Disability, Guest Bloggers, SSI

How Social Security and Sharsheret Help Women With Cancer

June 21, 2022 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: June 21, 2022

A woman with cancer is next to her daughter. A girl is hugging a woman happyA cancer diagnosis can be scary and life changing. It often comes with decisions, uncertainties, and a lot of new information that can be confusing. Sharsheret helps women and families living with or at increased genetic risk for breast or ovarian cancer. Through personalized support and educational outreach, our programs are designed to support you through your cancer journey.

Often, the financial burden that comes with a cancer diagnosis is significant. Taking control of your economic security during and after a health crisis is a vital part of a woman’s cancer journey. Sharsheret’s Financial Wellness Toolkit provides information on all aspects of planning your future.

Sharsheret also offers the Best Face Forward 2.0 subsidies program which provides eligible individuals with services and financial help for non-medical services. These services include:

  • Wigs (cranial hair prostheses).
  • Cold caps (scalp cooling treatments).
  • Tattooing (three-dimensional micropigmentation of the nipple and areola).
  • Tattooing of the eyebrows (microblading).
  • Holistic services, such as meditation and yoga, are also included.

If cancer interferes with working, Social Security offers programs that may help. Disability claims involving certain cancers – including specific breast and ovarian cancers – qualify for expedited processing by Social Security under its Compassionate Allowances initiative. Please visit the Disability Benefits page to learn more about the Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income programs.

Sharsheret can help guide women through this journey. Please share this information with your friends and family.

Our posting of this blog does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any non-Social Security organization, author, or webpages.

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  1. Charles P.

    so scary

  2. sara l.

    Cancer is indeed one of the biggets threat for the world health but still I would like to recommend that 247 exam help is offering the best online exam help service through which you can achieve your desired results.

  3. Esendir

    İşletmemizde cebri boru imalatı t37, St42, St53 çelik saçlardan veya PVC malzemelerden yapılmaktadır. Gerekli hesaplamaları yapılmış olarak gelen talepleriniz doğrultusunda imalat yapılmaktadır.

  4. Pat

    I have found that asking for help is a waste of time as they base everything on income. It may seem like I make to much but they never consider what my expenses are too. It is very unfair.

  5. Amy O.

    Is their only program listed for breast cancer..I have cancer everywhere but my breast it seems. Neck, armpits, lung, chest, stomach, bowel, and pelvis. I cannot apply to program because not in my breast. Why promote only breast cancer seems very unfair. I feel this with grants and foundations that want to help people with cancer but have restrictions of diagnosis, age, grade point average, ect. Gets me very angry. As I really believe that 40 year ols need just as much help with groceries or gas as a 40 year old..or gas is just as expensive driving 47 miles as it is 50 needed for grant to cancer center. Guess ya gotta be in my shoes to understand…already mentally disabled now stage four cancer…broke is broke. Saying a joke with regards to State aid is an understatement. I even desprete to the point to writing my state district congressman..but he or his officials failed to reply. I have no support and live alone …nobody cares.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Amy. We are sorry to hear about your condition and situation. You may be eligible to receive social services from the state in which you live. These services include free meals, housekeeping help, transportation, or help with other problems. To get information about services in your area and find out if you qualify, you will need to contact your state or local social services or welfare office. We hope this helps.

    • Sonia m.

      I. Have lung. Cancer. Just found out. I have no money. My Ssi was taken away. For over payment. Was paying every month out of my money. Now they took it all. They got me on a court order. Can I can’t get it back till it all payed back. May b in 2024. Not sure. I have cancer now. I don’t no what to do. Can you help me plese

      • A.C.

        Hi, Sonia. We are sorry to hear about your condition and situation. Please contact your local Social Security office for assistance. You may also be eligible to receive social services from the state in which you live. These services include free meals, housekeeping help, transportation, or help with other problems. To get information about services in your area and find out if you qualify, you will need to contact your state or local social services or welfare office. We hope this helps.

  6. Premlata V.

    Habitat for hunanity had a program to get loan for repairs from county, for the cancer patients. This is all rip off by county. My original estimate was about $67k in June 2019 when I asked for help with repairs. My work started in Feb/March 2022 when the work done. My cost was increased in loan of $92k, plus I ended up paying $8-10k out of pocket, the bedrooms that have mold was removed from the original contract due to increased cost. Now county is charging me interest from 2019 to current but have not sent me amortization schedule and where should I send payment.
    If there is any help in getting the mold removed from

    • A.C.

      Hi, Premlata. Thanks for visiting our blog. You may be eligible to receive social services from the state in which you live. These services include free meals, housekeeping help, transportation, or help with other problems. To get information about services in your area and find out if you qualify, you will need to contact your state or local social services or welfare office. We hope this helps.

  7. kiralık h.

    this is a very important situation. Cancer needs to be tackled.

  8. bettyg, i.

    why was my comments deleted where i gave 2 specific links about tattooing for the woman with breast cancer?

    i used the link in the article and then found the specific info she needed?

    if WHOEVER is going to be deleting posts, contact the poster of this and WHY they were deleted.

    i see spam on your daily posts as is. there used to be something on the right side reporting spam, but not anymore, why??

    disgusted bettyg, iowa

    • Carolyn D.

      I am a 4 time 4 different cancer survivor and would love info on the eyebrow tattooing. I have no eyebrows and have to spend a lot of money on products that are okay but way too dark for my complexion and having rayniods leaves me with very little feelings in my fingers, along with having my left wrist collapsed and being left handed so applying the product is a very frustrating and time-consuming task that causes a lot of stress and anxiety. And still end up looking like Tammy Faye.

  9. Darlene T.

    How do I get more information about the tattooing of the nipple and areola area of breast. Had bilateral mastectomy do to cancer in Dec 21. In process of getting the reconstruction. Had a couple of things that slowed down the process. Having to wait a while again.

    • Miss D.

      Contact the Susan G. Komen foundation. They may have information for you.

  10. Ed

    Anything for men with prostate cancer? or any cancers?

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