COVID-19, Frauds & Scams, General, Guest Bloggers, Medicare

Coronavirus-Related Medicare Scam Alert  

April 6, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Since older Americans are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus (COVID-19), I wanted to remind Medicare beneficiaries to be vigilant and take precautions to avoid falling victim to healthcare fraud during this pandemic.

We’re warning Medicare beneficiaries that scammers may try to use this pandemic to steal their Medicare number, banking information, or other personal data.

Unfortunately, scammers take advantage of the most vulnerable during times of uncertainty and change. You must protect yourself by making sure you only give your Medicare number to your doctor, pharmacist, hospital, health insurer, or other trusted healthcare provider.

If someone calls you on the phone, saying they’re from Medicare, and asks for your Medicare number or other personal information – just hang up.

Our representatives will never:

  • Call beneficiaries to ask for or to “verify” Medicare numbers.
  • Call to sell you anything.
  • Promise you things if you give them a Medicare number.
  • Visit you at your home.
  • Call you to enroll you in a Medicare program over the phone, unless you called us first.

We removed Social Security numbers from all Medicare cards last year to reduce fraud and protect our beneficiaries from identity theft. Even with this change, you should guard your Medicare card like you would a credit card. Be sure to check your Medicare claim summaries for errors and questionable bills.

If you suspect Medicare fraud, please report it by calling Medicare’s toll-free customer service center at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). You can also visit us online.

Please help spread the word by sharing this message with family and friends.  Your health and safety is important to us. So, please continue to follow President Trump’s public health guidelines by staying home. These simple actions could save more than 1 million American lives in the weeks and months to come.

For more information on Medicare and telehealth, check out Administrator Verma’s previous guest blog.

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  1. Alvis G.

    Collecting social security .if I collect now at 62.5 y/o plus what I’ve made this year already. And also taking all my 401 k . How will this affect my SSI and the $18400/year. Thanks
    Alvis Golaub

    • V.V.

      Hi Alvis, thank you for using our blog. It sounds like you may benefit from the special earnings limit rule which is for those that retire mid-year and have already earned more than the yearly earnings limit. The Getting Benefits While Working web page provides more details.

      In addition, keep in mind that when we figure out how much to deduct from your benefits, we count only the wages you make from your job or your net profit if you’re self-employed. We don’t count pensions, annuities, investment income, interest, veterans or other government or military retirement benefits. We hope this helps.

  2. Jane H.

    Received an eMail today that I had won a thousand dollars for being a valued customer. I knew it was a scam but wanted to know what information they wanted. It was the usual name and address things but they also wanted information to notify Medicare. I wonder how many people fall for this?

  3. Richard C.


  4. BETTY J.

    Thanking you kindly for this information as I am new to this Medicare/ social security benefits. It’s really informative and I graciously accept all the education on these matters as is available.

  5. tom d.

    Great information…Thank you very much!!

  6. Jack R.

    You can go online and print it out.

  7. Jeffrey H.

    Thanks for staying vigilant for us, we appreciate your efforts to keep us safe.

    • Loyd

      We are seeing and hearing the best and worst of human behaivor, just keep you thinking cap working.

  8. Robert E.

    I lost my Medicare card in trying to get a replacement card i have called everyone please 5700 NW 19 st apt102 Oklahoma City okl 73127.

    • Mark A.

      Hi, my name is Mark. I know right now is scary for everyone, but there is hope. I redownload Robokiller on my phone, and now I don’t get all those scam calls like I use to. I originally paid for it, but changed phone’s and had forgotten about it. So look in your app store, download it, setup it to what you need, and forget about the scammers . So far works great for me.

    • V.V.

      Hi Robert, thank you for your question. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions web page on how to obtain a replacement Medicare card. We hope this is helpful.

      • Brook

        I am on SSI that is my only income and I am scared that I. Am gonna have to file a tax return before I get any money tohelp me. Can someone please tell me how I can find out if the Dept of treasure is allowi g SSI and veterans beneficiary to receive there moneythesame way SSA receive there?

        • A.C.

          Hi, Brook. Thank you for your question. Recipients of Supplemental Security Income will get an economic impact payment. We are working closely with Treasury to address outstanding questions about our SSI recipients in an attempt to make the issuance of economic impact payments as quick and efficient as possible. We realize people are concerned, and the IRS will provide additional information at Coronavirus Tax Relief when available. Please note that we will not consider economic impact payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months. We hope this information is helpful.

          • Samantha E.

            Praise the Lord.

            Also will my husbant also recieve this check

  9. Nelson M.

    I always like getting articles of any kind from Social Security/Medicare. I have worked in a local bank for 35 years and the last 15 years as a consumer compliance officer. It seemed like there was a lot of scams then but I think now it is a lot worst. Thanks for keeping us informed

  10. Pamela M.

    Thank you.

    • Mark A.

      Hi, my name is Mark. I know right now is scary for everyone, but there is hope. I redownload Robokiller on my phone, and now I don’t get all those scam calls like I use to. I originally paid for it, but changed phone’s and had forgotten about it. So look in your app store, download it, setup it to what you need, and forget about the scammers . So far works great for me.

    • ZITA C.

      No problem. I take the utmost delight in slamming this and all other scams.

    • Denise

      Doe anyone know if you are receiving SSD disability and are working part time under the SSD work incentive program & lose your job can you collect unemployment and your ssd check like I was when working? Please help I don’t want to mess my ssd up Denise

      • Quincie

        I was wondering the same thing, im not in the work program but I do work part time and wondering if im able to collect or not. have you found anything out yet? I can’t find answers on here anywhere.

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