
Learn about Overpayments and Our Process

September 14, 2023 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 13, 2023

mother cooking with her daughterThe Social Security Administration works to ensure that we pay the right person the right amount at the right time, and our payment accuracy rates are high. Given the magnitude of the benefits we pay each year—$1.4 trillion in benefits to more than 70 million people—and complexity of the programs we administer, overpayments can happen.

Social Security is required by law to adjust benefits or recover debts when people receive payments they weren’t entitled to. We take seriously our responsibilities to our customers and to taxpayers to safeguard the integrity of our benefit programs and be good stewards of the trust funds.

Overpayments can occur for many reasons, like when someone does not timely report work or other changes that can affect benefits or when an individual chooses to continue receiving payments during an appeal. Each person’s situation is unique, and we handle overpayments on a case-by-case basis.

Getting an overpayment notice may be unsettling or unclear, and we work with people to navigate the process. We inform people about the fact and amount of the overpayment, their right to appeal, and the options to repay or, in some cases, receive waivers for the debt.

People have the right to appeal the overpayment decision or the amount. They can also ask Social Security to waive collection of the overpayment, if they believe it was not their fault and can’t afford to pay it back. We examine every waiver request to determine if the person caused the debt and their ability to repay. If we can’t waive the debt, we have flexible repayment options—including repayment of as low as $10 per month.

Social Security is working to prevent overpayments and make the process easier.

For more information about the overpayment process, please see our Overpayments Fact Sheet.

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  1. Susan H.

    DOES ANYONE EVER HAVE A HAPPY ENDING regarding overpayment of SS?? I see all horror stories!

  2. Diressia G.

    My name is Diressia Garner the social security took my check this month for over payment first i was not inform after i got my letter that I could set up a payment plan or anything second last year on my b day my ssi turn into regular ss and all you all was suppose to take was 10 percent but you all took my whole check my car note is 350 my house note is 800 I can’t even pay my bills can I please set up a payment plan and get the rest of my check for this month to pay my bills please

    • S.D.

      We’re sorry to hear of your situation, Diressia. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to work with your local Social Security office on a repayment plan. To learn more about your appeal and waiver rights, please read our Overpayments fact sheet. We hope this is resolved soon.   

    • Barry b.

      Yes they took you up $358.38 must have my check for 4 years on child support if it’s not going to take you out and in fact they told me this and that supposed to be paying them I said potato I would love to have my money back from social security will they took out my check that’s why I’m trying to find out this appeal against the judge ordered them pay it back and you haven’t paid it back yet nothing 6 months ago I want to know why I ain’t received my money back social security yet I want to feel while back till I need my money back with us you sent me nothing back yet

      • Barry b.

        109mcbroom Woodbury Tennessee 37190 PO box 14 BarryBynum and I took it test without make it three and a half 4 years and they owe me back all that money with to come and they have not sent me a picture of it back yet I don’t know what’s wrong I can live without they pay me money I’m not drunk that’s not enough for me in a while and now the truck you back then they give me my money back but they didn’t give me another Backpage

      • S.D.

        We’re sorry to hear about your situation, Barry. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to contact your local Social Security office or call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Wait times to speak to a representative are typically shorter Wednesdays through Fridays or later in the day. We hope this helps. 

  3. Amber D.

    I have no way to even understand how I could owe 20,000 onnmy ssn or ssa .. I never had that much money innmy adult life ever . I just started supporting my self an my 14 yr daughter 3 to 4 years ago. Only checks, I’ve had or benefits from ssa was the income stimulus for me an my daughter.i don’t understand I believe my ssn was stolen an filed for something under my name . I have no clue what it could even be to have that much. My car isn’t even that much . I’ve never gotta benfits. Please help me…. I can’t afford the money they are taking out my taxes it’s main way me an my dependents pay our middle of jobs right now .i can’t afford it an I fully believe the 20,000 isn’t my fault.. I need reason sent to me someway .

    • S.D.

      We’re sorry to hear about your situation, Amber. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to contact your local Social Security office or call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Wait times to speak to a representative are typically shorter Wednesdays through Fridays or later in the day. We hope this is resolved soon.

  4. Patricia B.

    I have paid back over $15,000 in over payments. Yes I owed most of it. I finished the final payment in July 2023. Even have a letter saying so. Dec 2023 comes and now I owe over 6,000 more dollars and no I do not! I have appealed, I have contacted SS, I have gone to the Kissimmee Office and no luck. All I get is we don’t know why you owe it maybe it’s this or that. Even the letters I have received are different. You should see my 1099’s! If they are true then SS owes me around 49,000.00. I’m sending them an invoice tomorrow. I filed another appeal today and showed them how you calculate overpayments vs this last letter I received which is mind boggling how they came up with those amounts and yes I called and I get well hmmm, well you know, well hmmm. What I’m seeing are a lot of people who work for SS not trained properly and who do not know what they are doing and I also see a software program that has serious glitches as well as the ability of someone being able to manipulate the data. In my world we call that an insider threat. I have requested to see a Judge. I don’t need representation I have all the documents I need. EXCEPT the full accounting document that I have now requested 3 times and still have not received. Makes you wonder why they won’t send it doesn’t it? Well doesn’t matter I have all the proof I need without it and most of it is their own documents. I wish everyone on here the best of luck and don’t give up. Contact the Inspector General’s office and if you have to go to your Congressman and file a complaint. The computer systems need to be upgraded especially when it comes to overpayments and locked down to prevent human error. What a mess no wonder it takes an hour to get someone to answer there are 50 million people with 50 million issues.

    • Daniel

      For some reason they will not let you have access to any payments made to you before you recieve your first check they only say from may2020 thru Dec 2023 we paid you 50000.00 dollars when we should of only paid you 28000.00 dollars then they will not explain anything just tell you to prove them wrong and even if you do your still going to pay I owe only184 dollars they are making me pay back 988.00 268 for feb24 268 for March and April they say the will take 452.00 they then say may 2
      4 I will receive a regular check again.961-777 is 184 I asked why no one can answer not the local office or the 1800 number.and everyone is so disrespectful and the lie and promise you a expert will be calling you back such a terrible way to treat your fellow Americans they need to clean house with all the rif raff they let represent social securty

      • S.D.

        We’re sorry to learn of your experience, Daniel. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. If you believe you have been incorrectly assessed an overpayment, you can ask for an explanation and for options to resolve it. We encourage you to continue to work with your local Social Security office. You can ask to speak with a supervisor during your next call or visit. For more information about overpayments, check out our Frequently Asked Questions. You can also submit feedback by visiting our How can we help? webpage. From there, select the “Email Us” link. This will take you to the “Email Our Support Team” form where you can submit a compliment, complaint, or suggestion. We hope this is resolved soon.

  5. Susan

    I live in Mass and am looking for a social security attorney. They stopped my regular social security payments saying I owe them money when I collected under my husband’s benefits when he passed away.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    • S.D.

      Hi, Susan. Thanks for reading our blog and for your question. To learn more about our overpayment notices, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions. The decision to seek the services of a representative (attorney or another qualified person) is yours. While many people handle their own appeals, a representative familiar with our programs can provide a valuable service to you. Each of our local offices has a list of organizations that can help you find a representative. For more information, read our Your Right to Representation fact sheet. We hope this helps.

  6. Jennifer H.

    It’s awful that my local social SECURITY Office doesn’t think that there in no accountability. They are not following policy and procedures. During the pandemic I heard nothing until I had retained an attorney. They were telling me they never received any forms asking for reinstatement. They had stopped paying my disability because I was no longer disabled. I called the office after not receiving and they did an over the phone and mailed the documents to me to sign. Stating I never mailed them back. So I faxed and mailed them. I didn’t hear anything and then finally after my attorney sent the completed paperwork to them. It was 2 months later they told my attorneys that my check had been reinstated so my attorneys had closed my case. So they reinstate my checks but didn’t return any back payments . Two months later they stopped pay for overpayment. I couldn’t reach anyone in that office because he was working at home. So I called after hours and talked to someone who mailed me the forms for reinstatement. I mailed them back and no reply. I sent a copy of the form to Jefferson City and another social security office north of me. I still didn’t hear anything. I hand wrote a letter to my Nevada, Missouri Representative. I didn’t hear anything. Finally I signed up with a legal aide lawyer. When we first started a request for me to receive enough money to live and not become homeless. Then a representative called me and suddenly he heard from his supervisor’s and he wanted to know what I wanted. For almost two years I had family paying my bills to keep my utilities and rent paid. The request for reconderation asked that I wanted all of the payments acquired for overpayment sent back to me so I may REPAY Family for rent, utilities, food, gas for doctors, insurance on vehicle.
    I told him I knew that on that morning at 8 AM my legal aide attorney had sent some request and he kept trying to ask for the reconderation (which had suddenly reapeired). I told him to call my attorney. He asked me why I didn’t report my income in 2016 I told him I had reported my income when I came in and filed for assistance covering costs I couldn’t. He told me that was a different department. I said it is in the computer 4 or 5steps away from him and he said he had no access to that. I asked him if it was privileged to see where I had qualified the state to pay for my Medicare payments from insurance. He said that was the state OF Missouri expansion and he had no way to see my paycheck stubs there either. I told him I didn’t knowingly defraud SSA. I told him the year in question 2016 Vocational Rehabilitation had me signed me up and they did report my income from work. I told him to print the dialogue and send it to my attorney and he said he didn’t have it recorded. Then he kept saying that if we did what my attorney wanted it would take a lot longer to get my request for reconsideration. I told him to call my attorney. I told him at least 7 times to call my attorney. I still haven’t heard anything about stopping collection my overpayment and recovering all of the funds collected for overpayment. My file is a mess due to them working from home during the pandemic. They also basically told me that the social security are not responsive to any of the state or federal government. I am putting together all of my receipts and as many pay check stubs. Legal aide told me to find as much information as I can. I have found a tub of receipts. Social Security local office requested copies of my taxes returns with w-2. I complied. But the should have requested paystubs but they didn’t. It’s a big mess and when I get all of these papers in chronological order I will walk it into another office. The local office tells new comers who walk their requests for disability in hand they tell them they no longer do it that way. It has to be completed over the phone. After they do this the office doesn’t mail them a copy to sign and mail back. They send them the whole blank packet to fill out like the one that was in hand in the first place. Nevada, MO office is crooked and have no one to answer to.

    • S.D.

      We’re sorry to hear of your experience, Jennifer. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We have forwarded your comments to our colleagues in Missouri. Please continue to work with your local Social Security office. You can ask to speak with a supervisor on your next call or visit. We hope this is resolved soon.

  7. Mindy D.

    I am also a victim. Said I didn’t report a payment from a retirement account 10 years before I ever went on ss through my husband ss disability. But it had been turned in throu my it’s 10 yr prior through my income tax. So they suspended my ss. We have been down there now 11 times since July. Every bit of paper work has been turned in. They are now saying it’s in processing. But that’s been since late September. My Medicare part b was paid through this as payment also. I got a bill in August separately from Medicare. Ss office told me not to pay it as it would all be recalculated when this got straighten out. Starting in January I was notified that I no longer have Medicare b that pays fro Dr and prescriptions. I am on 9 scripts per month. Can’t pay for meds because don’t have check. This is so messed up. I am 71. Are they waiting till maybe I die so they’re off the hook. This needs fixed and fast. I don’t know where to go from here. Each time I go to office I get a different excuse. Basically told me whenever I come down to inquire about benefits they tell me this causes everything to get put at the bottom of the pile to have to start from scratch. I was told if this is causing a hardship to go and apply at family job and service (welfare). What is wrong with this system. I don’t know where to go from here.

    • David T.

      Same ‘type’ situation here , ssa says I owe $25.300 . I been to the office 7 + times since August , The denied my appeal & I never got the notice in the mail . They had 30 + pages of info saying the $ they accounted falsely was not mine but (THEY ARE THE JUDGE & JURY ) ???

      I’m on a 250 year payment plan at $10 repay a month , Ill be back at the office next week . Good Luck

    • S.D.

      We are sorry to hear about your situation, Mindy. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to continue to work with your local Social Security office. You may ask to speak to a supervisor on your next call or visit. You can also submit feedback by visiting our How can we help? webpage. From there, select the “Email Us” link. This will take you to the “Email Our Support Team” form where you can submit a compliment, complaint, or suggestion. We hope this is resolved soon.


      • Kelly D.

        This is a terrible example of our system not working. We need not to withhold full funds without accountably. Sounds like a third world system not United states. We have no law to protect us. Get one and do better.

  8. Jesse

    i have an over payment of $848,000 because i was not able to report my wages they want us to use their online portal thing but it won’t let me make an account i have tried so many times only to have the message we can’t make an acccojnt for this ssi number. i tried to call them to report my wages they would not let me do it over the phone they wanted me to drive to their office in st. paul mn were parking cost money like $5 an hour then i gotta sit in there office and wait so many hours to talk to a person no thanks so if i have to wait for 3 hours or more im paying $20 to park my car messed up and im not going to keep going to the office every month to give them my pay stubs. well now im not getting my ssi and i don’t even know when ill get it back plus they want me to pay $15 a month towards the overpayment. none of this would of happened if was able to make an online account but they make it so hard to make one i have proof that i cant make one that it keeps saying they can’t make one and to contact social security and i have and they don’t care. this over payment is not my fault its theirs i tired to let them know i did but they didn’t want to work with me over the phone and i refuse to drive back down to st. paul i hate that area and im not paying to park my car. i get a job and work they take $50 on up out of my paychecks they want us to try to work we try and then they punish us.

    • Jesse

      i messed up on the amount of overpayment it’s $8848.00

    • David T.

      Dang I thought my 250 year repayment was long (my great X 5-7 grand-kids will be paying this .

      Also it took years to figure out how to report her wages over the phone / I don’t even have a smart phone .

      Sooo unfair

      Best wishes in your case it can be VERY depressing .

    • S.D.

      We’re sorry to hear about your experience, Jesse. If you receive SSI, we offer other automated tools for reporting your wages to us. You can use our SSI Telephone Wage Reporting Service. We also have an app that allows you to report SSI wages from an Android or Apple smartphone. For more information, visit our SSI Wage Reporting webpage. You can also report your wages by writing to your local Social Security office. Please work with your local office to find out which option is best for you. We hope this helps.  

  9. Cassandra

    SSI won the lawsuit-wavier all pandemic income increased

    I hope this wavier also applies to SSDI as well

    • Denasha

      What state?

  10. Randy P.

    Yes I too am a victim of this unbelievable thing that’s happening to so many Americans now.I received a letter in December of2023 what a wonderful gift stating that I was overpaid since the beginning of September of 2021 until now by 300$ a month never ever received any correspondence of any type from them Ever!My check never changed only when we got the Cola raise I had no idea that there was any problem with my ss none at all ever. I filed the appeal and with all this crap gone through Cancer treatment the amount of stress that this has put on my health is so unfair.this was not and is not my fault this system is broken and has been for a while .

    • S.D.

      We’re sorry to hear about your situation, Randy. For your security, we don’t have access to private information in this venue. We encourage you to continue to work with your local Social Security office. You may also want to review our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this is resolved soon.


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