COVID-19, General

Act Now – Go to – A Message from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul

April 20, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

Social Security beneficiaries and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who don’t file tax returns will start receiving their automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department soon. People receiving benefits who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes, and have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should immediately go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here section to provide their information. 

Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability insurance beneficiaries with dependent children and who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes need to act by Wednesday, April 22, in order to receive additional payments for their eligible children quickly. SSI recipients need to take this action by later this month; a specific date will be available soon.

By taking this proactive step to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If beneficiaries in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, their payment at this time will be $1,200. People would then be required to file a tax year 2020 tax return to obtain the additional $500 per eligible child.

I urge Social Security and SSI recipients with qualifying children who do not normally file taxes to take action now. Immediately go to so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for.

Action Needed for Social Security Beneficiaries with Dependents and Who Do Not File Tax Returns to Receive $500 Per Child Payment

People with Direct Express debit cards who enter information at the IRS’s website should complete all of the mandatory questions, but they may leave the bank account information section blank as Treasury already has their Direct Express information on file.

Additionally, any new beneficiaries since January 1, 2020, of either Social Security or SSI benefits, who did not file a tax return for 2018 or 2019, will also need to go to the IRS’s Non-Filers website to enter their information as they will not receive automatic payments from Treasury.

Click here to view the IRS press release about this important issue.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Diane

    Why is it that those on welfare (SSI) are complaining about getting a check. Their income has not changed as has that of those who actually worked for a living?

    • Peter

      Probably from 24th thru. 30th ssdi and the ssi may 1st thru 8th ! Be well n safe

    • Ryan L.

      Haha bitch. And its not going to change either. Now go back to your piss hole

    • Peter

      Some ssi not all of them only some are special challenge with special needs ,. Gotta take w/ a grain of salt so to speak ! Im only saying this cause as soon as i get my stimulus ck i won’t be on here anymore , im retired and im going to spend 200 n save the rest for a rainy day be well n safe

    • I H.

      Allow me to educate you on reality. Our income hasn’t changed, but our costs have dramatically increased. #1, I have had four heart attacks and triple bypass, so taking the bus to the supermarket for one dollar has turned into twelve dollars cab fare due to the imposed risk of taking public transportation. #2, Due to panic buying, I have to sometimes go to two, maybe three supermarkets to get what I need. That makes two dollars total bus fare amount to 24, 48, even as much as 72 dollars a week just on transportation. #3, Prices at supermarkets have increased anywhere between 5% and 10%. I have a better question, why are people who are collecting more on unemployment (based on a national average) than they were making when they were working whining about SSI recipients getting barely enough to make ends meet?

      • Jess

        I applaud you, sir (or ma’am). Thank you

    • Mary H.

      Diane, SSI and Welfare are 2 different types of benefits. I’m sure you know that though.

  2. Tiesha J.

    Are we getting the today today is the 22

    • Jess

      Yeah what Peter said.

      They could come tomorrow though. Thats what I am hoping anyway. I have social security retirement though. I am unsure when SSI recipients will get theirs

      • Peter

        Mine is also retirement but they include all in one big sum sending it out other than ssi’s those will start may 1st and onwards to the 8th, when i read these things i don’t skip over word’s i read it all but thats me and that’s how i read.i guess its wait n see . be well n safe jess

        • david

          they keep saying different things, though.

  3. Gloria F.

    I worked 45 years to earn the social security benefit I currently receive. I have a 12 year-old daughter who receives benefits also. Our monthly amounts arrive on the 3rd of each month via direct deposit. I do not file income tax. I followed all instructions via the website to include my child for the child benefit. As of today April 22, 2020 we have not received anything. We have all our bills paid for the month. Our problem is food. We just came from a local foodbank, standing in line for a box of frozen food items. So thankful for that. I’m sure there are more retirees like myself who are in my situation. Prayers to all, be patient and hopefully we will see relief soon…

    • Jess

      Pretty sure its going to be the 24th. Hang in there

  4. Desiree R.

    If i file taxes and my son is on ssi but I didn’t claim him as a dependent does he gets the stimulus check.

    • Jess

      How old is your son? If he is an adult, yes he will get it

  5. Chris S.

    I think everyone that is being rude and disrespectful on herr need to grow up. I didn’t serve this country and fight for it to see just how much hate that’s being shown here. I am a disabled veteran and I for one could use this stimulus money just like everyone else. Just remember one thing. The government didn’t have to give this aide to anyone but chose to help out. We should be grateful that our leaders whether we like or dislike them have decided to give the American people help during this trying time. We will receive the money when it is our time to get it whether we agree with the order it has been distributed. Please everyone just take a deep breath and stand together. Thank you

    • kim h.

      I am not standing together. We need to stay 6 feet apart.I will stand over there —–>
      and my only leaders are in the GRAND POO BAH

      -fred flintstone

      • goldberg, r.

        haha he was sort of asking for it. i mean,, i thought the drama was dying down but posting stuff like that is only going to drag the trolls back out of their hidey holes.

    • joe t.

      no one cares that u fought for this god awful country. bye

  6. Giles L.

    stop with the claiming dependents questions please. the deadline for that ended hours ago.

    • Peter

      Yes indeed claiming the children has ended as of today at 9:00 am Pacific time, the reasons it has ended is to start doing stimulus cks out ! They got a lot of working to do, its all going to start on the 24th and onward so i be looking at the accounts to see if ? And its going to keep going onwards till sept. Or more dont hit the panic button yet ! Ssdi starts first then ssi on the first wk of may with along paper checks mailed out be well n safe

  7. Donald c.

    I went thru and put all my info in to recieve the 500 for my daughter and a code came up and I entered that and the last page came up but it was only the top left corner of the page and wouldn’t maneuver to press the button to enter it

    • S

      You have to change your settings to desktop then you will be able to do it. I had the same problem.

  8. patrice a.

    So i read here ss checks direct deposit were coming today april 22,2020,Well im on ss retirement have direct deposit and still NO deposit,,,So I’m asking WHEN will we recieve out stimulas money ?? ty

    • Peter

      Stimulus ck starting on 24th and onwards thats when they should start, and its the ssdi first then ssi may 1st onwards will be ssi and people who have worked waitting for there refunds paper checks if in doubt look it up !

      • Mary W.

        Peter, I keep reading so many things on the IRS website. I understand the frustration of alot of individuals. But maybe you can help me understand. I’m on SSI and SSDI, I receive my payments through direct express. Now my confusion is are we gonna get a paper check or are we gonna get the stimulus deposited in direct express? And also, one minute it’s stating that if we are on SSI, SSDI, ECT. and didn’t have to file taxes, had no children under the age of 17 or anyone we could claim as an independent or someone who could claim us, that we didn’t have to do anything because they already will have our information for direct express or direct deposit as long as we received a 1099? But then I read that we still have to put the information in at the IRS, so I am quite confused and do understand everyone’s frustration.

  9. Jules G.


  10. Peace

    Oh Boy! Too much dramas here. Grow up, Please! SMH…

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