
3 Reasons Why Social Security is Important to Women

March 12, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: March 12, 2020

In the 21st century, more women work, pay Social Security taxes, and earn credit toward monthly retirement income than at any other time in our nation’s history. Yet, on average, women face greater economic challenges than men in retirement.

Nearly 55 percent of the people receiving Social Security benefits are women. Women generally live longer than men while often having lower lifetime earnings. And women usually reach retirement with smaller pensions and other assets compared to men. These are three key reasons why Social Security is vitally important to women.

If you’ve worked and paid taxes into the Social Security system for at least 10 years and have earned a minimum of 40 work credits, you may be eligible for your own benefits. Once you reach age 62, you may be eligible for your own Social Security benefit whether you’re married or not and whether your spouse collects Social Security or not. If you’re eligible and apply for benefits on more than one work record, you generally receive the higher benefit amount.

The sooner you start planning for retirement, the better off you’ll be. We have specific information for women. Email or post this link to friends and family you love.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Joan M.

    I am so sorry and so ashamed that there is an argument with SSI over when or if checks will still be mailed out. This is as bad as the incident with toilet paper. What has happened to us as a people? Everyone needs to calm down, take and deep breath, get on their knees and say a prayer for each other. Bickering over matters like this will only make you sick. People who are serving us are as afraid as we are. Let’s not be offended by a sound or a word out of place. It is not worth it.

  2. nevin s.

    I am grateful to you for Social Security, that is how I feel , and thank you. علاج الإدمان

  3. Saurabh S.

    I’m feeling greatful after reading this article. Thanks

  4. Hospitals &.

    Sanders, Tony J. for Public Trustee. Message of the Public Trustee HA-15-3-20

    Supplemental Security Income Trust Fund Creation Act of 2020. A BILL. To End Child Poverty by 2020 and All Poverty by 2030. To repeal the Adjustment to Contribution Base in Sec. 230 of the Social Security Act under 42USC§430 and replace it with: SSI Trust Fund. There is created in the Treasury a Supplemental Security Income Trust Fund to end child poverty by 2020 and all poverty by 2030. To overrule the 2.37% DI tax rate for 2018 and amend the effective DI tax rate to 2.05% (2018), 1.95% (2019), 1.91% or 2.0% (2020) in Sec. 201(b)(1)(T)(U)(V) of the Social Security Act under 42USC§401(b)(1)(T)(U)(V) with data from the 2019 Annual Report. To make a concerted effort to end poverty Congress must amend the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to ‘$7.50 in 2020 and 3% more every year thereafter.’ under 29USC§206(a)(1)(D). The Labor Secretary is tasked with estimating the cost to unemployment contributors of 6 months maternity protection or sabbatical every ten years and 3 weeks annual holiday/sick pay (coronavirus quarantine, one month of SSI for uninsured). To amend Demonstration Projects to ‘Maternity Protection’ in Section 305 of the Social Security Act 42USC§505(a) To expedite the reemployment of mothers who have established a benefit year to claim unemployment compensation under State law the Secretary of Labor shall pay unemployment compensation for 24 weeks, 6 months, of Maternity Protection under International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No. 183 (2000) as modified to provide for exclusive breast feeding in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) Essential Nutrition Actions: Mainstreaming Nutrition Through the Life-Course (2019) + calcium supplement to prevent osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. To prevent gender discrimination male contributors and childless women shall be entitled to a 6 month sabbatical without any travel restrictions every ten years. (b) On production of a medical certificate, stating the presumed date of childbirth, a woman shall be entitled to a period of maternity leave of not less than 14 weeks. Cash benefits shall be provided at a level which ensures that the woman can maintain herself and her child in proper conditions of health and with a suitable standard of living. (1) Where a woman does not meet the conditions to qualify for cash benefits under national laws and regulations or in any other manner consistent with national practice, she shall be entitled to adequate benefits out of social assistance funds, subject to the means test required for eligibility for such assistance, from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) under Sec. 404 of Title IV-A of the Social Security Act under 42USC§604 et seq and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program for the Aged, Blind and Disabled under Sec. 1611 of Title XVI of the Social Security Act under 42USC§1382 et seq. (2) Medical benefits shall be provided for the woman and her child. Medical benefits shall include prenatal, childbirth and postnatal care, as well as hospitalization care when necessary. (c) Employers shall provide at least 3 weeks of paid leave annually to uphold the Holiday with Pay ILO Convention No. 132 (1970) and Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention No. 156 (1981). Employers shall provide up to 12 week of unpaid leave to care for the severe sickness of a child under the Family and Medical Leave Act of February 5, 1993 (PL-303-3). To amend the due date of the Annual Report from April 1, April’s Fool Day to June 20-21, Summer Solstice, in Sec. 1161 of the Social Security Act under 42USC§1320c-10, and expect to receive the first consolidated Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of Social Security Administration, and Annual Report of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid in 2020. To charge Medicaid prices for all, decreasing Medicare Part A payments, increasing Part B payments and deleting Medicare you may be b(k)illed letter hyperinflation. To prevent federal revenue loss and burdensome reparation the Treasury must terminate and Congress repeal Withholding of income tax on the wages of non-resident aliens under 26USC§1441. US passports for stateless persons, at regular price or less than $10. To raise the $14,294 billion debt ceiling $500 billion annually to $14,794 billion (2018), $15,294 billion (2019) and $15,794 billion (2020) under 31USC§3101.To avoid being obligated to pay all arrears due civilian agency budget cuts, fiscal year 2020 congressional budget requests for program levels are to be estimated 2.5% government payroll and international assistance, 3% services, education and Food for Peace annual growth since fiscal year 2016. Or they shall have to be re-estimated, whereas zero growth policies and budget cuts are overruled by 2.7% average annual consumer price index (CPI) inflation, to navigate the Iron Law of Wages according to Engel’s law. Due to public health concerns regarding voluntarism, coronavirus pandemic and the large size of the programs, 3.3% food stamps, 4% disability and temporary assistance for needy families and 6% retirement spending growth are to be electronically administrated according to estimates from the previous accurate year. 2017 for food stamps unless the USDA can set the 2019 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) table right in the first instance. To authorize a 2.5% annual raise for Congress-members while consumer price index (CPI) inflation remains between 2.5% – 3%, averaging 2.7%, as it has since 1980. Be it enacted in the House and Senate assembled

  5. Hospitals &.

    Sanders, Tony J. for Public Trustee. Draft Message of the Public Trustee. Hospitals & Asylums HA-15-3-20

    Message of the Public Trustee

    Supplemental Security Income Trust Fund Creation Act of 2020.

    A BILL.

    To End Child Poverty by 2020 and All Poverty by 2030. To repeal the Adjustment to Contribution Base in Sec. 230 of the Social Security Act under 42USC§430 and replace it with: SSI Trust Fund. There is created in the Treasury a Supplemental Security Income Trust Fund to end child poverty by 2020 and all poverty by 2030.

    To overrule the 2.37% DI tax rate for 2018 and amend the effective DI tax rate to 2.05% (2018), 1.95% (2019), 1.91% or 2.0% (2020) in Sec. 201(b)(1)(T)(U)(V) of the Social Security Act under 42USC§401(b)(1)(T)(U)(V) with data from the 2019 Annual Report.

    To make a concerted effort to end poverty Congress must amend the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to ‘$7.50 in 2020 and 3% more every year thereafter.’ under 29USC§206(a)(1)(D). The Labor Secretary is tasked with estimating the cost to unemployment contributors of 6 months maternity protection or sabbatical every ten years and 3 weeks annual holiday/sick pay (coronavirus quarantine, one month of SSI for uninsured).

    To amend Demonstration Projects to ‘Maternity Protection’ in Section 305 of the Social Security Act 42USC§505(a) To expedite the reemployment of mothers who have established a benefit year to claim unemployment compensation under State law the Secretary of Labor shall pay unemployment compensation for 24 weeks, 6 months, of Maternity Protection under International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No. 183 (2000) as modified to provide for exclusive breast feeding in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) Essential Nutrition Actions: Mainstreaming Nutrition Through the Life-Course (2019) + calcium supplement to prevent osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. To prevent gender discrimination male contributors and childless women shall be entitled to a 6 month sabbatical without any travel restrictions every ten years. (b) On production of a medical certificate, stating the presumed date of childbirth, a woman shall be entitled to a period of maternity leave of not less than 14 weeks. Cash benefits shall be provided at a level which ensures that the woman can maintain herself and her child in proper conditions of health and with a suitable standard of living. (1) Where a woman does not meet the conditions to qualify for cash benefits under national laws and regulations or in any other manner consistent with national practice, she shall be entitled to adequate benefits out of social assistance funds, subject to the means test required for eligibility for such assistance, from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) under Sec. 404 of Title IV-A of the Social Security Act under 42USC§604 et seq and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program for the Aged, Blind and Disabled under Sec. 1611 of Title XVI of the Social Security Act under 42USC§1382 et seq. (2) Medical benefits shall be provided for the woman and her child. Medical benefits shall include prenatal, childbirth and postnatal care, as well as hospitalization care when necessary. (c) Employers shall provide at least 3 weeks of paid leave annually to uphold the Holiday with Pay ILO Convention No. 132 (1970) and Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention No. 156 (1981). Employers shall provide up to 12 week of unpaid leave to care for the severe sickness of a child under the Family and Medical Leave Act of February 5, 1993 (PL-303-3).

    To amend the due date of the Annual Report from April 1, April’s Fool Day to June 20-21, Summer Solstice, in Sec. 1161 of the Social Security Act under 42USC§1320c-10, and expect to receive the first consolidated Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of Social Security Administration, and Annual Report of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid in 2020.

    To charge Medicaid prices for all, decreasing Medicare Part A payments, increasing Part B payments and deleting Medicare you may be b(k)illed letter hyperinflation.

    To prevent federal revenue loss and burdensome reparation the Treasury must terminate and Congress repeal Withholding of income tax on the wages of non-resident aliens under 26USC§1441. US passports for stateless persons, at regular price or less than $10.

    To raise the $14,294 billion debt ceiling $500 billion annually to $14,794 billion (2018), $15,294 billion (2019) and $15,794 billion (2020) under 31USC§3101.

    To avoid being obligated to pay all arrears due civilian agency budget cuts, fiscal year 2020 congressional budget requests for program levels are to be estimated 2.5% government payroll and international assistance, 3% services, education and Food for Peace annual growth since fiscal year 2016. Or they shall have to be re-estimated, whereas zero growth policies and budget cuts are overruled by 2.7% average annual consumer price index (CPI) inflation, to navigate the Iron Law of Wages according to Engel’s law. Due to public health concerns regarding voluntarism, coronavirus pandemic and the large size of the programs, 3.3% food stamps, 4% disability and temporary assistance for needy families and 6% retirement spending growth are to be electronically administrated according to estimates from the previous accurate year. 2017 for food stamps unless the USDA can set the 2019 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) table right in the first instance.

    To authorize a 2.5% annual raise for Congress-members while consumer price index (CPI) inflation remains between 2.5% – 3%, averaging 2.7%, as it has since 1980.

    Be it enacted in the House and Senate assembled

  6. Hospitals &.

    Sanders, Tony J. for Public Trustee. Draft Message of the Public Trustee. Hospitals & Asylums HA-15-3-20

    Supplemental Security Income Trust Fund Creation Act of 2020.

    A BILL.

    To End Child Poverty by 2020 and All Poverty by 2030. To repeal the Adjustment to Contribution Base in Sec. 230 of the Social Security Act under 42USC§430 and replace it with: SSI Trust Fund. There is created in the Treasury a Supplemental Security Income Trust Fund to end child poverty by 2020 and all poverty by 2030.

    To overrule the 2.37% DI tax rate for 2018 and amend the effective DI tax rate to 2.05% (2018), 1.95% (2019), 1.91% or 2.0% (2020) in Sec. 201(b)(1)(T)(U)(V) of the Social Security Act under 42USC§401(b)(1)(T)(U)(V) with data from the 2019 Annual Report.

    To make a concerted effort to end poverty Congress must amend the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to ‘$7.50 in 2020 and 3% more every year thereafter.’ under 29USC§206(a)(1)(D). The Labor Secretary is tasked with estimating the cost to unemployment contributors of 6 months maternity protection or sabbatical every ten years and 3 weeks annual holiday/sick pay (coronavirus quarantine, one month of SSI for uninsured).

    To amend Demonstration Projects to ‘Maternity Protection’ in Section 305 of the Social Security Act 42USC§505(a) To expedite the reemployment of mothers who have established a benefit year to claim unemployment compensation under State law the Secretary of Labor shall pay unemployment compensation for 24 weeks, 6 months, of Maternity Protection under International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No. 183 (2000) as modified to provide for exclusive breast feeding in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) Essential Nutrition Actions: Mainstreaming Nutrition Through the Life-Course (2019) + calcium supplement to prevent osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. To prevent gender discrimination male contributors and childless women shall be entitled to a 6 month sabbatical without any travel restrictions every ten years. (b) On production of a medical certificate, stating the presumed date of childbirth, a woman shall be entitled to a period of maternity leave of not less than 14 weeks. Cash benefits shall be provided at a level which ensures that the woman can maintain herself and her child in proper conditions of health and with a suitable standard of living. (1) Where a woman does not meet the conditions to qualify for cash benefits under national laws and regulations or in any other manner consistent with national practice, she shall be entitled to adequate benefits out of social assistance funds, subject to the means test required for eligibility for such assistance, from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) under Sec. 404 of Title IV-A of the Social Security Act under 42USC§604 et seq and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program for the Aged, Blind and Disabled under Sec. 1611 of Title XVI of the Social Security Act under 42USC§1382 et seq. (2) Medical benefits shall be provided for the woman and her child. Medical benefits shall include prenatal, childbirth and postnatal care, as well as hospitalization care when necessary. (c) Employers shall provide at least 3 weeks of paid leave annually to uphold the Holiday with Pay ILO Convention No. 132 (1970) and Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention No. 156 (1981). Employers shall provide up to 12 week of unpaid leave to care for the severe sickness of a child under the Family and Medical Leave Act of February 5, 1993 (PL-303-3).

    To amend the due date of the Annual Report from April 1, April’s Fool Day to June 20-21, Summer Solstice, in Sec. 1161 of the Social Security Act under 42USC§1320c-10, and expect to receive the first consolidated Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of Social Security Administration, and Annual Report of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid in 2020.

    To charge Medicaid prices for all, decreasing Medicare Part A payments, increasing Part B payments and deleting Medicare you may be b(k)illed letter hyperinflation.

    To prevent federal revenue loss and burdensome reparation the Treasury must terminate and Congress repeal Withholding of income tax on the wages of non-resident aliens under 26USC§1441. US passports for stateless persons, at regular price or less than $10.

    To raise the $14,294 billion debt ceiling $500 billion annually to $14,794 billion (2018), $15,294 billion (2019) and $15,794 billion (2020) under 31USC§3101.

    To avoid being obligated to pay all arrears due civilian agency budget cuts, fiscal year 2020 congressional budget requests for program levels are to be estimated 2.5% government payroll and international assistance, 3% services, education and Food for Peace annual growth since fiscal year 2016. Or they shall have to be re-estimated, whereas zero growth policies and budget cuts are overruled by 2.7% average annual consumer price index (CPI) inflation, to navigate the Iron Law of Wages according to Engel’s law. Due to public health concerns regarding voluntarism, coronavirus pandemic and the large size of the programs, 3.3% food stamps, 4% disability and temporary assistance for needy families and 6% retirement spending growth are to be electronically administrated according to estimates from the previous accurate year. 2017 for food stamps unless the USDA can set the 2019 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) table right in the first instance.

    To authorize a 2.5% annual raise for Congress-members while consumer price index (CPI) inflation remains between 2.5% – 3%, averaging 2.7%, as it has since 1980.

    Be it enacted in the House and Senate assembled

  7. Charles

    I have a question for high income seniors who enter the Medicare program. Once you start Medicare your premiums are not based on your current income but on income that you earned two years prior as stated by your 1040. Is this correct? Your inflated premium is based on the law called IRMMA which states that if you make a lot of money your Medicare premium should not be subsidized. Correct?. Now if you do nothing and your income dropped below the IRMMA income limits you’ll still be charged the inflated premiums and although Social Security in two years will see you owed no inflated premiums after they receive the 1040 they will not automatically reimburse you on the overcharges. Correct? You will simply lose that money unless you acted. That means you must file form SSA 44 where are you required under penalty of perjury to “estimate your income“ for that current year and the year after and had a qualifying event such as you retired from your job.. The definition of estimated income from the Google business dictionary is A Educated Guess. Is this the definition that Social Security uses or does it have another? You’re then required to bring in your 1040 the following year to confirm your guess on income. Correct? Instead of guessing at our income can we instead just bring in our 1040 and request a refund for the inflated premiums provided of course we met the IRMMA income requirements? Which SSA FORM should we use to request this refund?

  8. t

    Hello. Will having many medical bills take my back pay away from SSDI? Thank you

  9. Sylvia L.

    I have an unscrupulous conservator who has drained my bank account, year-long savings and more. She says it is illegal for me to get rid of her. I have an attorney who is not too helpful. How do I recover my funds in spite of having kept careful records, books and bank statements

  10. Marie S.

    Thank you so much for all the news. It is greatly appreciated.
    I am 72 and have been receiving my benefit amount since age 62. My husband was still working and contributing to Social Security at that time. I always wondered if, at that time, I would have been eligible for his benefits until he received them in 1978.
    No one that I spoke to ever offered that option…was it not offered then?

    • A.C.

      Hi, Marie. To qualify for spouse’s benefits, your husband must be receiving retirement or disability benefits. Also, when you qualify for Social Security benefits on your own record, we pay that amount first. But if you also qualify for a higher amount as a spouse, you’ll get a combination of benefits that equals that higher amount. Visit our Retirement Planner: Benefits For You As A Spouse for more information. For specific questions, you can call us at at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., for assistance. Generally, you will have a shorter wait if you call later in the week. We hope this helps.

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