Disability, SSI

Important Resources for Veterans and Their Families

November 8, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 8, 2024

A military family posing for a photo outside their homeAs we approach Veterans Day 2024, we want to remind veterans and their families about programs and services that are tailored to meet their unique needs.

Social Security Resources

We offer resources to help veterans with disabilities. Our benefits and programs include:

  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): Veterans who have a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation rating of 100% Permanent & Total (P&T) can receive expedited processing of their Social Security disability claims. Read about the differences between the two federal programs in our factsheet, Social Security Disability and Veterans Affairs Disability – How Do They Compare?
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI): Veterans who have a disability or are 65 or older may be eligible for SSI if they have limited income and resources. SSI is a needs-based program that provides financial assistance to help people meet basic needs.
  • Employment Supports: Our publication, Journey to Success: Employment Tools for Veterans with Disabilities, describes services for veterans entering the workforce, including career counseling and vocational training, as well as Social Security employment opportunities.

To learn more, check out our webpages, Careers: Veterans & Military Spouses and Information for Military & Veterans, and sign up for Military & Veteran Information and Updates.

VA Benefits

Looking for more information for veterans? Visit eBenefits, the online gateway to veterans’ benefits. Veterans who were exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, or other toxic substances during their military service may want to visit the PACT Act resource page. The PACT Act expands VA health care and other benefits to some veterans who were exposed to certain toxic substances.

Veteran Saves Week

The upcoming Veteran Saves Week is an America Saves initiative to help veterans, their families, caregivers, and the military community build financial confidence. The event, November 12-15, will focus on financial stress, housing, employment, banking, and other important topics.

This Veterans Day, we recognize veterans for their sacrifices and dedication to the American people. To all veterans and their families, we thank you for your service.


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  1. Cherre H.

    I believe our Veterans deserve respect and care..they fought to keep the freedoms we enjoy.

    I am a nurse that is retired disabled. While you mention policemen and firefighters, you do not mention nurses (we are always overlooked) We fight on the front lines too by dealing with patients and their families. We also deal with things no one else wants to; COVID, Hepatitis, AIDS, and tuberculosis to name a few. How about throwing us a few crumbs now and then?

  2. Louis C.

    This is very helpful and I want to know if there is a 5100.00 stimulus being given given and if I qualify

  3. quacy m.

    bankrupt and remove The manager of the Social Security office in Brooklyn is Mr. Bradshaw. Mr. Bradshaw is the manager of the Social Security office in Brooklyn, New York.

  4. Sylvia K.

    Need to know more about passed Veterans wife and what all to get. Please Help.

  5. marie

    you really need to hire several individuals to completely re-write your entire policies in a formate that even a lay person could understand. you give a multitude of answers, scenarios & then justifications per one question. included in the one question is also untold “but if’s, or when”. people who wrote this, danced around every issue. so not only citizens but more than half of ss employees don’t even know most answers they read answer a, & that said no. but don’t bother to continue to read b,c,d, & e & somewhere in those paragraphs was a scenario that says yes.

    • Coke

      Ain’t that the Truth. Mental health is priority one blog is titled. What BS that is. Unbelievable the way some of these well known organizations act like they help veterans and I finally reached out for numerous things giving my situation and wasn’t able to receive a dime or even a $5 gift card absolutely nothing from anybody or organization. They have policies that dance around who and when they help which basically says 1 in every 100,000 veterans might just might be entertained and then ultimately told no help available. VA hospital Dept also, what a disgrace and they wonder why 22 a day.. sad and sickening the way been treated. So much for serving during war overseas. They show much appreciation.. yeah right. #truth


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