COVID-19, General

Update on Economic Impact Payments for Social Security and SSI Beneficiaries

May 22, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Beginning today, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will issue Economic Impact Payments (EIP) to approximately 1.4 million SSI recipients with representative payees and 10.4 million Social Security beneficiaries with representative payees.

The IRS will issue the EIPs via direct deposit and Direct Express starting today, May 22, to the same direct deposit account or Direct Express card as the recipient’s monthly Social Security or SSI payment. Paper check EIPs will be mailed starting May 27.

Visit our website to learn about EIPs and representative payees. You can find the eligibility requirements and other information about the EIPs at the IRS’ Economic Impact Payment Information Center.

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About the Author

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner

Darlynda Bogle, Assistant Deputy Commissioner


  1. Chris W.

    STILL nothing about disabled veterans….. Again.

    • Anon

      SSI and VA had until the 5th of May to claim dependents. They have started scheduling payments for your groups. It could be anytime between now and September.

  2. Kathy J.

    How much money can I expect for direct deposit and what date for the deposit?

  3. Wayne

    They say that an individual representative payee should begin receiving eips on may 22 to the same direct deposit account or direct express card as the recipient’s monthly social security or ssi payment. the mailing of paper check eips to payees will begin may 27, but I haven’t received anything yet and I’m not even looking for it anymore because it’s all lies…… when is the exact time and date for deposits?

    • Anon

      Yes, BEGIN receiving. You could receive it anytime between now and September. Payment schedules are not all the same date.

  4. Donald G.

    I also live in the Philippines and have been receiving my SS Retirement for around 5 years. My bank is based in California but I have no EIP/Stimulus Payment at all. Of course the IRS bullshiit “Get My Payment” is worthless.

  5. Deborah E.

    Is this the second stimulus check? Or for those who didn’t get the first lne?

  6. Myrna

    I have not received my stimulus, why?

  7. John V.

    So, does that mean that I will be getting additional funds along with my monthly Social Security Deposit? I don’t understand what is going to happen and why!
    Please help me understand what is going on….

    • Peter

      Answer is read info on the website and that’s all folks

  8. Christina G.

    I am a dependent wife on our joint tax return, I work as an
    Independent insurance agent with earnings, we both are receiving social security benefits. My husband received his $1200 and I had not received mine. We had not filed 2018 & 2019!tax return yet. What do I need to do in order to receive my $1200? Is it going to be automatically sent soon? Thank you

    • Peter

      Haven’t you read that anybody who been claimed as a dependent gets nothing ?

  9. David M.

    May 23 and still no stimulus payment via direct deposit here in the Philippines. I have received standard SS retirements payments (not SSDI) here for the past 7 years. So I can’t understand why so many living abroad have received stimulus payments, but not here in the Philippines I know of no person that has received a stimulus payment. Does the Treasury Department have a bias because of the recent disagreements with the current Philippine administration and are withholding payments as political leverage?

  10. Mary B.

    I have no Representative payee . I have my own bank acct for myself . When I try to check for the 1st stimulus, the site states , ” incorrect social security ” , ” incorrect birthdate ” . I know my social , I know my birthdate. I dont know why its refused, but it is incorrdct not me . I put the correct information. Everyday , it says the same . Good Grief !

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