COVID-19, General

Commissioner Saul Communicates to Congress about the State of Social Security Services

April 26, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: April 26, 2021

A photo headshot of SSA Commissioner Andrew SaulAndrew Saul, Commissioner of Social Security, wrote to key members of Congress to raise awareness of the resources Social Security needs to recover from the ongoing pandemic and improve service.

“Since becoming Commissioner, I have focused our actions and our resources on efforts to improve the service we provide to the millions of people who turn to us for help. I have been clear in my budget requests about what it takes to improve service and maintain the integrity of our programs: both additional frontline staff to help people now, and information technology (IT) investments to improve our future,” said Commissioner Saul.  “2021 is a critical year to shape the agency for post-pandemic success, but our resource constraints will delay our recovery. I appreciate President Biden’s support of our needs with his FY 2022 budget request of nearly $14.2 billion for us, which is $1.3 billion more than what we received this year to operate our agency. No one anticipated the duration of the pandemic and the ongoing challenges it presents.”

For the full text of Commissioner Saul’s letter, please read our press release.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Chinyere A.

    Commissioner saul paul is an american of good character , respectful and quiet who has enjoyed the good society of America and it’s provisions from God. I support him for his tenure and wish him long life and safety for him and his family.

  2. David S.

    Ongoing overpayment issues, due process violations. Retirement benefits, garnished. Please help me & my family
    Ongoing since 1995.

  3. Elizabeth W.

    Please…!!!we need Those $200 Even more.
    Thank You.

  4. Iris C.

    We are the last on the line. They don’t think about us. We are either old or disable. I hate to say this they don’t give a dam about us. Remember what Cuomo did to the nursing homes. He still the Governor and refuses to step down. People you have the power to vote. They ran on promises but I truly believe they are not going to keep those promises. Remember the first package of stimulus money that they pass well the did not short change all those countries that HATE the good old USA. But for us that citizens put monies from our paychecks and for those who served this country in the military please notice that we are always last on any bills that they pass. Is time we wake up and is not too late to vote them out.

    into the system and for those that served this country fighting wars we get the less.

  5. Amber

    People who are receiving Social Security and Social Security Disability benefits are not getting enough to survive on!! The yearly cost of living that we get is absolutely ridiculous. When we get it prices go up on Everything and some of the other benefits we receive like food stamps get decreased. They really need to help us out.

    • T.mills

      Yes ,but wellfare goes up by 17 to 20 % a year. So the people who can’t work anymore like the disabled and elderly get to struggle to survive when people who CHOSE not work live well with all thier needs paid for.,So tell me who is really being oppressed in this country.

      • Leonard z.

        It is far better that we send our money overseas to take care of billionaire sheiks and the sort than to take care of those who worked hard all their lives here in the U.S. Why should the “golden years” truly be golden. The Government never meets its obligations like correctly funding Social Security, Public Pension Plans or Medicare to HELL with those who have helped built this great nation. Modern politician’s – especially this present group would rather keeping breaking past promises and just keep dismantling the very fabric of American Life.

  6. Auggie t.

    Social security recipients need to have a monthly boost to their checks of at least $200.00 to keep up with the cost of living. Your most vulnerable people depend on this money and the government just keeps letting us slip through the cracks. Give an increase to social security now. We need more money to live off of.

    • Deborah

      Auggie if your wife or husband died you can only claim one or the other. I want to know what happens to his or her money when you worked for your family not someone else’s. If your children are grown you live off one or the others benefits..not enough. IRS is another issue you have to pay taxes .why. This is why a high percentage of seniors are living below poverty level. Oh, be careful SS doesn’t miss up your benefits you’ll have to pay it back. It all SUCKS.

  7. Mia

    Like they both said i didnt get my 3rd check and this 800 is not enough i need help

  8. William B.

    I’m a Disabled Veteran and I haven’t received my Second or Third Stimulus and like the Gentleman said before me when going on to the Website for IRS get my payment it says my information doesn’t match…….Wow The Federal Government is F….Up, all the Systems should be Speaking to Each Other, I’m truly Feed The Fuck Up‼️🎯

  9. Wilis

    No stimulus check with no direction towards a reason why I am yet to receive my third payment. IRS payment hotline never forwards me to any help. They just hang up on me. I don’t ask them to forward me. I received the 1st and 2nd by direct deposit but no 3rd by direct deposit and the my payment tool says that my information does not match any that they have on file for me. I don’t know what to do.

  10. Janet M.

    Some of us live on less than 800 a month. Think the president and you would help us more please been hard.
    Thank you Sir.

    • Marcus A.

      I think you President Joe Biden for everything you have done for us and if it wasn’t for you property would have reached the heavens and destruction would have felt upon us you are the greatest President Joe Biden

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