COVID-19, People Facing Barriers

Commissioner Statement on Economic Impact Payments

March 25, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Last Updated: March 25, 2021

A photo headshot of SSA Commissioner Andrew SaulI want to provide an important update about the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) processing of Economic Impact Payments (EIPs) under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act.

At each turn over the last 12 months, immediate delivery of EIPs has been, and remains, a top priority for this agency. SSA’s public service mission is squarely focused on many of those who are most economically-vulnerable in our society and we owe it to our beneficiaries to ensure they receive their EIPs right away. In fact, it was the substantial efforts of SSA that successfully overcame the fact that the IRS did not have a mechanism to automatically identify Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients, some of the most financially insecure people in America. It was SSA that pushed the prior Administration and Congress to allow us to send to IRS a file of those individuals, who do not receive forms SSA-1099, so that IRS could automatically issue EIPs to them.

Since the time that discussions began regarding issuance of EIPs in the ARP Act, weeks before passage, we have worked tirelessly with our counterparts at IRS to provide to them the information they need to issue payments to our beneficiaries. Despite the fact that Congress did not directly provide SSA funding to support our work on EIPs, we have provided countless hours of assistance to IRS consistent with the laws that establish how we may use the Trust Funds that every American counts on us to protect.

SSA discussed with Treasury and IRS, both before passage and after enactment of the ARP Act, that the Social Security Act does not allow the agency to use our administrative appropriation to conduct work on any non-mission provision or program. Accordingly, we were not authorized to substantively engage Treasury or IRS prior to the ARP’s passage. Instead, upon passage, we were required to pursue a reimbursable agreement with IRS because we received no direct appropriation through the ARP Act. From the outset of discussions, we kept congressional staff apprised of the hurdles this approach would create for SSA, and we have continued to update them on our progress with IRS as we completed the required interagency agreements.

Once we were free to move forward, we aggressively worked with Treasury and IRS to issue payments. As a result of our efforts, we successfully signed the reimbursable agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) less than one week after passage, on March 17. That process often takes weeks or months to complete, but we got the job done in a matter of days. A few days later, on Monday, March 22, SSA sent initial test files to IRS. IRS confirmed testing success on Wednesday, March 24. Production files were delivered to IRS before 9 AM on Thursday, March 25 – more than a week sooner than we were able to provide a similar file to IRS during the first round of EIPs.

While we were working through the agreements with IRS that would fund our efforts to support issuance of EIPs, we were also protecting the integrity of the EIP program by updating the files that IRS will use to issue payments to our beneficiaries. Those updates to our files ensure that payments go to correct bank accounts and addresses, and, that those who are deceased are removed from the files. In short, Social Security employees have literally worked day and night with IRS staff to ensure that the electronic files of Social Security and SSI recipients are complete, accurate, and ready to be used to issue payments. There is no one more committed to serving the public than the employees of this agency, and there should be no doubt whatsoever that they are striving each day to serve the vulnerable populations to whom they have committed their careers. I find any insinuation to the contrary to be unacceptable.

I assure you that we will continue to do all we can to support implementation of the ARP Act.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Colin O.

    There should be zero excuse to say exactly WHEN, as a date range or specific date of when the stimulus 3 checks will be deposited. I have had no response from SSA or IRS as what date I can expect a deposit.

  2. Dusty J.

    I have had 5 heart attacks and only income I have is my social security , I’m truly hurting, do y’all have no mercy : (

  3. Reyann T.

    Yes I haven’t got mine either but that doesn’t mean I am going to argue or become overly hopeless because of delays. Thank u for doing the best yu can and even while this pandemic is going on ,let’s be strong and patient each others. Work together and give each other’s that confidence that we will not fall as a nation. Everyone say a prayer for those having to work harder than others to get what we need to survive.aactually pray for the world because when this money is no longer needed for survival .our lives in will be depended on each other not the silver ,gold ,currency.

    • Haa

      Ur a fucking idiot and musta been bought out by saul. And by way silver and gold ain’t worth shit u don’t even no what a troy oz u fuck. Stfup

  4. Elyse P.

    I still don’t have mine either, i really need the promised stimulus we all have to pay our far behind bills.. please do what’s right, send them today, please….

  5. Ray A.

    You are lying about the issue. You knew exactly what the process was to expedite the data to IRS. You did this as a political stunt at OUR expense. How can you sleep at night?

  6. kenzo

    I haven’t received mine either but it seems everyone else is receiving theirs! We are the most vulnerable and financially burdened and unstable in this country yet we are treated the worst and overlooked in every area! We are truly struggling!

  7. Roberta H.

    I am almost 80 – still waiting. The news reported this 3rd check would be “coming soon” – how much longer do we have to wait? and WHY does it take so long to receive what we seriously need – and have needed for many, many months? The news report I mentioned was one month ago!

  8. Eva S.

    I never got the $600 and now haven’t gotten the $1400. This is a bunch of BS.

  9. Maria

    I’ve not recieved nothing yet either. Last time ut was send faster than regular citizens. Now parents with born kids got over $10,000. Parents not citizens but illegals or residents.

    • BIRHANU A.

      Still I never received any benefits please provide for me.

  10. Vonalee A.

    3/26 and still waiting! This sounds like a crock! Last two stimulus checks were direct deposited within days! Nothing has changed on my end. Everyone I know that is also on SSA got theirs. They don’t need it as badly as I, as they have at least one other source of income , which is why they filed taxes. I along with many others live 70% below poverty level and still waiting ! Isn’t surprising though when you look at who we have in the House! Worthless overpaid trash ! Get me my money!

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