COVID-19, General

Update on Our Reentry Plans

December 22, 2021 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: December 22, 2021

Social Security Administration LogoWe want to give you an update on our preparations for returning our employees to local Social Security offices, a process called reentry.

You may have seen a proposed reentry date of January 3, 2022 in the draft reentry plan that we provided to our unions, or in the media. While some executives reentered on December 1, we have not set a reentry date for the rest of the agency.

The best way to reach us is online at, or by calling our National 800 Number or a local Social Security office. At this time, please remember that we can only provide in-person service by appointment only for limited, critical issues. And we continue to hold voluntary hearings by online video and phone. We are taking steps to increase in-person help for people unable to complete their business online or by phone.

We will keep you updated on our reentry process.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications

Darlynda Bogle, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications


  1. Sam H.

    The fact that more people don’t even know about P.E.R.A. Let alone look into it or what it is, is downright disturbing. They sit on ALL of those funds, all the while pay themselves whatever they choose, and make investments and such with OUR tax dollars, and impose NO term limits on themselves, let alone accountability for anything. Not only that but whenever they need funds because they have nearly bankrupted us, they go after SS first, and NEVER touch PERA

  2. Ali A.

    I’ve been trying to call your local office here in Redding CA foe about two months1 Nobody answers the phone and the office is closed to public! So many businesses are open and government offices can help people like me in limited number each day. They told me to contact them during November and December themselves to make appointment and help me out. What should I do?!

    • V.V.

      Hi Ali, thanks for using our blog. We are sorry to hear about your experience with Social Security. You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can call your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. We hope this information helps.

  3. Ella R.

    Change social security address

    • V.V.

      Hi Ella, thanks for using our blog. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions web page for details on how to change your address. We hope this is helpful.

  4. Hungery &.

    My ssi benefits were stopped over a year ago because ssi claimed fraud! I have had zero income! Become homeless in the process and still have not had my case Reinstated I guess they’re just waiting for me to starve to death so they don’t have to pay!

    • Sandee

      You can get an SS Disability Attorney no cost out of pocket. I would encourage you to find one there are many out there. They can help you navigate SS Disability and see why exactly the benefits stopped. It could be something simple or not but you would have a better chance then waiting. You may be outside of an appeal period and need to refile. They have no personal gain to not paying you. Sometimes simply moving and not updating them can trigger them to withhold funds until they hear from you. If you can find this website and leave a comment then you can search online for an attorney to represent you. They can only charge a contigency based fee, which means they get nothing unless they get your case approved. All consultations are free so I urge you to find one or two and see what they can do for you. You have nothing to lose.

  5. Pamela G.

    My B.D. is at the end of the month, and I’m told by media that S.S. will deliver my payment on the 4th wed of the month starting in Jan. Does this mean recipient’s will be behind 1 month on receiving their money since we get paid on the 3rd of the month?

    • Sandee

      Monthly disability payments are paid out after the month has passed. Therefore, December’s benefit month is paid in January. etc. Each individual is assigned which day of the week and which week their payment is sent (usually to a bank account) that is based on the individuals birthdate. It seems yours is the 4th Wednesday of the month. This January the 26th is the 4th Wednesday of the month. Based on information you provided. And No i don’t work for SSA. I work for a law firm that deals with them frequently.

    • V.V.

      Hi Pamela, thanks for using our blog. The Social Security payment schedule is not changing. If you receive your Social Security benefits on the third of the month, you will continue to receive them on the third of the month.

  6. phillip S.


  7. Scott C.

    Social Security provides the worst service ever. I’ve been unemployed going on 17 months with no income, waiting on SS Disability to be approved. My claim has not moved in months, when it should have been fully complete 5 months ago according to their website. They need to either hire more people or fire the slackers and replace them.

    • David S.

      Biden would rather hire 18,000 more IRS agents to TAKE your money than to provide SERVICE to people who actually need the help.

      • Tammie R.

        I think that also

      • dana

        How did we go from the BEST patriotic president, to the worst senile, apple sauce sucking, laughing stock socialist president in our history. Oh yea they rigged the mail-in ballots situation. Never let a good crises go to waste,

      • James H.

        You don’t know anything! Biden signed an executive order for this! Read the facts before you make accusations!

        • chimene l.

          The place where people can look this up and it even slower the the VA

      • Sandee

        David you are so far off with that you don’t even know.

    • Sandee

      Scott, A typical filing for Initial claim takes anywhere from 5 months to a year prior to Covid. A reconsideration can be 1 month to 9 months prior to Covid. and a hearing 12-36 months prior to COVID. This is based on the number of individuals applying for benefits.
      Since Covid hit there has been a SHARP INCREASE IN WORK FOR SSA, so you are actually experiencing a pretty normal wait period. I have 25 years plus experience with dealing with SSA disability.

    • V.V.

      Hi Scott, thanks for using our blog. You may want to call your local Social Security office. Look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. We hope this information helps.

  8. Bumpa

    Hello World,
    Is Bidyut D. a scammer or an employee that has and displays the capabilities and interests of the majority of the SSI attendants?
    Show me people that can not only (almost) speak the English but also understand it!
    The captcha click works twice, I wonder if this site is valid and credible!

  9. Peter S.

    I stopped receiving social security because of the economic hardship plan that we as a people had intended to be enrolled in. Before I realized how bad you really got it. I was told never to send a payment for electricity using a instant wire account. From what I hear these people are difficult to communicate with because the best thing for them to do right now is head back to church. I am so upset with my social security revolving account. This revolution doesn’t cover anything. People need to know more things about social security before we go to the office and start smiling at the people who work there for next to nothing.

    • Martha S.

      I don’t know. I think what I would do is try to send them a balloon instead of a get well card. Most balloons you can send using instant wire and they will get it before you do. And then the younger generation have the power to use their benefits just like any other young person who needs the extra help paying for things like groceries. Indirectly speaking, I think I would feel better knowing these folk hold the commerce authentication logo on their Linux business suite press app.

      • George D.

        My award litter for the year of 2022

        • V.V.

          Hi George, thanks for reading our blog and for your question. We mailed the COLA notices throughout the month of December to retirement, survivors, and disability beneficiaries, SSI recipients, and representative payees. You can also securely view and save the Social Security COLA notice online via the Message Center inside your my Social Security account . If you don’t have an account, create one today.

          You can also call us at 1-800-772-1213 for assistance or you can call your local Social Security office. Please look for the general inquiry telephone number at the Social Security Office Locator. The number may appear under Show Additional Office Information. We hope this helps!

          • Lucie A.

            I know many people in Chicago that haven’t received this letter and I received the email stating they would be mailed out in December. Some disabled and seniors have not received their letter.
            They call Social Security and they are hung up on and asked “Is it critical.” and the person is rude, disrespectful to them.

  10. Joyce L.

    My date has been 3rd of the month. Has the date changed to receive social security check?

    • Daniel E.

      My Father has been getting his SSI on the 3rd of every month for decades. All his bank drafts and other bills are scheduled to be paid within a week of the 3rd.
      I’m trying to find out if the direct deposit will continue on the same date as it always has been.
      Thank You for any assistance….

      • V.V.

        Hi Daniel, thanks for using our blog. The Social Security payment schedule is not changing.

    • V.V.

      Hi Joyce, thanks for using our blog. The Social Security payment schedule is not changing.

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