COVID-19, General, SSI

Supplemental Security Income Recipients, Act Now – Go to – A Message from Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul

April 24, 2020 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: February 21, 2023

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who don’t file tax returns will start receiving their automatic Economic Impact Payments directly from the Treasury Department in early May. People receiving SSI benefits who did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes, and have qualifying children under age 17, however, should not wait for their automatic $1,200 individual payment. They should immediately go to the IRS’s webpage and visit the Non-Filers: Enter Your Information section to provide their information. SSI recipients who have dependent children and did not file 2018 or 2019 taxes need to act by Tuesday, May 5, in order to receive additional payments for their eligible children quickly. 

By taking this proactive step to enter information on the IRS website about them and their qualifying children, they will also receive the $500 per dependent child payment in addition to their $1,200 individual payment. If people in this group do not provide their information to the IRS soon, their payment at this time will be $1,200 only. They would then be required to file a tax year 2020 tax return to obtain the additional $500 per eligible child.

I urge SSI recipients with qualifying children and who do not normally file taxes to take action now. Immediately go to so that you will receive the full amount of the Economic Impact Payments you and your family are eligible for.

Lastly, a word of caution. Be aware of scams related to the Economic Impact Payments. There is no fee required to receive these payments. Don’t be fooled.

Visit our website for important information and updates.

Click here to view the IRS press release about this important issue.

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About the Author

Andrew Saul, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Commissioner of Social Security Administration (June 17, 2019 - July 9, 2021)


  1. Wendell T.

    I understand the policy regarding SSI cf recipients. However, you have NOT addressed the policy regarding SSDI recipients. I am, and have been, on SSDI since 2011 AND, I AM NOT REQUIRED TO FILE A TAX RETURN. Please advise asap.


    • Nicki

      That’s what I don’t understand?? No one addresses SSDI and when we are getting it a lot of us have not received our stimulus on the DirectExpress card.

      • Peter

        Soon soon my child ,, ssi will be swept under too, then move on to ## 2 stimulus talk will be bout stimulus 2nd check. has politics taught you anything ? ! Right hand doesn’t know what the left hand doing ,,

        • Sara

          ssdi here and still no stimulus deposit.

  2. Jody L.

    I have no dependent child
    My husband and I have been receiving our SS FUNDS THRU

  3. Jody M.

    My husband and I are interested in our stimulus check where abouts


    People who received SSI,SSDI, through direct deposits when will they get their stimulus money because I still haven’t received mines yet.

  5. Disfugured. H.

    Listen its ss responsibility to connect with irs treasury stop.passung it off saying oh irs fault ITS All oF Ur. Faults NOW FIXIT. GOTDAMIT. Do u realize this was sposed. To be sent @pril18. Do u realize the assaults and dvs being reported asu delay theese checks well get a police scanner ud be shocked also guess u hAve 45 days u can stay in a place without paying rent in law on books now enacted by covid legislation well them 45 days are bout up!! Also covid isover ur to be at ur desks dealing with peoplethiz automated vanda which only by way answers to the mostchezzy question on here and most non relevant also like the get my payment tool by irs also i got problem with cherry picker trolls who so obvious to spot u no the ones say u no alll money goes to dope. When in actuality i dont no anyone that has money left after rent here in boise thanks to u lib democrats which brought all ur ? from sanfran that do it here now and we pay. Not even gonna say. Bout wat one goes for in new york. Also. It might not wise to troll on here. And noticibly less since. The ssa blog murderer woman. Thats on loose im sure yaa heard ya they found guy in manitoba canda. Arkan. And where. Im at idaho. And they got pictures of her in montana taking flight. To meet somebody at nicholls state college whever that is. So. U have a serial women killer u caused. She carves a big S. s. Inthere faces. Left notes on bodies saying were being discrimated. Etc. So more than ever ever. Get them to poor me. For chrisstsakes. O by the way she also thinks r money was stolen. To use for trumps re. Election and ya they were saying on herr ya its true he did. People. Were being abused bullied ethnic discrim religious. Bum hunted. And subject to torture. Each. I speak for all of us. O and i must. Say even tho i dont have kids not even 1 if feel for u parents just getting total fuck overs on ur dependants even that vonda thing answered. A lady who was missing the kid stimulous and the dads vonda said o u got the one. Meaning the moms. and vonda said nope no more at that party. Ur plenty. Good enuff. And repeatd. Same to almost evreybody. Saying oh ur plenty good enuff. If u no some one that got it. Thats good enuff for u to. U all are plenty good enuff. Then. Hasnt answed since. Maybe now it does. But the kids were brought into mess they need it as do the single guy like mysf. That. U no. Not gonna tell u my pastbcause i get audited etc then sposed to bebthe worlds mentor. Do u want pictures of my hideous injury that made. The examiner puke. Heebee geebes etc. By way i have so much pain coming from one arm its making other turn black and blue. GETMY STiMulous. Lady doin the serials. Kudos to u and all of u tah tah mutherfuckers yahuka malooof

  6. Lisa A.

    Sinm chcek

  7. Lisa

    When will get my chcek

  8. Jennifer w.

    Hello, My name is Jennifer I get SSI I filed a non-filer’s on April 15 I put my dependence on the form I got excepted the same day April15th.I got my stimulus check on April 30 but I did not get for my three children.

  9. barbara g.

    When will people who have direct express cards that a payer has receive there payments

    • Peter

      Payee distribute funds accordingly to how its been set up.

  10. Suzanne F.

    What if someone put you down as a dependant but you paid rent every month and contributed to the household as much as I could, and paid all of your own bills.. can they still claimed you as a dependant.

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