
New Start Dates for Medicare Part B Coverage Coming in 2023

November 17, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 17, 2022

woman checking Medicare information on a tabletChanges are coming next year for Medicare Part B coverage.

What is not changing:
If you are eligible at age 65, your Initial Enrollment Period (IEP):

  • Begins three months before your 65th birthday.
  • Includes the month of your 65th birthday.
  • Ends three months after your 65th birthday.

If you are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part B or if you sign up during the first three months of your IEP, your coverage will start the month you’re first eligible. If you sign up the month you turn 65, your coverage will start the first day of the following month. This won’t change with the new rule.

What is changing:

Starting January 1, 2023, your Medicare Part B coverage starts the first day of the month after you sign up, if you sign up during the last three months of your IEP.

Before this change, if you signed up during the last three months of your IEP, your Medicare Part B coverage started two to three months after you enrolled.

If you don’t sign up for Medicare Part B during your IEP, you have another chance each year during the General Enrollment Period (GEP). The GEP lasts from January 1 through March 31. Starting January 1, 2023, your coverage starts the first day of the month after you sign up.

You can learn more about these updates on our Medicare webpage and our Medicare publication.

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About the Author

Dawn Bystry, Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications

Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Strategic and Digital Communications


  1. Michele

    I’m really confused but I under the age of 65 and been receiving SSDI since 2013 if it’s on my Medicare card A & B start date,but Social service pays for my premium & the extra help is that consider as the QMB Does all that play a part of Socialservice ( so I’ve been trying to contact the change center to uodate my phone number no answer & the 1800 nationwide number most times on hold for an hour or longer) So my question is will I have to reply every year as to what I had to do since receiving it I’m also on a Medicare Advantage Plan, So what are all the things must do because as of this month November my food stamps was not on my card this month & I was told I was ok until Feb

    • A.C.

      Hi, Michelle. Thanks for visiting our blog. Unfortunately, your question is a bit more complex than we can handle in this forum. You may wish to contact your local Medicare SHIP (State Health Insurance Program Coordinator) to discuss your concerns. We hope this helps.

  2. Kim L.

    This is good information. thanks for sharing.

  3. Kara

    What if u are disabled and receiving disability and Medicare part b?

    • Bruce

      Hi Kara, you become approved for medicare in most cases 2years after your disablty. Part A you get for freebecause you paid for it during your working career. Part B is taken out of your SSDi check currently $170.00 per month for people who have incomes less than 84,000 per year . Above that threshold you pay more.

      • MelissaW

        There are also the people who make a significant amount less than the $84,000. Those don’t have anything taken out of their SSDI check. ie, I make less than $10,000 a year, and nothing is taken out of my SSDI check for anything.

        • sandra f.

          If that is the case are you sure you have medicare part B

        • BRUCE

          If you dont sign up for medicare than nothing is deducted. medicare is not automatic. social security will send you a benefit statement in january showing your new amount plus deductions you have for medicare, it will show other payers that will pay your medicare for you,example your state,if your income is low enough.Each state has their own income limits.sometimes a pension from a state goverment will reinburse your medicare that is deducted from your ssdi .

      • Judith

        Hi, Bruce,
        I would like to research this a little more.
        Could you please share the source of that $84,000 amount that you mentioned. I am thinking that threshold is for a single person. I figure that the threshold increases based on family size?

        • Bruce

          HI Judith, The information I gave is basedon The federal Law in medicare -Irrma which is a adjustment based on a single person income.It was passed in 1996 when clinton was in office to helpshore up medicare. You can find more information on

          • Judith

            Thank you, Bruce, for taking the time to answer my question. You sound like a really knowledgeable person. That is very kind of you to try to help people by sharing the info that you know.

        • BRUCE

          part b medicare rates-irmaa asfollows-91,00orless-joint182,000-170.oopermonth. 91,000-114,000&joint 182,000-228,000-238.00permonth.114,000-142,000 &joint-228,000-294,000-340.26 per month&keeps going from there. Medicare goes back2years of modified gross income so 2022 rates are based on 2020income from all sources that get a 1099 from IRS.

      • Kara

        I became eligible for part A and B as well as Medicaid which pays for it so nothing is deducted from my SSDI for insurance. I became disabled shortly after getting my first job and hadn’t even worked for a year. I can’t work, I can barely move due to my disability and the subsequent diagnoses I have received since. I was automatically approved for both Medicare (part A and b) and Medicaid as well as SSDI and SSI. I don’t fully understand how or even the process, it was confusing. I didn’t sign up for anything, it was assigned to me

        • Gabriela

          Hi, Kara, yes, it is very, very confusing. I worked processing applications for the Medi-Cal program (Medicaid is called Medi-Cal in California) and Medicare Savings Programs for 25 years, retired two months ago. You would think that would make me an expert, but no. This I can tell you: Even though every state does things a little different, I believe all of them require that you apply for the benefits (SSDI, SSI, and Medicaid), those are not granted automatically. It appears that someone else may have applied on your behalf. For SSDI, the applications are processed by the Social Security Administration(SSA). SSI, here in CA is also handled by SSA. Medicaid applications are processed by the Public Assistance Agency, they have different names, depending what state you live in. I assume you don’t live in CA since you are calling it Medicaid.

          It is unlikely that you would qualify for SSDI if you worked less than a year, unless you were determined to be a disabled child (someone who became disabled before the age of 22, and would receive those benefits on a parent’s claim. Also, there is a waiting period of 5 months after you are declared disabled to start receiving SSDI payments. For Medicare, you are automatically approved after you have been disabled for two years (with very few exceptions).

          One thing you have to make sure to be mindful of: please, please, make sure that you complete your SSI renewal when it is due. Your SSI can be discontinued if you don’t complete your renewal (usually done once a year. SSA will notify you when it is due). It is important to report address and telephone number changes right away, because, if they send you a letter and it gets returned to them in the mail as undeliverable, your benefits can be discontinued. And no, it is not enough if you asked the post office to forward your mail. They do not forward mail from SSA or Public Assistance agencies, as far as I know. And that is how many beneficiaries get discontinued.

  4. Bruce

    When your approved for ssdi you will have paid into medicare &social security thru your fica taxes that are taken out of each paycheck 6,2%for social security &1.2% for medicare. There is no free medicare. Single payer medicare could work if everybody healthy or sick paid in.The healthy peoplecould balance out the sick.

    • MajJohn

      40% of working age people do not work, what do you propose to do with them?

  5. Angie

    I am thankful for the benefits I get from Social Security. Please, just take good care of Seniors, Veterans, Disabled and children who needs your help. Thank you.

  6. Jeffrey E.

    I retired at age 66 1/1/22.

    How do these changes benefit me or others who are similarly situated?

    • fffred


      If you’re already enrolled in Medicare then you won’t be affected by these new rules.

  7. Gail

    So is part B for those who do not have a part D? I’m so confused…

    • fffred

      @Gail, Part B is “Medical Insurance”, Part D is “prescription medication insurance”. Part A is “hospital insurance”. So each part covers a different type of insurance. Most people over 65 (not covered by employer’s plan) will need to have both Part B and D “by law”…if I remember correctly.

      Most people (but not all) do not pay premiums for Part A. But premiums for Parts B and D are paid by the individual.

      Maybe read through the information at AARP or at Medicare. Good luck!

      • Barbara P.

        Uh I actually worked for Pearson Govt. Solutions enrolling the Med. Beneficiaries into the Part D drug plans in 2005 and I clearly remember (I still have my manual) that when you turn 65, you as a Sr. are automatically enrolled into Med A & B, A is for Hosp, B is for Drs. Visits, equip, et al, C is for a Medicare Advantage Plan and according to each state, most Advantage plans have their own inclusive Part D plans for drug coverage HOWEVER some you do have a nominal charge for that plan’s Part D plan: ie: could be as low as $10 or as high as $75+ depending on the carrier. NOW, IF you fail to enroll into a Part D plan by your age 65, if you wait you will be penalized with (I think it’s 10%) a small percentage monthly deduction from your SS check. Also, if you simply stay with Parts A & B w/o choosing a Medicare C Advantage plan or even going with a Medigap plan: ie: F, G, whatever, then you still have to choose a Part D plan as it is like responder said above by law now under former Pres. G. W. Bush and in some ways this was in fact the impetus for the Obama Marketplace plans per negotiations for the Big Pharma. We are fortunate that AARP did swing their “hammer” loud and clear for Srs. and their screaming is mostly what spurred the Good Rx, Single Care, etc. plans on the open market for everyone.

      • MajJohn

        Part D is NOT required. Of course the AARP will and did push for expanded coverage, since they profited from the plans they sponsored.

        • Judith

          Hi, MajJohn,
          Part D is not required? Are you sure? I’m asking because, my husband went without Medicare part D for five months, and ever since (it has been about 5 years) he has had to pay a penalty of around $13.50 a month for late enrollment on part D….

          • Jacob

            It’s not “required” – meaning you can have Parts A and B and not have D. But if you want Part D later, you will pay a penalty for not having it when first available to you (like what seems to be happening with your husband). So it’s usually best to signup for Part D at same time become eligible for Parts A & B.

          • MajJohn

            It is NOT required. If you delay taking it, there is a penalty. Some people have a separate drug plan like I have and never get or need part D.

    • sandra f.

      A every body gets part b pays for doctor appointments ambulance transport durable medical equipment part d is the prescription plan part b is taken out of your check on part d you have the option of paying each month or it can be taken out of your check is my understanding

  8. james m.

    to Frank L. and everyone else,

    Single Payer Medicare for All will drastically reduce if not eliminate the confusion we all must struggle with trying to receive our earned Medicare benefits.

    Let’s hope that it happens sooner rather than later and, more importantly, before the Medicare program implodes!!!

    • Don C.

      curious where the funding for medicare for all would come from.

      • Bonnie

        Medicare is funded by payroll deductions that are matched by the employer and premiums paid by recipients. See

        • Mark

          Won’t these payroll deductions and premiums have to increase dramatically to pay for all that Medicare-for-All coverage?

          • Suzanne

            That’s correct Mark. I realize you can see the insanity that Medicare-for-All is. No such thing as free money. Somebody has to pay and pay and pay and pay and you see where this is going.

          • MajJohn

            Yes, no free rides.

      • Sherrie G.

        Medicare for all should come from funds already deposited into the Medicare program.many people have died who never received a dime of Social Security. My brother worked at the PO for 30 yrs died last year and had not drawn a dime. All children grown wife deceased. Where does his money go? Think about it!

        • Suzanne

          Yes, Sherrie you should do your research. Those funds no longer are designated just for Medicare recipients and have been greatly depleted. You can read all about it online with simple Google search. And don’t forget about Medicare Disability for people who many never have paid into the system. Such is the world we now live in.

          • Georgia

            In order to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, you must have worked so many years and paid in enough through your FICA tax. SSDI is for people who have WORKED, and now became disabled. After you become eligible for SSDI, you must still wait 2 more years to get Medicare.

          • MajJohn

            That’s SSI disability administered by the SS Administration. It is a welfare disability and does not come out of any SSA trust fund.

        • Barbara P.

          They HAVE died many of them BUT as the prices increase, the difference is inclusive by the differences in the coverages not paying for those individuals anymore.

      • Mike S.

        I must have missed the Medicare for all part above. I saw about Part B changes but not anything about this topic being Medicare for all ??

        • Kara

          What if u are disabled and receiving disability and Medicare part b?

    • Stan F.

      Right on!!

  9. Frank L.

    This does nothing more than confuse me.I am leaving my Soc
    Sec. where it is with no changes to the original form.

    • fffred


      It’s okay Frank. If you are already enrolled for Medicare then these new rules do not affect you. Don’t worry about.

    • Barbara P.

      An old saying, if you don’t know what to do, do nothing. Normally things will play out the way they’re supposed to. Don’t panic. SSA works on checks and balances and fairness for all. Trust me, I’ve been on SS Disab. since 11-1-09: was just legally “retired” by SSA in Dec 2020 after full 11 years and I’ve been on full Med. A & B the entire duration of my Judge ordered SS Disability, she ordered mine immediately because of my 9 conditions, some with my heart: Angina, I actually MAKE blood clots, Diab, a brain issue and some other issues AND I also actually worked for the entire duration of the Part D Drug enrollment plan at Pearson Govt. Solutions in Chester, VA in 2005 under former Pres. G. W. Bush. So I know a tad bit about all of this plus I also still have my worker’s manual with allll that info.

  10. Hisham


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