
Myths and Facts About Social Security’s Disability Program

November 4, 2016 • By

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Last Updated: November 4, 2016

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. Jeanne


    • Mr. a.

      The Mafia over in Russia will tell
      you about Walmart.
      Some very good people worked for
      Walmart and worked on three or four
      different positions and Walmart never
      paid. People had moved into the
      property and devalued the proeprty.
      Walmart and McDonalds people
      froze people to death. Persons
      are best off to boycott Walmart
      .Why–spend 2000 to 3000 with them
      only luggage, home items and clothing
      and have US bank purchase only
      10 pairs of jeans. They walked back into the store and through the jealns
      on the floor. We think–just boycott
      Walmart as they will not replace your
      phones so that you can sit in the gutter.

  2. bettyg

    i personally feel what lawyers are paid WHEN APPROVED is not right.

    i know on my 2 personal claims that it was me doing the work of getting drs. medical records, etc. taking many MONTHS to do this and reading thru it.

    in my case, the lawyer was not entitled to $$ since he quit me 4 yrs. into this WAIVING this right, but i would have paid $6,000 at that time.

  3. Anne T.

    I have been turned down twice for disability benefits & have been waiting for hearing date for quite some time. I started process over year ago & retained services of lawyer from the initial claim. I have both mental & physical issues. In addition I suddenly became a widow unexpectedly & quickly over year ago when husband of 39 years died suddenly. I’m barely getting by & struggling to survive.I’m 59 years old & until my health issues arose I’d worked since age 13…if I was able to work would still be doing so. EVEN physician wrote letters saying I’m unable to work at all & have tons of documentation from oncology. SURGEONS. Psych & primary care drs. Am on extreme amounts of meds as well..I .was curious how long does it usually take for hearing date? also husband was receiving social security. If for some reason I do not get approved for disability will I be able to collect on husbands social security when I turn 60 in august? I’m getting desperate. .Some days not sure life worth living anymore. .Any Advice Or Assistance APPRECIATED. Thank You For Your Time

    • R.F.

      Hi Anne. We are sorry to hear about your medical difficulties. Yes, you will be able to apply and begin receiving reduced widow’s benefits as soon as you are eligible (age 60). The length of time it takes to get a hearing can vary from state to state. We attempt to resolve all claims promptly, but there may be delays due to the volume of pending appeals in your area. The good news is that we are trying to conduct many of our hearings through video teleconferencing (VTC) to speed up the process. Please continue working with your attorney and local hearing office on specific questions about your case. Thank you for using our blog.

  4. Otto B.

    You say only the people that need it gets it, that’s bull, I know people that get it that could work, I also know someone that really need it and has been trying for years and keeps getting turned down.

  5. A.J.T.

    This post is laughable. It would be easier for an individual to drive to Petco and buy a pet unicorn than it is for somebody to be approved for social security disability without hiring a good experienced attorney. Even then, next to nobody is initially awarded benefits. They have to appeal and literally wait years for a hearing and a decision. In most states it takes years. Plural.

    It’s deceptive posts like this that make me want to slap this PR guy Jim Borland in the face.

  6. Annette

    My son was diagnosed as bipolar at the age of 8. Raising him was a struggle as I worked full-time and went to school while attending to his medical, physical, and emotional needs. I also met with his team for psychological and judicial reasons on a weekly basis once he became a teen and into his 20’s. He was approved for disability at age 18 and it was such a blessing. He looked perfectly fine and capable of working, but what you couldn’ t see was the inner turmoil that prevented him from working–staying awake for days, then sleeping for days; med changes and adverse reactions; hallucenations, extreme anxiety; unable to leave the house for months as a result of his fear. What SSI did for him, was bought him time to get better and learn to manage his illness with resources, and to mature and gain confidence. He moved out of my house at age 29, went to school, got married and has a son. He and his wife just bought a house. SSI afforded him the time he needed, and he has been a contributing member of society ever since.

    • Collyn

      A success story! Thank you for this positive news.

  7. Susan

    If you really look Trump was not making fun of that guys disability, it was his forgetting and idiot thinking that Trump was making fun of. I have a disabled child/adult and there was no doubt in my mind what Trump was drawing attention to.


  8. ben

    I just hope with all the meddling SS doesn’t go the way of OBAMACARE.

    • Ollie

      1. “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful frhn&dsiipe#8221; – Rick, Casablanca2. “A única maneira de se libertar de uma tentação é entregar-se a ela”-Oscar Wilde3. “Algumas pessoas procuram os padres, outras a família, eu procuro os meus amigos” . Virginia woolf

  9. Martha

    I actually have a question…I am 60 yrs old, waiting on an SSDI decision here soon. When might I be able to request my ex husbands benefits? (I am eligible to do so). Do I have to wait until I’m 62 or my full age of 66.4 OR is it feasible to collect it now, if and when I receive SSDI. Thank you.

    • R.F.

      Hi Martha, you may be eligible to receive benefits on your ex-spouse’s record at age 62 if:
      • You were married to your ex-spouse for at least 10 years;
      • You are unmarried;
      • Your ex-spouse is entitled to Social Security retirement or disability benefits and,
      • The benefit you are entitled to receive based on your own work is less than the benefit you would receive based on your ex-spouse’s work.
      If your spouse hasn’t applied for benefits, but can qualify for them and is age 62 or older, you can receive benefits on your ex-spouse’s work if you’ve been divorced for at least two years. Please visit our Retirement Planner: If You Are Divorced, then check out our publication, “What Every Woman Should Know” for more important information.

  10. Sheila

    Speaking as someone who lived a fullfilled live with a thriving career , not a job making what the upper class would consider a lot of money , but certainly for me pleanty to take care of myself and never have a use any Goverment programs. I was able to purchase a small Town House in low cost of living State-knowing everyone in my family had passed away from hedriditary disease , I never married or had children or went into C/C debt trying to play it safe and paying my full share of taxes claiming zero as to insure if and when I was afflicted my company whom did pay my long term disability policy and after multiple specialist and after 3 years of going through reviews every 3 months with each Doctor the LTD turned my case over to their SSD ATTRY to start the process when it became apparent that my health was on a serious decline and more disease were being diagnosed following a family histoy which altimately lead to death. Of course Cobra ran out , but I was very blessed because my Doctors had become personally invested with me and wrote letters to the drug mainufactors , my Morg. comp worked on a special program they had when my doctors provided documents as did my ATTRY , I sent , and I called my Senator who got personally involved and God Bless everyone who helped me and continues to pray for me, I am still alive. I was told it would take up 5 to 7 years to get approved , but through the help of my Doctors , my LTD and their Atty and the Senator and even the SSD who agreed to expedite a review of all the medical reviews and from the LTD who all of reviews submitted to them every 3 months for 3 years , I was granted my SSD . I know there is a lot fraud and my Senator explained to me that’s why people experience such delays. So I would encourage you if you are truly disabled and ihopefully not in my situation where there is no quality of physical but the hope of our nation returning to its core values ” to the people for the people and where we all look at each with love , respect and have intregity and honest and truth return to aspects of leadership like in the state I live. I do not hold it against one side or the other as I have never used a Goverment program before. But it was a group who took my calls , read my letters, researched my medical history and helped . And I praise G-d for them.

    I hope this helps, I am but one story in millions… God Bless All Americans and I thank this Nation for without SSD I would not be writing you this letter. I know God will provide but he needs open hearts willing to do the right thing and that includes the hard work of no to fraud.

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