COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. janph

    WHY is the S.S. Commissioner not informing senior citizens as to whether we will be included in the stimulus package? You, sir, should be able to give us an answer. This is crucial for us as much as anyone. After all, if all taxpayers below $75K get a check, they might still be working and still receive the package. I hope we senior citizens are not left out to dry in this very worrisome climate!

  2. Bowens

    I understand people may lose there job . but they still sign up for unemployment and recieve money. But what some dont realize there are people that get ssi and since crisis came in affect they struggle more by going to stores to buy extra food . and kids out of school. My opion is that every One is struggle even worser now . we all pay bills and pay taxes so there for All people deserve cash to help get through this epidemic crisis .

  3. David B.

    In the last recession, checks went out to pretty much everyone who wasn’t a millionaire and filed a U.S. tax return, including Social Security recipients. Americans earning at least some income but less than $75,000 got the full amount, while wealthier people got less. The payments were sent by a check in the mail or direct deposit into a bank account. Got it from NBC News Online…But in no way does it answers the question officially.

  4. Joseph G.

    To all politicians, include seniors in stimulus payout or lose my vote in November. We deserve and need it.

  5. Dave

    You will get paid can you all relax who’s on ss and ssi. Worry about catching the flu what good will money do if your very sick and may die

    • Arthur

      Thank You for a excellent post !

  6. David B.

    In the last recession, checks went out to pretty much everyone who wasn’t a millionaire and filed a U.S. tax return, including Social Security recipients. Americans earning at least some income but less than $75,000 got the full amount, while wealthier people got less. The payments were sent by a check in the mail or direct deposit into a bank account.

    • Gary

      Exactly, precisely and to the point. Everyone got a stimulus payment or direct deposit if you had one in 2008. $300 for singles and $600 got couples. All these people on here saying we won’t get it don’t know what they are talking about, and are just having fun trying to scare people. They are worms and snakes, period.

      • Christina

        Taxpayers with little or no income tax liability, but at least $2,500 of qualifying income, would be eligible for a minimum rebate check of $600 ($1,200 married). Qualifying income includes earned income, as well as Social Security retirement benefits and certain compensation and pension benefits paid to veterans. This ensures relief gets to low-income seniors and disabled veterans,” the summary reads.

  7. Secret S.

    @AnneC. “Social Security *drone*” blogger – “she” ***never*** answers the COVID 19 Stimulus Check for folks collecting some form of Social Security.
    My thought: I’ve been disabled (SSDI) since 2004, and don’t make enough to require filing tax return. I’ve **never** received stimulus’ checks, so pretty much am disappointed that folks who don’t file, don’t receive.
    So, AnneC — will you answer this clearly stated question: WILL FOLKS WHO AREN’T REQUIRED TO FILE A TAX RETURN, BE INCLUDED DURING THIS DISASTER?
    Yup, all caps AnneC. Maybe someone attending to this blog will answer the hundreds of questions posed about COVID 19 Coronavirus Stimulus Check, in relation to those of us who rely on Social Security to survive.

    • no n.


      • Lexi

        I feel for those of you who actually have a true disability or have retired.. I understand that you are limited to living on what you have… Myself I am a healthy woman in her 30’s I have 2 kids and I did have a full time job.. my children count on me to make sure we have a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs.. I do not get food stamps I get no government aid at all.. so while next month you are guaranteed your money I am now not.. how am I to feed my kids? How am I to pay rent next month or the next? So while I see many people complaining and dispairing what they don’t have it are not getting…please keep in mind those of us who are single parents that do everything on there own with no help or assistance from the government at all living pay check to pay check.. at least you have something..

        • Cat

          Wow! Thank you for feeling for those of us who ACTUALLY have a disablity. Because gawd knows the vast majoirty of us are scammerrs …not that disabled hate crime is a real issue then yeah?
          Ok people you heard the self pitying single mom, we need to realize olny she has any REAL problems. Not that the decision to breed isn’t counted as a “bad choice” even if the world has too many people in it, some of whom are ACTUALLY disabled but are subjects of everyone’s paranoia and projection. Virus or not I don’t leave the house anyway cause of shit like that.

          • Tw

            Wow that was low down she is completely right people who receive ssi that actually dont need it and can work, but are lazy and work the system.! I’ve seen it happen how young people take there CC exams and or go get admitted for a 72 hour hold on the 4the floor of the psychiatric ward cause they dont wanna work but want free money, but then work under the table for extra money…All anyone is concerned about is if the people on ssi are included in this stimulus package not the people who have just lost there jobs and or layed off who needs this money to pay there Bill’s.. Atleast yall have income that is guaranteed to come in on the first and the 3rd of next month.. anyone who does get disibility money and who have been receiving those benefits for who knows how long yall know what your bills are and have been those Bill’s haven’t changed except they cant shut your utilities off for non payment so technically yall will survive on those monthly checks you get, unlike the people who work that have just lost there jobs that wont get those payments when there rent is due so ya she does deserve this money first before anyone who has a secured payment coming to them. Then yes people on ssi disibility should receive something as well but first payment should go to the people who have no income as of now and have children to feed and a roof over there heads stop being selfish people and think about the less fortunate here and when you do start thinking about your neighbors and what they might be going through maybe good karma will come back to you.. But being selfish isnt gonna get anyone anywhere we all really need to step back and think about what’s important all the deaths that this has caused and what the future holds. Everyone deserves something right now for sure unless your well over there tax bracket then no so people please stop being so damn selfish and stop criticizing on here were all equal in this time of need just other less fortunate then the next person maybe will get a payment sooner but eventually everyone in need will receive something. Preying for everyone!!

    • David

      Is this true
      Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) has proposed $1,000 per adult and $500 per child or elderly/disabled dependent for single people making under $50,000 and couples making under $100,000.
      So does this mean we get it too

  8. William H.

    I am wanting to know what everyone else is about this stimulus package is the government going to give people who are on social security disability stimulus check I hope you answer my question right away

    • Christina

      Taxpayers with little or no income tax liability, but at least $2,500 of qualifying income, would be eligible for a minimum rebate check of $600 ($1,200 married). Qualifying income includes earned income, as well as Social Security retirement benefits and certain compensation and pension benefits paid to veterans. This ensures relief gets to low-income seniors and disabled veterans,” the summary reads.

  9. Renee B.

    I think they should give it to us husband and i get ssi between both of us we only get 1.100 dollars a month and we pay all of are untill bills and are rent buy the time we pay all are bills we only.have 50 dollars to are name

  10. Julie

    I am also wondering the same for people on SS. My husband gets SS and I am his caretaker 24/7 so I can’t work and we don’t file taxes. Living on a fixed income can be stressful. Can’t stock up on anything, don’t have the extra money! Hopefully someone can answer our questions. Hopefully we won’t be forgotten again!!

    • Christina

      Taxpayers with little or no income tax liability, but at least $2,500 of qualifying income, would be eligible for a minimum rebate check of $600 ($1,200 married). Qualifying income includes earned income, as well as Social Security retirement benefits and certain compensation and pension benefits paid to veterans. This ensures relief gets to low-income seniors and disabled veterans,” the summary reads.

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