Frauds & Scams

New Online Security

August 3, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

MFAWe’ve added an extra layer of security for our customers when they interact with us online. Now, my Social Security account holders are required to use their cell phone — in addition to their username and password — as another authentication factor during online registration and every sign in. An authentication factor is information used to determine if someone is who they claim to be.

This extra layer of security is called “multifactor authentication” and complies with an executive order requiring federal agencies to provide more secure authentication for their online services. Any agency that provides online access to a customer’s personal information must now use multifactor authentication.

Since my Social Security became available in May 2012, almost 26 million people have created an account. We have always offered multifactor authentication, but only for customers who opted for extra security. For your protection, we now require multifactor authentication for all my Social Security users. To register and sign in, you must now enter a security code that we will send to your cell phone. Your cell phone provider’s text message and data rates may apply.

Our research shows that an overwhelming majority of American adults have cell phones and use them for texting. Because of technical and resource constraints, we are not currently able to offer alternative methods of satisfying this security requirement. However, we may consider adding more options in the future. We appreciate your patience as we work continuously to secure your online information.

We’re committed to using the best technologies and standards available to protect our customers’ data. Multifactor authentication is just one of the ways we’re ensuring the safety and security of the resources entrusted to us. Visit my Social Security to learn more about this helpful suite of online services, including additional details about our latest security measures.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Richard A.

    While they may be in the minority of ALL US citizens, there are a huge number of people in (or nearing) Social Security age that don’t have text-capable cell phones, if they cell phones at all.

    Many of my clients are elderly. They will not be “helped” by this. Re-think this “roadblock” that you have placed in the way of many people. Otherwise, do not delay putting in place the “alternative(s)” you promise.

  2. Pat C.

    DITTO, DITTO! Stupid idea!

  3. Linda G.

    Sounds Like Nothing is Good about this! And AARP wants more Donations one after another! Constantly to get $800.00 More each year. But with the Mail I get from AARP to Donate all the time saying I am not Donating is Crazy! Maybe I should Stop Donating at lease you would be right then! I can’t afford to keep donating to get more money Retired People should get it anyway!!

  4. Dee

    I am repeatedly amazed at how many of our Gov’t institutions REPEATEDLY ASSUME THAT EVERYONE HAS A CELL PHONE!!! My God! – – the absolute EPITOME of ELITIST, EXTREME IVORY TOWER SYNDROME IGNORANCE!!!

    You millennials can find the meaning of Ivory Tower syndrome in the dictionary [that’s a book –the square thing with lots of paper pages bound together]

    . . . . . and D.C wonders why so many people are fed up?? How about getting in touch with some reality – – get out of your offices, and out of your cars, and off of your *&(%! — AND, start walking around the country for a few months – -you might learn a few things that are actually useful!!!

    . . . . and how many respondents want to bet that they don’t even bother to read these responses??

  5. Carol H.

    What if there is NO cell service in your area?
    Now we can not use the site. A lot of rural areas DONOT have cell service.

    • PatC

      Yeh! I have a cell phone and I text a little BUT I’m moving to a rural area that has very spotty service, often none.
      It’s all my fault this seems so STUPID I guess, I’m the one moving. And why do you need my email address for this comment???

    • R.F.

      Hi Carol. We recognize that not every my Social Security account holder may have a cell phone, have consistent cell service in a rural area, or be able to receive a text message. We implemented the text message feature for very important reasons:
      The text message option has been a feature in my Social Security since its launch in May 2012. Making this functionality mandatory allows us to comply with the executive order and use a reliable method of MFA for our almost 26 million current account holders.
      Our research shows that an overwhelming majority of American adults have cell phones and use them for texting.
      We are limited to text messages for the initial MFA implementation due to technical and resource constraints. We may consider adding additional options in the future. For more information about our the multifactor authentication (MFA) process, check out

  6. steve

    Vote the Obama team out. Tell your congressman. Tell your congress person your vote counts. Stop supporting the AARP. And everybody thinks privatizing SS was a bad idea. Government is a bad idea.

  7. Joseph c.

    I need more food stamps 500.

    • R.F.

      Hi Joseph, for information about the food stamps program, also called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), you will need to contact your local SNAP office.

      • Walter R.

        ROTFLMAO… The stupid electronic bot cannot understand sarcasm.

  8. Ernesto A.

    It is just another way for the Government to help the big companies get more money for what they are going to charge extra for the texting and at the same time get more information on you.

  9. Don

    I agree with the 95% who don`t like this!!! I do NOT Text!!!

  10. Sandy P.

    All of the comments are valid. Absolutely crazy idea to have to use a cell phone to prove identity. Who thinks up these things? Please have a meeting and work hard to have reasonable measures for SS recipients. Don’t put the burden on us because of the govs lack of ability to control security. It is only going to get worse. Companies want paperless so everything is computer. I don’t think the stats are correct on cell phones or computers for older segment.

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