
Honoring the Beneficiaries of Social Security

October 26, 2017 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: October 26, 2017

woman wearing glasses Social Security is committed to the principles and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which improves the lives of our beneficiaries and our employees who have disabilities.

We also want you to see and hear from the people who rely on Social Security disability benefits to thrive as active members of our communities. Our Faces and Facts of Disability website highlights the real life stories of people who have disabilities.

One person we are featuring on our Faces and Facts of Disability website is Lynne Parks. She is an artist from Baltimore, Maryland. First diagnosed with metastatic fibrosarcoma at age 14, she has lived with this illness for nearly 35 years. It started in her face and moved to different parts of her body, including her abdomen and leg. She also has various tumors on her shoulder and arm.

Inflammatory responses, infections, and new tumors are complications that Lynne deals with every day. “Because of the tumors, I have limited use of my left arm,” Lynne said. “I have weakness in my legs. There’s fatigue because my immune system has taken such a big hit from the cancer and the cancer treatments. I get sick all the time. There might be a day that I can be at home and resting and I’ll try to make the best of it. I’ll wake up, fix breakfast and eat, and that takes a while because of my physical limitations, but also because of my first tumor that was in my face.”

Having been helped by Social Security, Lynne tries to help others. “I’m also helping people who have issues learn to cope with them, because they see in me someone as a role model, essentially. Life without Social Security benefits, it’s a horror story, because I imagine myself on the streets.”

The disability benefits Lynne receives are a crucial resource for her quality of life. Our disability programs continue to be a mainstay in the lives of many people — people just like you. Social Security disability beneficiaries are among the most severely impaired people in the country. It’s something that can happen to anyone.

We invite you to learn the facts about the disability insurance program, and see and hear these stories of hardship and perseverance at www.socialsecurity.gov/disabilityfacts.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


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  2. Jerome B.

    I suffer from COPD and there is nothing available in the drug market— that which I use does little assistance—

  3. Evelyn R.

    It is so nice to know that the money I have put toward my “retirement” in Social Security is now a “benefit” to me. I started working when I was 12 years old and retired 4 years ago at the age of 80. In all that time I didn’t work for approximately 9 years as I gave birth to 5 children (61/2 years between oldest & youngest). 
    I would be happy if Congress were made to return the money they”borrowed” from our “benefit”. They were supposed to. But then, politicians have short memories.

  4. JOHN C.

    I am terribly sorry for Lynne and I hope she can find some comfort. To live this long with this malady is a terrible curse. And I hope she can find somebody to help her

  5. Hospitals &.

    To end poverty by 2020

    A BILL

    (a) To settle on $55 billion state department and international assistance congressional budget authority + ~ $33 billion private aid = $55 billion – $88 billion US ODA, 0.28% – 0.46% of GDP > 0.17% OECD estimate FY 18.

    (b) To provide for a voluntary 1-2% of income suggested UN contribution on tax forms quarterly and April 15.

    (c) To amend the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour 2009-2017 to ‘$7.50 in 2018 and 3% more every year thereafter.’ under 29USC§206(a)(1)(D).

    (d) To provide 14 weeks of (unemployment compensation) paid Maternity Protection under ILO Convention 183 (2000).

    (e) To amend the 1.8% DI tax rate starting January 1, 2019 in Sec. 201(b)(1)(T) of the Social Security Act under 42USC§401(b)(1)(T) to either (e-1) 2.1% DI tax, or (e-2) 2.0% DI tax if OASI pays $240 billion including 2.5% interest in assets for CY09-CY15 to replicate to the extent possible revenue that would have been received if the OASDI tax had been properly adjusted by Public Law 112-96.

    (f) To replace the Adjustment of the contribution and benefit base under Section 230 of the Social Security Act 42USC§430 with ‘There is created in the Treasury a Supplemental Security Income Trust Fund.’ (f-1) To tax the rich the full 12.4% Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Federal Income Contribution Act (FICA) on all their income to pay 16-24 million children growing up poor SSI benefits FY18 to End Poverty by 2020.

    (g) To end benefit attrition with a 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) rule every year inflation continues to run about 2.7% and the Trust Fund Ratio is greater than 20% under Sec. 215(i) of the Social Security Act 42USC§415(i). To make an exception to the rule to pay $777 mo. SSI a 5.7% COLA is needed from CY17, a 2.7% COLA CY18 followed by 3% COLA to $777 SSI CY19 and 3% COLA every year for the earnings of low income beneficiaries and workers to stay ahead of 2.7% average annual inflation.


    PS State Department being edited. Please help to prevent unlawful State Department cuts to Contributions to UN and Affiliated Agencies until I finish doing the Secretary’s homework, by admitting this Act to Congress because social security benefit attrition to 2.7% average annual inflation requires their fabrication of true law 3% COLA, due to the obstruction posed by a non-malevolent obese Commissioner, who is not believed to be physically able to do, or grade, her homework, my marathon, our disabled friendship http://www.title24uscode.org/hw.html

  6. Mary G.

    I need to print a copy of my daughters beneficiary award letter for her SSD she receives under my claim each month. How do i get access to that?

    • J.Y.

      Good news! If your daughter is over 18, she can now view, print, and save her benefit verification letter using my Social Security online. You can help your daughter create a mySocialSecurity account so you can get her verification of benefits letter. If she is not over 18, she will need to call or visit her local Social Security office to request her letter. Thanks!

  7. Lesly F.


  8. Maureen

    I am 81 years old and have been receiving monthly checks for 16 years now. I thank God and the people who founded this program for those of us who could not possibly live without it. I am grateful for all who do the work to see that the checks come on time and I grieve for the last three years of low/no increases while food and gas and soap and prescriptions and everything we seniors need has doubled and tripled in price.
    The Congress seems to have forgotten us — or they all have parents who don’t/won’t need it as the rest of us do! I hope the powers in Washington will work to provide us with at least the equivalent of what our parents had — and not keep expecting us elderly to live on less and less comparatively — while all our necessities keep doubling and tripling in price .
    Thank you!

  9. Lesly F.


  10. Micki J.


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