COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Brad A.

    I am telling all you guys on Disability and SSI, you better start blowing up the phones at you senator and congress person’s office. The last person they think of is you. I have read several articles and summary of the bill and it says a lot about who is getting the checks, and not a word about SSI and Disability. Blow their phones up and get people that care about you to help call. In my opinion, its the only chance you have. Keeping asking the question on here is not going to help, once you know for 100% on here it will be too late as the bill will be passed and you will be left out.

    • Jim

      I have a better idea: A Million Man Coronavirus March on Washington.

      • Brad A.

        That did make me laugh a little, except I can’t walk lol

    • Tenley

      Agreed! I have contacted my Congressmen everyday via telephone or email. It is better to call, as it is more difficult to ignore a phone ringing than an email sitting in an inbox. Speak up for yourself instead of relying on someone else to do it. As it appears now, unless you filed a tax return for 2019, whether you were required to by law or not, you probably won’t be receiving a stimulus check or deposit. If you were employed in 2019 and received a W-2, hope that the government will definitely use both tax returns and W-2s to calculate whether or not you’ll be receiving a stimulus check.

  2. James

    We all have worked a lifetime and our children and grand children carry on life.
    This Virus is contagious to all but the numbers are somber for those of us over 60.
    We could die.
    We are American Citizens who worked a lifetime to carry out life.
    Everyone one of us on social security earned this money and we should be entitled to this stimulus. We are not dead yet and the money would certainly help us for food, quarantine if necessary, prescriptions and amenities
    A virus like this magnitude does not come like we’ve never seen before.
    Please help support us senior citizens & God Bless

  3. Jeremy

    Think about what your posting! Do you think these politicians appointed to think for you people missed the part where ssi recipient’s have kids home from school right now, or are paying inflated prices for things like toilet paper, or are stocking up on food and such because of the frantic consumers buying everything up, or all of the other reasons I’m not going to continue listing???? All of the above equals increased output of funds that are already a joke to live on. So point of this rant is, of course ssi recipient’s are going to recieve stimulus benefits! All Americans. Just because you recieve ssi does not denounce you as a citizen! Keep calm, stay safe, don’t be an idiot!

    • confused

      we are scared man. too many articles are now saying tax payers. what are people supposed to think

    • Paula

      No, from everything I’ve read, including the bill, people on SSI are NOT getting the money.

  4. warren t.

    Can’t they even just give us a couple extra hundred? Jesus

    • Steve

      Does anyone know if SSI recipients will recieve this payment? In 2008 I was still recieving SSI and I got $300 in early 2009 that wasn’t counted as income. If anyone knows I’d sure like to know. Thanks a bunch.

      • Mark

        That was when the Dems were in charge. These Republicans hate poor people that don’t work. Doesn’t matter if you have a valid reason or not they just think it’s your own fault. That said, I don’t have the answer for you because I don’t believe it has been finalized yet. Unless the Dem controlled House intervenes on behalf of SSI recipients my guess would be no. Trump doesn’t even want people on SSI if you’ve been paying attention he has been trying to throw people off of it since he took office and will continue to do so…only Congress has prevented it thus far but that may change depending on how the elections go. If there is no check I would hope any supporters he has on fixed government incomes have enough sense to vote him out of office for not having their interests in mind but judging by the ones I know personally it is a lost cause.

  5. Diana H.

    My husband and I will qualify, but we don’t see the need for it. We will be giving our checks to my retired mother who really will benefit from this. Thank you congress, for screwing over the retired/disabled and low income again. We really appreciate it and are so happy that the one’s who worked them selves to death, and/or got hurt at no fault of their own, will get nothing again.

  6. Jayna M.

    What about my hearing scheduled that I’ve waited 4 years for? I desperately need it, especially since child support isn’t being processed and sent ?

    • timothy d.

      Jayna, u probably won’t get help.I am really sorry but this is just for the people that filed taxes 2019

      • Tenley

        2018, not 2019.

  7. Sad

    Sorry you guys but I think it is JUST taxpayers

    This post was released 30 minutes ago. Most current I can find.

  8. Lenny g.

    You are one hell of an angry man with bad grammar and writing skills. ???

  9. Stefanie S.


    • Michael

      Stefanie, first of all, your name is spelled incorrectly. Buy your parent’s a spelling book. Second, shut the fuck up. I don’t care what you heard, there are plenty of different televised segments that says one thing,and then says another. You will not know until you have a deposit in your bank. Until then, back off or fuck off. Your choice.

      • Tenley

        Thank you for making me laugh at such a tense time. I know you’re serious, but your reply to “Stefanie” made me giggle. We truly don’t know anything definitively yet.

  10. David B.

    This is a crying shame that a simple question with a yes or no answer is not being addressed. Are the 61 Million beneficiaries of Social Security going to receive pay out checks that was promised to “Every American”

    • Kimberly P.

      Nobody knows at this point… There has not been a final decision made on anything…It is just proposals at this point…It will be another week before a final decision is made…I am on disability & I am almost certain I will NOT receive a check of any kind…I will not get my hopes up for something that will almost certainly NOT happen. I hope I’m wrong then I will be surprised….Bottom line is that there has not been a final decision made on anything at this point…

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