COVID-19, General, SSI

Commissioner of Social Security Shares Update about COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments for Beneficiaries

April 3, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

“I want to provide an update to people who receive benefits from the Social Security Administration.

The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) announced on April 1 that Social Security beneficiaries who are not typically required to file tax returns will not need to file an abbreviated tax return to receive an economic impact payment. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will use the information on the Form SSA-1099 to generate $1,200 economic impact payments to Social Security beneficiaries who did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019.

Treasury, not Social Security, will make automatic payments to Social Security beneficiaries. Beneficiaries will receive these payments by direct deposit or by paper check, just as they would normally receive their Social Security benefits.

For updates from the IRS, visit their web page.

Note for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipients:

We are working closely with Treasury to address outstanding questions about our SSI recipients in an attempt to make the issuance of economic impact payments as quick and efficient as possible. We realize people are concerned, and the IRS will provide additional information on their web page when available. Please note that we will not consider economic impact payments as income for SSI recipients, and the payments are excluded from resources for 12 months.”

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Cheryl R.

    I to am a person of interest in the fact i havent reserved a check from you . and am a ssi receiver it isnt much barely make a mth .I would like to know when i will get one i have not done tx in2018,or 19 .
    Can you till me something.
    Thank you

  2. George C.

    I’ll repost this again, it shows when checks & deposits are scheduled to occur. Find your income range and the date will be next to it, when you will be paid.

    Timeline and Income Levels

    24th: income up to $10,000

    May ($10,001 – $60,000)
    1st: 10k – $20k
    7th: $20k – $30k
    15th: $30k – $40k
    22nd: $40k – $50k
    29th: $50k – $60k

    June ($60,001 – $100,000)
    5th: $60k – $70k
    12th: $70k – $80k
    19th: $80k – $90k
    26th: $90k – $100k

    July ($100,001 – $150,000)
    3rd: $100k – $110k
    10th: $110k – $120k
    17th: $120k – $130k
    24th: $130k – $140k
    31st: $140k – $150k

    August ($150,001 – $190,000)
    7th: $150k – $160k
    14th: $160k – $170k
    21st: $170k – $180k
    28th: $180k – $190k

    4th: $190,001 – $198,100 (max)

    I’m waiting too, patiently 😉

  3. Wanda s.

    Will SSI recipients receive their stimulus beginning of May? I keep hearing different things.

  4. Randy C.

    I am on social security disability and you can’t get a straight answer on what day will we get our stimulus checks deposited into our bank account .. Could you please answer the question … WHAT DAY IS OUR MONEY GOING TO GO INTO OUR BANK ACCOUNT … It’s that simple can you please tell me

    • Rosy C.

      Please find out

  5. Darnishia N.

    U r a dumb fool to think yo saviour dump was good with this pandemic. U sound like he yo daddy or lover or yo dictator.

  6. Kenneth H.

    Thanks for speaking the truth about our great president he has his hands full just fighting the democrats and their lies much less all that has hit our country. I hope Americans wake up Biden is the biggest mistake this country has ever seen.

    • Phili

      No The President is a BIG MISTAKE. You PPL have to have your heads examined voting for TRUMP. And if it wasn’t for the Democrats who fought to give your SOCIAL SECURITY you wouldn’t have it. VOTE BIDEN PRESIDENT VOTE BLUE

    • Cheryl R.

      I to am a person of interest in the fact i havent reserved a check from you . and am a ssi receiver it isnt much barely make a mth .I would like to know when i will get one i have not done tx in2018,or 19 .
      Can you till me something.
      Thank you

    • Robert H.

      Don’t forget fake news

  7. Janise G.

    I’d like to blow that basturd’s head off !!

  8. Terry V.

    Trump should get the firing squad asap

    • Thomas


  9. George C.

    Your a true hero Bryan. God Bless You for your service to our country and for telling the truth. I agree with you. And I think that the veterans should have been the first to receive their stimulus checks, since if it were not for brave Americans like yourself, we would all be living in a rat hole country controlled by dictators. Also, let us never forget the veterans that never came home. And as for these clowns in Washington that do nothing but try to bring America down by bashing President Trump, let’s remember them all come election time. A majority of Americans voted for him, which to me would indicate that most of us want him in office. So, why would a certain political party all want to do things against what most Americans want? And why do almost all news outlets join along with them? Well, it is because they are controlled by globalists such as big corporations, banks, and others that want to have a one world government with themselves being at the top. Trump can’t be bought, or controlled, and they all knew that before during and after his election. Even several Republicans tried to prevent him from being on the ballot. While this might sound like a conspiracy theory, it’s really the truth. Americans and the world will find out for themselves, because it’s already happening. So to those that watch a lot of news, try watching Fox News for the real news and truth. They don’t lie about things, their not out to brainwash America like most of the others are doing. We better all start doing a lot of praying, and prepping too. There will be even worse things coming our way in the not too distant future, and we had better hope that Trump is still in office to protect our best interests. This “pandemic” is only the start of things to come. Great post, Bryan. I wish more Americans loved our great nation as you do. Now, I’ll go back to tapping my fingers and waiting for my direct deposit. These medical bill collections calls are actually keeping me amused.

  10. Bryan T.

    I, too, receive SS and Veteran’s retirement. It’s very frustrating to feel like you’ve been neglected or ignored, especially in a time of such terrible tragedy and hardship. I feel extremely lucky, however, to live in a country that tries to take good care of it’s citizens in these trying times. I served in the Army for 28 years and went to countries where the people had only a dictator or oppressive government that didn’t care about them at all. I spent 10 long, horrific and terrible years on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan beginning in Desert Storm in 1991 and retiring after my 8th and last combat tour in Kandahar Province in Afghanistan in 2008. I was a Special Forces Commander with the Army’s 5th Special Forces Group for 23 of those 28 years. I witnessed the very worst the world has to offer the unfortunate people who live in those countries. War. Starvation. Homelessness. Violence upon violence is all they know. My only wish is that every person who calls this country home could witness a fraction of the hardships those people try to survive under. I wish it because it would serve to make them appreciate this country more and to make them less prone to complain or place blame on others for things that they are powerless to change. We are blessed to live here. Our government is not perfect. Far from it. But we enjoy a kind of freedom found no where else on earth. We have a president who fights for us every single day, trying everything in his power to make this country even greater. You may not like Trump, but the facts always speak for themselves. He has done amazing things for this nation in the face of total resistance from an entire party in our government. Before this pandemic hit we had the best economy in our history. Our businesses couldn’t hire people fast enough to keep up with demand. Jobs were there for anyone who wanted to work. It’s sad to see people blame our president for what has encompassed the world. It is so disheartening to have served my country for my entire adult life and watch some of my fellow Americans blindly follow the lies and propaganda the mainstream media brainwashes them with on a daily basis. I try to ignore their destructive rhetoric and focus on facts and the TRUTH. The truth is that we have a president that truly cares about the people in this country. If you can’t see that you’re blind or just plain brain dead. I know you’re wondering why I am writing this. My reason is simple. It’s to tell you that we have so much to be thankful for. We are lucky to get any help at all, much less monetary help and the necessary resources we need just to survive. We wouldn’t be getting any help at all if not for the men and women who have worked tirelessly to find ways to get the money to us in the shortest time possible and make sure that no one is left behind. I challenge you to count to one hundred. Time yourself and see how long it takes to count that far. Count to one thousand. It takes an enormous amount of time to count that far. I know because I had to do it as a discipline in the Army. Now think about counting to one million. It’s almost impossible. Multiply that by 340. Gathering information on just HALF of that, 170 million, is a mind bending task. Computers do a lot, but think of everything it takes humans to do to make sure those computers work properly and produce the correct information on 170 million people, their jobs and their earnings and the amount of taxes they paid in the effort to calculate how much money is appropriate to send them to aid them in a time of trouble and uncertainty. It takes TIME. I have been involved in information processing and computer science for many, many years. My job in the military required that I be able to gather and process information so I could lead my unit into battle and do so in a fashion that would give my men the best odds of staying alive. It’s daunting to say the least. So before we become overly stressed about when the stimulus checks will arrive, I ask you to stop and think, truly think, about the enormity of getting so many millions of payments to us. I can’t happen at the snap of your fingers, as much as we all would like for it to. We have to be patient and steadfast and know that help IS coming and how blessed we all are to live in a country that will do such a thing for us all. And remember this when you want to blame our president for our troubles, that he is a human being with human faults, but he is doing everything he can to help us get through this with as little hardship as possible. Trump didn’t start this pandemic. As a matter of fact and truth he was on top of it weeks before any of the public was really aware of what was happening. He and his administration did a lot of things that have kept this from being a much greater threat and danger than it is. I said before that I look for the facts and the truth. I don’t listen to politicians who use a human tragedy such as this to criticize a man who has done so much for our country. I beg to ask them exactly what THEY would do in a situation like this. Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20. Think about where you are and what you have. Think about the fact that if we were unfortunate enough to live elsewhere we would be dying by the hundreds of thousands or millions without any help from our government whatsoever. No help, no hope. No stimulus to help us survive the worst of it. Without our president’s signature we would not be getting anything. But he pushed our congressmen to get this done so he could sign it into law and insure that we are all taken care of as quickly as humanly possible. I can’t complain about how long it may take help to arrive in my bank account. It takes time and huge effort to complete such a huge task as what we are witnessing. I marvel at how many people have already received their checks. And in such a short amount of time. I can only appreciate the effort of our president to take care of the people in this country. And he and his entire family do it for free. They donate their salaries to charities and to institutions that help people with every kind of problem imaginable. We are truly blessed, people. Be patient. Be kind to one another. Appreciate what we have instead of complaining about what we don’t have. I love this country. I fought for it and shed my blood on foreign battlefields to ensure our freedom. I rely on many years of experience living in the most dangerous places on this planet and learning how to survive in the most inhospitable environment man can invent. I learned some important lessons about human nature while fighting the greatest evil this world may ever see. I know a true leader and patriot when I see one. Our president is one of the greatest leaders we will ever have in this country.

    Bryan T. Bell, Colonel, U.S. Army(Ret.)(Former Commander 2nd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group)??????Flags for our Heroes


    • john s.

      trump said it was a hoax. so irresponsible !

    • Stan l.

      How you can defend anybody who talks *hit about our military is unbelievable. He talked *hit about POW’s and said those who came home with PTSD are week minded. I would love to see him go to war and see how it affects him. You have a lot of nerve to defend someone who talked nothing but *hit about people like you. I served for 7 1/2” years in the marines and army. People like you make me ashamed I ever served this country. It is because of scum like you that he ever got elected. May you burn in hell just like him you scum sucking pig.

    • Darnishia N.

      U r a dumb fool to think yo saviour dump was good with this pandemic. U sound like he yo daddy or lover or yo dictator.

      • Carolyn S.

        Darnisha ,Ignorance shows in your written word. You need to educate yourself and stop blaming. Brian Bell has told the Truth! Need I explain more?

    • Nadia o.

      Will said and thank you for serving our country may God bless you and your family

    • Carolyn S.

      Thank you for supporting our President ❤️??❤️

    • connie

      thank you for your service and my freedom ,,God bless you

    • Thomas


    • Jim B.

      Well spoken. Thank you for speaking my mind. Bravo Company, 17th Engineer Battalion Ft. Hood, TX. 1977 – 1980.

    • Patricia F.

      Thank you Sir for serving us. Yes Vets should have come first and the elderly. I appreciate you. ????

    • Betty A.

      Thank you from the bottom of my heart Colonel Bryan T. Bell. There are no words to fully express how much I value what you have given and done for our country. Your heartfelt words move deeply into my heart and I am so grateful for you and make me proud to be a fellow American. Thank you!

    • linda r.

      yes,i admire our president also, seems every one wants to blame him as if he started this mess,he is not a god people he is a man trying to do his danmest for us… give him credit please

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