COVID-19, Online Services

A COVID-19 Update from Our Commissioner

March 19, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

I want you to hear directly from me how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our services. The first thing you should know is that we continue to pay benefits. Be aware that scammers may try to trick you into thinking the pandemic is stopping your Social Security payments but that is not true. Don’t be fooled.

To protect you and help stop the spread of this coronavirus, we cannot accept visitors in our offices at this time. There are several other ways you can get help. Many services are available online. If you have a critical need that you cannot address online, we can help you over the phone.

Please visit our website to find out what services we are continuing and which ones we are suspending, how to contact us, and important information about deadlines we are extending to ease the burden on you and medical providers during this pandemic.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Newton O.

    I saw the xtra $200 too. Yes that would be wonderful. They said the current bill they want to pass is inappropriate to us seniors and disabled, and yes SSI is also DISABLED they just hadn’t work long enough to get the credit for ssdi. SOme of them SSI recipients were disabled since birth and it is not their fault that they couldn’t work. But you can bet your bottom dollar the majority of those individuals parents did, and probably worked their behinds off trying to take care of a challenged child.

  2. pauline f.

    An additional $200 a month for SS, Veterans and SSI? 🙂
    I hope this passes

    Although I live in public housing for elderly and disabled, so I think the housing will take a good portion of the extra $200 a month. But I will still get something, and it will really help with supplies and high costs from this coronavirus trouble.

    • Just M.

      I own my house. It’s NO mansion but I don’t pay rent, just taxes. And on SSI I get $117 in food stamps. Once I’d get the extra $200. I’d be dropped from food stamps so in the end I’d get around an extra $80. Which is fine… $80 is better than nothing. It would be a tad bit easier to pay my property taxes.

      • pauline f.

        I was just reading others’ comments and it hadn’t occurred to me about health insurance. Some of these people will be deemed having “too much” and will loose their ability to see their doctors. Thats going to add to a different crisis. They honestly should make that uncountable money. After all, it isn’t an amount determined by what they have made in the past, it is an identical add on for everyone and it isn’t right to give it to them, and make them loose big somewhere else.

      • Mark

        You should check with your county assessor’s office. In some cases you can file for a property tax exemption

  3. Kelly

    Will the stimulus check count toward the maximum amount we can earn over the monthly SSDI check? If you are just going to take away money because I got money, the new money isn’t going to be giving me more money to spend (on delivery, meds, necessities, rides, etc) to stimulate the economy.

    • rudy

      I would think it wouldn’t be countable income then. Because u are right.

    • rudy

      if they pass this i am in huge trouble. i will have too much for medicare medicaid and i cannot afford my medicines and visits

    • A.C.

      Hi, Kelly. We understand there have been reports about the possibility of additional government payments to individuals due to the economic effects of the Coronavirus. At this time, no law has been passed that calls for Social Security to issue any new payments. We hope this helps to answer your question.

  4. Terry

    It’s a sad world we live in today . some people forgot what life is all about it’s about sharing & caring and who you have in it. Unity is strength there is no unity in arguing and saying things that are hurtful. Say positive things to one another .this sight has alot of people in a total uproar and it’s all about money that will be gone in a vary short time a concious lives after the money is gone.. Be kind to each other it’s easy to do and all will sleep better. So my thoughts are wait for the bill to pass and then all questions will be answered. God bless

  5. Nick


  6. Spike

    The dems want 200 dollars extra a month for individuals on ss onto the end of 2001

    • Just M.

      I saw that as well! It would be a huge help!

      • phoenix m.


    • Frances M.

      The extra $200 would be absolutely okay with me. I’m not looking to be greedy here, honestly. I just really need help with the cleaning supplies, transportation costs of travelling all over for out-of-stock-everything and grocery deliveries. I am 77 years old, I have to use instacart so I don’t get this virus. I have to think about delivery charges and that poor kid delivering and risking his own health too, so he needs to be tipped right. Not everyone takes curbside delivery.. they need it brought to them.

    • sally

      spike: 2001? Did u mean 2021? Sorry, I am confused.

      • Just M.

        Yes 2021, I saw it myself and that’s what it said.

  7. Doneisha

    What about people that have kids and they only income is ss? Everybody on ss don’t get a lot of money or able to work to provide extra some only receive $500-$700 a month that barely pay rent.

  8. Just M.

    I did see one of the democrats (can’t remember who) wants to add an extra $200 to all social security recipients. Will it pass? Who knows. We just have to wait and see. I’m fine if i don’t get it. I’m use to struggling on $800 a month. BUT the way this is looking it’s so wrong.

    My daughter had a baby in 2019. If they go by 2018 she wont’ get the extra per child which is wrong.

    What if someone was in school in 2018, by 2019 they have a family? They get nothing and they could be the ones who need it the most. That’s what i have a huge issue with, the way this looks like it’s going.

    I’m just thankful my money is coming in. If we get nothing, we get nothing… we need to be thankful for what we do get. Yes it’s not fair BUT life isn’t fair…. I just thank God for what I do get.

    • Daniel S.

      I read in a post from Forbes that a provision was written which would allow people who didn’t file a 2018 return to use their 2019 return as basis for their stimulus payment.

      This was good news to me at first as I was primary caregiver to my mother for 2018 and had no income but I did gain employment in 2019 and paid into the system…BUT…I don’t see how that’s going to help me or others in a similar situation that are still in the process of filing our taxes for 2019.

  9. Don H.

    The way I vote this November, is going to come down to who and how my family and I were helped through this crisis. My elderly parents are on SSI. Remember that.

    • Just M.

      I agree with you 100%. I did vote for Trump, but if this goes bad for those who need it the most I’m going to rethink my vote this Nov.

      • Spike

        Joe Biden would be a great bet he loves China and would open 5he borders for destruction of the country besides extra cash for his son

    • William H.

      Agreed. This November I will be looking at the individuals that helped the retired and SSI recipients, regardless of which political party they belong to. My votes will be based on that. This is a crisis we have never seen before, and I am worried for these individuals. You cannot expect an SSI recipient to actually have a savings account to dip into, to help with the extra costs. If they had savings accounts, everyone would be up in arms. Its welfare. My 74 year old mother is on it. She was a hard worker in her day. Please treat her with the respect that she deserves.

    • FT. B.

      I posted earlier 22 million voters and family members with long memories who did not get a check,will be left on the table this NOV 4th

  10. Kimberly P.

    This has been most entertaining to read the comments & hear about all the suffering…Really put a smile on my face…Bottom line here folks…Nobody knows a damn thing…There has been no final decision made on anything concerning checks…I’m on disability & I am almost certain, beyond a doubt that I will NOT receive a check…I’m not going to get my hopes up for anything…All the news reports, internet reports & comments are based on speculation…The final decision has not been made as of yet…Good luck to everyone, stay safe & PEACE

    • Frank T.

      Not true
      Proposed Bill has you eligible section 86(D) title 2 benefit
      Regular SSI payments are different from SSDI

      • Mark

        Eligible but only with enough earned income to qualify. As in the way it stands now if SSDI is your only source of income which is unearned income then no check

    • Duke

      You are correct , until we see the passed bill it’s a guess . But I’ve been on disability since 2001 and when Obama did his stimulus package I was paid . So I think the odds are good we get it . That said I was mistaken once lol

      • Hanging C.

        Quick history lesson. No stimulus checks were given to workers under Obama – that was Bush. No, Obama didn’t give you a phone – Reagan started it, Bush expanded to include cell phones. Al Gore didn’t invent the Internet.

    • Lisa T.

      They don’t care about who is really struggling. Both my clients struggle on regular basis. Now this. Why should they be left out just because they are disabled.

    • Sara M.

      Wait, what? Hear about people’s suffering put a smile on your face? Well that’s sad.

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