COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. michaeldcrump

    1,ooo,ooo,ooo million an it hit for 2,500,000,000 to an astentual budget to a billion bucks on world trade4 center for a general friend close by mcd

  2. Carmen D.

    I’m on ssid when and I get a ssa1099 from social security when will I receive my stimulus funds

  3. Paul

    Will my $1200 go in my account the same day my ssi goes in on the first

  4. P. P.

    I am in the same boat. I make very little with social security and just moved in with my son. He claimed me as a dependent. Now I will not get the $1,200, and on top of that, my son will also not get the $500 per dependent because I am over 17. This makes no sense to me at all.

    Luckily, there are some congress people who also think this makes no sense. There is at least one Bill in the House that would make all dependents of any age qualify for at least the $500 payment. I am hoping it passes:

    As a fallback, I am also reading that – since the Stimulus is a type of advance tax credit for 2020 – it may be possible to file a tax return in 2021 and get the $1,200 then. This is as long as you can get the person who claimed you for 2019 not to claim you for 2020. I don’t know for sure if it works this way, but I’m certainly going to try.

  5. Tami l.

    I am on ssd. Why is it I have not gotten the 1200.00.
    It’s because I was claimed as a dependant. We are not married..he claimed head of household and myself as a dependant.
    I own my house and the farm. This is wrong in so many ways!

  6. Dianne A.

    I received my SS check this month which is for the month prior. Will my Economic Impact check be included in my next check in June? Thank you.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Dianne. Treasury, not Social Security, will be making automatic Economic Income Payments to eligible people. Unfortunately, we do not have information about the exact schedule for these payments. Treasury anticipates these payments to go out to Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries starting around the end of April and to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients starting in early May. Continue to check the Internal Revenue Service Coronavirus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payments page for updates. Thanks.

  7. Devona W.

    I get SSI for my kids through their father. Will I get a relief check for that also.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Devona. Treasury, not Social Security, will be making direct payments to eligible people. We cannot determine your eligibility. Continue to check the Internal Revenue Service Coronavirus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payments page for updates. Thanks.

  8. Lorrie H.

    Will people on ssdi receive a stimulus check? If so can you give me an ideal on when it will be sent to my bank account? Thank You,

    • Joel R.

      It will be sent with your regular SSDI check direct deposit

  9. Betty S.

    Why hasn’t social security recipients haven’t gotten stimulus checks 4/25/2020 yet

    • Joel R.

      Your stimulus check will be posted with your regular SS check.. You don’t have to do anything if you have direct deposit. The IRS is using your information from your SS information. If you need help go to IRS. Gov…. Hopefully this helps

      • Christina P.

        What if I get my ssi cheak 4 days befor the 1st will I get my stimulus cheak then too

        • A.C.

          Hi, Christina. Treasury, not Social Security, will be making automatic Economic Income Payments to eligible people. Unfortunately, we do not have information about the exact schedule for these payments. Treasury anticipates these payments to go out to Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries starting around the end of April and to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients starting in early May. Continue to check the Internal Revenue Service Coronavirus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payments page for updates. Thanks.

      • Shawn H.

        so are stimulus payments we’ll be on our cards with our other benefits on the may

  10. Terry

    I receive SSI and also work part-time in 2018 and filed taxes. My bank account I had in 2018 was closed and when I checked the IRS site for my covid19 stimulus check it said it was sent out April 15,2020 to a closed account. I cannot reach anyone at IRS to change my information because I have a personal PIN with the IRS. I can not retrieve my PIn info to file 2019 taxes or get my stimulus check. Can someone help please?

    • Lovie R.

      Know exactly what your saying. 87 years old and never have i been a dependent to anyone. I am told someone cliam me as thier dependent and i am not eligible for the relief help and they wont tell me who cliamed me.

      • Matbo2

        Gel legal help, if someone claimed you and you are not their dependent that’s illegal

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