
Ex-Spouse Benefits And How They Affect You

February 15, 2018 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 15, 2018

two women and child smiling Just like during tax season, it’s good to have all the information you need early so you can prepare and get any money you are due.

If you are age 62, unmarried, and divorced from someone entitled to Social Security retirement or disability benefits, you may be eligible to receive benefits based on his or her record. To be eligible, you must have been married to your ex-spouse for 10 years or more. If you have since remarried, you can’t collect benefits on your former spouse’s record unless your later marriage ended by annulment, divorce, or death. Also, if you’re entitled to benefits on your own record, your benefit amount must be less than you would receive based on your ex-spouse’s work. In other words, we’ll pay the higher of the two benefits for which you’re eligible, but not both.

You can apply for benefits on your former spouse’s record even if he or she hasn’t retired, as long as you divorced at least two years before applying. If, however, you decide to wait until full retirement age to apply as a divorced spouse, your benefit will be equal to half of your ex-spouse’s full retirement amount or disability benefit. The same rules apply for a deceased former spouse.

The amount of benefits you get has no effect on the benefits of your ex-spouse and his or her current spouse. Visit Retirement Planner: If You Are Divorced to find all the eligibility requirements you must meet to apply as a divorced spouse. Our benefits planner gives you an idea of your monthly benefit amount. If your ex-spouse died after you divorced, you may still quality for widow’s benefits. You’ll find information about that in a note at the bottom of the website.

Visit Retirement Planner: If You Are Divorced today to learn whether you’re eligible for benefits on your ex-spouse’s record. That could mean a considerable amount of monthly income. What you learn may bring a smile to your face … even on tax day!

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Jim Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. joe v.

    Anyone who wants their lover back should write to love doctor on Love Spell doctor on lovespelldoctor0(at)gmail. com
    God bless you as you find your happiness through this testimony.

  2. joe v.

    I was in tears and shattered for 6 months because I could not imagine my whole life crumbling in front of me

  3. joe v.

    I was in tears and shattered for 6 months because I could not imagine my whole life crumbling in front of me.

  4. joe v.

    I was in tears and shattered for 6 months because I could not imagine my whole life crumbling in front of me. I could not continue with work and baby responsibilities so I quit working.

  5. joe v.

    I was in tears and shattered for 6 months because I could not imagine my whole life crumbling in front of me. I could not continue with work and baby responsibilities so I quit working. Things became more difficult until my best friend advised me to meet a love doctor that fixed her marriage with a RETURN LOVER SPELL that works as fast as 12 hours after casting the spell.

  6. joe v.

    I am writing this comment with tears of joy. My marriage fell apart after 6 months because my mother In-law asked my husband to divorce me and marriage the woman she betroth to him as his wife. All this drama started happening in our marriage and my husband left me and our one month baby just so he could do as his mom wants him to.

  7. cynthia j.

    Do ex spouse social security benefits affect my SSI amount. Does this affect my Medicaid?

  8. tina p.

    Thank you very much Priest manuka. i never thought any thing could make my husband come back to me as his wife again, after he broke up with me and left to settle down with another woman who never Knew how we both suffered and share feelings together, thank God today i was lucky to see this great spell caster on a site after seeing a lots of testimony and good work he have done in the lives of people helping them to get their ex,husbands and wife renewing their relationship i was convinced and i contacted him and just in 7 days after the spell was caste

  9. Alan G.

    Can I apply for divorced spouse benefits and take those while my own benefit increases. Then at age 70, stop the divorced benefit and take my own higher benefit?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Alan. If you are insured on your own record, we will pay that benefit amount first. However, if you also qualify for a higher amount as a divorced spouse, you will get a combination of benefits that equals that higher amount. For more information on how to qualify for divorced spouse benefits, visit our Benefits Planner: If You Are Divorced. We hope this helps.

  10. Susan b.

    When my ex dies do I lose my portion of his SS?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Susan. You may be eligible for surviving divorced spouse benefits. For more information, please visit our web page, Survivors Planner. We hope this information helps.

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