Disability, SSI

Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits

May 30, 2016 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

disabled woman with carer in gardenMany people think that disability is something that happens to someone else. Unfortunately, disability is unpredictable and can happen to any person, at any age. Millions of Americans live with disabilities. Disability affects those afflicted and their families.

Social Security’s disability program provides medical and financial support to disabled individuals and their families in a time of need. The Social Security Act sets out a strict definition of disability. We pay benefits to people with a severe medical condition that prevents them from performing substantial work, and expected to last at least one year or result in death. Social Security does not pay benefits for partial disability or short-term disability.

We pay disability benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. The SSDI program provides benefits to disabled or blind people who worked and contributed to the Social Security trust fund as required by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. The SSI program makes cash assistance payments to aged, blind, and disabled people who have limited income and resources. SSI benefit payments do not come from the Social Security trust fund.

You should apply for disability benefits as soon as you become disabled. To apply for disability benefits, you will need to complete an application for Social Security benefits. You can apply online. When you visit our website, select “Apply for Benefits,” and follow the link to get a Disability Starter Kit. This kit will help you get ready for your disability interview or online application. If we find you’re eligible for Social Security disability benefits, there’s a five-month waiting period before we can begin your benefits. Applying for benefits as soon as you become disabled will allow for benefits to start sooner.

You can also call our toll-free number, 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778), to make an appointment to apply for benefits at your local Social Security office or to set up an appointment for someone to take your claim over the telephone.

When disability strikes, Social Security is there providing financial support to people when they need it most.

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


  1. anita

    I always end with “ thank you for delivering great information – htto://sedotwcmedanku.blogspot.com

  2. Grace

    I forgot to mention I have spinal stenois and numerous bone spurs throughout my spine, compressed nerves, etc, on pain meds, muscle relaxers, etc.

  3. Grace

    I just applied online for social security disability, I have not been able to work since 1998. I had PTSD from having a gun to my head, I was afraid to leave the house, to drive, depression and panic attacks started, I still have these disorders, physically I have fragmented discs in 2 places in my spine, arthritis throughout body, carpal tunnel. Just turning 58 next week, medical records are extensive, old and current. My job at the local telephone no longer exists, I was forced to quit in 1998 after anxiety attacks started and temporary disability pay of 6 months was exhausted, I was told to apply for ssi, I was denied, now 20 years later I can not sit at a desk any length of time, I’ve not worked in all that time, worked 10 years at that company and since I was 16 prior, can I qualify for SSDI without not having worked for such a long period of time. My husband is disabled and has been getting UAW benefits that will be expire soon, he’s been told to file for early retirement at 62. so

    • R.F.

      Hi Grace. When it comes to qualifying for disability benefits under the Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) program, you must be “currently insured” or have worked long enough–and recently enough–under Social Security to qualify for disability benefits. Generally, you need 40 credits, 20 of which were earned in the last 10 years ending with the year you become disabled. Credits are the “building blocks” we use to find out whether you have the minimum amount of covered work to qualify for each type of Social Security benefits. Thanks.

  4. Ed M.

    My wife applied for and receives Social Security Disability benefits but we never received a ruling. Its been about a year. She was approved rather quickly and we received a decision letter but it only said that she is approved. It doesn’t state which of her conditions the reviewer used to determine her disability? She has severe anxiety, PTSD, a permanent foot disability and a degenerative spinal disease. Any of these ailments can be a valid disability but we would like to know what the judge said in his/her ruling. Is the ruling based on a single disabling condition or are all of these things included in their decision making process? Are we supposed to get something besides the approval letter that might explain their decision in detail? Thank you for your time.

    • R.F.

      Thank you for your question Ed. Your wife should have received a notice explaining the decision. She should contact the local Social Security office or call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 for further assistance. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Generally you will have a shorter wait time if you call later in the day or later in the week.

  5. Chris H.

    Hello. Our 5 year old son was approved for SSI benefits a couple of years ago. During that application process we disclosed that we have a Roth IRA worth around $30,000 in my wife’s name. She does not have access (without penalty) to those funds until she is 59 1/2 (she is 40 right now). Anyway, we were approved and since then I’ve seen on a couple of websites that we are not allowed to have these funds. One of the employees at our local office said it was ok. We’re very confused. Can we or can’t we have a retirement fund without it counting against our family’s asset limit? If they ever came back to us and said we are disqualified even though we were transparent with them about the funds is there a way we can spend those funds immediately (i.e on our house or a new car) and then resume receiving benefits? Or would we have to reapply for benefits after that money is spent and go through the application process all over again after a specified time? Sorry for all the questions, we just want to get the maximum benefits for our child while following the rules as best we can. Thank you.

    • A.C.

      Hi, Chris. Thanks for your questions. Unfortunately, your question is a bit more complex than we can answer in this forum. For your security, we do not have access to information about your son’s account in this venue. We do ask that members in our Blog community continue to work with their local office on specific questions about their case. You can call 1-800-772-1213, M-F between 7 AM and 7PM and ask a representative to assist you, or you can contact your local office. Generally, you’ll have a shorter wait time if you call later in the week. We hope this helps.

  6. julie l.

    I want to thank Prophet Omowele Prayer Ministry International for this wonderful and effective prayer point against the spirit of limitations which I have long be battling with in my life for over 25 years. I really give God Almighty the glory because the word of God has indeed set me free from captivity – the spirit of limitations, I had this strong relief of burden of my head and shoulder when I saw testimonies on the internet on how Prophet Omowele Prayer Ministry International has help to restore family and healed all kinds of disease i decided to contact Prophet Omowele Prayer Ministry International via https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014729112376&fref=nf and the prophet tpld me what to do and i did exalty what he said and from that very moment i did what he ask me to do i have a very strong conviction that the chain is BROKEN and BROKEN for ever in the mighty of JESUS, breathren I am free and free indeed from the hands of my enemies who have stagnated and limited me for several year just like that for no reason. I am giving this testimony to the glory of God Almighty and to the shame of the devil. Praise the Lord, Halleluyah. I humbly beseech Prophet Omowele Prayer Ministry International to always intercede for me in prayers, for me my entire household members and my business HEIFER EVENTS AND MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED. I pray for this God’s ministry that God will increase the ministry’s annointing and every member of the ministry.and you can also reach Prophet Omowele Prayer Ministry International via his facebook; https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014729112376&fref=nf a

    Thanks and God’s bless.

  7. john M.

    I didn’t realize that it was better to apply for social disability benefits as soon as you become disabled. I can see how this can help you not only get results faster but also how hat you are on top of things. I would want to make sure I hire someone who can help me with this process and that can provide professional useful information about it. http://www.paulguthrie.com/social-security

  8. Jay J.

    I really like what was said in this article about social security disability insurance and the benefits of it. I really like how it has the ability to pay for a disabled person due to them being unable to work. I have a grandma who had this kind of insurance and it worked out really good for her.

    • R.F.

      Thank you for sharing Jay! Your thoughts are important to us and we’re pleased when feedback is positive.

  9. Daisy

    We are getting a COLA in 2017. I read that in the news.

  10. Jeff W.

    Name is Jeff W. I am a resident of Redondo Beach, CA and a VERY RECENTLY, approved applicant for Permanent Disability.
    That said, let me tell ALL who read this one thing. When you apply be 110% honest, when completing the extensive on line applicaton. Make VERY sure all information entered by yourself is ULTRA accurate and that includes all information from the hospitals, clinics, doctors, etc who will be the sources for your disability treatments. Make sure to show up, at worst, on time for your Mental and Physical exam appointments with doctors and answer their questions accurately,

    I HAD NO LAWYER or ADVOCATE and was approved for disability on my first try and it took about a month.
    A very close friend of mine helped me and attended the medical and mental exams with me. I approached the entire process with both integrity and made sure ALL the information, and I mean ALL the information I presented in writing was accurate and allowed the entire approval staff to move forward with my application. I got no calls back or requests for clarification.

    If you are accurate and honest, SS is the same and your application moves thru the system ultra well if they do not have to constantly check facts and question you.

    What more can I tell you??? Let me know. If you are entitled, truly disabled and have facts and figures to prove it, you will be a first try approved applicant like myself.

    I have not one gripe about the entire process because I was a model applicant. I was sent the two month grace period funds I deserved first via direct deposit in my checking account and November will be the first month of my monthly stipend being direct deposited.

    Be honest,accurate, timely and astute and you will get the same in return from all SS personnel.

    That is my story and I am thrilled that I was a first time
    candidate approval!!!

    Jeff W.

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