feel no pain. I cannot even afford shelter or food.. no charity to help.. sick country we live in where billionaires get millions in tax refunds and pay zero in taxes but those who need due to no fault of their own live less than humanly.

    • Eva N.

      I agree, Beverly! My car insurance is up, HOA fees up, Humana Medicare Advantage up, food, etc.

    • Asa A.

      Replace “ALL” incumbent Senators and Congressmen that have been in office for more than TWO terms! Also, Reduce the terms to four years each! Tell me why should they be more privileged than our President??? Besides, maybe something will actually get done for all of us and not for their own selves.

      • gary

        Term Limits will solve a LOT of problems, just getting rid of career politicians, it was never intended to be a lifetime job, but a “term” to “serve” your country and fellowman., a temporary “job”. Why are so many running for GOP? Its a money grabber, all the donations they are getting and most know they will never get the nomination. I should run myself

      • Steve

        Term limits are a possibility…but you have to go to your STATE elected representatives to initiate term limits…it’s a State issue, not Federal.
        In fact, most people think Congressmen are paid out of the Federal budget… States are paying those ‘wages’.

      • Eric

        Wake up America!!!
        It’s time to replace everyone in Congress, they don’t care about our country, just their pockets. They give themselves a raise and they don’t pay into SS. They have their own retirement plan in which is 300% more than what our senior citizens are collecting, they don’t put in 40 hrs of work a week ( must be nice to work part time for that huge amount of money they make ) The law should change that everyone in Congress should have no more than 2 terms just like the president and they should also get their retirement from SS. I bet that if that was the law, it would be different, we spend millions to help other countries, but will not help our own such as our military men and women, seniors etc. I could go on and on but I believe if you really think about, then it’s time to replace everyone in congress. This is our country not the politicians that can do whatever they fill like doing and all the empty promises that they make.Don’t just blame the President, he is only a puppet for the rest of Congress…

        • John W.

          I don’t know of any Senator or Representative that takes multi vacations a year at $4 million a pop. Make all of them, including civil servants pay into SS and get the SAME “benefits” they force us to receive.

          • Kae

            And how would we go about accomplishing that ?

        • disgusted

          you are absolutetly correct

        • Lee

          Right on, Eric. We seniors need a March on Washington like MLK – if the Dems get in 2016 we won’t be able to say what we want, pray like we want and live like we want. We live longer now – and there’s lots of us.

          • Ristine

            I believe the way u pray if u pray at all is up 2 U

        • Nancy B.

          I’d like to know the answer to your comment.
          Totally agree.

        • Mary

          The buck stops in the Oval Office—ask him yourself after y’all kiss his ring!!!!

        • Goldie

          It’s so true, the President is blamed for so many things, but he is just a puppet in the hands of Congress. they put down every bill he puts up. the problem is the people, don’t they think before electing these Representatives and Senators? Do they really understand who they are putting in office? The elect a President, they tie his hands with a bunch of nuts who oppose his every move. We elected a President, not a magician! The President cannot make like Jesus and walk on water. What I can’t understand is that everytime some country overseas is in crisis this country comes up with so many and so many millions of dollars, yet they are always saying how much the country is is in debt. Where does all the money come from all of a sudden when some country overseas needs help? I never could understand that.

          • Kae

            I totally agree !

      • Kathy

        You are absolutely right!

      • bernadette r.

        i wonder how many of these commenting has ever been to there local welfare office or went in most of the cars there are newer modles mine is 15 years old and most in there do not speak english. And how many social security checks are laundred out of this country to other countries by family members that live here i know of some. they marry americans overseas have children that the spouse supports then when they get old enough the kids are sent here to live with the spouse at the death of that spouse they come here to get social security started then have it put in one of there children and return home to await there money every month. How about being like normal people no raises as long as your employed ( president, vice president, senators or congressmen) oh and when you are voted out all benifits stop. no money to other countries until america is solvent and everyone can pay there bills as far as illegals take the welfare roles make them do the jobs illegals do they would have more money and empty refrigerators like the rest of us poor people do.

      • Sharon B.

        we desperately need term limits for Congress men so they can’t stay in office for ever.

    • Robert D.

      This is total Republican nonsense. I paid into this system for 40 years and just went on benefits this month and already I’m being told I won’t get my anticipated increase. The cost of living continues to increase—food, utilities and insurance costs. This is outrageous. Vote Democratic in 2016 and this sort of evolving penny pinching to seniors won’t happen.

      • Bill

        Voting Democrat is the problem!!!!!

        • Dianne

          Absolutely right

        • Lee

          They want a Socialist society – the top keeps rich – and the middle class which is going away pays for the rest. We won’t be around and maybe that’s better for us.

      • a

        Are you serious? The dems have been in control of this gov’t most of the time and in case you haven’t noticed we’ve had a demorat president for 7 years.

        • gary

          When the GOP has control of Senate and House, HOW can the democrats be in control. They have blocked every single thing from the President and any Dem in the government

          • Goldie


      • Bill

        do you have a brain–who do you think is in charge? It ain’t republicans & hasn’t been for 7 yrs. It’s the bamster & friends–the 2nd MT SUIT president in the history of this ctry. (Hint-the 1st was in the peanut business)

        • why

          Bill what color is the sky in your world? Who sent kids to fight a war? Evidently you don’t have a brain because it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out whose behind spending. WAR is all the republicans want and that is the truth

        • disgusted

          he is also being controlled by the real powers that be capitalists

        • John B.

          Ever taken a civics class? The President has virtually no power over legislation.

      • John W.

        Idiot. Check back. Every change to the Social Security, such as using what we paid into it, making it 85% taxable, not allowing it to be deducted from ordinary income, making it manditory and a few things, was changed under a Democrat administration.

      • Kathy

        Democrats think we should all share what we have. Do you think they will reduce their income to be equal with Americans? No way!

      • Goldie


        • Ristine

          yes and yes

      • M.E.S

        To all Republican bashers. If you vote for the Democrates your taxes will go UP. The handouts to illegals and others will increase. They will continue to borrow more and more until the Chinese will run this country. If you think you have it bad now just wait for that.

      • Arthur

        Hey Robert,
        What ever your smoking I’d like to get some. Are you serious ?? Do you know what the Democrats have done to this country in the last 7 something years ?? Who is in there now ??

    • Phyllis T.

      This is a bunch of BS!!! Everything is going up – food, prescriptions, healthcare, rent, car insurance!!! Tell congress not to give raises to themselves!! Maybe they should take a cut in pay!!! This is our money that we worked for and now we can’t give ourselves a raise?!?! And they want .to raise minimum wage to $15.00 an hour and we can’t get an extra $15.00 a month?!?! What’s wrong with this picture?

      • BOB W.

        I agree totally! Everything else has gone up! Gas is a poor excuse NOT to give us a raise ON THE MONEY WE PAID IN!!!

        • Nancy B.


          • Sandy D.

            No one has brought up about the kids of the future, where will they be when they reach their senior years. I had 401k and savings and it all went south with health problems-I try to tell kids to save cause it only takes one illness to ruin your savings. and make you poor.

          • Arthur

            Hi Sandy,
            The kids today ?? are you serious ?? do you know what is going on with the kids today ?? do you think for a minute they are thinking about that ?? Its STAR WARS,POT, PRINCE,SEX, am I wrong ??

      • Connie

        So true.

    • Bill

      Our costs at the grocery store has dramatically increased as well as all utility bills. Every couple of weeks our costs increase. The way our government figures cost of living is a joke. If we see no increase fine, but don’t try to tell us the cost of living didn’t increase; it insults our intelligence!

      • Diane

        So true my power bill is almost half of my check. Also I have Doctors that will not see me ,some while I supposedly under care after surgery. Because my bill is not caught up. When the balance after surgery is in the thousands. Sorry but my check is a long way from that. I called on one bill and was told to sell my house to pay for it.

        • Sandy D.

          Been there and had to do that so sad -I didn’t have a fancy house, not worth $300,000. but it was nice and comfortable- but doctors don’t wait to be paid, and collection agency are right there to clamp down on you.
          I had one sue me and I wrote a letter to the court and showed my cost of living and expenses, the judge declared me indigent-in case no one knows the meaning-Webster definition suffering from extreme poverty, lacking food,clothing and other necessities of life. And I worked 60 years of my life and was proud and raised two kids without help. To have this in print makes me feel ashamed –working 60-80 hours a week to make ends meet and now be branded like this. I cry-Oh and I wrote Paul Ryan and never heard a word from him. So talk to the people who run this country -who are you kidding.

          • Connie

            Just so sad that something like that could happen in this country. I heard one of the politicians say that the over 60 group were so wealthy we didn’t need an increase. I wonder who they were talking to. Must have been their rich friends. It sure wasn’t me or most of the rest of you. So so unfair for them to even call it a benefit when it’s OUR money.

      • Emma


      • Nancy B.



      YOU are so right I just came home from the store and the 1/2 gal. of milk I paid $1.98 for two days ago is now $2.35 and it seems that just about everything I looked at in the food dept. has gone up.
      THESE people should have to come out into the real world and live on what we get and then maybe they would see the truth about the price of everything and how far a ss check goes.

      • John W.

        The of gas has gone down, but so has my investment. Three years ago, I was getting over $700 a month from the small part of a well. Now, it is around $100 and I they don’t issue a check unless it is over $100. I don’t know until the day before whether I will get anything.

    • Suzanne C.

      Hi Beverly,
      I agree with your statement and am experiencing the same increases. The Medicare increase is the topper of an attitude of the Administrators being “out of touch” with the true events of life outside of WDC.
      I don’t agree with Mr. Borland’s statement “When inflation stays at the same rate, your cost of living also stays the same.” This is not not happening in real lives…just in a formula. “Prices for goods and services, on average, haven’t increased enough to affect the COLA.”, he says, but they do continue to affect our actual cost of living.
      My assessment is that this shows how little thought has been given to the impact of this policy, including the impact of the upcoming Medicare increase. This is very frustrating and there seems to be few in power who care because they don’t personally know people being affected.
      Would someone please enlighten us as to why this “policy vs reality” makes sense financially, politically or morally?

      • Bill

        very simple-democrats do not care about seniors because there are not enough of us to defeat them @ the ballot box. Us’uns ain’t favored like illegals/millennials/blacks/etc

    • Pat

      Agree with above…food costs are over the top and especially those for people who MUST eat healthfully because of diabetes and heart disease…if we do not eat these items then we will be running up ICCU costs and Doctor visits plus consults…A viscous cycle

      • R.Alexander

        All part of the Republican agenda just a taste of things to come if they are allowed to continue vote democrats in.

      • John W.

        Or you die. Which is what I expect is the reason. More people on SS that die, the more the government can keep and spend on whatever they want, such as $4 million vacations for the “First family.” I can’t even go see my grandkids who I have never seen. Everytime I get almost there, something goes up or a repair, etc., and I can’t go.

      • Goldie

        Very true!

        • Sandy D.

          does anyone really think the powers that be will even read these comments —
          It would make them choke on the fine food they get to eat.!!

    • Newton

      Amen to that!

    • Rita

      I completely agree..I’m to sure they got there raises for the up coming year. I have denied for Medicaid and foodstamps all I have is Medicare and can barely afford that.

    • Bill R.

      Just another way “our government for the people ” is sticking it to us! I can not understand why we keep putting them back in office!!!!!

    • Gary F.

      Groceries and gas have never been figured in, now all of a sudden when it benefit’s the Gov’t. they blame the low price of gas. If this be the case we all should inform our creditors that we are not paying any increases either.

      • mike

        Don’t forget. Gas could go back up anytime. Then what do you do? Decision for this year has been made.

    • Joyce

      And, not in my world, either! Every month it becomes harder to maintain a basic lifestyle. I have to give up something else almost every month. Before I’m ready, it will be my house, next. And then… another homeless person. Help us, don’t hurt us!

      • Nancy H.

        I’m with you, Joyce. I didn’t work all those years and have a moderate life style to show for it only to live in poverty now. What can we do? I suggest we find a forum where these idiots in charge of our future will see how many of us are affected and what this decision is doing to us. I am working a part time job every few months during tax season, but it doesn’t sustain me all year. I am 67 and didn’t count on this.

    • Joyce

      Yep! here they go, using the SS funds for something else! Illegals have more then I do and I also have to work to live!

    • Ann

      Beverly, I could not have said it any better myself! What are these so called politicians thinking? It is difficult enough for us seniors to pay these increased expenses and they think we don’t need a raise! Wow, gasoline prices are down! We can’t afford to go anywhere with all our other expenses on the rise. You can bet your life that next year an increase will be awarded for us struggling citizens. After all, it is a Presidential Election year, and God forbid if they don’t get our votes. You can rest assured that our caring politicians will get their raises, health benefits for life and all the other perks they get for doing NOTHING! I am so fed up with our elected officials and I know where my votes will go. But then, does it really matter who is in office? Nothing is ever done for the average citizen. Fed up!

      • Lily

        I too am FED UP with this government-they keep saying they are giving money to
        Africa to combat aids –
        REALLY(send them birth control pills and condoms and teach these girls to stop having sex so young). The immigrants come from not only Mexico, but Africa, the middle east, etc.


    • bill

      your so right and prices were skyrocketing in the other 2 years there was no increase …this is a scam perpetrated by the criminals we call our government !! let them have no increase and make them pay for their medical like we do. soc.sec .was never to be touched ,except for social security sadly it has been plundered by every regime in this country…and biggest insult is too have it taxed why/ it was funded with tax paid dollars.. I say its gone to far its time to revolt . since it will never stop.. its a cash cow to those government crooks who pay NOTHING.

    • Terri

      Thie power of the ballot is they only way to put caring representatives in office to address senior issues. We must hold our representatives accountable!

    • Mlke

      Look, do not vote for any incumbents…until these money hungry, self- centered, elitist politicians WE ELECT, HEAR OUR MESSAGE IN A REAL WAY, nothing will change. Hell, let’s all vote for Bearnie Sanders, at least we will see some changes we need.

      • Goldie

        Yes, let’s all vote for Bernie Saunders, and see a real change.

    • Rosemarie

      The cost of living has increased…a carton of eggs from 1.99 to 2.99 at some places 3.99 depending on the store. The general grocery list has risen in cost ..a pound of apples 3.49 that’s highway robbery. And to blame the President shows that no one has a clue who actually makes the decisions. Go thank the Congress & Senate….

      • Goldie

        I don’t understand what people were thinking 2 years ago when they elected that Senate and House of Reps. They must have been temporarily insane.!

    • cheri

      Absolutely true! We are living on fixed incomes while costs increase. As you stated…everything is going up with the exception of gas…and this is just a temporary drop in prices while all other items are a permanent INCREASE!

    • Harry

      no cost of living increase ,but yet everything goes up .

      love it .

    • Barn

      Does anyone know how much Medicare B is going up?

      • Mex

        It should stay the same, if we got no COLA raise.

    • Rosie

      Well said Beverly. Real estate taxes, utilities, food among other things have soared..yet the senior must live on less money for another full year. Who ever heard of someone’s income going down instead of up.

      • Sandy D.

        The United States Seniors
        that’s who

    • Mr G.

      I agree. If things have not changed why di Medicare have to go up about $50?

    • Michael H.

      I completely agree. The cost of many other items has increased. I live on a fixed income with no pension, savings, etc. and am just making ends meet on Social Security. The way COLA is calculated needs to change. I believe the rise in Health Care costs are not even included.

    • Charles M.

      Who do these people think they are.
      What kind of idiot would accept no increase in the cost of living? They are pulling the wool over our eyes and most people accept this.
      I know, they have to keep on fighting in Syria, Iraq and other Arabic countries so we
      here on Social Security won´t get a raise in 2016. It´s all a big lie!

    • Reeggie

      The Obama Government can’t afford the cost-of-living for the men and women who made this country what it is today, but they can afford to spend one billion dollars for a six mile stretch of tracks for Obama’s trillion dollar ghost train that no one will be able to afford at a cost of $500 dollars for a round trip like lets say Santa Barbara to San Diego, and it can afford the newest jet fighter for the air force at a cost of over 2+ million dollars per jet. Oh, yes, and although Obama only gets paid something like over 200,000 per year, he has some how managed to earn over 10+ million dollars while in office. Can we say under the table deals.

    • tony

      fucked by the gov. thank you.i will vote

    • Brenda


    • jane b.

      i agree. omg food is outrageous… yea we work all our life for a slap in the face.. and now what is Obama gonna do? nothing. yes the cost of living is gone up tremendously…. someone is lying…

      • Jewel J.

        all the politicians who voted to do this is scum. We have been at war longer that we were in viet nam. vote against every body in office now because they let this happen. I am tired of paying for war and today Obama announced he is sending more troops to Afganistan. Vote with your money folks. It is the war. Tell Obama to stop it.

    • Donald R.

      Beverly nailed it on the head. It’s a damn sick excuse to say that the decrease in gas prices offset EVERYTHING else that has increased. That is a complete lie. Where are we going to go with no extra money in our pocket to spend. Just make sure everyone in the White House and the House and Senate get their double digit raises while they p— away all the money we pay in taxes by giving it away to all these foreign morons who hate us. I’ve never seen any paybacks from these countries. Let’s take care of Americans FIRST and let them have the leftovers.

    • Bryan A.

      So if the cost of gas is down, why’s the cost of grocery’s going up? Since its cheaper to move the goods, why are we still being screwed at the check out? Yet more proof, of the rich getting richer, while the poor keep getting poor’er. Go figure.

    • Nancy B.

      Oct 15, 2015 I agree 100% with you Beverly Dunlap . Never expected no COLA year in 2016 when there is such a large Medicare increase planned for 2016. As a retiree, gas price is not my biggest concern. All the other increases you mentioned are.

    • Vince

      Yes, the formula being used does not consider the real costs increases for those on SSI. Although Oil/Gas is used which is a large % it has only a marginal impact on many seniors. What does? Food, Medications, Eye, Dental, Insurance, Property and Sales Taxes, other health care expenses, many utilities.

    • Kathryn J.

      I’ve read through the comments, and wish I could add something; however, Beverly, I agree. I might add additional comment if I didn’t have this huge lump in my chest and throat. I’m very disappointed in our government, and all those who know so many struggle, yet those you mention raise their prices anyway. We live in a greedy world today. I paid in to SSA for nearly 40 years, then became disabled, and know my costs are increasing. I’ve even foregone medical care even with insurance so I could save money. I’m sick about this. No pun intended.

    • Christy A.

      The government thinks that it is their responsibility to keep some people living on the edge of nothing! I have put out the challenge in this challenge in the past, and will do so again now. I challenge those individuals in our government to live as one of us on social security. They would give up any rights to access any of their riches, savings, and investments for a period of 2 years minimum. They would receive the lowest levels of SSI that many of us citizens receive and live on. These individuals would be banned from receiving cash gifts from anyone while they were living out this challenge. They would not have access to credit cards and loans. They could possibly be told that they would only receive $16.00 per month in food stamps because their “income” was too high!
      I really don’t think that any changes for the better will be made until some of these people who are making the rules truly experience the struggles that we “common” people go through on a daily basis!

    • cora

      I agree with all of you. the people who run are government set up there with a 4 figure
      payday and don’t want to do right for the people with very little. And while we are talking they give lots of money to country and let their people stave and do with out the things they need to live a good life. Take heart when time comes to vote make sure the right ones get in and kick the ones that are not working for us to the curb as they have us. we would have the votes if the poor just voted,

      • Bill

        Your situation is more frequent than most people realise. I tood another rout and simply moved out of the country, Of course, US gov is still there with their hand out to get their share of the money I did manage to save in an IRA. I now spend my ss in another country and have plenty of other Americans to visit with. No property tax, no sales tax here, Gas and insurance is cheep, better health care and the DR doesnt have to spend on average of 7 min per pacient like in US. Most Americans here are disababled and have spouses native to the country.. Remember, if you listen closely to polititions they will tell you what they have in mind for you. Obama said seniors had health care that was too good and thet wew not paying enough and to save ss and give insurance to younger people they had to be cut back.

        • Karen

          Obama never said that. Does this mean you get Fix news in your foreign residence?

          • Karen

            Meant Fox news

    • Carol

      Part D co-pays are increasing, as well. Maximum food stamps do not last an entire month.

    • Preston J.

      Unfortunately if I remember right, food and fuel are not calculated in the equation for cost of living. I know meat has gone up 12% this year if not more. Funny two of the things everyone has to buy are two things not included

    • DBradford

      I agree. They Don’t take those items and do the math.

    • Kappy

      When the A%#&* in the WH stop taking 2 separate Airplanes, and they are going to the same state, and then same event!! “I’ll take my 747, you take your’s and I’ll meet you there HONEY” DIDN’T WE PAY FOR THAT??

    • patricia

      My rent went up in 2015. Car insurance went up. Phone went up. Everytime i go to grocery store it has gone up.

    • Sue

      My living costs increase almost daily living in a small town that never plans ahead! Sales taxes escalate, property taxes will go up, food taxes imminent, sewer and other city costs continue to increase. This is getting tiresome!!! Whenever I think I might be able to manage then there’s another setback!

    • Paul

      Right on!

    • Thomas C.

      WOW, gas prices went down but food, utilities, prescriptions, health care, insurance, etc.. all went up. Now I can afford to live in car. Good job Government !!!

    • Gail R.

      I agree and don’t forget my rent goes up each year as well as the cost of food.. There is inflation for sure and it makes it harder each year to make ends meet. So why does our Government repay all the money they “borrowed” from the SS fund. We have Bush to blame for that. Pay us BACK. No pay increase for Congress since they don’t think the cost of living has increased

    • Jack

      Hell Yes Every thing else has risen,Health Ins alone took more than the raise for 2015 Hay Idiot Jim Where The Hell You come from.Thinking The People are IDIOTS?//???

    • Patrick B.

      Get rid of CONGRESS! I am the working poor because of ALL the crooks in government. A national disgrace. NO INCREASE IN THE COST OF LIVING. How stupid do you think we are. You know DAMNED well food and everything else has gone up dramatically. What IDIOS are in charge of Social Security? How about cutting YOUR salaries!!!!!!!

    • Cathe D.

      Rent has increased 35% Food near the same. My medical costs are higher and higher…..I am disabled and now 66……i skip dr. Appts to save money so I can have a car. Why would SS refuse a small COL increase?????

    • Kenneth T.

      Hello , your remarks on right on mark I don’t what world they are living in.

    • Carmela H.

      Kidding right? Where I live food, medicine, electric, gas for heating, rents have tripled, clothing etc. Have increased dramatically. My social security security retirement /disibility is not enough to cover my rent. Where are the affordable housing and section 8? I’ve been waiting since my children were 8, and 11, now they are 41, and 46, and have 2 grandchildren 14 and 20. Tell me where the help with rent is?????? You people are the worse. My advantage plan also stinks. The only thing that hasn’t increased is gas. But it d o esn’t matter since we don’t have any money for a vacation. Hasn’t the cost of college gone up? My granddaughter graduated with 3 cords, National Honor Society, Academic, and Aurora Lights which is a mini medical program and has 32 credits from college that she went to during high school. Now she is unable to continue her education since she has no money and she no one to help her since her mother is legally blind due to diabetes, no car and I am unable to help. What a Sin this is to have my grandaughter s education come to a hault. Oh, and my daughter has been denied benefits and I am supporting her and my grandson because they have no income. I am sick and tired of you. And you have denied me for receiving benefits from my husband who receives social security retirement too.

    • Charleen K.


    • gini

      The cost of gas really hasn’t much effect on the elderly..Lot’s and lot’s don’t even drive anymore and those who do just do minimal driving, so how is that a factor or benefit to them..We need an increase, because everything else has increased..I even took a part time job to help us out, but due to my age that won’t last too much longer..I want what I worked for all my younger years…

    • James S.

      The costs of prescriptions alone justifies an increase. Not to mention insurance that goes up every year regardless. I have seen food prices going up constantly and you can bet gas prices will not stay down. We need to stand up and demand no that no raises for congress and the president they surely don’t need or deserve a raise!!!

    • Kevin J.

      I’m sick of every retiree that cries poor mouth about living with less. What? You didn’t see retirement coming? YOU made YOUR financial choices in life. Don’t complain or look to others if you’re not happy with where you ended up. If you need more money go get a higher paying job, or get one in the first place.

      • Janice C.

        Kevin, what a stupid comment for you to make. Put your money where your mouth is, most retirees cannot get a higher paying job, what planet do you lived on. Just remember you are going to get old someday and then I want to see if you will keep silent. I hate to say this but you are a moron.
        Maybe you can give us retirees a higher paying job. What do you think?

      • Mex

        Kevin, just because you are on welfare it doesn’t mean we have to be too.

    • Roger

      You can bet your last dollar that the politicians will give themselves a raise. this Government is so corrupt.

    • Marilyn

      I totally agree with you. Everything has increased except the price of gas, but that is creeping up again. Us retirees would do better as illegal aliens. They seem to get everything. We need an increase in our social security!

    • Gary

      Do any of you believe the rich politicians will read or care about our complaints? Call them and let them know. Go to their web page and Email them. Stop re-electing them.

    • Karen

      Let’s stay away from the hate talk and stay on message to our government. All the rising costs you cited are totally relevant to the argument that social security benefits need to go up. There is some kind of disconnect between how the government COLA is calculated and real life experience of ever rising costs. You made some very good points. Thank you.

    • Stuart

      The ONLY thing that has come down is the price is gas. Have you purchased a movie ticket lately? My electric bill has almost doubled. I don’t even want to talk about my grocery bill.

    • clyde

      The rent on my apartment which is in government housing goes up by $50mo. At the order of Obama administration. They want this low income rent as high as high income rent. And these apartments are for elderly and disabled people. Thanks Obama

    • Pissed O.

      That is B.S. I want to see them live on about $800 a month (rent food meds electric clothes Dr. apts. I bet there would be a big increase than! PLUS ! Medicare is going up and copays for meds so….like a lot of people I either go without food or meds or go to the dr Tell me what should I give up? You stink

    • Nancy

      I find it interesting. I came to this LAST WEEK (Oct. 5-9, 2015) to see if there was going to be an increase. On the home page it stated there WOULD be an 1.7% increase effective Jan. 1, 2016! I see that article magically disappeared! It shows articles from August 2015 & nothing until yesterday. (1.7%-that would’ve been $30 for my husband & I). Hmm-now u c it, now you don’t!

    • Mary

      This is ridiculous. Everything has risen. Hell……people on welfare get more money than we do. And WE worked and put money into this fund just so the govt could steal it? Aint fair……

    • Vanessa

      i heard medicare was going up 40%…..since it has no drug coverage or vision, which elderly need, and only pays 80% of hospital bills, it really is not worth it.
      I am checking on getting regular insurance on my husband and I, since we already pay over $200 a month for medicare now

    • Beverly S.

      Well, since I do not drive as much, the cost of gas which is your indicator, that means little to me.

      The cost of beef skyrocketed as did the cost of eggs and other food stuff. Medicare increases, you must be kidding. How does the ACA help with that?
      That’s ok though, I will become protien difficient, (beans are expensive as well as yogurt) most likely anemic, and who cares? Right? I will be charged more if I get sick or not. After all I am old and expendible. I worked as a nurse in NYS with years of lousy wages until my last 5. No nurse could afford to save when their wages barely kept up from check to check. I took care of you and your families and diligently saw my pay go into SS. I knew I’d never be a millionaire or save alot for retirement-and this is what you do?
      Shame on this government, shame on you, and may our lives be on your heads-oh I forgot-you do not give a damn.

    • Ann

      It is pathetic after paying my bills and lets not forget the huge amount for medication every month. I am left with a whopping $29.00 to live on.

    • Jim H.

      Why don’t the SSI give us the COLA that is owed from 2008/09. Then we just might be on an even keel rather than having to get a sit down job hoping we can win a lottery or marry someone to help pay for the basics while Wall Street makes billions and pays the tax I used to working as a apartment manager/maintenance man.

      • Me

        SSI? Social security recipients deserve it more than those that didn’t work all of their life.

    • muffet p.

      Right on Beverly!!!! I guess it’s wishful thinking to think that Congress would bother to get its head out of its ass long enough to face the reality of trying to survive on social security in this day and age…..

    • ron

      Great the price of gas has gone down. But the price of my utilities, food and medicine has gone up. Thanks for nothing. It’s time to replace some millionaire politicians who wouldn’t have a clue how to live on what we live on.

    • Daniel C.

      This is sad news. I’m just getting by. The Gov. is so matter of fact on this subject. Someone needs to take a hard look at this & correct it. We need our COLA !!!

    • betty f.

      I knew this knew tis was coming that there would not be a an increase on #social security and for those that are disabled , do you ppl really think that were fools? when we know that for millions there will be a 52% hike on their medicare premiums and deductibles which I know you could stop this from happening I am disabled and I know how you ppl deal with us all I want you ppl to know one thing this is our money your playing with and our lifes , and I want you to know your all are full of sh@# if you think your fooling this ppl of this nation with your greedy ass hands!!!!!

    • BLIN M.

      I have lived in this country for over 42 years, worked very hard, paid my due TAXES – and now no COLA increase for 2016. The United States can feed the whole WORLD, take care of the illegals with their food, health and shelter and they never worked at all and paid no TAXES. This is NOT fair. Whoever calculated the COLA does NOT live in the United States.

    • Derrol j.

      I don’t know what planet congress lives on but it surely can’t be earth. In my world the price of everything have risen considerably during the year ranging from food to healthcare. Lower gas prices are irrevelant. Such a weak argument to justify no COLA. I’ll bet money that congress gave itself their usual secret annual py raise although it’s not deserved for all of the non-work they accomplish. It’s time to get rid of using CPI Index to make this determination & come up with something new. This current method is so outdated

    • Jack

      Darn Right ,Let the Dumb ass Buy my Groceries for a few months,Hell I cant Drink or Eat Gas or Oil.

    • Larry D.

      Then why does our illustrious elected do nothing right officials in congress get a pay raise? HUUUUUH?

    • David

      they must be able to tell the future the only time gas goes up is if their pumps need maintaned or they have to much gas or not enogh gas .4 months age hambuger was $2.29 a pound now $4.99 a pound oh thats right they dont shop for food the president went to a dinner the other day that cost us $18000.oo per plate nice yep i agree the poor or people like me that paid into ss for 47 years should not get a $.25 raise thanks

    • Joan

      That is so true. The rich get richer and the poor, and middle class, get poorer.

    • William H.

      Why is everyone blaming Obama? It is the GOP in CONGRESS who voted no. Is America still blinded by all the lies the republicans have told because the hate our president so much? They have spread so much propaganda and the sheeple still believe it LMAO. Congress has to vote on and approve ALL funds and ALL laws. That is their role. Congress is dominated by the REPUBLICANS and the republicans are against anything that does not help corporate america. Facts matter!!

    • gabriel a.

      We must speak loudly with our Vote. We must let politicians know that we will no longer tolerate the games that they play to get elected.

    • Janice C.

      I completely agree with Beverly. This is the second time that this has happened during this administration. Has anyone been to the grocery lately? It is ridiculous to pick the cost of gasoline because it goes up every other day. Shame on this government.

    • kathy c.

      here’s a thought. . . why not have Congress & Senate live on our income and see how fast things get changed. we won’t be getting COLA but bet you a dollar they will – please don’t make me pay this, i cannot even to pay 1 of you. they don’t even have to pay into this and they are guaranteed (!) at least $250,000 per year.

    • Jerry B.

      I just do not understand my cost are riseing always gas – electric – food – it never has stoppedan now my income is becoming less every year.

    • Mel

      The whole system is screwed up!! Why do parents of children with very minor physical ailments or ADHD, etc., that live perfectly normal lives and have no daily or monthly extra care than everyone else’s child get $700-$800 FREE money a month!!! MILLIONS of dollars are wasted like this monthly, not to mention all these “young” people on SSDI for again, very minor ailments that can go to school, party,play sports, hang with their friends, never ever see a doctor for tbeir “disability” are supposedly so disabled they cannot work at McDonalds!!
      Not to mention must never get audited by soc sec because if they never see a doctor for their “disability” how can they remain on it. I see my doctors 1-2 times a month every month yet I’ve been audited so many times I can’t count.
      I knew a girl in MO whose BF was getting SSDI because he was shot in the leg years ago and was not supposed to walk but he walks 100% normal and was arrested and in jail for months and his SSDI stopped, as soon as he was released he WALKED right in to the soc sec office and got back on SSDI with no medical evidence or anything. Lives a 100% normal life and does car mechanic work under the table at his home!!
      This is where all everyone’s soc sec money is going. Even if the guy couldn’t “walk” doesn’t mean he cannot work!!
      Yet people with real disabilities have to wait years and years to get what they paid into yet people who never paid a penny into it and do not even deserve or need it get it and continue to get it!!
      It is a mess and our children and grand children will have no soc sec retirement because people are too lazy to work and someone fall through the cracks for many many years!! Doctors and lawyers do not remain blameless in this either. If it wasn’t for them falsifying records or taking any client for a buck it couldn’t happen!!

    • Martii

      I HAVE HAD.

      • Me

        They will give us 0% and they still think that’s too much.

    • Eileen

      It seems that we pay into SS all our working life and the gov has control of that money. They tax our retirement, make Medicare costs ridiculous, can’t afford medications (which keeps going up at high rates), and the list goes on. So just because gas prices are down it covers all cost of living costs?????? Besides that can change dramatically in five minutes. Please the American people are not that stupid. The politicians make sure they get a yearly raise to their already inflated salary.

    • Janice S.

      I totally agree! Our health costs from my husbands company that he retired from has raised our cost every single year and not by a little but a lot! We are now paying a total of 706.00 every single month just for health care!

    • Laurie M.

      get backlinks from

    • Paulette C.

      Well said!

    • Cat

      Wow a lot of comments done on my birthday. I live on SSD and SSI and it is hard paying bills and trying to get food that stretches a month.
      Things need to change in the USA and i hope in 2016 things do change…a big change. And i want to see us Americans benefiting from the change actions.

    • Carrie J.

      You’re right.

      Also, the Congressmen and Senators get their COLA rise EVERY year….they get their perks and people like myself who is on disability and needs every penny, medication, etc.

      So unfair, so incredibly unfair.

    • Jean

      I agree with you.

    • Cameron

      True that but we cant fix stupid in the goverment congress gets a rause regardless

    • terry

      and the cost of home owners ins. property taxes ,water and sewer rate continue to go up auto repairs government employees wages go up that cost us the tax payers more but oh yea gas prices are down that one thing makes up for everything else thats going up.

    • Stacey

      I agree, I also am disgusted that we Will spend billions on Syrian refugees but we cannot take care of TAX paying eldrerly and disabled. Our nation dors NOT give a $##@ about Americans. We are now the minorities.!!!!!!!

    • sunshine

      Who cares abut phonE and internet…that’s a want not a need…need is shelter clothes shoes and food…everything else is a need

      • Wilson

        Just because you don’t need a phone does not mean that others with medical issues do not. Don’t come asking next time you have a medical emergency to you mine.

    • madashell

      The cost of rents has gone way up! 70 million of us screwed but they fund refugees housing and food!

    • Joshua

      I agree, everything is going up around where I live in WA state. Food, rent, utilities, even public transportation. I barley get anything every month and I cant work. It makes me so mad that our government can and will not help the people that need it the most. My thoughts and prayers are with all my fellow SSDI/SSI brothers and sisters. Merry Christmas!!!!

    • Mary

      I agree Beverly, I have a newborn and cost of baby formula is increasing and I’ve had to pay out of pocket for some very expensive life or death medications!

    • Victoria F.

      Couldn’t have said it better myself!!!! Thanks.

    • steve

      If the seniors don’t get a raise, than no one else should get a raise either. After all, if prices haven’t gone than no one else needs a raise, because raises cause prices to increase.

    • Kerry

      I agree, recently I was on the Medicare Savings Plan in which the state paid my Part B, I found a part-time job to make ends meet and I was taken off of the Medicare Savings plan, they hiked my Part B premium up to $121.90 because the State paid my part B in Nov and Dec and it did not come out of my SS benefit. . .they still got paid so why did they hike it? They are going to strengthen Medicare and SS on the backs of current Medicare and SS beneficiaries by constant hikes.

    • James

      Very very true. I get paid I live without food or paying bills. That you Republican’s

    • Darlene M.

      Why is it the government can say to those livingng on social security that the cost of living hasn’t increased yet those on capitol hill vote themselves pay rate increases. Why do they get an increase if the cost of living hasn’t risen? Oh I guess the poor person living on social security doesn’t deserve the same amentaties as the rich on capitol hill with their deep pockets. Wake up you ignorant fools. Cost of everything has risen for all walks of life. You in capitol hill try living, and paying all your bills with what you determine social security recpiants have to live on. Oh that’s right, you’re all rich and could care less about the senior citizens of the country. Thanks for nothing

    • Arthurfauvet

      Hi I’m Un disibility SSI I 624 a month I pay rent and food I don’t know how the disibility people who control ower benifiits think that we can suvive in oconimy that keep going up thare will a time thare be no fast food plase mimum wage off peaple working will not suvie thare million face the olso if SSI stay the same

    • Kay

      Yeah– this whole ‘no cola’ thing six!! And it’s a lie in my opinion! I call bull****!
      What HADNT cost us more this past year?! Am I the only one who has to try n buy groc, co-pays on Dr & prescription drugs, not to mention all of the other ‘non-covered’ herbs/supplements, etc., due to my multiple diagnoses?
      I can only sit n SMH & hope I can find a bucket of gold at the end of the rainbow… or another type of subsidy to get by. ?
      At least after a 3.5 year fight, I was allowed to get SSDI with the help of my Dr appearing before the ALJ! That was a whole other story…
      Seems we in the “Disabled Arena” are the governments red-headed step child..
      Ok, off my soapbox now. Thx for listening.
      Have a blessed day… ?❤️?

    • Roy,

      I can’t believe that refugees and illegal immigrants are getting more than our senior citizens and disabled vets,through our welfare systems and social security benefits. I live in okla. and today to pickup a prescription for my wife who is on kidney dyalisis.the prescription she normally paid $1.20 for jumped to $107.03 from last month.what’s wrong with our country when the sick and disabled have to suffer and do without just because some politician wants a vote,I think if the united states would start the military draft back up our refugee and immigrant population would start a rapid decline.they want our milk and honey.but I could almost guarantee they would not want to fight for it,

      • Johnie S.

        That also is correct about the illegals and refugee problem. You see able bodied men coming here instead of fighting for their country!

    • M. E.

      Part D premiums also increased. I am getting less to pay more expenses.

    • Johnie S.

      You are absolutely correct! We get sticker shock when we go to the food store, clothes, and everything inbetween are out of most seniors range. Yet living on straight Social Security and we dont qualify for food stamps, or spend downs on our hospital and doctor bills. I wont comment where our Social Security funds are going now as I’m sure everyone knows that!

    • Robin

      Agree – rent goes up every year. Food prices go up. Coffee prices go up every year. Public transportation prices go up. Meaning, we need the COLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Helene

      so I kill myself I refuse to live in this greedy America where the wealthy have every thing The start wars for wealth I am old 78 and I will commit suicide I want my youth back my looks and no one can bring it back So why live I do feel bad for my loved ones But they will get over it. Good riddence


      Absolutely Agree !

    • rosalie g.

      yes mam, you are 100% correct..but they administration, doesn’t look into our world…

    • Sherry H.

      Yes. the government uses things most prople on SSI don’t buy to figure the COLA. NOT the things we have to have to live. THEY SHOULD HAVE TO LIVE ON OUR INCOME FOR A YEAR.

    • Elizabeth

      We all know the cost of living has gone up. Once more govt manipulates the numbers to get away with taking $$ from the elderly and the most helpless of our citizens. So will there also be no salary increases for congress, the senate or the terrorist who resides in our white house on Pennsylvania Ave???

    • Charles

      Congress regularly votes themselves ” COLA RAISES” so Seniors should automatically be eligible as well. Seniors are taxed at 185% of their earnings, a and THIS MUST STOP! Stop taxing our Social Security, which has already been taxed 100%

    • joeinslw

      I think it was a year or two ago when this President said no a COLA this year, because the price of gasoline was lower?
      I believe that the Government always hated to pay COLA’s to Seniors even though they claim to be concerned about them.
      I always believed the Government was looking for an excuse to get rid of COLA’s, I think they found the excuse.
      As soon as I read that Obama was canceling COLA’s for that year because of lower oil prices, I knew it was just an excuse, and COLA’s would be gone for good.
      Retired seniors in 2016 will have to bite the bullet again this year, another year without an increase for food, clothing, insurance, or other every day expenses.
      Everyone including seniors will be wondering about the 1.7 BILLION dollars the Government is giving Iran back, (claiming it’s their money) with a cash down payment of 400 Million + (TAXPAYER INTEREST in the middle of the night) which is not available to Seniors, or anyone who worked and saved for their money. Money that you deposited into your Bank account, that is earning .010% interest or less which is basically nothing, or no return, and yet the Iran Government is earning taxpayer interest?
      The Wall Street Journal detailing a payment of $400 million from the United States government to the Iranian government to resolve an arms sale dispute dating to 1981. Conservative outlets are suggesting the payment “was definitely ransom” paid for American prisoners held in Iran, claiming “the administration did not reveal this to the public,” suggesting that Hillary Clinton was wrong to say the report is “old news,” and that airlifting cash to make the payment was essentially “money laundering.” But past reporting and explanations from the administration reveal “no concrete evidence that the cash payment was, in fact, a ransom,” that many of the details of the payments were made public in January, Clinton correctly noted the payment has been public for “seven or eight months,” and making the payment in cash was the only way to legally do it due to economic sanctions against Iran.
      How much of this is turning your stomach, it turns mine every time I think about it, it’s really not fair, however I think they really don’t care.

    • Sam I.

      President Obama should go now no one needs a loser like him,since he took place at the White House we live in poverty as I am a disabled person can’t work at all need a lots of medications and my wife is out of work looking after me helping my day in life. I wish him to starve one day along with his family . Never hated a person in my life but hate him and wish him the worst in life as he did to my life with no increase for years forcing me to live in a different country where I can eat and have a better life and buy a medical insurance HATE OBAMA HATE HIM REAL BAD HOPE HE CAN READ THIS . Wish to see you suffer as much as I suffered since you became a president hate you all the worst wishes hope God will listen to me Amen

    • Michael

      The cost of renting an apartment have sky rocketed and it is certainly not reflected in SS increases, or lack thereof.

    • Gordon L.

      And if you are retired then you don’t drive to work anymore and you don’t drive the kids to functions anymore, so you don’t use much gasoline anymore. They should not consider the cost of gasoline when figuring a cost of living for seniors.

    • randy


    • Vern

      All I can say vote all of them out of office

    • Donna

      We live in the Northeast and have to keep our heat set on 59. We are elderly and have both worked our entire lives. Never collected a single welfare payment either. Nobody even bats an eye at how most elderly are living in poverty, yet they do things like give Thanksgiving turkeys to the Syrian refugees that are being dispersed throughout our country. Over the counter medications are doubling in price, and those who can’t afford to go to the doctor are finding that a bottle of Tylenol is beyond their means, and I hear all the time, I need it but have to wait till next month to buy it. Same thing with coats, shoes and other necessities. Our state is run by a financially inept Democrat, who spends like a drunken sailor. We have a state income tax, now they are talking a regional income tax. Our mayors have had their education funds diminished, so here come more taxes. We are ready to buy a tent and let nature take it’s course.

    • Bruce F.

      Beverly: I totally agree with you. I’m 67 and on disability. $760 a month doesn’t go very far. Fortunately Housing is helping with a place to live. Food assistance is almost non-existent. A car, new clothes and dental are some of things I can no longer afford.

    • John

      This is all very interesting. You can still look here: If someone has a problem it can be helpful.

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