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What Representatives Should Know About Online Video Hearings

June 24, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Last Updated: February 23, 2023

What Representatives Should Know About Online Video HearingsIn December 2020, we began offering online video hearings using a secure and free Microsoft Teams platform for you and your client to interact directly with an administrative law judge (ALJ). You can participate in the hearing with an internet connection using a camera-enabled smartphone, tablet, or computer. This allows the ALJ to see and communicate with you while maintaining privacy.

We understand that there can be hesitation in learning and using new technology. To enhance your understanding of online video hearings, we created a new webpage just for representatives. It contains information on the online video hearings, including a user guide and a new step-by-step training video. These new materials give you the opportunity to quickly master Microsoft Teams and gain a deeper understanding of the online video hearing process.

Online video hearings continue to increase in popularity. To date, we have conducted 3,500 online video hearings using Microsoft Teams from a variety of devices and locations. Over 35,000 claimants have chosen an online video hearing as their preferred hearing format. We have already scheduled 20,000 online video hearings to take place over the coming months.

We are working hard every day to enhance the online video hearing experience and we need your help! Early this summer, we’ll email a short satisfaction survey to claimants and representatives who have used Microsoft Teams for their video hearings. These surveys will ask about your experience using the new technology and the video hearing option. We encourage you to fill out this short survey and please ask your claimants to do the same. Survey responses will help us ensure the best possible experience for all online video hearing participants.

Please visit our website for the latest news about hearings and appeals. We encourage you and those you represent to take advantage of the online video hearings option. If you have questions, please visit our website. Please help us share the news on social media.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Rosie

    Thanks for the information. As a law student, it was interesting for me. I also confirm that our professors support the introduction of online video hearings, this is the right step. I had such a topic for one term paper, and I asked the professor to complete coursework for me, which made it possible to more fully cover the selected topic.

  2. John W.

    Thank you for sharing such an attractive article.
    In her opinion, the judge’s decision was racial in nature since she was born in the Philippines. I requested a written transcript of the hearing but was ignored. It was obvious that the vocational expert had rehearsed his testimony.

    Online Exams Help

  3. Ulusal

  4. Michael P.

    It has been four months since I filed an appeal to the Appeals Council on behalf of my client and have yet to receive a response. From the beginning at the state level (New Jersey) and appeals process, I have encountered rude and indifferent individuals handling the disability claim. This is my first time representing a claimant for benefits. The decision of the Administrative Law Judge was obviously preordained as the judge ignored two of its own psychologists and the medical reports that indicated that my client was severely disabled. One of her injuries was a fractured spine resulting from motor vehicle accident. The judge ignored the report from her treating physician as to her ability to do physical labor and relied upon a foot doctor as to her ability to lift, stand and carry. The foot doctor was not an MD and did not treat her for her spine injury.In the meantime, my client is living on Roman noodles purchased at a dollar store. She worked approximately 15 years in a nursing home doing heavy physical work despite being 4’6″ tall and weighing 80 pounds. She believes that the judge’s decision was racially motivated as she is a naturalized citizen born in the Philippine Islands.Prior to filing the appeal to the Council, I requested a written transcript of the hearing which was ignored. The testimony of the vocational expert was obviously rehearsed. Based upon the hypothetical, the judge asked the expert if the claimant could return to her former work housekeeping in a nursing home and she immediately said no. In answering the question if they were available work in the economy, she said yes ” housekeeper and cleaner” the description of which was exactly what the claimant did in the nursing home. I have been practicing law for over 50 years and this “fair hearing” was a travesty of justice.

  5. Naryan

    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful article which is more attractive. Writing skill is so good and presentation is awesome. I am new here and want to share something authentic and valuable among internet community. Thanks again !

  6. DEAN P.

    Well i hope this is a help with the backlog SS says it has been experiencing for THE PAST 2 YEARS, in my case appeals that i have filed without any hearing date. I wish SS would thoroughly inform the United States citizenry of all SSA rules and regs that PERTAIN to THE INDIVIDUAL
    applying for SS, so they know of all of the ramifications of applying at a given time. Lord knows with all the money they receive operationally, they could , and should do so. There is so much information i should have been informed of Also they really need to train or fire certain employees who treat claimants with disdain, hostility, and disrespect. I believe those employees forgot who they actually work for. THE PEOPLE !!! I recall a mid management got in touch with me and had a nerve to tell me that i should have paid attention to the newspapers, media to gain knowledge about the SS !!! What kind of crappy ,lowlife, ignorant response was that ? Especially from someone in management at SS. Hopefully that individual no longer works for SS.

    • Annette

      You are so right! I was told by a representative on the telephone that I am not disabled. How do they know I am disabled. She was laughing all along. I told the lady that is helping with my ticket back to work, (These ppl need to know because I am disabled doesn’t mean I don’t want to work, I just can’t do certain things) of course she can’t do anything but she gave me the number to report her. But you know they never answer the phone. I had in the past gone into the office before COVID and they have lines in the waiting rooms with ppl while they are congregated in a group talking and laughing. Meanwhile people are hungry, and sick in the waiting room. Representative need to be more sensitive to these people because unlike what they think we can’t make ends meet and we are not allowed to bring in drinks or food to eat as we wait a long time to be seen and once we are seen at times are miss treated.

  7. Justin H.

    I’ve had my Tella hearing and my doctor’s appointment and was told by the judge I was on a enhanced or expedited claim and it has been 3 months since the doctor’s appointment and the doctor’s report has come out and I don’t know where I stand. Without a way to get updates on being backlogged or a problem with my file itself everything’s in limbo and to be honest it’s very concerning.

    • V.V.

      For your security, Justin, we do not have access to private information in this venue. We ask that members in our Blog community work with our offices with specific questions. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can call your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  8. Sheri L.

    I had I online hearing n everything went great I was really glad they started this since I live 20mins from Orlando FL and the hearings are in Jacksonville FL over 3hrs away thank you sheri

  9. Debbie M.

    I am drawing my SS but I need to draw from mybhusbands ss how do I go about this.

    • V.V.

      Hi Debbie, thanks for using our blog. We will always pay your own retirement or disability benefits first. If your benefits as a spouse are higher than your own benefits, you will get a combination of benefits equaling the higher spouse benefit. However, the spouse’s benefit cannot exceed one-half of your husband’s full retirement amount (not a reduced benefit amount). So, you can only receive additional spouse’s benefits if your own full retirement or disability benefit (not a reduced benefit) is less than half of your husband’s full retirement benefit.

      Generally, during the initial interview when your husband applies for Social Security benefits, we typically explore all other benefits that could yield you a higher benefit amount. To find out if you are eligible for a higher benefit amount, you can call us at 1-800-772-1213 or you can contact your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. Please be aware that our call wait times are longer than normal. We hope this information helps.

  10. Laureen P.

    I mailed a letter to SS yesterday explaining that l only receive my UK pension quarterly. I have returned all o the overpayments to SS by check but they haven’t been cashed yet through SS. Could you please help me to get an appointment at the SSA office in Fort Myers Florida?

    • D.V.

      Hello Lauren. Please continue working with your local office. Look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-772-1213. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Thanks.

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