Online Services

Get Your New Standardized Benefit Verification Letter Online

December 3, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: November 2, 2023

If you receive a Benefit Verification letter, sometimes called a “budget letter,” a “benefits letter,” a “proof of income letter,” or a “proof of award letter,” we have good news for you! A new standardized Benefit Verification letter is now available when you need proof of Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income, or Medicare.

In addition to name, date of birth, and the benefits received, the new Benefit Verification letter includes other identifiers to prevent misuse and fraud. This is an added benefit to you as proof of income for loans, housing assistance, mortgage, and other verification purposes.

The same standardized letter is also available if you need proof that you do not receive benefits, or proof that benefits are pending. If you are an individual representative payee, you can use the my Social Security Representative Payee portal to access the same standardized Benefit Verification letter online for your beneficiaries.

This new standardized Benefit Verification letter is another example of our commitment to improve our service to you.

No matter how you request your letter, whether calling our National 800 Number, your local office, the Interactive Voice Response system, or online with your personal my Social Security account, the Benefit Verification letter now contains a seamless look.

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About the Author

Grace M. Kim, Deputy Commissioner, Operations

Grace M. Kim, Deputy Commissioner, Operations


  1. brock k.

    i cant find anywhere to ask social security to send me last years( 2020) ssdi year payments. for rent rebate this year 2021. i have walked -in before for the print out.please send to julie lundy payee for brock a. kiple. any questions please call at 319-528-9152. send print out to julie lundy p.o. box 121 fort madison iowa 52627. thank you.

    • S.D.

      Happy new year, Brock, and thank you for your question. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions web page for details on how you or your representative payee can access and print a benefit verification letter using a my Social Security account. This letter is sometimes called a budget letter, a benefits letter, a proof of income letter, or a proof of award letter. You may also be able to request a benefit verification by using our automated telephone services at 1-800-772-1213. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At the prompt, indicate that you’re requesting a proof of income letter. We hope this helps.

    • Patrick

      Did you get last time?
      Have you checked your trash and spam folder?

  2. Stella C.

    could someone pls advise me how to obtain a copy of the Benefit Statement (SSA-4926-SM (1-2021). My user ID is Thank you.

    • V.V.

      Hi Stella, thanks for reading our blog and for your question. We mailed the COLA notices throughout the month of December to retirement, survivors, and disability beneficiaries, SSI recipients, and representative payees. You can also securely view and save the Social Security COLA notice online via the Message Center inside your my Social Security account . If you don’t have an account, create one today. We hope this helps!

  3. Mary B.

    Tried to get a detailed copy of benefits letter but the information is incomplete online,it does not detial withholding information and medicare amounts deducted from payment. How do I get back to paper copies sent to my home?

    • V.V.

      Hi Mary, thanks for using our blog. Social Security mails the SSA-1099 each year in January to people who receive Social Security benefits. It shows the total amount of benefits you received from Social Security in the previous year so you know how much Social Security income to report to IRS on your tax return.

      Check out our Frequently Asked Questions web page for options on receiving an instant replacement SSA-1099 beginning February 1st. We hope this helps!

  4. Johannes I.

    1. I worked till September in 2019 and did not received any stimulus check since I did not qualify. But since then I have not work in2020. Will I qualify for a stimulus check?

    2. I would alsolike to appeal the IRMMA deduction to my benefit since I stopped working and have not since Oct 20`19

  5. Darrick W.

    The ability to get the letter from Social Security is really time saving.

  6. Brenda G.

    I started receiving SSI in 2016,I wasn’t married when I first applied,I did get married in October of 2016,When I received my payment or the part of payment for a year back, I only received 1000$,and was told that since I was married,I would not receive the one year back payment because I had gotten married,I was only married 4 months,Why didn’t I receive the 9 months I wasn’t married,? It was back payment,I had been trying for 4 years and I was told that y’all only went back a year, Still I was only married 2 months, because I married late October,.The marriage ended by February, I really need that back payment,So I can buy a car and I need a home, I do not have one,Is there anything I can do to receive the 9 months actually 10 because I was only married a few days in October,My ex, took all the money from our account and dropped my insurance,We are still legally married,I only receive SSI,The lowest amount,I can’t afford rent or buy a car,I’m in a bad spot and have been for3 years, Homeless and no vehicle to get to a Dr. Or anything I need, I can never get on My feet like this,I have no one to help, I Stay with different friends here and there, Also,I tried creating my account and it will not let me saying information isn’t the same, Please help,Is there anything I can do? Thank you

    • V.V.

      Hi Brenda, thanks for using our blog. For your security, we do not have access to private information in this venue. You can call your local Social Security office. Look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  7. Maryann S.

    my husband has received a letter stating his social security amount and withdrawals from it for the coming year. He got his 3 days ago ,nothing has come for me as yet. same family same address. Why??????????

  8. Dale D.

    I was released from the FL. dept of corrections and am unemployed with no access to Health Insurance. I receive snap benefits, but am in need of some type of Medicaid or assistance. I have no 1040 to produce or the information I need to Apply. Could you please direct me into the right direction?

    • V.V.

      Hi Dale, thanks for using our blog. You may be eligible to receive assistance from the state where you live. These services include Medicaid, free meals, housekeeping help, transportation or help with other problems. You can get information about services in your area from your state or local social services office. You can also visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services web page for more information. We hope this information is helpful!

  9. Brenda C.

    I have tried several times to change my address, I have no I’d it will take me a year to get my I’d, indeed a new ss card,I needs medicare card and cannot get anywhere what can I do

    • V.V.

      For your security, Brenda, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can call your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  10. Colleen G.

    I have tried many times to get into my SS account, but to no avail. The prompt states that I would receive a personal code that never appears in messages. please tell me what steps should be taken on my end. Should I apply for a new account?? How will this affect my chances of receiving a stimulus check if my SS cannot be verified

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