Disability, SSI

Compassionate Allowances Speed Help to People with Severe Disabilities

February 11, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

photograph of a man in a wheelchairDisability can happen to anyone. If you suffer from a serious medical condition that prevents you from working, time is of the essence when it comes to applying for Social Security disability benefits. Although Social Security is committed to processing disability claims as quickly as possible in all cases, our initial claims process typically takes three to five months.

Because compassion is a cornerstone of our public service commitment, in some cases, we’re able to expedite the application process through our Compassionate Allowances program. Social Security uses Compassionate Allowances to identify people whose medical condition is so severe, they obviously meet our disability standards. Under the Social Security Act, we consider you disabled if you can’t work due to a severe medical condition that is expected to last at least one year, or result in death.

Social Security pays benefits under two programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. Our disability program provides benefits and Medicare eligibility to workers with disabilities who paid into the Social Security trust fund through payroll taxes. Under some circumstances, children and family members can receive disability benefits. SSI pays benefits to disabled persons of all ages with limited income and resources. SSI benefits are not paid out of the Social Security trust fund.

Farber’s disease and Tay Sachs disease in children, and advanced pancreatic and ovarian cancer in adults are examples of the 223 conditions on the Compassionate Allowances list. Others include Huntington’s disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which cause rapid brain deterioration in otherwise healthy adults. For a complete list of the Compassionate Allowances conditions, go to www.socialsecurity.gov/compassionateallowances.

The Compassionate Allowances initiative also provides grants to medical researchers to identify other conditions that may qualify for this list. This initiative is just one of many ways Social Security works to help provide you with peace of mind when disability happens. Learn more at www.socialsecurity.gov.

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About the Author

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Jim Borland, Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications


  1. BILLY B.

    I Have some Problems That Is ripping my home life appart is anyone has a heart is not my fault i’m on disabilty I really need some ones help. THANKS FOR EVERTHING

  2. BILLY B.

    my email is bilbeech@bellsouth.net and my cell is 2464053078 they they said it didn’t match i’m sorry but why would i lie.

  3. brian

    my name is Brian. my email is mr.b.rich.4.u@gmail.com ..I intend to file a multi billion Tort law suit with the Federal government ,The SSI administration for discrimination and unfair trade practices agents low income disabled veterans and senior citizens that receive state funded support ,food stamps and Medicare/medicaid that is funded by the federal government, but managed by the states. when a disabled person fails ,or forgets to renew there state benefits on time the state cancels there payments to the ssi for Medicare/medicaid C and B. these low income disabled people have a income of less than 1200.00 u.s.d. per month, this is what qualifies these disabled persons and senior citizens. what takes place next is a horrific crime agents Americans that worked a minim wage job all there life and deserve what they payed in for all those years,when the state cancels there claim the ssi takes the total of Medicare/medicaid C and B from there ssi benefit check ,uselessly with out there permission or knowledge.yes they send a notice that they are doing this ,in the us mail or what ever,but by the time person being canceled is informed there bank acount is bankrupt and there homeless, i figure ssi board of trusty’s are stealing about 100 million a day from the american people a day ,do the math your selves.this illegal loop hole needs to be closed for good and people we trusted brought to trail and convicted…email me i will e mail info back it will be a petition to tort the SSI admen and federal government..with this kind of tort billions at stake,the best lawers will jump on bord all welcome….Mr B

  4. Victoria N.

    I am saverely stressed out and depressed but my problem is I have a lot of different disabilities but the doctor I have is not helping me to get the right help I need. I have tried to work but had a hard time keeping a job and I also have tried to get disability 9 different times and have been denied they say to reapeal and to get a lawyer, but I have trouble understanding things like this. I am having to live with my boyfriend and get foodstamps to be able to live and eat if It wasn’t for him I would be dieing on the streets of hunger and freezing myself because I would not have a home or food and no one to help me with anything I feel like I am going crazy I have savere depression and this is making it worse I feel sad and worthless all the time all it seems like all I can manage to do is cry all the time.

  5. John H.

    My wife has stage 4 Cancer (ACC} it is throughout her body and now she is almost always bed ridden . My wife has worked and paid into her Social Security from 1979 till 2004 she then step into raising our 2 children and in 2012 got cancer we are triing to collect her SS Bennifites and do not no what to do can you help us.
    Thank you
    John Hunter ( husband)

    • R.F.

      We are sorry to hear of your wife’s medical situation, John.
      We pay disability benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance program (SSDI) and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
      When it comes to qualifying for disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Income or SSDI program, individuals must have worked long enough–and recently enough–under Social Security to qualify for disability benefits.
      The SSI program is a needs based program that gives cash assistance to people with limited income and resources who are age 65 or older, blind or disabled.
      Your wife may be eligible to receive assistance from the state where you live. These services include Medicaid, transportation or help with other problems. You can get information about services in your area from your state or local social services office. You can also visit the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services web page for more information. Thanks.

  6. Joanne G.

    I received 12678 last year, do I have pay?

  7. lara

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  8. ANNE P.


  9. ANNE P.


  10. ANNE P.


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