COVID-19, General

Act Now – Go to – A Message from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul

April 20, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

Social Security beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who don’t file tax returns will start receiving their automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department soon. People receiving benefits who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes, and have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should immediately go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here section to provide their information. 

Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries with dependent children and who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes need to act by Wednesday, April 22, in order to receive additional payments for their eligible children quickly. SSI recipients need to take this action by later this month; a specific date will be available soon.

By taking this proactive step to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, their payment at this time will be $1,200. People would then be required to file a tax year 2020 tax return to obtain the additional $500 per eligible child.

I urge Social Security and SSI recipients with qualifying children who do not normally file taxes to take action now. Immediately go to so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for.

Action Needed for Social Security Beneficiaries with Dependents and Who Do Not File Tax Returns to Receive $500 Per Child Payment

People with Direct Express debit cards who enter information at the IRS’s website should complete all of the mandatory questions, but they may leave the bank account information section blank as Treasury already has their Direct Express information on file.

Additionally, any new beneficiaries since January 1, 2020, of either Social Security or SSI benefits, who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019, will also need to go to the IRS’s Non-Filers website to enter their information as they will not receive automatic payments from Treasury.

Click here to view the IRS press release about this important issue.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Jeffrey F.

    trump sucks balls.

  2. May F.

    hello. I know some people will jump on me and call me a liar but I truly just got a deposit notification in my text. I logged on and there is 1200.00 from IRS STIMUL deposit was 12:09 AM 4-24-20
    I have SS retirement and a smaller amount of SSI, I have both.

    • Jess

      May, I believe you because my mother got a deposit a little after midnight as well. I was going to say maybe its being sent alphabetical order? But her last name is Ashmere, and your’s is way away from “A”. I wonder how they are doing it, because mine isn’t in yet.

      • May F.

        hello Jess
        This is May again. My legal name is still Aucoin so maybe its alphabetical???? That’s a good thought.

        • Jess

          OHH maybe I am on to something? lol Well anyway, thanks for the update. If it actually is alphabetical, I have a ways to go. Take care

          • nick

            To may and Jess what states are you in if you dont mind me to ask? just wondering if that makes a difference to?

          • Jasmine D.

            I just checked mine too, nothing yet and I’m East coast. I’ve heard so many different stories… I get both SSI and SSDI direct deposited. Are they only sending out payments for those who get less then 10,000 this week? I did the math and no joke I’m 80 cents over that…. Ugh this is SO confusing and stressful! Hang in there everyone!!

  3. Jeffrey F.

    I haven’t received mine yet, but I want to thank all those involved in getting disturbed of us check our government President Trump and all the people that I’ve worked so hard to get this going. I appreciate your hard work and thank you very much for the help. For those who grieve about it well I guess you’re ungrateful.

  4. Lynn

    Some people on here is rude to other people that are just asking questions. You should not be say bad words to someone.

    They do say one thing and then turns around and say something different. Who really knows when we will get it.

    • Jason P.

      The IRS website will be down for maintenance sometime tonight. So I’m assuming we may be getting some new information as to when we’ll be receiving our stimulus checks.

  5. David L.

    Donald Trump may be putting his name on some of the coming checks, but please don’t be suckered. Those checks are the results of the hard work and negotiations by Congress. Mr. Trump is just trying to buy your vote in November!!!

    • Roger

      Mr Trump will not get my vote if he doesn’t send us more money than this… and btw, it would be helpful if it came in a timely fashion?

      • Jeffrey F.

        Roger, do you have any idea how much money the government is working out to the people? And how many people are receiving this money? Try being a little grateful and less resentful and I don’t think President Trump needs your vote if he has to buy it from you. Are you a democrat by the way?

        • Roger

          He doesn’t need my vote? Okay. I will not vote for him. Thank you. Now could you take your whining and shove it up that ass of yours? Or is already to full with the stick thats currently residing there?

        • Jason P.

          It’s the people’s money you fool!

          • Mark

            Don’t bother… you are talking to a moron that supports another moron that is suggesting we should consider injections with disinfectant. Now half the dumb asses in the country will start spraying their mouths with lysol, or eating wipes. Crazy shit, because we have a very irresponsible jack hole of a president with verbal illogical diarrhea

    • Jeffrey F.

      David you must be a true democrat where you’re talking out your other end. President Trump has been pushing for this stimulus for all Americans because we are all suffering not for your vote dummy!

      • Dave

        Jeffrey, I don’t have time to deal with your utter ignorance. Go bother someone that actually gives a shit. Cunt bag.

    • Peter

      Ssdi and a lot more should get by the 29th thats what i read today on 23 april 2020 ssi should get by the first wk of may you can either belive or not, and its not the ripley show either lol its what i read

  6. Dennis T.

    When will people who get SSI and SSD will get their checks when would that be hating cuz I’m here in probably like Friday and now I’m hearing it like May 6th or May 10th and I need to know for sure when when we’re going to get these checks cuz I don’t have to file for taxes I’m disabled I can never work so I’m wondering on when we can get these checks from the IRS people from this Coronavirus and when is it supposed to hit our accounts

  7. Jamison D.

    My own opinion on SSA recipients (and I am one of them) is we should have some extra money because of the delivery costs and higher transportation (more store runs/out of stock.. no longer can use public etc) But come on.. this is pandemic, it has nothing to do with how you lived prior to this happening, that was our own problem, and that is an entirely different issue. Is it fair? No. But is life always fair? No. I do think the working and unemployed should receive their money first. Yes, not all of them needed it and went out and bought tvs or games and so on. But not all of us are in desperate need of it either. Again, this has nothing to do with your previous living and whether or not you struggled. If this pandemic was not happening, you wouldn’t be getting this additional income. There were many americans that received that money already and truly needed it.Some of the ones that did not, donated it. We will get ours too. I personally think some people are nervous that they just won’t get their freebie and want to hurry it along, others may have over spent this month knowing they were going to get an extra $1200 and are really upset because it is being delayed. I guess my mom was right, don’t spend money that you don’t have. And yes, I know some of us are upset because we had to pay those delivery services, or over priced jacked up prices on necessities and that eats up money quick. And we are hurting right now.

    If there are additional stimulus incomes for people, I am for the unemployed that really need it to get $2000 more a month. Do I want that? Of course I do. But if we all get it, what will happen to our country, and how valuable will the American dollar be? Everything in our economy will sky rocket in price, knowing full well we can afford it and retailers will need to try and make up their losses.That $2000 is not going to make us all temporarily rich. So the 2 grand for everyone, no. Not in my opinion. But I would like to see those of us with steady incomes having extra, just not that much more. And I am a democrat. I will vote Trump this time if he actually takes care of those who do need an extra boost too.

    • James b.

      Let’s stick with your argument of the next stimulus check only going to workers.
      They are already receiving an additional 600 a week on top of there unemployment. For a single guy making 1600 a month before this pandemic is now making 3295 a month. Check it out . So now he gits this workers only stimulus he would be making 5295 a month. .

      Now to the point of everything is going to sky rocket Iin price to recoup losses. Okay I can accept that. Let’s break it down EXCLUDING the 1200 stimulus for a minute.
      Break down.
      Worker making 10 $ a hour 400 a week. Now unemployed at 824 a week. They should be able to pay debt, rent and everything else on 824 a week. Even if everything went up in price they should be fine.
      Now SSI…
      I get 783 a month. That’s it.
      If what you say happens, that you believe everything is going to go up in price. How the hell am I supposed to make it in a month on that. Yes my income stayed the same, and I still get a check every month, but my expenses have gone up twofold.
      So I think it HELP EVERY AMERICAN. We need to stop with the bullshit ” you get a check you’ll be fine” comments every time a senior or disabled asks ” what about us”.
      We are hurting way way more then unemployed workers who got a raise to stay home..
      Just my 2 cents.

    • James B.

      You realize trump really has mlm no say in this right. The Senate and Congress decide who gets what and how much. All the trump does is sign. And why would he sign it. People believe because his signed it he is giving g it to us. HOW WRONG YOU ARE!

      None of the 3 branches WANTED to give us anything. But it would be political suicide if they didnt.
      Some are talking about letting states choose bankruptcy as a solution. Think about that for a M moment….. if NY, FL, IL or any other states declare bankruptcy this whole evo my will shut down. This whole country would collapse if a bunch of states did that.
      This stimulus money is needed for ALL Americans. Period.
      It’s like the PPP loans. Supposed to be for SMALL business ie, mom and mlm pop, etc. Who got all the money?thats right Big Corp, what are they doing with that mlm money, not keeping workers on
      Look at ruth cris( there are giving the money back) they took 20 million AND layed off every worker that wasn’t a head chef or manager. Suiss chef sorry get out,waiters/ waitress sorry get out. Dish washer what are you still doing here get out.
      So stop with the President gave me this money. He didnt , wouldn’t, and could care less about your suffering. He signed it so he can get re elected end of story. That’s why he wanted his signature on the checks.( cant legally fo that, hence its in The memo). He originally wanted EVERYONE to get a check so they could see his name. It’s a political game there playing with our lives as game pieces. Were all just rooks, waiting to be sacrificed

  8. Kimberley R.

    SO CONFUSED. How about a straight answer. I get SSI/SSD I dont file a tax return. DO I OR DO I NOT have to go to IRS and File information? Or will I get the Stimulus Check direct deposited just like my regular monthly check?

    • Peter

      Ssdi should get it on Wed 29th of april. Ssi is first wk of may 1st to the 8th this i read today trust it , be well n safe

      • Teresa

        Do you remember where you read that ? I haven’t been able to get a straight answer anywhere ?

        • Peter

          I read at quote @ update stimulus payment due on the web unquote

      • Jeffrey F.

        Thanks Pete

        • Peter

          Welcome no problem gladly to oblige Jeff

    • Anthony

      I was told by email from Social Security to go to the IRS website and fill it out to get my stimulus but I told them I wasn’t claiming any children and that I don’t file taxes so I did but the email Tony will that mess up my chances of getting it so confusing being told one thing and then later on being told something else.

    • Ernestine D.

      Why can’t I get a direct date as to when I can expect my Stimulus check to be deposited SSDI recipient after all we are one of the lowest paid I just don’t want to keep reading information that’s not valid it’s so frustrating I’m 64 with disability can I just get a true answer

    • trustmeiknow

      You only file with the IRS tool if you have dependents you want to claim. But the deadline for that was yesterday. Otherwise, you do nothing and will get your stimulus check the same way you receive your monthly benefits.

    • V.V.

      Hi Kimberly, thank you for your question. Social Security retirement, survivors, or disability beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who do not have qualifying children under age 17 do not need to take any action with the IRS. You will automatically receive your $1,200 economic impact payment directly from the IRS. You should receive the automatic payments by direct deposit, Direct Express debit card, or by paper check, just as you would normally receive your Social Security benefits. Treasury expects automatic payments for Social Security beneficiaries no later than the end of April and automatic payments for SSI recipients no later than early May. We hope this helps.

  9. Joanne C.

    I would like to check on statis of my stimulus check

  10. donald f.

    Agree completely! Those who get monthly benefits and have learned to live on them continue to get them but those who lost their jobs now have basically no income as unemployment only pays a small fraction of what they were earning. They’re at risk of losing everything and have no idea of how to scratch by or survive on little money.

    • Peter

      Thats what unemployment is for plus they get 600.00 more on top of that each wk. And it depends what state there in when it was implemented and for those whom got layed off should have had some back up saved for emergency if not theres other legal ways to obtain help to get by,

    • Jobie

      You think SSI is great pay ??? I was injured at work and broke my lower back and had a multi disc fusion and I’m not able to work anymore ! Long story short I’m not making jack f____ing shit like I use to so I don’t want to hear about your your uneployment only a fraction b. s

      • Jeffrey F.

        I am unable to work due to a back problem and medical problems since 2006 and if anybody thinks they can live on $1000 a month you’re crazy! That’s not even a fraction of what I used to make . For those having hard times live on that kind of money join the club.

      • Peter

        That life , i used to work too in construction, high rise steel buildings and i too broke my back a few dics crush L2 L3 L4. WITH S1 S2 S3 im not able to walk or feel parts of body and thats life i know construction has good days and bad days and thats what unemployment is for and one thing is i made $$$$ and i paid into soc sec and im on ssdi not ssi you sow what you reap i know about the eye beam and perlings so dont give your crap of about thats life so get used to IT and grow up for goodness sake already peace n one n out chump

    • James b.

      I dont know about you, but I have been paying a lot more for everything, toilet paper, meat fresh veggies. My check usually last me to the end if the month, after shopping this month I was broke on the 12th.
      So. EVERY person in the USA is feeling the effect of this virus.
      So spare me your whining about WORKERS. Some are getting WAY more then they would if they were working. Like 600 dollars more.
      Let’s say you make 10 dollars an hour. 400 a week. Unemployment would be 224 a week PLUS the extra 600 from congress = 824 a week payable every 2 weeks.
      So some workers who made 400 a week, 1600 a month employed by there job, will now make UNEMPLOYED over 3200 a month,1600 every 2 weeks.
      That’s bat shit crazy if they want everyone to go back to work. Why work when you just got a 600 week pay raise to stay home. Just saying.
      People on ssi/ ssdi could use a bigger break then this one time 1200. They should raise m.j our benefits this month till 2022, why, because were not going to get a COLA this year and at best .06 % in 2022 . That’s how long it will take until this economy will be better, not fixed, but better then where we are now.

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