COVID-19, General, Online Services

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

March 16, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

All local Social Security offices will be closed to the public for in-person service starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This decision protects the population we serve—older Americans and people with underlying medical conditions—and our employees during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, we are still able to provide critical services.

Please read our press release to learn more, including how to get help from the Social Security Administration by phone and online. You can also visit our website to learn more and stay up to date.

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About the Author

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Mike Korbey, Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Ryan D.

    Because the bill has not been writen, passed, or signed. But yes, disabled Americans will be included according to the Senate majority leader who controls the damn bill writing and floor procedures. It will be 2 checks. On for April and one for may. It’s will be based on your family size and income. This is not an unemployment funding bill. That is a whole separate bill. That will take care of people who lose their jobs. The stimulus bill is meant to get money in the hands of hundreds of millions of people so that the economy doesn’t die durring the worst part of the crisis. Is has nothing to do with who worked, or who “deserves” it, or who may lose a job…. It has everything to do with needing money to rotate throughout the economy. They are also increasing food stamps which has already been passed in the first bill. Those on dissability should get around $350.00 in April and May. People on SSI got a $250.00 check in the 2009 stimulus.

    • Tom


      You DON’T KNOW how much we’ll get. Please stop posting numbers that you have no actual proof of!

  2. Gab M.

    I just don’t understand why Socual Security just doesn’t man up and answer this question and be done with it, when they already know the answer.. All the stress on people making them wait and see if SSDI or SSIis going to get a check too, is not the virus itself stressful enough. Too many people commenting back and forth from other sources is not very healthy for anyone. So when people go on National TV and say people do not worry, seriously yall, everyone is being effected by this.

    • Felicia T.

      You are 100% right. Your comment is about the only one with some sense to it!!

  3. Christopher L.

    I came here to see if people on SSDI will receive a check only to find nearly 900 comments, half of which were made by morons wanting to fight over a stupid comment, while the other half are here asking the same question as me. Now I have a different question. Does it not bother anyone in the least that there are nearly 900 comments on a top level domain .gov website and there’s not a single moderator anywhere to be found? Even if no one knows, there should at least be one mod to keep the idiots at bay and address the main question being asked, even if it’s an “I don’t know”, an official “I don’t know” would be much better than nothing at all. If someone would just clean up this disaster of a thread, that would go a long way towards letting us know that someone is on the receiving end of this. The fact that this doesn’t appear to be getting any attention at all doesn’t give me any reason to believe that we’ll get a single dime. I worked and payed my share of taxes before becoming disabled so I don’t think it’s too much to ask our .gov employees to at least acknowledge the damn question…

    • wanda w.

      Chris, yes you will get a check if your on SSDI. Thank you

      • David

        Do u get a check if your on social security?

  4. Rettia s.

    Wow how old are we here . I feel like i walked into preschool such mmaturity and rudeness …nobody has to be rude for question asked …guess if your kids are bullies i can see why ……. evsryboxh.c needs to look around at our world ..its getting worse ….and instead of lifting each other up ….people are rude …….and its so sad ghat some people ate just smart asses …

  5. Liz

    DONOT fall for these Scams about this Stimulis..

    • Tom

      I have a soundboard program on my computer which uses sounds from Arnold Schwarzenegger. So, whenever the scammers call, if I pick up the phone, they get to speak to Arnold! They don’t like him much at all! So, they don’t stay on long listening to him ask them who their daddy is and what he does! 😉

  6. J.Chism

    I receive ssi. And i own my home. I pay property taxes. I pay taxes on my tags for my vehicle. I pay taxes on my Electric bill. I get a meager $781 to pay my bills n buy food and gas to get to doctor appointments and buy my medication. Any extra money is welcome. I fully understand if i dont gwt a large amount. Ill be grateful for any amount because i struggle. I was a hard worker before my accident. I dont live large. I eat once a day. I provide for my family with my meager check. My past stimulus checks were intercepted by child support and my baby mama blew it on her nails n hair. That sucked ! Anyway I’m not the best at grammar because i have brain damage from my accident but you judgemental people are whats wrong with the world. Grammar nazi’s its ridiculous! Im a Gen X i actually Earned everything i have. My kids were raised to earn their way as well. Theyre millennials but the way they respect people youd never know that. Half of yall probably dont even get a check. Now lets all just agree to disagree about if its rude or not and agree that it doesn’t matter at the end of the day because it wasnt betwen us buy those 2 individuals and apparently a zillion other people who chimed in with their 2 cents. Mine included to make this statement. All i know is we gotta work together or we will be at war qith each other. If you wanna fight go find the assholes who stock piled up on the food and toilet paper. I actually didn’t get a chance to go to the store until was too late so im sick of ramen noodles and rice. Now please try to have a nice day and check on your elderly neighbors they really need help more than anyone. Children have tons of programs and parents to help them. The elderly are the most vulnerable right now. God bless al of you and if you don’t believe in God then i say well thats ok too because you are you and thats your right.

  7. Christie H.

    By reading all these stupid comments I don’t think anyone deserves a free check especially the ones talking like a child in high school, I don’t think they have a disability except with the way the speak on here , grow up ask god for help, god dont like ugly so you may not receive one , dont be mad at the government be mad at yourself for attacking these hard workers trying to help all if you guys ! I don’t even get a check but surely wouldn’t if I acted like that , sincerely anonymous citizen, prayer for all.

    • Jeremy P.

      Thank you for your fascinating input,”anonymous citizen” Christie HOPKINS

  8. LaRae

    With everything going on in this world, has it come to adults fighting about if a comment was rude or if it wasn’t? Remember people, we’re ALL going through this. This is the time we should work together. The media is to blame for so much of this. Take your anger and turn it in to something positive. Stop the madness! We need each other now more than ever. Keeping everyone in my prayers! ??❤️

  9. Lisa P.

    I work for a government entity housed under the elderly and disabled and I was looking up information for a senior and I found some repetitive questions and replies (mostly replies and comments on how someone answered a question by text).. The blog which is supposed to be used for informative information has now become a platform for an issue which is NOT meant for this blog.! I had to scroll through it so many messages on everyone’s OWN opinions. All in all it’s an embarrassment for all people who voiced their opinion. Some people who are homebound are without food, people who are in the middle of the application process are desperate (all SSI people have been there before), it’s not a fun process. I think we need to focus on the fact that people have roofs over their heads, food and from my understanding will continue to receive benefits, I believe we need to give SSI a chance to update their website and provide more information. At this point in time, we need to band together and help those who have nothing! This blog SHOULD BE USED to ask a question and wait for an answer NOT to fill it up with banter! I am trying to help w senior because it is my job and I could of helped 20 more people if it wasnt for the comments. Please reserve this blog for questions and answers ONLY! Thank you!

    • Kevin G.

      I’m thinking they’re on Vlad’s payroll with his usual agenda of turning us against each other and these fools fell right in.
      People gotta think first, the Russians started up again, after a well deserved vacation for winning the US election.
      That was them last week if you saw that anti Biden video on FB. So…………….
      Did anybody get an answer to the question?
      I’m thinkin’ we get nothing, remember, the republicans all think SS is a welfare handout already

    • Geoff

      That’s not going to help the anxiety. People on Social Security already struggle more than the people who can earn a living wage, this crisis is hitting everyone hard, the ones who usually struggle the most are struggling even more now.

      It might be annoying to you but people are stressed out, This is a comment section, it’s for not only asking questions but also discussion. Mainly people are asking questions and hoping for an answer, not everyone has time or the mental capacity to scroll through a wall of text to find an answer, especially one that hasn’t even been factually answered yet.

      Try to be a bit more understanding. People who rely on Social Security benefits usually live in poverty and uncertainty, pray you never have to live that way.

    • gail c.

      yay she gets it!!!

  10. Shane M.

    The government is NOT I repeat NOT giving people on welfare/SSI a thousand dollars. They are giving it to workers only. Just released

    • Kevin G.

      released where?
      Trumpets need not reply

      • Geoff

        It hasn’t been, we should know all the details after the weekend.

    • Kari

      I just read that that we could be included,and that it would be faster to put it on our government debit card since the treasury already has it on file. For ssdi but the bill has not passed yet so who knows.

    • Linda E.

      Stop lying .Trump said himself EVERY ADULT going to get a check .Only ones being excluded are the rich .
      So many trolls spreading lies here

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