COVID-19, General

New Guidance about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments

April 10, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

“The Treasury Department launched a new web tool allowing quick registration for Economic Impact Payments for eligible individuals who do not normally file a tax return, and also announced that it would begin making automatic payments.  However, for some people receiving benefits from the Social Security Administration—specifically those who have dependent children under the age of 17—it is to their advantage to go to this portal to ensure they also get the $500 per dependent Economic Impact Payment.  I encourage them to do this as soon as possible, and want to provide the following details:

People who receive Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability insurance benefits and who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019 and who have qualifying children under age 17 should now go to the IRS’s webpage to enter their information instead of waiting for their automatic $1,200 Economic Impact Payment.  By taking proactive steps to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment.  If Social Security beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, they will have to wait to receive their $500 per qualifying child.

The same new guidance also applies to SSI recipients, especially those who have qualifying children under age 17.  To receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for, go to the IRS’s Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info page and provide information about yourself and your qualifying children.

Additionally, any new beneficiaries since January 1, 2020, of either Social Security or SSI benefits, who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019, will also need to go to the IRS’s Non-Filers website to enter their information.

Lastly, for Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries who do not have qualifying children under age 17, you do not need to take any action with the IRS.  You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS as long as you received an SSA-1099 for 2019.

For SSI recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17, we continue to work closely with Treasury in our efforts to make these payments automatically.  Please note that we will not consider Economic Impact Payments as income for SSI recipients.

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found at the IRS’s Coronavirus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payments page.  In addition, please continue to visit the IRS for the latest information.”

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Monique L.

    I goofed on my non-filer application and entered the bank routing number in twice, under both routing number and account number. I submitted the application. I received an email confirming that the IRS has accepted.

    I’m pretty sure there’s nothing I can do as far as correcting my bank information. I tried resubmitting it with the right account information and I hope I didn’t create yet another delay by submitting twice

    Am I having to have to wait to get the check in the mail or is there a way for me to be able to get this information corrected so that I can have it direct deposited into my account.

    I’m in the hospital til May 6th, I can’t access my mail but still have bills to pay from here

    • V.V.

      Hi Monique. Treasury, not Social Security, will make these payments. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments web page for details.

  2. Stuart

  3. Jason

    I claim my 93 year old mother as a dependent on MY taxes. She has collected Social Security since 1988. Will she get the stimulus? It’s HER money. NOT mine. Just because I claim her, doesn’t mean SHE shouldn’t receive HER stimulus!

    • V.V.

      Hi Jason, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

    • Anthony L.

      no…anyone 17 or older that is claimed as a dependent doesn’t qualify for the stimulis payment

  4. Trey

    I think ssi recipients who are claimed as dependents should get something In stimulus checks. I’m talking about those over 24 whose parents still claim them. Does anyone else agree?

    • Tiff

      I do

  5. Eldrok

    Thanks for providing this useful information on covid-19. This pandemic is increasing day by day. Stay home and stay safe everyone.

  6. James

    Just wanted to let everybody know with direct Express you will not repeat again you will not get your stimulus on it because it does not have a routing number every other prepaid card light next spin and 20 others that have routing numbers and account numbers have already got their stimulus checks but direct Express keeps saying they have no information because they do not want you to change their car there won’t be no information call NetSpend you’ll find out there answering machine says stimulus checks have already been received everybody’s got them Monday they were sent out Friday so you do not have one you ain’t getting one

    • Joseph

      What if you’re on SSI but have been getting your payments (for years) through direct deposit into your bank account? I’m in that group, have no dependents, and can’t believe that there’s any confusion regarding us. They clearly know where to send us our money.

      • Get o.

        You can file a free from on turbotax to give the IRS you direct deposit info , I’d hurry up and do it if I were you.

    • Stuart

      That’s not true. Stop your mansplaining.

      • Dolly

        Mansplaining. Yet another word invented by sexist, man-hating degenerates.

    • Paul K.

      Yes, I have a Netspend card as well as a Direct Express card. The Netspend card has both account and routing numbers; the Direct Express card does technically have a routing number but it’s hidden. Unfortunately, I use the Direct Express card for getting Social Security retirement benefits and when I call I get a recorded message saying they have no information about the deposit schedule. This from a card that is supposed to be he chosen agent of the Treasury Dept.
      When I called Netspend, I get a recorded message saying relief funds have started arriving and are being dispersed. Guess what card I’m switching to ASAP?

    • Jon

      James your a moron and are speaking out your rear end ? ?

    • Robert H.

      you are wrong on so many facts and have no business scaring people. Everyone who has a direct express card that is eligible for the check will get it on the card. The irs has said repeatedly that the method in which you are paid your social security payments on a monthly basis will be the same manner in which they will recieve the stimulus payment. And it has been further clarified in a press release today April 15 using the words Direct Express. You have been corrected!

  7. Jorge B.

    Good morning…We have been here for 7 months in the United States, we have an E2 visa, we want to know if we have any type of help.

  8. Sonia

    If you go by what the Treasury Secretary recently stated… Retired veterans, Disabled veterans, SSI recipients, SSI/SSDI recipients, SSDI recipients and those receiving survivor death benefits or SSI/survivor death benefits, will begin receiving their Economic impact payments on April 17th, 2020. Stay safe everyone….

    • Joseph

      That’s not what it says – It does, but specifically leaves out SSI in that group. It tells us that the Treasury Department is working closely with SSA to figure out how to get us our money quickly. That’s the problem.

      • Roger

        They need to fix this. S.S.I. and V.A. recipients deserve better treatment.

  9. boB

    I get my SSI and SSA direct to my bank and have not received any stimulus as of yet.
    Has anyone received it so far?

    • V.V.

      Thank you for your question. Economic impact payments will be made to eligible Social Security retirement, disability, or survivors beneficiaries as a direct deposit or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their benefits. We are working closely with Treasury to address outstanding questions about our SSI recipients receiving their economic impact payments. Treasury, not Social Security, will make these payments. The IRS will provide additional information at

      • Joseph

        Why isn’t the Treasury/IRS not just sending SSI recipients their money the same way as they are everyone else? I have been getting direct deposit SSI into my bank account for 3 years. You obviously know how to send me money? Why, all of a sudden, when it’s time to give me $1,200, are you all of a sudden confused? I realize this is the IRS’s fault but the IRS has nowhere that we can ask a question on their site and they are currently set up to receive NO calls from anyone. SSI recipients were supposed to be in the first batch of payments and yet they weren’t simply because the IRS is too lazy to contact you and pull up our direct deposit information? The online non filer form DOESN’T WORK. Why are the most vulnerable Americans the ones being screwed here?

        • erica h.

          it not work? ruh rohs for u.

          • Joseph

            Nice pointless troll. Obviously, we’ll all get our money eventually so I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish here lol.

      • Vicky G.

        When? What day? And will it come on my direct express card? These are the questions i want to know.

      • tracy

        Page Not Found.
        Error 404.

        Sorry, this page isn’t available.
        How hard is it to get a straight answer on this, I get SSI on a direct express card and have for 3 years now. I wouldn’t even be worried about getting this 1200 if it wasnt for the fact ( just in case the fat cats and trained chimps working in and for the feds havent noticed) the prices in the stores for just essentials in cases have DOUBLED, add the extra expenses of gloves and masks and hand sanitizers and will there ya go guess where what was left of my money went.

        They responses on here from the supposed SSA rep seem to be a bot since it only repeats the same link over and over again, a link btw that explains nothing!

        • V.V.

          Hi Tracy, thanks for using our blog. It is Treasury, not Social Security, that will make these payments. We do not have any additional information about receiving payments on Direct Express cards at this time. The IRS will provide additional information at when it’s available.

        • Rocky M.

          Hey! I say this and this is facts! Plz plz go fill out a simple tax form at H&R Block…they are one of the first places to override what the portal won’t let you do manually…All you need is a routing number and account number to get direct deposit…if you don’t have access to a bank get a good visa prepaid debit that allows direct deposit…plz don’t wait till they fix this with ssi…it could take months to finally get your money and then get a paper check….so act now..plz. They are wording this in a way for people on ssi to miss out…plz and i’m practically begging you all to go and file with h&r block…Dont wait til friday..the current link is Broken and designed to fail…

    • Elias

      I have not yet. It probably won’t be until Friday for us,who have direct deposit. Im unsure about those express cards people keep talking about. Just get a bank account for crying out loud. Mine is $5 a month.

      • Sharon S.

        i have a bank account SS knows about it but still set me up with direct express card initally even after i gave them my bank account information so i have one and i still got screwed and it is frustrating because i specfically asked for direct deposit and i got set up with this stupid card instead and to fix it have to go in and now all offices are closed so yeah it’s not so clear cut when working with SS when you first SSI

  10. Brian S.

    I have one question and there are no references to this anywhere that I can find. Last year we filed married filing jointly and had our refund direct deposited separately to both our accounts. Where will our stimulus money be deposited? Do they choose the first bank listed?

    • Ron J.

      I’m a widower but my wife and I had done something similar for some reason years ago and what I do recall clearly is they go by the first named on the tax filing..

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