COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Lemont S.

    if you want to help me I wouldn’t mind getting my refund offset back so I can finishing paying My nursing school so off Like I was supposed to before it was taking away from me without notice or anything wish isn’t even my fault By the way I just don’t understand Why I’m being punished for my parent taking Overpayments wish I never knew I received as a child in the first place but don’t worry I will continue struggling in pushing through

    • danny

      Ok, we won’t worry. Take this problem elsewhere, thanks


  2. Robert

    I think the Commissioner should lay it all to rest and close the thread, just state who and who isnt getting what.

  3. Damien

    To everyone on here i will say this: What the government has just said is that we dont matter and they dont care about us and whatever we may go through. Those of us who worked and were injured on jobs that rendered us completely disabled before we had enough credits to qualify for an ssdi-we dont matter, dont have a voice, and thereby they dont have to honestly fear excluding us: whose gonna advoicate on our behalf? Exactly! Noone. This is wall street using a crisis to line its own pockets the same way the mafia used jimmy hoffa to line its pockets. For those taxpayers around america- what (really) are they going to do with 1200 bucks? pay a rent bill? In most cities in america 1200 bucks is a rent bill. But the airlines are gonna have a ball with the billions ITS going to receive- again and as usual those who need it most are least likely to get it and we should all be outraged because America has enough to take care of all of its people. Lastly-those aforementioned taxpayers- theyre just fodder for optics- they arent doing them any favors and, if it was not for optics, theyd be on here saying what we’re saying.

    • Diana H.

      Why are you complaining? EVERYONE ONE ON SS IS GETTING MONEY


      Please calm down and go make a list of the stuff you are gonna buy. This blog should be closed by now

  4. Kari

    Was wondering if they would just put in on our direct express card like they do our other monthly benifits or a paper check. But that would take much longer. Somebody on here said something about a notice being sent. Or do we have to call in. I called direct express tonight and there is a message right away think they were probably getting alot of calls.

    • Happy

      Yep they already have the info

    • V.V.

      Hi Kari. We realize you have questions about possible economic stimulus payments, but this legislation has not yet become law. Please do not call us with related questions at this time. Subscribe and stay up to date with the latest Social Security information on Coronavirus (COVID-19).

      • j

        Subtitle B – Rebates and Other Individual Provisions
        Section 2201. 2020 recovery rebates for individuals
        All U.S. residents with adjusted gross income up to $75,000 ($150,000 married), who are
        not a dependent of another taxpayer and have a work eligible social security number, are
        eligible for the full $1,200 ($2,400 married) rebate. In addition, they are eligible for an
        additional $500 per child. This is true even for those who have no income, as well as those
        whose income comes entirely from non-taxable means-tested benefit programs, such as SSI

        what does this mean?

  5. Sandra E.

    There is no reason why people on ssi shouldn’t not get this check and be able to keep our regular monthly check i for one have exhausted what tiny bit of money i manage to save every year for my land taxes….because of having to stock up on what supply’s i could afford and find so i would not have to leave my house……. i can not afford to stock my house for months long isolation because i dont have enough money to stock up the first time ……..which means that when my check comes i will have to go back out to get more food …..and still have barely enough for 1 month let alone more and the worse this gets the less i want to go out because the more chance of getting the virus … the choice will come stay home be safe and starve or go out get food and possible get the virus ……..we should not be put in this situation..

    • davey

      what r u talking about. ssi is getting a check. uhg

      • Wfl

        The current bill as written requires you to have filed a 2019 tax return or a 2018 return if you haven’t filed your 2019 return yet by the time the checks go out, and it would send the benefit checks to the address listed on the tax return. See below for updating your information with the IRS.

        In the past programs, if you’re not required to file a tax return due to being on Social Security, the government will use the information on your Form SSA-1099, Social Security Benefit Statement, or Form RRB-1099, Social Security Equivalent Benefit Statement. We expect the same thing to happen this time.

        For Those On Social Security, SSDI, or SSI

        For those on Social Security as part of retirement or through the Social Security Disability Insurance program can have their Social Security Administration data used directly to claim the stimulus check – no tax return will be required.

        The final version of the bill will also include payments to those whose income comes entirely from non-taxable benefits, such as SSI benefits.

    • Kari

      Sandra’s Elkins SSI will also be getting a check they added it into the bill.

    • Jason

      You are getting a check sandra they included ssi in the new bill

  6. Fay P.

    Hey everyone- Just wondering, if you have direct deposit, will you get it faster? I saw on the news if you have direct deporit with the IRS you will, but I don’t file taxes. I have direct deposit with social security though.
    And please don’t tell me ssi isn’t getting anything, we are.

    • Sally

      Yes you will get it faster because they already have your banking info etc and people on SSI will get a check too I saw this above it is from the Government website

      “Subtitle B – Rebates and Other Individual Provisions
      Section 2201. 2020 recovery rebates for individuals
      All U.S. residents with adjusted gross income up to $75,000 ($150,000 married), who are
      not a dependent of another taxpayer and have a work eligible social security number, are
      eligible for the full $1,200 ($2,400 married) rebate. In addition, they are eligible for an
      additional $500 per child. This is true even for those who have no income, as well as those
      whose income comes entirely from non-taxable means-tested benefit programs, such as SSI benefits.”

      • Fay P.

        ty very much

  7. Virginia C.

    The stimulus money do they use my taxed Social Security Earning to determine if I qualify.

    My 2019 adjusted income includes the money I earned for retirement for my 30 years of service

  8. Barry D.

    This id direct from the actual Bill, they will use the 1099 to establish payments for us.
    Form SSA-1099, Social Security 8 Benefit Statement, or 9 ‘‘(ii) Form RRB-1099,

    O:\HEN\HEN20312.xml [file 1 of 2] S.L.C.
    ‘‘(A) apply such paragraph by substituting 1 ‘2018’ for ‘2019’, and 2 ‘‘(B) if the individual has not filed a tax 3 return for such individual’s first taxable year 4 beginning in 2018, use information with respect 5 to such individual for calendar year 2019 pro-6 vided in— 7 ‘‘(i)
    Form SSA-1099, Social Security 8 Benefit Statement, or 9 ‘‘(ii) Form RRB-1099, Social Security 10 Equivalent Benefit Statement. 11 ‘‘(6) NOTICE TO TAXPAYER.
    —Not later than 15 12 days after the date on which the Secretary distrib-13 uted any payment to an eligible taxpayer pursuant 14 to this subsection, notice shall be sent by mail to 15 such taxpayer’s last known address. Such notice 16 shall indicate the method by which such payment 17 was made, the amount of such payment, and a 18 phone number for the appropriate point of contact 19 at the Internal Revenue Service to report any failure 20 to receive such payment.

    • Thank G.

      This is laughable I check the official government link up above and it says people on SSI will receive a check of 1200?

  9. Michelle

    These checks are just and Advancement on taxes, i don’t understand how that would work for persons on SS, SSDI, and SSI?

    • Mark

      You don’t have to understand to graciously accept the payment

      • Michelle

        As anyone would, will it have to be paid back is what i am asking?

        • Simon


        • Mark


  10. Mark

    Wow this blog is the length of a novel. Probably no need to check here anymore most of the info is easy to Google now and yes it appears “we” all get one after all. The only rub is, you’ll have to survive long enough to spend it.

    • Denise

      No we don’t all get one. It is going on 2018 taxes.

      • Mark

        For those that had taxes yes but all you need is a Social Security number to be eligible and be under an annual income that is way more than any SSI recipient has

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