Online Services, Retirement

Going Online with Social Security Isn’t Hard Work

November 7, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: November 7, 2016

goingonlineSummer is just a memory. Long gone is the day when you fired up the grill with family and friends in the backyard on Labor Day. It’s time to put away the shorts and bring out the jackets.

When you’re raking the leaves, remember that the best part of labor isn’t the single day off you get each year, but the Social Security retirement benefits you earn through the years that you work.

And, just as you choose what kind of work to do over a lifetime, you can choose how you wish to file for your retirement benefits. While some may prefer to apply in person at their local Social Security office, an increasing number of retirees are finding it easier and more convenient to claim their benefits by retiring online at In fact, more than half of all retirees now file for their Social Security retirement benefits online!

When you file for your retirement benefits online, there’s no need to fight traffic getting to a Social Security office, because you can apply from the comfort of your home or office. The process of applying for retirement benefits can take as little as 15 minutes, but if you have to go back to work, you can save your application and return to it later.

If you’re close to retirement, you may want to take advantage of our retirement planner at, where you can get detailed information about your Social Security retirement benefits, and what you may want to consider as you prepare for your future.

In addition, you should check out our Retirement Estimator at, which will give you an instant, personalized estimate of your future benefits. You can plug in different ages and scenarios to help you make a decision on retirement even if it’s many years way.

At Social Security, our highest priority is protecting the privacy and security of the personal information we maintain on you and almost every American so you can rest assured that doing business online with us is both safe and secure.

Social Security has the online services to help at, whether you are retiring now, or whether you have many more season changes in your future.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. John v.

    MY name is JOHN Vegso and I liwe IN HUNGARY with my wife ILONA VEGSO.Long time ego I mailed to YOU form OMB.No.0960-0049 for my wife.It come back to me that is not deliverabla as adressed.It was send in Your original big enveleope t oWilkes Bare .PA.18767-7162.Plese help me and tell me what to do.I do not like to hawe any probleme.I will send it again in the future.Thank YOU. John and Ilona Vegso

  2. Christie A.

    My bank account at Summit Credit Union was compromised on Tuesday 2/24/18. I had to completely close that account and start a new one. Therefore I need to give Social Security my new number and routing numbers.
    Please advise how to do that. What is needed?
    Thank You

  3. Terry J.

    The online application rejects my name! It failed completely!

  4. Summer D.

    do I have to get my ssa check change to my bank acc

  5. Christine D.

    I want to change my federal withholdings on line. I can’t get into your office. Please advise:

  6. Ines

    ___123___Going Online with Social Security Isn’t Hard Work | Social Security Matterss___123___

  7. Camellia

    ___123___Going Online with Social Security Isn’t Hard Work | Social Security Matterss___123___

  8. Susan

    I filed for social security & medicare online and it has been a nightmare. I work full-time and have a landline but no cell phone. SS needs more info and all I have been doing is playing phone tag with them.

    I filed my app online on Oct 30, 2017 and it is now 11/14/17 and I still have not been able to reach them. I leave a message and they leave a message.

    I can’t get health insurance from the insurance exchange until SS approves my Medicare and I am worrying about running outside of the enrollment date.

    My honest advice to people is do not file online…go to you local office and take care of your business, otherwise, you will be waiting forever.

  9. Jerry

    Well you say that you can access online services 24/7 but that’s false. Because it’s always down for maintenance after midnight 7 days a week and holidays. Hardly 24/7. And on your maintenance schedule page says it’s down for maintenance Monday-Friday between 5:00am – 1:00am?? For an agency that’s supposed to be good with numbers I would hope that telling time wouldn’t be that hard. I work nights and my off time is always during maintenance time. The rest of the day I have to sleep prior to going back to work. So thanks for making this like so many other government entities. Nonsensical.

    • R.F.

      We apologize for any inconveniences Jerry. Please report website accessibility problems to the Social Security webmaster at In your message, include the website address or URL and the specific problems you have encountered. We appreciate your feedback!

  10. Hail E.

    Very good information. Lucky me I ran across your blog by chance (stumbleupon). I have bookmarked it for later!

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