COVID-19, General

Economic Impact Payments for People with a Rep Payee, and People Living in U.S. Territories

May 14, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Social Security issued an update today about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments to certain groups of Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries. Beneficiaries who have their regular monthly payments managed for them by another person, called a representative payee, will begin receiving their Economic Impact Payments from the IRS in late May.

Special rules apply to beneficiaries living in the U.S. territories: American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. In general, the tax authority in each territory, not the IRS, will pay the Economic Impact Payment to eligible residents based on information the IRS will provide to the territories. It is anticipated that beneficiaries in the territories could begin receiving their Economic Impact Payment in early June.

“The Social Security Administration has been working with the IRS to provide the necessary information about Social Security and SSI beneficiaries in order to automate and expedite their Economic Impact Payments,” said Andrew Saul, Commissioner of Social Security. “While millions of our beneficiaries have already received their Economic Impact Payments from the IRS, we continue to work hard for those beneficiaries who are awaiting their payment from the IRS.”

For additional information about payments to beneficiaries with representative payees, please visit our website.

For the territories, people should contact their local tax authority with questions about these payments. Please note their website may use the term “Economic Impact Payment” or “stimulus payment.”

The eligibility requirements and other information about the Economic Impact Payments can be found at the IRS’ Economic Impact Payment Information Center. In addition, please continue to visit the IRS Coronavirus web page for the latest information.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Juan C.

    What is going on I am a social security retiree have not gotten the stimulus money, my retirement money gets deposit into an US bank account

  2. Rebecca S.

    I want to know if I am still considered disabled but I don’t get a check so am I still eligible for a payment for the covid-19 payments.

    • V.V.

      Hi Rebecca, thank you for your question. Please visit the IRS Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer your questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more. Hope this helps!

  3. Miguel A.

    Nosotros los beneficiarios del seguro social como es posible que teniendo muchos de nosotros no recibamos la ayuda Covid 19.
    En el 2008 cuando fue el departamento de haciendo se metió por medio queriendo enviar ayudas a los beneficiarios del seguro social yo nunca recibí nada. Hacienda se quedó con ellos. Si ustedes lo envían directo como es posible que ha está fecha no hemos recibido nada.

  4. Paulette C.

    I get SSDI and I have not received my stimulus check as of yet.

  5. Lana L.

    ok so i am over what my son get from his dad is that make me a represtive over his money or what , i done thw non filers on april 16 th and havent got for my son or me

  6. Mary K.

    It is ashamed that most people has gotten their stimulus payment, yet many others like me, who just changed from disabled to retired. I am also a rep payee, this guy doesn’t even have enough income to pay his bills, yet he is still waiting. There has to be a faster way to disperse these payments.
    Thank you,
    Mary von Stockhausen

  7. Gail S.

    My neighbor is blind. He gets monthly disability payments put on a debit card. He has no bank account. He has been trying to find out when he will get his stimulus payment. We can’t get through to anyone for advise. When and how will he receive his $1200 stimulus payment? Thank you so much!

  8. Taron

    I would like to kindly ask you to support me and my family regarding our Social Security cards.
    My family is the winner of the Green Card Lottery. We made a decision to take this great opportunity and move to USA and build our life in USA.

    We are from Armenia, I was working my whole life in well known organization/company GIZ Armenia, and before that in HENKEL Armenia. Henkel is known in USA with its Loctite brand.

    We moved to USA, Los Angeles in the end of February 2020. We are quite impressed with the country, as this was our first visit to USA, although we travelled a lot in some countries (Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Strasbourg, France, UAE, Egypt, Georgia, etc.).

    Now we live in Los Angeles, and we face quite a huge problem. From the first moment we were in Los Angeles, we applied to get all legal documents as it should be. Up to now we received ONLY GREEN CARD and medical insurances, we have not got our Social Security Card up to now. Whenever I am getting in contact with Glendale Social Security office, they tell me as if our data do not exist in their computer. And this is unexplainable for me, because twice I personally visited Glendale Social Security Administration in the beginning of March, and they told me that around March 19, 2020 you will get them. Then come difficulties connected with Covid-19, and everything became even more complicated.

    The problem and difficulties we face is in the following, I want to work, to be able to take care about my family needs, I have two kids, but up to now we are only spending, because we did not get our Social Security Cards, and I cant get any job without Social Security Cards.

    We also applied to several State support projects, but up to now we have no news, whether we will get this support or not, which is of highest importance for us.

    We also applied for “census 2020”, as well as to all other aid projects, but we doubt that we can get any support, as they are provided to those who worked in USA, paid the taxes. But we just arrived in USA, and we did not have a possibility to work and pay taxes sue to missing Social Security cards.

    I rely on your understanding and would kindly expect your support to get all aids that are applicable for us.

    Many thanks in advance for your consideration.
    Kind regards
    Taron Sargsyan
    Mariam Ayvazyan
    Daniella Sargsyan
    Camilla Sargsyan

    • V.V.

      Hi Taron, thank you for using our blog. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can contact your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

    • Wyu

      Go back to. Wahuka rite now all ur checks r there go south young illegals

    • Labotamy c.

      U must go to 5467 green garden st 456 rivrerside cal to get in person have passport id ready

  9. Nemasa A.

    Some of us had a payee but don’t anymore what can be done to make sure we get our stimulus package now and in the future is there something you can do to speak on our behalf please.

  10. Gigitx

    I recieve social security survivor (widows) benefits. I do not recieve SSI, SSDI, VA and I don’t have a payee and I don’t have dependants. No one claims me on their taxes and I am not required to file a tax return. I recieve my ssa check each month by direct deposit. Based on information on the SSA and IRS website I should have recieved my $1200 dollar stimulous by now without taking any action. I HAVE NOT!!! Why??

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