COVID-19, People Facing Barriers

Commissioner Statement on Economic Impact Payments

March 25, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Last Updated: March 25, 2021

A photo headshot of SSA Commissioner Andrew SaulI want to provide an important update about the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) processing of Economic Impact Payments (EIPs) under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act.

At each turn over the last 12 months, immediate delivery of EIPs has been, and remains, a top priority for this agency. SSA’s public service mission is squarely focused on many of those who are most economically-vulnerable in our society and we owe it to our beneficiaries to ensure they receive their EIPs right away. In fact, it was the substantial efforts of SSA that successfully overcame the fact that the IRS did not have a mechanism to automatically identify Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients, some of the most financially insecure people in America. It was SSA that pushed the prior Administration and Congress to allow us to send to IRS a file of those individuals, who do not receive forms SSA-1099, so that IRS could automatically issue EIPs to them.

Since the time that discussions began regarding issuance of EIPs in the ARP Act, weeks before passage, we have worked tirelessly with our counterparts at IRS to provide to them the information they need to issue payments to our beneficiaries. Despite the fact that Congress did not directly provide SSA funding to support our work on EIPs, we have provided countless hours of assistance to IRS consistent with the laws that establish how we may use the Trust Funds that every American counts on us to protect.

SSA discussed with Treasury and IRS, both before passage and after enactment of the ARP Act, that the Social Security Act does not allow the agency to use our administrative appropriation to conduct work on any non-mission provision or program. Accordingly, we were not authorized to substantively engage Treasury or IRS prior to the ARP’s passage. Instead, upon passage, we were required to pursue a reimbursable agreement with IRS because we received no direct appropriation through the ARP Act. From the outset of discussions, we kept congressional staff apprised of the hurdles this approach would create for SSA, and we have continued to update them on our progress with IRS as we completed the required interagency agreements.

Once we were free to move forward, we aggressively worked with Treasury and IRS to issue payments. As a result of our efforts, we successfully signed the reimbursable agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) less than one week after passage, on March 17. That process often takes weeks or months to complete, but we got the job done in a matter of days. A few days later, on Monday, March 22, SSA sent initial test files to IRS. IRS confirmed testing success on Wednesday, March 24. Production files were delivered to IRS before 9 AM on Thursday, March 25 – more than a week sooner than we were able to provide a similar file to IRS during the first round of EIPs.

While we were working through the agreements with IRS that would fund our efforts to support issuance of EIPs, we were also protecting the integrity of the EIP program by updating the files that IRS will use to issue payments to our beneficiaries. Those updates to our files ensure that payments go to correct bank accounts and addresses, and, that those who are deceased are removed from the files. In short, Social Security employees have literally worked day and night with IRS staff to ensure that the electronic files of Social Security and SSI recipients are complete, accurate, and ready to be used to issue payments. There is no one more committed to serving the public than the employees of this agency, and there should be no doubt whatsoever that they are striving each day to serve the vulnerable populations to whom they have committed their careers. I find any insinuation to the contrary to be unacceptable.

I assure you that we will continue to do all we can to support implementation of the ARP Act.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. M!@hael

    Thanks for all you do to help all the people who receive SS.
    I received the direct deposit of the 3rd COVID-19 check within the first week after the bill passed.

  2. Robert W.

    Today is March 26. I haven’t received my payment either. The online resource at the IRS says that it cannot ascertain my status. I never received my second one.

  3. Kelly T.

    Disruption and obstruction are pretty recognizable in current context. You need to do better

  4. David M.

    Still Nothing!!! This is a huge Stress and Disappointment. I am reviewing SSI ( supplement) and really needed this money to catch up…instead I am digging deeper into debt. And a release date isn’t even available… This is Cruel. I feel as though my disability is the cause for this torture. I am thinking the delay is too trigger my disability to then criminalize, and possibly threaten my receiving of any future benefits. I have Direct Express. No problem until now. And why delay my pay longer mailing me a check? This is all a very Devastating Viciously Demented Attack and Attempt at furthering My Abuse by the Oligarchy of this Country, and it is having major Negative and
    Torturous effectss in My Daily Living. Very Upset that even after the two letters and the deliverance of info from SSA to ITS, I am still without even a hint to when my much needed “Relief” will be available is beyond Unacceptable. I beg that this overwhelming extended abuse be discontinued Immediately and my funds be released too my Direct Express card. I don’t deserve any further delays. It’s Abuse of Power. And totally disgusting. My mental disorders shouldn’t be reason too take advantage of my lack too do much else other then continue the depressing and frustrating tasks of checking internet, IRS, Card, and updates again just to left with the same .69 cent notification of my balance. It’s freezing, it has rained, and I shouldn’t have to be kept from funds that I could avoid all this hardship had I been provided my due share of stimulus payments… Bad enough only one check out of the entire year last year, and now half of a check and a holdup on my newly awarded allowance is ridiculously Abusive and Against Everything American. Suffering in the South West.

  5. Kimberly W.

    Thank you.I am disabled with 3 children and pregnant living off 747 a month.I also earned my credits for retirement but not of age.I only received 600. Stimilus.I was awarded backpack as took half back in 2018 after 3year wait and was disabled since 13 .My girls are 22,13,9 and one due in july.When apply for covid help they say as don’t take loss. When you really do take a loss because of you have children home 24/7 that would normally be in school or out with family or friends there is a price to pay as far as extra safety precautions mask gloves sanitizers home entertainment due to being inside buying things to help keep them active and not depressed during the cold I actually had to purchase transportation when we use public transportation or medical transportation to cut out the risk of receiving covid-19 so therefore I had to purchase driver license take classes plow for applications and purchase vehicle and one vehicle was not stable and had to purchase another one so that we could get around safely I had to purchase computers so that they can have school at home safely and there’s a lot of online activities to keep them occupied and we also what get out and buy more fast food or something because of cooking the same thing over and over being confined in the home so it’s like a casualty to go and taste something different so that cost as well you also have to purchase extra cleaning supplies to ensure safety ungratefulness will never be with this family will appreciate every benefit that will offer but please tell me how you will do that out of $747 with two minor children in the home and one in the womb car insurance utility rent hygiene products cleaning products gas for children one of my children schools closed virtual and now I will be forced to put her in public school or she will not have an education as Kovacs things are not given to children and you passed many schools and no children are protected by mask or gloves or anything but they have older parents and grandparents that are exposed it’s very confusing it and no rec when you apply to City welfare in Jacksonville Florida for the Emergency card it says that Social Security recipients did not take an income loss I did not receive stimulus one at all for me or my children and was told to apply for Recovery rebate that I was supposed to get March 6th 2021 now I’m being told that there is a 10-week delay and that my 2019 has not been processed as well so I will struggle every day during this covid and have been told that I do not qualify because Social Security isn’t a loss but if you use money out of your Social Security that was total out to cover bills you and your children and you have an unexpected pandemic and you have to pay for precautions to say stay safe that is a loss no question about it anybody who has the continuously purchase mask cleaning products sanitizers loves entertainment food still for minor children and have to get Transportation because Medical Transportation isn’t safe to ride in a car with someone who may have been sick or exposed is a definite income loss and versus you putting your money in a bank and being able to save it even though it is a munch my name is Kimberly Wright and I’m a resident of Jacksonville Florida. I have also not received the 2021 Stimilus either. How can someone receiving unemployment benefits or a job receive a stimulus and can count it as an income loss to receive help through the agencies but someone who makes a set income that was not that covid-19 calculated into the building not be eligible as their Isabel how can you get $747 a month and not be eligible versus someone who receives3 to $600 a week unemployment or job benefits and they receive a stimulus because they have direct deposit when Social Security recipients all have direct deposit or check payments on file because we have to receive those payments every month the excuse that is made for the delay is very absurd The Cove attacks a lot of seniors that do not have children or family to help clean their homes properly to help them get around properly and they are still put in the crossfire of contamination by having to use public transportation public Medical Transportation not having the extra money to purchase cleaning items or the money to pay someone to help them keep their home clean body’s clean clothing clean to prevent them from Catching the virus how can they do this out of asset income and being told that they are denied for any help funded by the government during the entire pandemic because they did not have a job and lose the income for the job if you have one set income and you all of a sudden have to pay for higher food because shipping is bad pay for safer Transportation because of the risk buy more cleaning items protective precaution equipment you have taken a loss because that was not calculated in your daily needs for your monthly pay I truly think that seniors disabled and veterans have been totally overlooked during this covid-19 chew a Sheehan forcing them to have to come up with all kind of ways to try to make it and try to be safe and try to stick together yet the numbers are still going up as far as their sickness or illness or in the help is going down please review and look over this comment and apply it to our daily life and what we have to go through as American citizens cuz we all are American citizens they are coming up with all kind of immigrant dreamer programs but you have to help what’s right here first thank you Kimberly Wright Jacksonville Florida

    • Ashamed A.

      I’m very sorry for the position they have put you in. Our children are grown, grandson moved home after getting out of Military (he did get his 3rd stimulus), my husband is both disabled & retired, I’m in a wheelchair. I apologize our government doesn’t think disabled people deserve better; my husband feels as if they are hoping he’ll die so they don’t have to pay him.

  6. Helen P.

    Are SDI & Social Security recipients going to receive a 3rd stimulus? This is not fair or right. I am still waiting to just get a factual answer, we are or we aren’t?

  7. Ken k.

    I think it’s easy to figure there’s two trump appointed in head of what’s that tell you who’s the perfect people to make suffer poor people who’s the perfect people to try to scam them out of the check and put in there pocket..come on BIDEN you need to clean out the trump trash.or it’s never going to be right

  8. Angela J.

    Ok. I understand everything the SSA did on our behalf, but can you tell me why my neighbor, who receives SSI/SSP, received her 3rd stimulus in the first batch on March 17th? Very unfair, frustrating and confusing!!! It doesn’t match what you’re saying!!!

    • Diona75

      My best friend got hers the 1st set and I’m still waiting im going lose my fkn house cause of pass taxes this shit suxz

    • Jack S.

      I agree with Angela Jennings- although I appreciate all the hard work and extra work the SSA is doing, the SSA Commissioner’s statements do NOT match what is actually going on. The IRS says that ALL the Direct Deposits for EIP#3 were completed on March 24th. Paper checks? Debit cards? Why would either IRS or SSA send me a paper check or a plastic card? They don’t have to do that. BOTH places have my banking information and always make deposits the normal way. WHY would IRS/SSA create such a mess of paperwork for themselves AND the recipients by printing paper checks and manufacturing plastic cards to mail through the already crippled USPS? That sounds TREMENDOUSLY EXPENSIVE as well as TIME CONSUMING to me!

  9. James l.

    As off 3-26-21 I have not received my 3th. Stimulus check what’s going on talked to others they got theirs

    • Geoffrey

      I haven’t received mine, and I’m a disabled veteran!

    • Dan F.

      Same for me. Other members of my family received their stimulus on the 17th and I’ve yet to receive mine. The information, (what little there is) seems to be all over the place and extremely uninforming. It wouldn’t be so bad if there was somewhere we could get definitive answers to questions or concerns.

    • Tami

      I didn’t know who to blame ssa or irs but this should not have happened in the first place.
      You decide to punish us for your ego.
      You failed the people who counted on you to do right by them.
      Instead you lied to us.
      You kept saying to look at the irs website.
      Since march 17 th.
      When in fact it was you who was dragging your feet and making us frustrated and feeling left out. Thank you for the lies Saul.

  10. Dorothy A.

    Friday 03/26b2021 It is NZoT fair as t9 how SSI , SSD, etc individuals are being treated most have not received the ir 3rd stimulus payment it has not been put 8n bank accounts e to how degrading they are mak8ng disabled people feel g9 9n the IRS website cannot get no information there either,

    • kerry c.

      thank you for youre hard work serving our country

    • Tina A.

      Why my payee has not received my 1400.on my direct express card.i had no problem with 1st and second check but now we not getting our money I do get one.

    • Jànice C.

      Thank your workers for trying to keep this crazy situation on top!! I thank you personally.

    • Jeremy g.

      place help us we need help bad me and my family needs help

    • Christina M.

      I still have no money and everything he said makes no difference as to when we will get help no money and no date as to when . This IS NOT RIGHT .

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