
Two New Arrivals: Our New Blog and Top Ten Baby Names for 2014

May 8, 2015 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: August 19, 2021

This is an image of a smiling baby surrounded by balloons and toys.  The image reads: Just arrived! See the top 10 Baby names of 2014!  Look who’s talking — Social Security is proud to introduce its newborn blog! We’re calling our new bundle of joy Social Security Matters, because this is where we’ll discuss the information that matters to you about our programs and benefits! We’re kicking off our blog with our Annual highly anticipated top 10 baby names for 2014.

See the top ten most popular baby names of 2014…

Since 1997 we have been releasing the most requested baby names, based on requests for Social Security numbers for newborns. We reveal the top 10 names for boys and girls each year, and our records date back to the 1880s. This is one of our most popular web pages with over 2.9 million visits in 2014.

What makes a baby name popular is hard to pin down. Trends in new baby names often follow popular culture, influenced by favorite characters in books or movies, as well as religious meanings.

See the top ten most popular baby names of 2014, find out how the names have changed over time, and view our extensive list — customizable by decade, state, and U.S. territory — at

Whether a movie star or your beloved grandmother inspires the choice for the name you give your child, know that Social Security is here for them, and you, through all life’s challenges.

Social Security has a wide range of resources for families with children.

We issue a unique Social Security number to identify each American child soon after birth. Making sure your child has a Social Security number is vital to accessing our services and claiming him or her as a dependent on your tax return.

Their Social Security number will also be important after your children are old enough to begin working. The number helps us keep track of how much they earn, how much they have paid in Social Security tax, and, ultimately, how much they will receive in Social Security benefits when they become eligible.

To learn more about the importance of Social Security numbers, visit

If your child has a severe disability, we also have programs and benefits to help supplement the additional costs of caring for a child with special needs.

You can find many of our publications about Social Security numbers, benefits, disability benefits, and health insurance at

Although popular baby names change over the decades, Social Security has, and always will, live up to its name, as we have for 80 years by providing a measure of financial security to children and their families.

See below if your name is one of the most popular.

This graphic shows two columns, one with boys names in order from 1 to 10, Noah, Liam, Mason, Jacob, William, Ethan, Michael, Alexander, James, Daniel, and a second column with girls names in order from 1 to 10, Emma, Olivia, Sophia, Isabella, Ava, Mia, Embloily, Abigail, Madison, Charlotte

Tell us, in this blog’s comment section, what popular or unique name you gave your baby.

Don’t forget to check back often to join the conversation — and learn more about why Social Security Matters to you!

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About the Author

Doug Walker, Deputy Commissioner, Communications

Deputy Commissioner, Office of Communications


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  3. Jim

    This is such a pretty name. It has a nice meaning and is not tired at all.

  4. Dori

    I have twin girls who were born in January 2013. Their names are Alabama Rose and Zoey Rose.

  5. Stephanie

    I have my first twn who is 10 and his name is Kristopher Michael
    my other twin is Charles Edmund
    My third son is Aiden Owen
    My daughter’s name is Kennedi Addison

  6. Roxanne

    My grandsons name is MAXIMUS!

  7. cnve

    ??As old as Betty White & my Maa Yaa(Grace)?CONGRATS** best new baby name: Elizah

  8. Geina

    My oldest is Brandaeyjiah (Bran-day-ja), then the twins are (girl) Scevynne and (boy) Sieveign both pronounced 7 like the number. Confusing to you not to us. Meaning behind (all) their names (they each have two middle names).

  9. Mrs. W.

    father is Charles Brown, Jr.
    son is Charles Brown, Jr. III.

    Talk about confusing.

    • Geina

      So how does Jr and third go together. Never heard of a dual surname. But I do know a Junior, Sr and a Junior, Jr (last names Junior).

  10. Mrs. W.

    Look at a website of 20,000 names that includes variations and the meaning of the name. It is surprising how many that we use in English that are borrowed from other languages and how positive are the meanings.

    Use first name as what your baby is to be called, I was born called by my middle name. Legally it is a pain.

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