General, Survivors

Will Remarrying Affect My Social Security Benefits? 

August 22, 2024 • By

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Last Updated: January 29, 2025

An elderly couple's wedding photo on a beachWhether it’s a morning ceremony or an evening gala, excitement is in the air. You’re getting remarried! We can help you with Social Security-related questions regarding your remarriage.

You may be wondering about changing your name on your Social Security card. Visit our Change name with Social Security page and answer a few questions to find out the best way to apply for a replacement card with your new last name. You may even be able to complete the application completely online.

If you can’t complete the application online, you can start your replacement card application online, then visit a local Social Security office or card center. You may be able to self-schedule an appointment online to visit an office to show your original marriage certificate and complete your application.

We’ll mail an updated card to you, usually within 14 business days. Remember to let your employer know about your name change so they can update payroll records, and we can accurately keep track of your earnings.

You may be wondering how your new marriage affects your Social Security benefits now or in the future. Remarrying may affect your benefits if you receive (or expect to receive) any of the following:

  1. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments – Your SSI eligibility and payment amount may change (or stop) due to your new spouse’s income and resources. If you and your spouse both get SSI, your payment amount may change from a single person’s rate to a couple’s rate. Be sure to call us right away at 1-800-772-1213 to report your marriage to avoid being overpaid.
  2. Surviving spouse or divorced surviving spouse benefits – 
    • If you remarry before age 50You won’t be eligible for survivors or disability benefits as a surviving spouse unless your later marriage ends by divorce or annulment.
    • If you remarry between the ages of 50 and 59You may be able to get benefits as a disabled surviving spouse (or disabled surviving divorced spouse) if you were disabled and unable to work when you remarried and your remarriage occurred after age 50. If you remarry before you reach age 60 and that marriage ends, you may be able to get benefits on your previous deceased spouse’s record. Your benefits may begin the first month in which the later marriage ended if all entitlement requirements are met. Contact us if you have questions.
    • If you remarry after age 60You may be eligible for survivors benefits on your deceased spouse’s record or benefits on your new spouse’s record. Contact us to find out where you are due the greatest benefit amount.

For more information, read our Survivors Benefits publication or visit our Survivor benefits page.

  1. Divorced spouse’s benefits Generally, if you remarry, benefits paid to you on your former spouse’s record stop. You should report your new marriage to us to avoid being overpaid.
  2. Children’s benefits (under age 18 or full-time student ages 18 or 19) – Under certain circumstances, we may be able to make payments to stepchildren of a worker who receives retirement or disability benefits. For more information about benefits for children, visit our Who can get Family benefits page. Contact us if you have questions.

Note: If you receive Disabled Adult Child (DAC) benefits on the record of a retired, disabled, or deceased parent, your benefits will likely end if you get married. There are exceptions, such as marriage to another DAC, when the benefits are allowed to continue. Our rules vary depending on the situation. For more information, visit our Disability Planner or contact us.

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  1. Lynn E.

    I am 71 years old and I was divorced from my husband after a marriage of almost 20 years. I am receiving social security benefits from his record. I am also disabled with MS. I am planning on remarrying. Will I lose my benefits?

  2. Louise

    Was married 30-1/2 years. He met a women in AA and they married 6 months later. Three years later I wrote to SS asking if I remarried if I would lose SS after 1st husband and it took 2 mo. to get answer due to slow mail.
    I took care of his mother for 3 years & 10 mo with Alzheimers and my son and his 2 children, ages 4 & 6 at the same time not getting paid because I would get paid with my ex-husbands SS.

    Ex husband died 13 years ago.

    I will be 86 yrs. old in Dec living on $1661 a month. While married he claimed me as a dependent.

    I remarried 10 days before I turned 60 and it looks like I will never see S.S.

    • S.D.

      Hi, Louise. Thanks for reading our blog and for your comments. You would not be eligible for divorced surviving spouse benefits if you remarried before you turned age 60. For more information, visit our Survivors Planner. When your current spouse passes away, you should contact us to discuss your eligibility for survivors benefits and options. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. We hope this helps.

  3. Cindy H.

    My late husband of 24 years passed when I was 48. I quit working at 49 because of health issues but have not applied for disability for fear of rejection. I remarried at age 55. Now looking at a divorce in the near future. Am I entitled to any benefits.

  4. Sahara

    I am 49 and was on ssi disability when my husband of 22yrs passed away in 2016. Since his was higher, I rolled over to survivor benefits but lost medicaid.
    I would like to remarry and not lose my survivor benefits. Since I was previously on ssi disability, will I automatically keep survivor benefits if I remarry at age 50? It’s so frustrating that we find love again but aren’t allowed to marry for fear of losing only source of income.

  5. Blima C.

    Good afternoon, I am 75 years old, I was married for 28 years, I divorced 18 years ago, I plan to remarry a foreign man who does not receive benefits in the United States. Can I lose my social security? Thanks for the response.

  6. Blima c.

    Buenas tardes tengo 75 años, dure 28 años casada, me divorcié hace 18 años, planeo volver a casarme con un hombre extranjero que no recibe beneficios en Estados Unidos.
    Puedo perder mi social seguro?
    Gracias por la Respuesta.

  7. Nonie D.

    I am 55 and a widow to my late husband who is a teacher who passed away in 2021 on a disability since 2017. Since we are both teachers, I did not receive any spousal benefits and I was told I can only collect it if I retire but it depends whichever benefit is higher. Now, I am planning to remarry, will it affects my benefits that I suppose to get from my late husband? In case I get to divorce, will that also affect? thank you for answering my questions.

    • S.S.

      Hi Nonie.  Thank you for reading our blog. You could be eligible for surviving spouse benefits only if you remarried after you reached 60. For more information, visit our Survivors Planner. To learn more about your eligibility and options, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. In addition, you may wish to read our publication, What Every Woman Should Know. We hope this information is helpful.

  8. Catherine

    I divorced and re married do I get ssi from my fist husband?

    • S.S.

      Thank you for reading our blog and for your question. Unfortunately, survivor benefits are not eligible for those who receive SSI.  When a spouse passes away after working long enough in a job where he or she paid Social Security taxes, their children or spouses could receive monthly Survivor benefits. You can find more information on our survivors benefits page. We hope this information helps.

  9. Cecelia M.

    I am a widow age 77 planning to remarry, will I lose my late husband benefit if I do?

    • T.Y.

      Congratulations, Cecelia. Thanks for your question and for reading our blog. Surviving spouses who remarry after age 60 (age 50 with a disability), may continue to be eligible for benefits on their deceased spouse’s Social Security record. If your new spouse is a Social Security beneficiary, you may want to apply for spouse’s benefits on that record. If that amount is higher, you may be entitled to the higher amount, based on both records. Generally, you must be married for one year before you can get spouse’s benefits. For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

      • Dana M.

        Does that mean if she remarries she will still draw her survivors benefits?

  10. Mary

    I was married to my ex-husband for 15 years then was divorced. I remarried at the age of 53 my present husband passed away. I am now 60 but my present has passed away. If my previous husband pass away, can I collet on his Social Security Survivor benefits?

    • Frederick P.

      Depends, did you inadvertently kill them both from too much sex ? lolololol

    • Mary L.

      I was married to my first husband for one day short of 25 years divorced. Remarried for years later at the age of 48 with him 7 1/2 years. Second husband and I divorced after 7 1/2 years. Am I entitled to second husband Social Security Because he made a lot more than the first husband

      • T.Y.

        Hi, Mary. To be eligible for divorced spouse’s benefits, you must be married to your former spouse for at least 10 years. You cannot be eligible for a higher benefit on your own record. For more information about the eligibility for divorced spouse’s benefits, visit our Benefits Planner: Retirement | Benefits For Your Family | SSA. Hope this helps!

    • Sue

      My mother-in-law is in her 90s. She became a widow a couple of years ago…both she and her husband were in their 90s, at the time. She is receiving the social security survivor’s benefits.
      She wants to remarry a man in his 70s who is receiving SSI. This man, also, receives, as a representative payee, SSI and SSDI, for his developmentally disabled son (in his 40s).
      Will my mother-in-law’s Social Security benefits be affected by marrying this man?
      Will this man’s, or his son’s, Social Security benefits be affected by marrying my mother-in-law?

      • S.D.

        Hi, Sue. Thanks for reading our blog and for your questions. If your mother-in-law remarries after the age of 60, she may continue to receive benefits on her deceased husband’s Social Security record. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs-based program for people with disabilities and people 65 and older who have limited income and resources. If your mother-in-law remarries and the couple live in the same household, the law requires that we count your mother-in-law’s income and resources when determining her husband’s SSI eligibility and payment amount. For more information about how remarriage will affect monthly payments for the man and his adult son, they should call us at 1-800-772-1213, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We hope this helps.

    • S.S.

      Hi Mary. Thanks for your question and for reading our blog.  If your ex-spouse is a Social Security beneficiary, you may apply for spouse’s benefits on that record. If that amount is higher, you may be entitled to the higher amount, based on both records. For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this helps.

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