Online Services, SSI

Expanding Access to SSI: Getting Your Application Started Online

February 20, 2025 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 20, 2025

Father working in kitchen with daughterThe Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides monthly payments to people who are 65 and older, and to adults and children with disabilities who have low income and few resources. SSI is a critical program for veterans, people struggling with homelessness, mental illness, and other challenges.

We’ve made it easier for adults to apply for SSI. We’ve expanded our online disability application to include a streamlined version of the initial SSI application.

This is the first phase of a multi-year effort to simplify the application process and improve access for people who may be eligible for disability. For more information, visit our blog.

If you – or someone you know – is interested in applying, please visit our website and get started today.

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Social Security Administration

Social Security Administration


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  1. M T.

    good info

    • M T.

      Making SSI applications more accessible online is a crucial step in helping more people receive the support they need. Streamlining the process can make a big difference. Similarly, provides a seamless online experience in its own space.

  2. Sandra D.

    I agree with some of the comments by Tony written above. I also would like to see the middle-class and low-income citizens receive 80% of the DOGE recovery; I would hope that our Social Security increases and without being taxed. As a senior citizen and on a fixed income, it would definitely be welcome to just make ends meet. I am also sick and tired of our hard-earned dollars being given to those that have not earned it.

    • Glen m.

      I don’t know how the focus of SSI are but there is a great deal of us that there is no other reason for homeless other then not enough money to hold down home and live at all. 900 is not enough to live life so I had gave up my home to eat now homeless and now illegal to be homeless but what options do I have housing threw program is next to impossible so some turn to drugs and drinking they feel something might help then see past where they are now so they will end up dead or in jail and not there fault they worked and did life program but became ill and only made little when they did work so where have we put them in time of need I know a lot of homeless are scum they don’t care about cleaning up or taking care of what they do have that most of is the lazy scum who destroyed everything for themselves and others they expect thank everyone owes them but not all are that way I personally keep things clean and see me on streets you could not tell I am homeless and my spot you would be impressed but I still homeless and have no light in my future only help I want is more money something that it would make it possible to make something of what life I might have I not bad person I a man who had his own business who did well but got heart issues and while tending to medical had business broke into and I lost it all. Over night then did not want to believe I was I was dieing then waited to long to collect Ssd had to settle for SSI not fair but it is what it is but how is someone suppose to live

      • Rebecca

        I am in a similar situation. I didn’t work long enough to receive ssd. Over 20 years of working and paying into the program doesn’t count 900 a month is pathetic. Currently my father is alive and needs a care taker. He only has about 5 yrs left. Then I will be homeless with an a disabled adult child. I am looking for options, searching…but I keep coming up with nothing. You can only make $900 go so far, especially because of my injury, and other illnesses. I have zero hope, but I have a kid. If I knew this was going to happen, as much as I love my son, I would have given him up for adoption when he’s was a newborn, not at 16. Everyone keeps invalidating my reality of my future by saying ” it all works out, you’ve always been resourceful” yeah before I became disabled… When I can’t stand for more than 15 minutes without fainting sure it’ll be able to hold down 3 jobs working hundred hour weeks to get by ..I’m not 25 and healthy anymore!! Do you think I enjoy living like this? Rationing my food, meds, even how often I use shampoo because I can’t afford it.

        They won’t understand until it’s them ..

        I pray for you. I hope that the world finds way to keep you safe, warm and fed…

  3. Ruth A.

    Hi I am 64 and on social secirity disability. I am not able to work because of the disability. Life is hard when you make a little over a 1,000 bucks a month. I am not able to get any extras and have struggled the worst way possible since 2021 with the Biden administration. It isn’t right that illegal imagination getting much more benefits per month. This should have never happened, but it did. Any dividend would surely help. I live in a run down place and have no extra to fix the many broken things.

  4. Janice C.

    I need a reconsideration on my start date for Ssdi it should have been from when I recieved diagnosis and I have not been working various years due to the fact I have been with pest and mental health disabilities along with amputation of right pinkie and damage to ulnar nerve .my current condition has worsened and now possible nerve surgery on neck.
    Janice Chapman

  5. Heather

    Hello, I keep getting an error with my disability application. It won’t let me click submit something about my punctuation in my statement, but I have read it reread it read everyone’s help, and still cannot get it to submit as anyone out there online and able to help me??

  6. Dennis T.

    Stop the injustice.

  7. Sharon O.

    Is this true that child want to send me the $5,000

  8. Al K.

    SSDI needs some additional help for food assistance. Mine was cut another $18, HEAP benefits were $180 less this year. Please raise the COLA with a higher percentage each year. I’m drowning and I’m in Ohio.

    • Sheri B.


  9. Tony

    Here is the breakdown of the DOGE $5000 dividend checks.

    The U.S. Government borrowed $2.7 trillion dollars from the Social Security Trust Fund but doesn’t want to pay us back and lower the debt.

    Meanwhile, the rich people who bought U.S. Securities and Bonds get paid back the 80% DOGE savings and their debt is lower.

    Those rich investors also gets a free DOGE $5000 dividend check from the other DOGE 20% savings. The rich and upper middle class who the U.S. Government didn’t borrow from also gets a free DOGE $5000 dividend check from the DOGE 20% savings.

    Millions of poor people on Social Security get an IOU on money the federal government borrowed and don’t get a free DOGE $5000 dividend check. We don’t get paid back from the 80% or 20% DOGE savings.

    • Jennie L.

      I’m disabled and can’t work. I’ve had surgery on one knee and have to have surgery on the other knee. That means I will have two fake knees, my knees that I was born with is trashed. Yes, the world would say I’m poor, yet I’m just tired of the rich that is rich gets richer. I worked, but I’ve been sick since birth, that’s not my fault that I’m sick. I went to college and I’ve worked, but not enough to receive the privilege of retirement benefits. Like I said, I’m sick.. I need help like the rich people that can hire help…

    • Christopher S.

      Doug 5000 that I never received it someone receiveing my social security check


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