
Statement from Acting Commissioner Dudek about Temporary Restraining Order

March 21, 2025 • By

Reading Time: 1 Minute

Last Updated: March 26, 2025

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“Today, the Court issued clarifying guidance about the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) related to DOGE employees and DOGE activities at the Social Security Administration (SSA). Therefore, I am not shutting down the agency. President Trump supports keeping Social Security offices open and getting the right check to the right person at the right time. SSA employees and their work will continue under the TRO.”

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Social Security Administration

Social Security Administration


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  1. Patia H.

    I read something on line that says we must make an in person appointment at out local SS office or.risk losing.our Social Sec payment. Is this true?

    • Libby H.


      Social Security Administration wants to discontinue mailing out checks, vs. direct deposit electronically.

      If a person is a new SS applicant, they must go to their local SS office to apply.

      They are or will be weeding out people they suspect of trying to scam for SS checks.

      I am not a fan of the current administration, I am an 81 year old woman who has a tablet and an iPhone. Not a techie!

      Here’s a tip. Don’t believe everything you read or hear. Misinformation is dangerous. Trust valid sources, like the NYTIMES, (my paper). Google is another. Assuming you have access to a cell phone, enter Google. Enter your question as simply as possible. It will respond with answers. I’ve entered the SS blog below.

      If you have either, my advice is to keep their batteries charged up.

      There is a website you can get information directly from. It’s

      Think before spoiling your day!

      Best wishes and be informed.

  2. M O.

    RE: SSA-TRO Court document.
    Hello all this is important information you must read to understand the content of the SSS-TRO
    Google “Democracy Forward”

    Case 1:25-cv-00596-ELH Document 49 Filed 03/20/25

    Enjoy it 🙂

  3. Rich M.

    Me also. Thank goodness for our United States and our Social Security program

  4. Barbel W.

    I like to say that iam thankful to my fellow Americans for there comments they really helped me

    • Susan K.

      You have to learn the difference between “there” and “their”!!

      • Su S.

        totally unnecessary comment

        • Cat

          I concur! No reason to comment on spelling at this point. I certainly understood the message.

  5. Cam B.

    DOGE employees and DOGE activities at the Social Security Administration are not welcome. This is money we have worked for and Mr. Musk needs to keep his DOGE staff out of our business.

    • Gabi

      Elon Musk is doing us a service. The IRS audit us why not do that to the organization that distributes our money? Giving it to dead people etc… they need to be accountable. I am thankful for the good job he is doing. Perhaps we will get some of it back into our pockets.

      • Su S.

        Gabi you do not know what you are talking about. Dismantling the US government to the point that it cannot function will be a catastrophy. You will not be getting any money back into your pocket unless you are a very, very, very rich person.

      • Ben

        You’re repeating lies. Stop it.

      • Randy Y.

        When you have to make a trip down to a social security office only to find that office closed and you have to go to another to prove who you are, and that you are alive, you may well feel differently about that. You are pretty gullible.

    • Christina M.

      💯 I’m right here with you!!!

    • Brenda S.

      That’s correct he needs to be removed from everything he is FCKN with,he is not an elected official. No security clearance, stay away,Trump needs to remove Elon Himself.

      • Millie

        Agreed. Elon Musk is a danger to society. He seems to be amoral and totally without empathy. No one elected him.

  6. Andy K.

    I applied for Spousal Benefits under her Account, because I do not have enough quarters on my own. CSRS retiree. Called the SS employee and was told to mail in my DD Form 214 to my local SS office. Did that and then told to bring further ID IN PERSON to my local office. Did that and waited 1 hours and 20 minutes after my scheduled time. The clerk took my Drivers License and I had my marriage license, OPM retirement card, BCBS ID card, and SS card for identification. They even asked me what age my first wife would be today.

    Finally got out and then on Friday, 3/21/25 got a letter telling me my claim was denied and mentioned that I did not have the 40 quarters needed. Went online and made a copy of the appeal form, filled it out, used ONE simple line which read, FILED FPR COVERAGE UNDER MY WIFE’S ACCOUNT. And mailed it less than one hour after receiving the letter by mail.

    Called my Congressional Rep. Joe Wilson (yep, the same one who told Obama he lied about Obamacare) and went by this morning and gave them my case for political help.
    LA few months ago, I was told that I owed a “LEP” (late enrollment penalty) because I opted out of Medicare Part D Pharmacy Plans and then was re-enrolled on January 1, 2025 and IF I unrolled again, I would lose my pharmacy coverage. Had to send them (twice) a statement that I had pharmacy coverage continually under the CVS 90 Day Mail in Program. Rep. Wilson won that case also.

    I am 88 1/2 years old, a veteran, and am sick and tired of the incompetence and attitude of Federal Employees.

    • Mary A.

      Wow what a lie you told… none of that makes any sense.

    • Bill

      There are accountability standards that the president and those below him are not held acountable too.

    • JBV

      Also a veteran of 29 years. Also had some challenges with the SSA. Had to keep fighting the issue as you did. A year and half later it was resolved. Sucks when you serve, you get shot at and when you retire you have to fight for the benefits that you earned. At least their where some veterans at my local SSA office that help fix the problem. It’s good to have some veterans in the foxhole with you that will watch your back.

  7. Vic W.

    You might want to send out a fraud warning to doctors that are charging people on disability for doctor visits to qualify them for Medicare part B and D. These are elective programs but State Medicaid programs are forcing people on disability to get them. This to is fraudulent practice among the states the need to find another way to launder social security Benifits.

  8. Pat M.

    President Trump and DOGE is trying to audit and weed out the fraud. LET THEM do their Job!

    • LoriN

      If that is the case, perhaps they should get forensic auditors to do the job and not some IT techs. Case in point – (1) they actually thought 150 year olds were receiving benefits; (2) they didn’t understand what survivor benefits are. If one doesn’t understand the basics of social security benefits, how does one properly audit the agency?

    • Sissy

      EXACTLY!!!! Too much TDS going on in this country.

    • Pat T.

      SS had real auditors before Trump fired them. DOGE is the fraud!!!

      • Sally J.

        There is something very wrong with Trump and the “Doge” going after SSI and what they consider entitlements. If there was really fraud, they would put out the information. We can’t stand by and let them destroy this program. This is ridiculous.

    • Gail A.

      No they’re not doing anything but trying to destroy social security and other government programs that assist citizens.

  9. KEVIN S.

    Thank You for my SOCIAL SECURITY.


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