
Mental Disorders Rule Update

September 23, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: September 23, 2016

Woman with documents sitting on the deskOn Monday, September 26, Social Security will publish a final rule to update the criteria we use to evaluate disability claims involving mental disorders. This rule, “Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Mental Disorders,” is the most comprehensive revision to the criteria since 1985.

Upon publishing this final rule, our standards and terminology for evaluating claims involving mental disorders reflect information from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition — the mental health profession’s current standard classification of mental disorders.

While updating this rule, the public had questions about our criteria for evaluating intellectual disability. From childhood onward, people with intellectual disabilities experience deficits in intellectual functioning and lack many basic daily practical and social skills. We decided it was critical to ensure these individuals receive necessary assistance as soon as possible. Therefore, we updated the diagnostic and functional criteria for this disorder and are using IQ test score criteria to identify quickly people who may qualify for disability benefits based on an intellectual disability.

Besides reflecting comments from members of the public, the rule reflects the expertise of disability policy experts, adjudicators, psychiatric professionals, and vocational experts.

During the careful, considered process of updating the rule, we’ve engaged with stakeholders, including: disability beneficiaries and their family members; psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health treatment providers; and advocacy groups for those with mental disorders. We also solicited, responded to, and incorporated public comments, and considered an intellectual disability report we commissioned from the National Academy of Sciences.

People with mental disorders are some of the most vulnerable members in our society, and we take our duty to provide them with effective service and support seriously. Publishing this rule is just one way we’re meeting our priority to secure today and tomorrow for millions throughout life’s journey.

You can learn more about the rule here.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. bettyg

    please show the SPECIFIC DIRECT LINK to where all this new updated criteria/text is?

    i clicked on HERE; it didn’t say anything more than the email we received.

    i went to 3-4 more links; nothing there showing what the new info is in DETAIL.

    show the DETAILED link of info please….thanks!

    also SHORTER paragraphs for those of us with neuro cognitive reading deficits due to our various illnesses affecting the brain…thanks.

    • ata

      Trust me, you don’t want to read hundreds of pages of gobbledygook.

      • Jor W.

        No. We want to read every page of that gobbledegook.

    • Ida

      I would like them to print it and send it to me by mail (USPS)

    • Ida C.

      I would like them to print it and send it to me by mail (USPS)

    • R.F.

      You can learn more about the revised criteria at https://www.federalregister.gov/public-inspection/current.

  2. Joe M.

    I am from the government and, we are here to help you!

    • marishka

      liar-liar-pants on fire

  3. Manuel S.

    The Mental Disorders Rule Update will become instrumental in classification of disorder types which will facilitate a better understanding of functional levels for qualification purposes and may not be the answer in all cases.

  4. Linda Z.

    I suffer from treatment resistant depression,and bipolar
    .I have been on medication and under psychiatric treatment since I was 12.I have been raped 4 times while in institutions.They say that I haven’t worked enough in my life to get disability.I just turned 60.

    • misery c.

      Oh Linda Z… I am so very sorry about your situation. My heart breaks for you. Unfortunately that’s all I have to offer! No solutions, only empathy and sympathy. Since you didn’t make enough for Social Security Disability, do.you know if you qualify for SSI (Supplemental Security Income)? You probably do know, but I just want to make sure.

      You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care ?

    • Carol

      I was under the impression that for physical issues (like my Multiple Sclerosis) you had to have worked a certain amount to be eligible. However, I was also under the impression that psychiatric problems were the exception to that rule. I’m almost certain than an attorney told me that… Has it changed in the last several years?

      • ata

        Get a better attorney.

    • R.F.

      Hi Linda! The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program pays benefits to disabled individuals with limited income and resources. Please read our publication about the SSI program for more information, including how to apply. Also, you may find our Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool (BEST) useful.

  5. Depressed

    I suffer from severe depression. Most of it is due to chronic back pain and arthritic pain. I have difficulty concentrating and bad memory “gaps”. I was denied disability and am relying on Medicaid and very generous family members. I’m going for a neuro psych test soon and can ask for an IQ test. Ironically some mental illnesses like schitsophrenia are more likely to occur with high IQs. So this criteria worries me as IQ tests are subject to the person and society. Even our smartest might fail an Ivory Coast or Tibetan IQ test.

    • Sharon

      That’s true about Schizophrenia and the high IQ’s. Watch the movie “A Beautiful Mind”. It’s a true story, and the perfect example.

  6. John

    follow the money

  7. Brian M.

    I don’t see me getting any help though with that or my problems I am having from spina bifida…they don’t seem to care at all…I’ve been tryna get help for 5 years now and still nothing…it’s time for a change…help those who need HELP!!!! #HAVEAHEART

    • Carol

      Wait… You were denied SSDI?!

    • ata

      There are medical and NON medical requirements, maybe you weren’t insured.

  8. Konfuzed P.

    What in the heck are you people babbling about?

    • John

      read the long pdf ? 280 + pages

  9. Brian M.

    Well in my case I’ve already been denied help from the state despite having bi polar disorder,PTSD,severe anxiety and depression etc…so I wonder maybe now I can get some help seeing how the state is supposedly gotten more sensitive to this type of stuff…Maybe…

    • Carol

      Is it really the state? Cause with my disability claim I was up against the Federal Government. Social Security Disability is a Federal program. Are you applying for something different provided by the state you live in?

      • ata

        Have her file to find out.

      • ata

        A MEDICAL review not a payment review.

        • ML

          What is the difference When it comes to getting SSDI? It is not as if I am getting any health care from them, I pay for my own health insurance and it keeps going up of course, but the SSDI does not stay in step.

          • D. M.

            If you are getting SSI payments, they automatically deduct for Medicare “health insurance. ” You are probably paying for supplemental insurance.

      • ata

        The State Disability Determination Services is contracted to make the decisions for the Federal Government.

    • MEB

      My friend is BiPolar, diagnosed by 3 doctors and a state appointed doctor. All advised he cannot hold a job. After 3 years of waiting for an SSI hearing, the judge decided that she and her occupational therapist, based on jobs around the country (not locally), knew better than the doctors. She stated such in her references in her 16 page negative determination letter. She even contradicted herself in many pages. He filed for an appeal but it has been nearly a year and still no answer to when that appeal may happen. He even has an attorney who seems mistified. It appears the judge is punishing him for working so hard not to self medicate and my efforts to give him a safe room to live in. He would get more help from the state if he stayed a homeless heroine addict!

    • Unique

      My channel may be of assistance for you.

  10. Alice T.

    my disorder was from my child hood,from being apousaud
    as a child.

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