Disability, General, Online Services

How We Review Your Disability Benefits

April 14, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: April 14, 2016

Picture of a man on crutchesWhen you receive disability benefits, Social Security will periodically conduct a review of your condition to make sure you still qualify for blind or disability benefits. With the right information, you can be prepared when this happens.

When your case comes up for review, we’ll send you a letter asking you to come to your local Social Security office. We’ll ask you about how your medical condition affects you and whether it’s improved. We’ll also ask you to bring information about your medical treatment and any work you have performed since Social Security decided you were disabled.

A disability examiner from your state’s Disability Determination Services will request reports from your medical providers, and will carefully review all the information in your case. If the medical evidence is not complete or current, we may ask you to have a medical exam at no cost to you.

Social Security conducts a disability review of your case approximately every three years depending on the nature and severity of your medical condition and whether it’s expected to improve. If we don’t expect improvement, we’ll review your case every seven years.

When we conduct a disability review, if we find that your medical condition hasn’t improved and is still preventing you from working, you’ll continue to receive benefits. Your benefits only stop if the evidence shows your medical condition has improved and you are able to work regularly.

If you disagree with our decision, you can appeal and ask us to look at your case again. When we notify you of our decision, we will explain how you can appeal that decision.

You can visit us online for more information, or read our publication What You Need to Know When You Get Social Security Disability Benefits.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. joseph k.

    I have tried to get parking space at my apartment as disable person but they keep telling me I have to remain on regular waiting list to receive my parking space. They said I can’t get preferential treatment. Can you direct me to non profit organization advocates?

    • Veronika

      Contact your state office for protection and Advocacy services also you can file a complaint with your township and get parking rezoned where you live if there are 10 apartments or it is public housing

  2. Arthur A.

    I am a service veteran I recieved disability from a social security judge in 1999 I just applied will I receive it now that I turn 62 years old

    • Retired

      Your comment is confusing since you mentioned you got disability in 1999 and waited until now to apply. What did you get from 1999 to now?

      • Arthur A.

        With award Lester from social security I sent to VA and my 60 percent turned to 100 Percent did not follow threw with social security disability have only five years after award to apply

    • Lorri

      I am thinking that you are asking will you get both your disability and early retirement now that you are turning 62 years old. You can receive both but the combined amount will never be more than what you would draw at full retirement age.

      • greg

        no you only can get one but the disability turns in to regular retirement at age 62 iv been on disability since 1989 and they told me it turns into retirement at 62

        • Molly

          My SSDI benefit allowance changed to regular SSA at 66.

          • Veronika

            That is how it works for everyone

        • John O.

          Not 62 but 65 or 66 or whatever your full retirement age is.

          • PEDRO

            65 or 66 is correct. Never 62. 2 months before 65 got letter that at 65 I would then be receiving regular SS. Best part is those anoying medical reviews no longer are needed.

          • R.F.

            Let us clarify this issue. Social Security disability benefits automatically change to retirement benefits when disability beneficiaries attain their full retirement age (Currently age 66). Thanks.

      • R.F.

        To clarify. When you receive disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, we will automatically convert your disability benefits to retirement benefits, when you attain your Full Retirement Age(currently 66). The benefit amount will generally remain the same.

        • Shanna

          I am forever indebted to you for this intiamrfoon.

  3. George H.

    Autism, mental retardation, Tourette’s, Marie charco tooth syndrome all are not curable. Our daughter has multiple disabilities and SSA thought after only a year she needed a review. There has to be a better way!

    • Lorri

      I agree that they are not curable. However, over time they could “improve” to the point where the child no longer meets the listing for disability according to them. My daughter has Down Syndrome and it is not curable…but that is not the issue…it’s the advancement made in their abilities to do daily living activities and how they do in school. At age 18, all children’s benefits will have to be reviewed because at that time they need to meet the requirements for disability under an adult listing.

  4. engineer k.

    thank you dear!

  5. Dina P.

    I’m still waiting for a form to show that the SSA employee discriminated against me & thus, my benefits were reduced. Still no action by the SSA!

    • Lorri

      I am curious to know what their reasoning for reducing your benefits might be?

    • John O.

      There is no such form. If your benefits were reduced there was a notice telling you that was going to happen and it explained your appeal rights which you could appeal by writing on a paper sack if you wanted to.

      • Karen

        My disability benefit was reduced in 2007 they said to over payment by work comp settlement. I never received a work comp settlement. Called SS many times, went to the local office and even got my state senator involved. I still have not received a reply from social security. I never got a letter of explanation or anything about an appeal. I was told it was due to work comp the 181st time I called about it. Has been over a year. Not one reply even by mail.

    • Veronika

      Appeal the decision. SSA cannot cut or take avay a benefit if you appeal it andr it is waiting for the appeal decision

  6. Louise O.

    I have on numerous times have applied on line for Disability and have been turned down . I have not been able to work due to my legs . Should I Go to The Social Security Office to apply ?

    • joseph

      you should talked to lawyer named Bill La Tour, look him up, they will come to you

    • Lorri J.

      It is perfectly fine to apply online. That has nothing to do with your decision. The decision is based on your age, education, past relevant work (any work done in the past 15 years for more than a 3 month period) and your medical problems. Almost everyone is denied the first time they apply. The key to the process is to “appeal” the denial by filing a reconsideration appeal and if you are denied there, file a hearing appeal. Don’t just give up and keep reapplying. There is a limit on the number of applications a person can file within a certain period.

      • Lester T.

        I would contact an attorney that handles disability denial cases.

      • John O.

        Some good information in your reply except it is not true that almost everyone is denied the first time and the is no limit on the # of time you can file within a time period. You just can’t have 2 active claims at a time.

      • PEDRO



        • Blanche

          How often did you have to be reviewed?

    • Laura G.

      Call BINDER & BINDER they specialize in SSD

    • shii

      Try a lawyer that will help on your behalf no cost to you unless you win that’s the only option been there lawyer up….

  7. Collyn

    I didn’t know that blindness could be cured.

    • Lorri J.

      Blindness under SSA’s criteria doesn’t mean totally blind. There are a lot of people who receive disability that are not 100% blind who may have surgery and they can see better. Also, there are special rules for blindness regarding work, etc. that they may have violated and therefore, they will be reviewed.

  8. Scott M.

    i got a letter asking about my injury , if it got better, did i work etc. i filled it out and sent it back
    How long does the response take?

    • Lorri J.

      The review process can take up to 6 months from my experience. If it has been longer than that, I would contact the state agency and find out why there is a delay in the processing.

  9. Jen

    What if you cannot physically come in to a local Social Security office? People with ALS generally cannot just get up and drive in to a SS office!

    • Lorri J.

      They can arrange a telephone interview. Just let them know that you cannot make it into their office and they will be more than happy to do so.

    • ROBERT S.

      I don’t have a car, I use a kane, I also can’t see very good have flouters in the right eye and the other eye has a scar that is only 50 % that I can out of it.. And I am getting meals on wheels. and douing shopping by email.

      • Cyndee S.

        There are helpers available through your county to help you through the process. Just call your county social services office. If you are turned down for disability find a disability lawyer. They will handle everything and only get paid a percentage of back pay if your appeal is successful otherwise no charge and they will come to your home if you are homebound.cyndee

        • louis

          If you get a lawyer don’t go with Binder and Binder. They helped me right. it took me 2 years to get ssd and now they tell me because I was on workers comp. I now I owe ssd 60%of my check until the year 2022. so get a lawyer that knows now to deal with ssd.

    • John O.

      They can send a field representative to your home.

    • R.F.

      Thank you for your question Jen. We completely understand that some people do not have the physical capacity to come into a field office and that is why we have made a lot of information about our programs and services readily available online. If at any time you receive a request asking you to come into the office, please call us and inform us of your situation. We will coordinate with the local office and make every effort to meet your needs. The number to call is our toll-free number: 1-800-772-1213, our representatives are available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.

    • Linda A.

      my received a notice that if he was unable to go to his court date they could do this by Video or maybe it was SKYPE
      through his lawyer.

      • R.F.

        Video hearings offer the same secure and confidential process that hearings conducted in-person provide. The judge has the same access to the applicant’s full Social Security file, including medical and educational records, as judges in the local office would. The procedure and development of the case is equal to in-person hearings, and the judge hears and considers the same testimony. Please go to our “Hearing And Appeals” web page for more information about hearings held through video teleconferencing (VTC).

  10. Anita

    The link to the publication What You Need to Know When You Get Social Security Disability Benefits is a dead link. Can it be fixed?

    • R.F.

      • KIRBY M.

        Ad what age do these review stop. I read in the NARFE Magazine that SS stops these reviews once you reach age 60; is that true?

        • John O.

          You could have a review at any time until you are converted to the retired roles.

        • R.F.

          Hi Kirby, there is no specific rule as to what age a disability review stops. However, the law requires that we review your case periodically to see if you are still disabled. How often we review your case depends on whether your condition is expected to improve. In general, your benefits will continue as long as you are disabled. For those individuals receiving disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance program, we automatically convert their disability benefits to retirement benefits when they attain their Full Retirement Age. Generally, the benefit amount remains the same.
          Visit our Disability Planner: Reviewing Your Disability for more information.

          • KIRBY M.

            My full retirement age is 66 + 2 months. I have also heard that SS disability converts to regular SS at 62. Do I still have to worry about being reviewed between 62 and 66+2m?

          • R.F.

            Hi again Kirby, there is no specific rule as to what age a disability review stops. However, the law requires that we review your case periodically to see if you are still disabled. How often we review your case depends on whether your condition is expected to improve. In general, your benefits will continue as long as you are disabled. For those individuals receiving disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance program, we automatically convert their disability benefits to retirement benefits when they attain their Full Retirement Age. Generally, the benefit amount remains the same.

        • sandra

          Im 69 and got an e mail for revie of my disability arent i getting ss retirement at this age.And if no why not.

          • R.F.

            Hi Sandra, for those individuals receiving disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance program, we automatically convert their disability benefits to retirement benefits when they attain their full retirement age (currently age 66). Also, when we decide a full medical review is needed, we generally send a letter asking the disabled beneficiary to come to the Social Security office. Please verify the legitimacy of the email you received. Remember that our official agency correspondence, and responses are identified with our SSA seal and proper letterhead.
            Please call our toll-free number at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thanks.

        • Mike

          I have been receiving social security disability since 1999 and only had two reviews during the first 6 years of my eligibility. I’m now age 64. Is there a reason why I haven’t had a review in over ten years?

    • Heather

      Why dont you look into my SSN. I deserve ALOT of back pay and would appreciate that back pay today.
      My name is Heather Urich (there is NO L in my last name)
      I do not get Social Security through the ILLEGAL securian building either.
      Contact me at 6513133561
      Unless you want to be added to the Docket I advise you to contact me.
      I have witnessed enough at your FEMA CAMP
      Thank You

    • Carlos A.

      Of course that it does not exist. It’s a way of garnering the identities of those who might otherwise chide away from giving them any information, such as why in hell would you be interested unless you needed to know the how and why of remaining on the rolls of disabled person. Cute isn’t it. Shame on them, or am I paranoid? Anyway it works for me since it took three initial denials and finally a pro bono attorney to appear before an administrative judge to grant my disability status. Point to know is that if you forego a medical exam by an appointed doctor ( who is suppose to be impartial, yeah right), and instead have your doctor fill out the paperwork, then none of the three denials would ever have to happen. But not everyone can afford the fees associated with circumventing their appointed “impartial” doctors. You see, the more they (Dr.s) they deny, the more fees they collect by having more disability prospects directed their way. Now that is not conducive to impartiality is it.

      • Antique L.

        I found that the doctor they sent me to was very educated about my disability.
        I was labeled disable that day and got my first disability check the next month.
        They see all kinds of phonies and I am glad they are very hesitant to accept every person who walks through their door as disabled

        • Sheryl P.

          Glad it worked out for you. The MD they sent me to had been doing these physicals for 14 and wondered how I worked for the last 5 years with my back and I have been denied twice.

        • Stephanie M.

          I have been disabled since 2005. I have already suffered through the application process, plus the denials and appeals process, and I WON. Now they’re treating me like a new applicant and I’m losing everything. This is a travesty! How can a federal agency allow a state to decide my fate? I’m being outsourced and I’ve already gone through this once! This is WRONG

          • Veronika

            If you appeal it SSA has to pay you until it is heard by a judge. Did you appeal the medical review decision?

          • marie

            agree leave people alone once approved how do they think people can pay bills and rent if a judge says disabled then we are

        • Carolyn

          Everyone is not a phony. I went to one of their so called Dr. And I sat in that office for seven hours I had my neo and my x-rays I had five disc in my back messed up deteriorating, herniated, bulging,my spinal cord leaning against my disc,and also sciatica. I was denied. I have worked since I was fourteen years old and was working when I got hurt on the job. I rather be working instead of getting monthly benefits. I am not a faker.

          • Diane

            I know what you mean I was 21 when I got hurt at work . The Doctor after 6 month’s of test and sending me to other Doctor’s came back and said you will only get worse and should file for disability. I freaked out come on I was raising 3 kids and used the time at work as adult time with co worker’s I loved it and looked forward to it. Well I said no I am young and I can fight this and get better 2 years later I was getting worse pain went from 1 leg to the other by the 3rd year I had pain all over my body and was unable to put my feet on the floor with out so much pain clothes hurt wind hurt temp changes hurt I cried 99.9 % of the time. I wasn’t able to do anything I used to with my kids I just didn’t want to live anymore. It took me 5 yrs to get disability, I was told I could get it sooner for the depression but I refused to take it for that. Yes I was depressed but that was just something that happened after I couldn’t work or do things with my kids I was losing my husband all because I got hurt at work. I didn’t even go ask for state aid because I just couldn’t face the fact I wasn’t gonna get better. on the 4th year I asked for med card and food stamp’s due to living on $86.20 a week I had to choose a bill or feeding the kids and the food was gone from the placed I worked that they gave. I had no choice and because of that I spent 5 years fighting for RSD and Fibromyalgia . % yrs it took me to get SSI to me that was crazy but at least I got it for what I had that took my life away. Many years later I am now up for a review and since it started many doctors have move away No one knows where to know but they at the SS office should have all those records on file right? I also now have had bad Seizure’s started in April 3-4 of them at a time caused a heart attack and now they just come often even though I am on meds for them. I also have COPD and on Oxygen 24/7 now. By there new rules is any of the things I have still reason’s to still get my SSI? I have no idea what will happen to me with out it.

          • R.F.

            Hi Diane. We understand a medical review can be stressful. The Social Security Administration conducts Continuing Disability Reviews from time to time to make sure the individuals receiving checks are still eligible to get them. The review depends on how severe your medical condition is and the likelihood it will improve. Generally, if medical improvement is possible, we will do a continuing disability review (CDR) approximately every 3 years. If not, we may review it less frequently. For other factors that we consider in reviewing your disability status, please read our publication, “What You Need to Know: Reviewing Your Disability”. We hope this helps!

      • amy

        How would one go about finding an attorney who works pro bono?

        • J.Y.

          Thanks for your question, Amy. Many people handle their own appeals. A representative familiar with Social Security’s programs can provide a valuable service to you. However, the decision whether or not to seek the services of a representative (attorney or other qualified person) is up to you. More information about representatives can be found in our publication, “Your Right to Representation.” If you need help requesting a review, contact your local Social Security office, your local hearing office, or call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778). Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 7:00a.m. and 7:00p.m. Generally, you’ll have a shorter wait time if you call during the week after Tuesday, later in the day or later in the month. We hope this helps!

          • Lesly F.

            i think after review any cases for anyone carefuly on my opinion that case deserve claim pro bono for that case.

        • marie

          all ssi attorneys only get paid if you do just look thme up on internet or phone book

    • Ashley h.

      My case is pending I have chronic Lyme’s disease and I hear that disability usually denies you if they even see the word Lyme disease. I will be so upset if I get denied, haven’t had a job in so long I literally have every symptom there is known to man I have pages and psges of lab reports and med records from at least 5 different doctors. It’s been almost 3 months now and they have received all of the paperwork paperwork needed from my doctors. my caseworker is extremely nice I just wonder how long it’s going to take to make a decision.but I hear it’s very hard to get disability when you have a Lyme disease,does anybody know if this is true?

      • Lisa

        Hi I have breast cancer and it was spread by a mammogram to my neck. I have been fighting cancer and the disability system for 2 1/2 years still nothing and it doesn’t look like I’m going to get anything. Had an agent tell me the other day she had cancer and she worked while having treatment so I should be able to to. I told her I paid taxes for over 35 years just in case something happened to me and it Has but I’m not entitled to what I paid in all those years. The Whole Government is Nothing but a Scam. I lost my 20 year career, my home of 16 years all because I can’t get my Disability. I now live in a RV in the desert and I dry camp because I can’t afford to pay rent for electric, water and sewer. I have cancer and can’t get any help. Were is all the free help the republicans talk about the liberals handing out – I haven’t found them in 2 1/2 years. Meanwhile I’m stuck in the desert dying of cancer and Zero Help. Doomed in Arizona.

        • shii

          Key word lawyer no cost only if you win there is no other option thats the only way been there lawyer up….

          • D.S. B.

            Yep! You said it all right there, buddy. LAWYER!

        • Kori S.

          Dear Doomed in Arizona,
          I was a legal sec. for about 25 years, so I did all my own paperwork and was denied twice! I applied again for the third time and did the same, paperwork and such. I figured to myself this is the last time I am going to do this myself. After that, one day I rec’d a letter in the mail stating I have a Court date. The date was a weekday, I don’t drive and haven’t since the accident that put me in the position of being disabled and I have no family. The date was also only 21/2 weeks away! I called the judicial assistant to the Judge that was going to be hearing my case. I explained how I just rec’d the letter and the position I was in and asked if I could possibly get the hearing changed to a later date so I had more time to find a ride or obtain the bus schedugit for which I needed to take because I knew it would take a few of them with transferring and all to make it there on time. He informed me that he would ask the Judge but it would probably be unlikely because the Judge did not like to change his schedule. He said once he talked to him, he would call me back either way to let me know but not to get my hopes up. I thanked him, hung up and began to pray. He called me back and said that the Judge was unwilling to change my Court date. I thanked him for his help, hung up and cried what seemed like forever! I didn’t know what to do. I wrote the Judge a letter explaining my whole situation and mailed the letter with hopes that maybe I touched his heart or compassion and maybe he’ll change his mind. I truly thought, this is it. I finally got a Court date and now I’m doomed! My date was for Dec. 4th, so I figured I would wait until after the holidays were over and I would decide to go at it again. It was heading towards the end of the month, Jan., I pulled out my file I created on everything I’ve done since day one and that day I went to check my mailbox and there was a Let from the Court and it stated that I had a hearing date for April 14th! I couldn’t believe it. The only thing I could think of was maybe the Judge did understand my situation and was giving me a chance to hear my case. At that point, I hired an attorney! After being in the profession I was in for a couple of decades I knew that I could get an attorney at no cost to me, I just wanted to be involved and figured all the beginning process is nothing more than filling out paperwork. I had it in my head that I knew they always deny your claim the first and probably the second time. But now with a Court date and with more time to get things together, 21/2 months, I called an attorney closest to my house and I asked my neighbor for a ride. I went to see hum and he told me that I definitely had a case but he was in business for himself and it would take him a couple of months to get my case ready for Court. He referred me to a friend of his that was just down the street and he was in a big time law firm! We went there and he saw me that day immediately and took my case. The day of the hearing, I was extremely nervous, my attorney was trying to calm me down and he explained that he was going to present the case, all the reasons as to why I can’t work anymore, the Judge may state some things and in the room there’s two other individuals who are witnessing, gathering everything that is said and may ask questions also. After my attorney stated my case the Judge asked him a few questions and the two of them went back and forth for a couple of minutes. Then the Judge asked me a couple of questions, when he got to, I believe the third one, I started out by saying “if I can be honest with you Judge” and started to go on answering his question, he said to me, I hope that is what you are doing, being honest with me because that is why we are here for. I thought I could have died because it was just a phrase I used a lot because I’m the kind of person who cannot lie! I taught my children no matter what happens to you during your life, I will always love you and will always be there for you, I just ask one thing and that is you must always be honest with me and yourself and then you will have nothing to worry about. As long as you tell the truth, I’ll be there for you and God will be there for you. So back to the case, after he talked with me for a few minutes, he said I think I have all I need for this case and I will make my decision, send it to you and then he adjourned for the day. My attorney warned me before we went in that the Judge that was hearing my case is older and that Judge’s take a month or two to make a decision but he takes three or four to make his. After Court, my attorney said that in all the cases he’s done, not one ever stopped the hearing like that and I said I messed it up didn’t I because I was so nervous. He replied saying no you didn’t and I think you won your case. But he told me that was what he thought so not to bank on it. Two weeks later, I went to check my mail and there it was, a letter from the Courthouse! I didn’t want to open it, I was so afraid! Well I did and my heart skipped a beat, I won!
          I told you my story because there is hope at the end of the tunnel! First of all, we ask must and have to pay social security taxes. This is not a choice! 2) Social Security is not a retirement plan. The whole time I worked, I didn’t look for the job that paid the most, I looked for the benefits! With being married to a construction worker, they don’t have any benefits, and 3 children, in my mind off course my salary was a part of it but I wanted to make sure that if anything at all happened to anyone in my family, we were covered and in those benefits there is usually, always some kind of retirement plan/401k plan/or profit share plan! Some people know how to save and put that money into a money market fund, annuity or investment plan. I’m not good with that. When I saved, it went towards our annual family vacation trip since I did receive paid vacation time! 3) Social Security is there to collect when you reach the age of retirement! I think that is where people get the wrong picture of what social security is for. The amount of your social security is NOT enough for a person to live on. If you had one of those plans I mentioned above, then you could retire nicely but you still get to collect the social security that you’ve paid in over the years as a taxpayer!

          If you didn’t at all with your case obtain an attorney, get one ASAP and try it again. You don’t have to pay an attorney that practices in social security! If you win your case, then he receives $6,000 or 25%, whichever one is the higher, mostly 99% of the time, they receive the $6,000. You would have had to make a ton of money for them to collect the other, in that case you wouldn’t even be in this position because you would have at least a trust fund made up for yourself in case of an emergency!

          Sorry for the long story, I just thought if I told you what happened to me, that you do have resources out there and there is ways to getting help! Like I said, it sounded like you didn’t use an attorney and think you couldn’t because you can’t afford one! They make money if you do, they make nothing if you lose! So an attorney is on your side! Call one and God luck. I hope you get better soon. Legal Begal Here For You!

          • teresa

            GOD bless you for making my day

        • Veronika

          I can help you. I am a Disability Advocate that wins 90% of my cases. Check out me on Google. Veronika Peacetree.

        • lisa l.

          I was told by a redetermination examiner to apply for rehabilitation service. Do this mean that my claim has been denied?

          • R.F.

            Hi Lisa. Generally, when you apply for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income, we send you an official letter for each disability application, explaining our decision. You can call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 and ask one of our representatives to provide the status of your claim. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Thanks.

        • Dee

          I agree with with you.. Same with me. Totally disgusted. They need to go after ssi never worked. Refine ssi no worker.. Put me into ssdi people who paid. I’m losing everything in fight for 3 years . I’m on mextrate cancer drug. Is pathetic.

      • R.F.

        Thank you for your comment, Ashley. The Social Security Act sets out a strict definition for disability. We pay disability benefits to people who are unable to work because of a medical condition that is expected to last one year or more or to end in death. See “What We Mean By Disability”. The time it takes to get a decision on your disability application can vary depending on:
        • The nature of your disability;
        • How quickly we can get your medical evidence from your doctor or other medical source;
        • Whether it is necessary to send you for a medical examination;
        • and Whether we review your application for quality purposes.

        • Jonathan

          I filled for disability due to nerve damage in left arm, ptsd, and sever anxiety, among other things i was told i was disabled but they do not believe it will last 12 months which i do not understand especially since i was told the damage will only get worse as i get older and the other conditions only get worse

      • shii

        Lawyer up is the only option been there last option…..

    • Jacqueline B.

      It took me two years to get my disability backpay and Social Security won’t even give it to me since I’m still technically married but legally estranged from my violent sex offender husband. He’s verbally abusive and I have no access to his account. I’m moving out hopefully the1st of June and hope my $647 per month will be raised a bit. I’m a vet and gotten some movement from President Obama who contacted the VA and Social Security on my behalf. The Veterans Administration responded immediately. Social Security took away $6,000 and over-paid my attorney. They told me I would get a partial refun6from D. Downar6, what a joke. D. Downard used to work for the Nashville Social Security office so I’m sol

    • Dina

      I am receiving social security benefits for my son. I have reported my income when working. I have been laid off since April 1st I called the 800 to report my change in income. I was told that I would receive a call in 7/10 days from my local. A month later nothing. I went in to social security office, I brought all my paperwork for unemployment, they told me that was not good enough. I make 1178 a month and get no benefits for him. Now I got a letter that I’m receiving a one time special payment from someone in august so no benefits again. Did I hit the lottery that I don’t no about. I’m not receiving any money other than unemployment and I don’t no what else to do. Between going there and calling its doing nothing. What do I do. I have no money, no bank accounts. I’m not sure there doing there jobs.

      • R.F.

        Unfortunately, but for your security, we do not have access to personal records in this blog. Please continue working with your local office or call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 for further assistance. Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Thanks.

        • Pamela S.

          My sister in law just got a letter stating her payments are being cut off because she lives in Maryland and they have to follow the states rules, that they do not pay money for the state of Maryland.. However, she has been living in Maryland since she started receiving payments for her disability in 2009. I am her payee so I received the letter myself and I am very confused. Could you help me understand this?

    • Dee

      I had able examiners and with judge determination Unfavorable. I was told different Medical examiner per case. I have psoriatic arthritis.. I take methodextrate, cancer drug to. I have inflammation arthritis code 14.09 a b n D. The judge did not say anything about it. Only about spine that stood not met criteria. 7 herniation plus cervical c6-7 stenosis. There is very little information on the psoratic. I worked 33 years, I will be 50 . I cannot believe bad rep in the case and new judge. 3 years 4 appeals now I have to go to Appeal council. I take cancer drug to show disease. What more do you want.. They held Excercise against me when that is need 5 days week to improve muscle around joints. The system is horrible. I’m in depression meds now, I see God in everyone as in honest. Now this has me disgusted.

    • John

      I have been disable for some time and now i am under review. I am having other heath issues that wasn’t a part of my initial disability, and its considered a chronic disease should I include that in the long form that I have to fill out with my review ?

      • R.F.

        Hi John, you should include all the current medical information available and returned the completed review form as soon as possible. Thanks!

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